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2� 1 ��8�75 <br /> DEED �F TRUST <br /> ��ontlr�ued} Page 4 <br /> net prviceeds of the awa�d be appl�ed to tne In�lebt�dnes� or the repa�� v� re�torativn af the Prvp�rty. The net <br /> proceeds of the award sha�l mean�he award after payment of all reasonabls costs, expenses, and attorneys'fees <br /> incurred by 7'rustee or Lender in connectian with the condemnation. <br /> IIIAPQSITI�N �F TAXES, FEES AND GHARGES BY G�VERNMENTAL AU7H�RITtES. The follawing pravisions re�a�ing <br /> to governmsnta�taxes,fees and charges are a part o�this Deed o�Trust: <br /> Current Taxes, Fees and Charges. Upon request by Lender, Trus#vr sha�l execute such documents in additian to <br /> this Deed�f Trust and take whate�er other ac#ian is reques#ed by Lender ta perfect and continue Lender's lien on <br /> the Rea� Pr�pe�ty. Trus#or shali reimburse Lender for a!i taxes, as described beiaw, together with all expenses <br /> in�urred in r�carding, per�ec�ing or �ontinuing #h�s Deed of Trust, including without I�mitation all tax�s, fees, <br /> dacum�ntary stamps, and ather charges far recarding ar reg�s#ering this Deed nf Trust. <br /> Taxes. The folivwing shali �vnstitut� taxes to which #his secti�n applies: ��� a specific tax up�n this type of <br /> Deed o�Trust or upon aEl or any part of#he Inde�tedness secured by this Deed of Trust; �2} a specific tax vn <br /> Trustor which Trustar is authori�ed ❑r required to deduct�rvm payments an the indebt�dness secured by this type <br /> vf Deed nf Trust; �3} a tax on this type of Deed af Trust chargeabie against the Lender or the holder af the�redit <br /> Agreement; and {�} a specific tax on all or any portion of the Indebtedness or on payments of principal and <br /> interest made by rrustar. <br /> Subsequen# Taxes. If any tax #a which this sect'ran appiies is ena�ted subsequent to the d�te o� this D�eed of � <br /> . Trus�, this e�en# shal� ha�e the same �ffec# as an E�errt �f Default, and Lender may �xeras� any flr all �f its <br /> available remedies �or an E�ent of Default as pro�id�d bs�ow un�ess Trustar e�#her �'I� pays the tax before it <br /> beovmes delinquen#, or (�} contests the tax as pro�ided abo�e in#he Taxes and uens section and deposits with <br /> Lender cash vr a sufficient c�vrpo�ate sur�ty bond�r other security satisfa�tary to Lender. <br /> SECUR�TY A�REEMENT; FIHANCING STATEMENTS. The follaw�ng provisifln� relating ta this Deed of Trust as a <br /> secu rity agreement are a pa rt of th is Deed af Tru st: <br /> Secur�ty Agreement. This i�strumen� sha11 constitute a Security Agreemen� to �he extent any of #he Prvperty <br /> canstitutes fix#ures, and Lender shall have ali of the r�ghts of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code <br /> as amended f�am time to tirne. . � . <br /> Securlty interest. Upon request by L�nder, Trustar sha�l take whate�er actian is requested by Lender tn perfect <br /> and continue Lender's �ecurity interest in the Pers�na� Property. In addition to recording this Deed of Trust in the <br /> real property records, Lender may, at any time and with�ut �urther authvriza#ion from Trustor, �ife executed <br /> counte�-parts, �opies or reproductians afi �his Deed of Trust as a financing statemen#. Trus#ar shal! reimburse <br /> Lender for all expenses incurred in perfecting or continuing this securi#y interest. Upon defau�t, Trus#or shall not <br /> remave, sever or detach the Persvnal Pr�perty fr�m the Prflperty. Upon default, Trustar shal� assemble any <br /> � Pers4nal Praperty no# affixed ta the Property in a manner and a# a piace reasonably convenient to Trustor and <br /> Lender an� make �t avai�ab��e tfl L.ende�within th�ee t3} days after receipt of w�itten demand fram Len�er to the <br /> extent permitted by applicable law. <br /> Add�esses. The mailing addresses o� Trustor �deb�ar} and Lender �secured party} fram which inf�rmatEon <br /> concerning the security interest granted by this Deed v�Trust may be ob�ained �each as required by the Uni�form <br /> Commerciai Cod�}are as s�ate�on the first page�f this Deed af Trust. <br /> FURTHER ASSURANCES; ATT�RNEY-IN-FACT. The fo#lowing provisions relating to further assurances and <br /> at�orney-in-fact are a part of this Deed of Trust: <br /> Further Assurances. At artiy time, and firom time tv time, upon n�que.s�af L�ender,Tn.sstar wi�� ma�ce,exea.�te and <br /> de�i�er,or wi I I �ause to be made,exea,.ited or del ivered,to L�or ta Ler�der's designee,ar�d when requested by <br /> L�ncler, rrause ta be fi�ed, reaord�ed, refiled, vr rere�oorded, as tt�e c�e rnay be, at such times ar�d ir�such affioes . <br /> and plaaes as Lender may de�:rn apprapriate, any ar�d all such martgages, deeds of trust, se�curity d�eds, s�ecurity <br /> agreerr�er�ts, financing statements, vontinuati�n stafemer�rts, instruments �f further assuranoe, certificates, and <br /> vther dacumerrts�s may, in the sde npiniarti of Lender,be neae�.sary or de�ira�ie in rxder tv efFectuate, ovrr�plete, <br /> perfect, oonti nue, or pr+eserve �1} Trustv�s obl igations under the Credit Ac�reemen�, th`rs I�eed of Trust, and tl�e <br /> F�ielated Documents, artid t�} the iiens �d s�curity interests created by this D�d of Trust vn the P�-aperty, <br /> whether now c�nmed or hereafter aoqui r+ed by Trustar. Unless prohi bited by I aw or Lender�gre�s�o the contrary i n <br /> writing, Trustor sha11 reimhu�e L�der fior all c�osts and incurred in oonnectivn with�he matters re�erred <br /> ta i n thi s paragraph. <br /> Attorney-in-Fact. If Trus#vr fai�s tv dv any of the things referred to in the preceding paragraph, Lender may do sa <br /> far and in th� name af Trustvr and at Trustor's �xpense. For such purpases, Trustar hereby irre�ocably ap�oints <br /> Lender as Trustor's attamey-in-fact fvr the pur�ao�o€making,executing, deli�e�ing, f I�ng, re�ording,and daing all <br /> other#hings as may be necessary ar desirable, in Lende�'s so�e opinivn, to aocvmpl�sh the matters refer�ed#a in <br /> the preoeding paragraph. <br /> FULL PERF4RMANCE. If Trus�or pays all the fndebtedness when due,terminates the�redi�line account,and otherwise <br /> perForms a�l the obligativns imposed upon Trus#or under#his C]�eed of Trust, Lender shall execute and deli�er to Trustee <br /> a request for ful! rscan�eyance and shall �xecute and de�+ve�- to T�us#o� suitable sta#ements of termination of any <br /> financing statement on file e�idencir�g L�nder�s security �nte�est in the Rents and �he Person,al Prvperty. Any <br /> reovn�eyanoe fee r�qui�ed tay law shal!be paid by Trustvr, if permitted by applicable��w. <br /> EVENTS aF DEFA�LT. Trustor will be in default und�r this Deed of Trust�f any af�he fallowing happen: {A} Trustor <br /> commits fraud ar mak�s a materia� misrepresentation at any time in connection with tk�e Credit Agreement. rhis can <br /> Enciude, for exampie, a false statement about Trustor's income, assets, liabilities, or any other asp�cts of Trustor's <br /> f nancia� condi�ion. {B} Trusto�does not mest�he repayment te�ms of the Credit Agreement. �C} Trus#ar's action or <br /> inac#ion ad�ersely af�fects the colla�erai or Lender's rights in the collateral. This can �nc�ude, fvr example, ��ilu�e #o � <br /> ma�ntain requRred insuran�e, waste or destructf�e use of the dwelling, failure to pay taxes, death vf all p�rsons�iable on <br /> the aGcount, transfer of #�tle or sale af the dw�lling, creation of a senior lien an #he dw�e!ling without Lender's <br /> permtssian,foreclvsure�y the holder of ano�her lien,o�r the use of funds or the dwelling for prvhibited purposes. <br /> RtGHTS AND REIVIEDfES �N DEFAULT. If�n E�ent af Detault occurs und�r this Deed of Trust, at any time ther�after, <br /> Trustee ar Lender may exerase any one ar mvre a�#he foilowing rights and remedies: <br /> A��elera#ion Upon Default; Additional Remedi�s. If any E�en#af Default accurs as per the terms of the Credit <br /> �greement s�cu�ec! hereby, Lendes`may deda�e a41 Indet�tedness sect�red l�y th�s Deed af Tr�st fa be due and <br /> payable and the same shall ther�upon beovme due and payab�e withvut any presentment, demand, protest or <br /> nv#ice vf any kind. Thereaf�er,Lender may: <br /> �a} Eith�:r in person or by agerit, with or wi#hout bringing any acfivn �r praceeding, or by a recei�er <br /> app�nted by a court and w�thout regard to the adequacy af its security, enter upon and�ake possession <br /> of the Property, vr any pan#F�ereof, in its own name or in the name o�Trus#se, and da any ac#s which it <br /> deems neaessary vr�esira���to preses-ve the�a4ue, marketability or r�ntal�ility vf#he F'�vperty,ar part vf <br /> the Property ar interest in#he Praper#y; incr�ase the inoome from th� Prvperty ar prv#ect the security of <br /> the Praperty; and, with vr w�thout takRng passe�ssion pf the Property, sue �or or ath�rwise callect #he <br /> rents, issues and p�o�ts of the Property, including thvse past du�and unpaid, and apply#he same, �ess <br /> cas#s and expenses of vperativn and callection attarneys'fees,ta any indebtedness secu�ed by this Qeed <br />