2� 1 ��8�75
<br /> DE�p �F TRUST
<br /> ��o�ltinued� I�age 5
<br /> nf Trust, all in such order as Lender may d�term�ne. Th� en#ering upan ar�d tak�ng possessian af the
<br /> Prop�rty, �he caliection af such renfs, issues and profits, and the applica�i�n th�reo�s�al! not cure Qr
<br /> wai�e any�efault o�natice of defau��under t�is Deed af�"rust or invaiidate any act dan�in response tv
<br /> such default or pursuant ta such nvtice af default;and, notwiths�anding�he cc�ntinuanc�in passessia�n vf �
<br /> the P'roperty or the collection, receipt and apptic��i�n of rents, issues vr pnof ts, T�stee ar Lender shal�
<br /> - be entitled to exercise e��ry �ight prv�ided far in the Credi�►4greement vr the Re�ated Doa.�me�ts�r by
<br /> law upon the occurrenoe of any e�ent��def�ult, inc�uding th�right to exercise the pvwer of sa�e;
<br /> �b} �ommence an ac#�vn to fare�lase this D�er�o#Trus#as a mvrtgage, appaint a recei�er or spe�ifrcally
<br /> enfarce any of the�ovenants hereat;and
<br /> ��} Deliuer to Trustee a written declarativn o�default and demand fqr saie and a written notice of defau�t
<br /> and�!ecti on tQ cause Tru stor's i nterest i n the Pr�p�r�ty to be so�d,wh i ch natice TruStee shal#�ause tv be
<br /> du�y-fled fvr re�ard in the appropriate vffices v�f the�ounty in which the Proper�y is laca#ed;and
<br /> td} With respect�v ai�vr any part vf the#�ersona� Pt�o��-!y, L�n�r shal� have al�th�rights an�remedies
<br /> vf a secured party und��-the Nebra�ka tJnifvrm Camrr�erc�al�ade.
<br /> �vrec�osure by Power vf Sale. 1f Lender elects tv fo�eclos��y exercise of the Power of Sale herein vonfainsd,
<br /> �ender sha�l not�ty T�s�e�and shall d�p�sit with Trustee this � vf Trust and the Credit Agreemen�and
<br /> such ret�eipts ar�evider�ce ot ex�enditures made and secured by this�7eed vf Trust as Trustee may require.
<br /> �a� Upon r�oeipt of such natice from Lender, Trustee sha�i cause to t�e rec�vrde�d, pub��shed ar�d d�li�ered
<br /> ta Trustvr such Nvtice af Qefault and Nvtic�:of 5aie as then requ�red�y�aw ar�d by this D�d a�Trust.
<br /> Trustee shall, without demand ❑n Trustor, after such time as may then be requine�d by law and a�#er
<br /> reco�-dation af such Nvtioe of D�fault and after Notic�of Sale ha�ing b�en gi�en as requi�ed by law, sel!
<br /> the Prape�ty �t the time and piaoe of sale fixed by it in such Natice af 5ate, �i#her as a whole, ar in
<br /> separa#e lots❑r Qarcels or items as Trustee sha�l deem expedien�, and in such arder as it may d�#ermine,
<br /> at p�blic auc�ion to the highest bidder fo�cash in lawfui money vf the llnited States paya#�le at the time
<br /> of sale. Trustes sha41 deli�er to such purchaser or purchasers therevf tts goad and sufficient deed or
<br /> de�ds canveying the property So said, but withvut any cv�enant or warranty, express vr imp�isd. The
<br /> rer.�tal� in such deed af any matters vr fac�s shall h��anclusi�e proof of the tru#hfu�ness t�ereof. ►�n}�
<br /> persvn, inr,l�ding w�thout limitation Trustar,Truste�,or Lender,may purchase at such sale,
<br /> �b} As may �e permitted #�y �aw, aft�r deducting ali casts, �ees and �xpenses �f Trustee and of this
<br /> Trust, including cosfs of e�idenoe vf titie in ovnnection with sa�e,Trustes sha�l a�aply�he proc�eet��of sal�
<br /> ta payment af �i} a�l sums expended under the terms of this D�ex# of Tr�rst ar under the �e�rns af i��
<br /> Credit Agr�ement no#th�n repaid, inr�uding but not�imit�d to accr-u�d in�er�st and late-�har�ges, �i��af�
<br /> oth�r sums�hen se�cured hereby, and �iii}the�-emainder, if any, ta the persan or�ersans lega��y ent�#I�d
<br /> there#v.
<br /> {c� Trustee may ir�the manner�pravided by�aw postpone sale vf all or any parkivn of the Propsrty.
<br /> Remedies Not Exclusive. Trusfee and Lender, �nd ea�h of fihsm, shaSl be entit�ed ta enfo�ce payment and
<br /> per#flrmance af any indebtedness ar obligatians securec�by this Deed of Trust and tv exerc�se al� r��hts and pvwers
<br /> under this Deed of Trust, under the Gredit Agreemen�, under any of the Re�ated ao�uments, or under any ather
<br /> agreement ar an}� lav+►s naw ar hereafter in force; natwithstanding, some ar ai[ of such indebte�ness and
<br /> o�ligations secured by th�s Deed af Trust may now or hereafter be otherwise secured, whether by mor#gage, deed
<br /> o�trust, pled�e, lien, assignment or oth��wise. N�ither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nar its en�orcement,
<br /> whe#her b� court a�tion or pursuant to the power af sale or othe�r powers contained in this Deed of Trust, shalt
<br /> prej�dice a� in �ny manner affect Trustee's or Lender's right tv realize upon or enforce any ❑ther se�uri#y nflw or
<br /> hereafter held b�Trustee or Lender, it being a�reed that T�ustee and Lender, and each o�#hem, shaf[ be entitied to
<br /> en�arc� this aeed of Trust and any afher security now �r hereafter held by Lend�r or Trustee in such vrder and
<br /> mann�r as they or a�ther c�f them may in thei� absalute discretian detsrmine. N❑ remedy canferred upon or
<br /> reserved tv Trustee vr Ler�der, i� intended �a be sxclusive �f any other rem�dy in this Deed ❑f Trust �r �y law
<br /> pravided or perm�tted, but e��h shall be �urr�ufative and shall be in a�ditian ta e�ery other �emedy given in this
<br /> �eed of Trust ar now a�'hereafter existing at lav� vr in equity or by statute. E�ery pv►rver or remedy given by#he
<br /> Credit Agreem�n# �r any at t�e F�ela#ed Dvcuments tv Tru�tee ar Lender ar ta which either af #hem may be
<br /> otfi�erwise ent�tled, may be exerc�s�d, cvn�urren#!y o� independently, from time to time and as aften as may be
<br /> deem�d exped�en# hy T+�ustee or Le�de�, and ei#her vf them may pursue incons�stent remedies. Nvthing in this
<br /> �eed af Trust sh�l� be�onstrued as prahibit�ng l.ender from seeking a deficiency�udgment against the Trustvr to
<br /> the extent such actian is per�nf�ted hy law.
<br /> E��ctian flf Remedies. Ali vf L�nde�s r�ghts and remedies wilf b� cumulati�e and may be exercised alone ar
<br /> tagethsr. 1f Lender de�ides to spend mvney or to pe�Fvrm any of Trustor's abiigations under this Deed ❑f Trust,
<br /> after Tr�stor's failure to dv so, that decision by Lende�will not affect Lende�'s right to de��are Trustor in default
<br /> and to�xerrise Lende�'s remedies.
<br /> Request for Notice. Trust4�-, on behaff af Trustor and Lerrd�r, here��requests tha#a copy��an�N�tic�af�]efault
<br /> and a copy of any Notice of Sa�e under th�s Deed af Trust be mai�ed to them at the address�;s set for#h �n the first
<br /> paragraph of th is Deed�f T�u st.
<br /> Attorn��s' Fees; Expenses. �f Lende�r �n�titutes any suit or acfian ta enfaroe any o� the terms vf this C]eed af
<br /> Trust, L�nder s��! be entitled to recv��r such sum as the court may ad�udge reasanable as attvrneys' fees at t�-ia1
<br /> and upan ar�y a�peal. Ul�heth�r vr nvt any cvurt actian is invol�ed, and ta the c:xtent not prohibited hy law, afl
<br /> r+easvnable �xper�se.s Lsnder �ncurs that in Lende�'s �pinivn are n�cessar� at ar�y time for the protectivn af its
<br /> inter�s#ar t�e enf�r�mer�#Qf its righ#�shal�become a pa�t o#the lndebtedness paya�le vn demand and shal� bear
<br /> �nt�rest at the Credit Agreement rate tram the date af the expenditure untii repaid. Expens�s ca�ered by #his
<br /> paragraph inr�ud�, w�thout�imitativn, �owe�er sub�sc�ta any limits unde�applicable la�w, Lend�r's attorneys'fees
<br /> and Lender's �egal expenses, whe#her or nat there is a �awsuit, including attorneys' f�s and expenses fv�
<br /> bankruptcy pr�ed�ngs (inc�uding e�farts to mad�iy or vacate any autvmatic stay vr injunction�, appeals, and any
<br /> anficipated post judgment cvliect�an S�fVi0�5, the cost ot searchin� recvrds, abtain�ng title reparts �inGluding
<br /> torecfosure rspor�s}, surveyvrs' reparts, and app�a��al €ees, titl� insurance,and fees far th�Trustee,ta the ex#ent
<br /> permitted by app�icabie�aw. Trustor atso wil! pay an�court cc�s#s, �n addit�vn to a11 ather sum�pra�ded by iaw.
<br /> R�ghts vf Truste�. Truste�shal4 have all o�the ri�hts and duties of Lender as set f�rth in this sec#ion.
<br /> P�VIrERS AND OBLiGAT��NS DF TRUSTEE. The follawing pr�ovisivns re�ating to#he powers and �blisativns❑f Trustee
<br /> are pa�t vf this aeed vf Trus�:
<br /> Pawers o�Trustee. !n add�tion tQ al!p�wers of Trustee arising as a matter of 1aw, Trustee shal!have the pvwer t�
<br /> take th��a���win� a�#ions w�th respect to the Prvperty upvn the written request afi Lender and Trustar: �a}j�in in
<br /> prepar�ng an� fl�ng � map or plat oi th� R��f Property, �ncluding the dedicatian of streets vr �ther rights to the
<br /> pub��c; �b3 jain in grant��g any easement a� crea#ing any restricti�n an the Rea� Property; and �c} join in any
<br /> subardinativn ar of��r agreement affec#ing th�s Deed vf Trust o�ths interest af Lender undec this Deed of Trust.
<br /> Trustee. Trustee shall meet al� qualificatians requ�red �or Trusfee under applicable law, �n additivn to the rights
<br /> and remedies set forth abave, with respect to all vr any part of the Property, the Trustee sha�l ha�e tt�� right to
<br />