2� 1 ��8�71
<br /> in the Proper��and rights under�his 5ecur�ty �nstrum�n�; and �d} �akes such actian as Lend�r may
<br /> r�asonabl� require ta assure that Lend�r's inter�st in the Prop�r�.�r and rights under th�s Securi�y �ns�rument,
<br /> and Borro�rer's obliga�ion to pay�he sums secured by th�s S�curi�� �nstrumen�, sha�1 �ontinue unchanged.
<br /> L,�nder may require tha�Borrower pay su�h r��ns�a�e�nen�sums and expenses �n one or mar�of the following
<br /> forms, as se�ected by Lender: �a� cash; �b� money order; �c} c�r�if�ed check, bank ch�ck, treasurer's Check or
<br /> Gash�er's check, �ro��ded any such cheCk�s drawn upfln an�ns���u�ian whose d�pa�its are�nsur�d by a
<br /> federa� agency, instrumental�ty or en��t�; or�d} Elec�ronic Funds Transfer. Upon reins�atemen�by Bor��w�r,
<br /> th�s Secur�ty �ns�r�umen�and obliga�ions secur�d hereby sha�l remain fu��y effe��ive as if no acc��era��on had
<br /> oc�urred. �owe�er, �h�s r�ght ta reinsta�e shail nat appl� �n�he case of acce�era�ian und�r Sec�i�n �.�.
<br /> ��). Sale of Note; Change vf Loan Ser��cer; Natice af �rie�ance. The Note ar a par�ial �nter�st in the
<br /> N'ote���gether wxth��.is Secur��y �nstrumen�} can be sald ane or more t�mes withou�prior notice to
<br /> Barrower. A sa�e m�ght resu�� �n a change�n the entity �kn�vvn as the "Loan Servi�er"}�hat cal�ects Peri�d�c
<br /> Pa�ments due under the Note and�his Secur��y �ns�rument and perf�rms ather�nortgag��oan servicing
<br /> o�liga�ions under�he Note, �his Secur�ty �ns�rumen�, and Appli�abie Law. There als�m�gh�be one or�mor�
<br /> changes of the Loan Ser�icer unrela�ed�o a sale af�he No�e. �f�here is a change�f the Loan 5ervicer,
<br /> Borrov�er vWill be�iven wri�ten n�tice of�he change vvhich w��l s�ate�he name and address of the n�w Laan
<br /> Servicer, the address ta which payments shauld b�made and any Qther information RESPA requires �n
<br /> �onne�tian with a na�ice of transfer of servi�ing. �f the Nate is sa�d and thereaf�er the Loan�s serviced by a
<br /> Loan S�rvicer oth�r than the purchaser of�he Nat�, the mor�gage loan servic�ng ob��ga�2ans fa Borrower�vi�X
<br /> remain with the Laan Servicer�r�e�ransferred t� a successor Loan S�rvx�er and are no�assumed by�he
<br /> No�e purChaser unless o�herwise pro�rded by �he Note purchas�r.
<br /> Nei�her Borrower nor I..�nder ma�commenc�y�DII�y or be j�ined ta ax�y judi�ial action �as either an
<br /> indi�idual litigant or the m�mber vf a c�ass} �ha�ar�ses fr�m the o�her part�r's ac�ioris pursuant to this
<br /> Securi�y Instrumen�or that alleges�hat�he ather par�y has�r�ached any pro��si�n of, or any du�y owed by
<br /> reas�n of, this Securi�y �nstrumen�, unti� such Borrow�r or Lender has notified�he�th�r party �with such
<br /> notice given in compliance vv�th�he requir�men�s of Se��ion �S} of such a�leged brea�h and afforded the
<br /> oth�r part.y here�o a reasanable period af�er�he gi�ing of�uch riotic��o�ake corr�cti�e ac�ion. If App��cable
<br /> Law pro�ides a time per�ad which mus�e�apse before c�rta�n ac����a can be taken, tha��ime p�r�od v�i�l be
<br /> d�emed�a be reasona�Ie f�r purpnses of�his paragraph. The n�t�ce flf acce�era�xon and oppar�unxty to cure
<br /> g��en to Borrower pursuant�a Se���an 2�and�he no�ice of accelera���n���v�n to B�rrower pursuant t�
<br /> Se�tion 18 sha���e deemed to satisfy the notice and opportun�ty ta take corrective a�txon provis�ons flf this
<br /> Sec�ion 2�.
<br /> �"I. Hazardaus Substances. As used �n�his S�c��on�1: �a} "Ha�ardous Su�stances"are�hose su�bstances
<br /> defined as toxic or hazardous suhs�an.ces, pallutan�s, or was��s by En�iror�men�a� Law ai.�d the fol��w�ng
<br /> substances: gas�iine, kerosene, a�her flammabie or tox�c pe�r��eum produ�tis, �oxic pes�ic�des and herbicides,
<br /> vola���e sa��en�s, materials can�ain�ng ashest�s or forma�dehyde, and radi�ac���e mat�r�a�s; �b}
<br /> "�rtvirorzrrzental Law"means federal Iaws and la�vvs of the jurisdic��an where the Fraper�y �s located that
<br /> re�a�e to hea�th, safety or en��ronmen�a�protect�an; �c� "Envir�n�enta� �Zear�u�" inc�udes an� response
<br /> act�on, remed�al action, ar remaval ac�ion, as def�ned �n Enviranmen�al Law; and �d} an "�'nvironment�al
<br /> �ojzdition"means a�ondition that can cause, contribut��o, �r atherv�ise trigger an En�r�r�nmental Cleanup.
<br /> Borrower shalt not cause or pernu�the presence, use, dispasa�, �t�rage, ar re�ease of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or threa�en�o re�ease any Hazardous Substances, on or in the Proper�y. Borrower shall nat do,
<br /> nor aliow an��n�e�se ta da, any�hing affecting th� Pr�per�y �a} �hat is in viola��on of an�Env�r�nmental
<br /> Law, �b} which creat�s an En��ronmen�al Cand�t��n, or�c} vvhich, due to the presence, use, or release of a
<br /> Hazardous Substance, creates a condition that adverse��r affects th��a�ue of tl�e Proper�.y. The precedin� two
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single Family-�anr�ie M�elFreddie Mac UIVI�QRM€NSTRUM�NT Farm 3Q2$11��
<br /> VMP Q VMPfi[NE){�3023
<br /> Wolters Kluw�r Financial Ser�i�es Page 13 of 17
<br />