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2� 1 ��8�71 <br /> sen�enc�s shal� not apply �o the presence, use, ar s�orage on the Pr�perty af smai� quan����es of Hazardous <br /> Substances that are genera�ly recogn�zed to be appropriate t�narma� resid�ntial uses and to maintenanc�of <br /> �he Pr�per�� �inciudtng, bu�not ��m.ited �a, hazardous substan��s zn consumer produc�s}. <br /> Borrower shail promptly give Lender wr�t�en no�ice of�a} an�inv�s��gat�on, eZaim, demand, �awsui�or other <br /> acti�n b� any governmenta� ar regulatory agency or private party in�oiving th�Prop�r�y and any�azardaus <br /> Subs�ance or Environm�nta� Law �f wh�ch B�rrovver has ac�ual kn�w�edg�, �b} any Enviranmen�al <br /> �ondition, �nc�uding but not Iimited to, any spil�ing, leaking, dischargt, release or threat of release of arzy <br /> Hazardous Subs�ance, and �c} any��ndi�ian caused by the presence, use nr reZease flf a Hazardous Substance <br /> �hzc�i ad�erse�� affects the value of the Proper�y. �f Borrower�earns, nr xs n�ti�ed by any governmen�al �r <br /> regu�a�or�au�hor�t�, or any pri�a�e par��, that a.ny remava� or a�her rem.ed�ation af any Hazardous Substa.n�� <br /> affectxng the Proper�y�s necessary, Barrfl�ver sha��prompt�y tak�all n�c��sary remedia� actions in <br /> acc�rda���w��h En��ranmenta� Law. Nath�ng herein shai� �reate ax�y ob��gatinn on Lender for an <br /> Env�ronmental ��eanup. <br /> Nan-Uniform Ca�enants. Borrow�r and Len�er covenant and agree as fo��ov�s: <br /> �Z. Accelerativn; Remedies. Lender sha��g�ve not�ce ta Borrow�r pr�or to acce�erati�n fo��ow�ng <br /> Barrawer's breach af any�ovenan�or agreement�n�h�s S�cur��y Instrument �bu�no� pr�or�o <br /> a�����rat��a��.u�a��r ����i��� 18 u��l��� App����b��L��v�r€�v��+�� �►�1�����jse}. T�����u�.��:e��ia����e�:�fy: (d} <br /> t�e defau��; 4b3 the a�t�an requ�red ta cure the de�aul�; �c� a date, not less than 3�days from the date <br /> the not�ce is given tfl Barro�ver, by wh�ch the defaul�must be cured; and �d} �hat failur�to cure the <br /> default an or before the date spec�f�ed in the no�ice may resul�in acce�erat�on of the sums secured by <br /> this Secura�y�nstrumen�and sale�f�he Prop�r�y. The no�ic�sha�l further�nfarm Bvrr�wer af�he <br /> rig���o re�nsta�e after acce�eratian and�he right to bring a cour�action�o asser��he non-existence of a <br /> defau��or any a�her deFense of Borrawer�o acce�era��on and sale. If thQ default is no�cured on ar <br /> before the date spec�f�ed in the n�t�ce, Lender at�ts opt�on nr�ay require immediate payment in full of <br /> a�l sums secured by�h�s Securi�y Instruxnen� vvi�hou�fur��aer demand and may in�ake tihe power of sa�e <br /> and any other remedies perm�t�ed by Applicab�e Law. Lender sha�l be en�itled�o col�ect al�expenses <br /> �ncurred in pursurng the rern�ed�es provid�d�n th�s S�ct�an 22, inc�udingy �ut no���m�ted tas r�a5onable <br /> attarneys' fees and costs of titi�e��dence. <br /> If�he power of sale�s�n�aked, Trus�ee sha��record a not�ce of default in each county in w��ch any <br /> par�of the Prnper�y�s�ocated and sha�l mail c�pies of such nati��e in the manner prescrthed�y <br /> App�ica��e Law to Borrower and to the ather persons pr�scr�bed by Apg�ica��e Law. Af�er the�imQ <br /> re�u�red by Appl��able Lavv, Trus�ee shali g��e pub��c na��ce of saie�o�he persans and�n�he manner <br /> prescr�bed by App��cabl�Law. Trust�e, w�thout d�mand on Barrow�r, sha���e�� �hQ Proper�y a�pub�ic <br /> auc�ion to the h�ghest b�dder at the��me and place and under the terms des�gna�ed in the na��c�of sa�e <br /> in one ar more parcel�and�n any or�ler'T'rustee determines. Trustee nn�ay pas�ponQ�ale of a�� or an� <br /> parce�of the Propert�by pub��c annauncement a�the time an.d p�ace�f any pr�viausly s�h�du�ed sale. <br /> Lender or i�s designee may purchase the Proper�y at any sale. <br /> IJpon rece�p�t af paymen��f the price bid, Trustee sha�� de��ver�a the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> conv�y�ng�he Proper�y. The rec��a�s in�he Tru�t�e's deed 5ha�� be pr�ma fac�e ev�den�e of the truth of <br /> the sta�emen�s made�herein. Trustee sha�� app�y th�praceeds af�he sa�e in the foZlow�n�order: �a� to <br /> a�l costs and e�pen�es af exerc���ng�h�power of sa�e, and�he sa�e, includxng�he paymen�af the <br /> TruS�ee's fee� ac�ua��y zncurred and reasonab�e a�torneys' fees as perm��ted by App�ica��e Law; ��} to <br /> a��sums secur�d by�h�s Security Ins�rumQnt; and �c} any excess���he person or persons legal�y <br /> ent�t�ed ta it. <br /> N�gRASKA-Single Family-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM�NSTRUM�NT Form 3028 11�7 <br /> VMP Q VMPS{NEy�13�2y <br /> Wolters Kiuwer Financial Ser�i�es Page�4 af 17 <br />