2� 1 ��8�7�
<br /> until Borrower makes pa�ment to bring the Loan current. �f Borrower dnes nat do so within,a reasonab�e period of
<br /> time, Lender shall either app�y such funds or return them ta B�rrawer. If nv� applied earlier, such funds wiZl be
<br /> applied to the ou�standing principal balance under the No�e immediateiy priar tv foreclosure. No offset or claim
<br /> which Bnrrower might ha�e n�vv or in�he fu�ure against Lender shall relieve Borrower firom making payments due
<br /> under the Note and this Security Ins�rumen�or performing the co�enants and agreements secured by this Securi#y
<br /> Instrument.
<br /> 2. Application of Payments or Proceeds. Except as otherwise described in this Section �, aI1 payments
<br /> accepted and applied by Lender shall be applied in the following order of priority: �a} interest due under the Note;
<br /> �b}principal due under the Note; �c}amounts due under Section 3. Such payments shal�be applied ta each Periodic
<br /> Paymen�rn the order in whrch it became due. Any remaining amountis shall be applied f rst ta late charges, second
<br /> to any other arnaunts due under this Security Ins�rument, and then to reduce the principal balance of the Note.
<br /> If Lend�r recei��s a payment from Borrower for a delinquen�Periodic Payment which includes a suff cient
<br /> amoun�to pay any �ate charge due, the payment may he applied tv the delinquent payment and the late charge. �f
<br /> more than one Periodic Payment is outstanding, Lender may appiy any payment received from Borrower ta the
<br /> repayment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the ex�ent that, each paymen�can be paid in full. To�he extent that
<br /> any excess exists after the payment'rs applied to the full payment af one or mare Periodic Payments, such excess may
<br /> b�appiied to any late charges due. Voluntary prepayments shall be applied first ta any prepayment charges and then
<br /> as described in the Note.
<br /> Any applicat�on of payments, znsurance proceeds, or Miscellaneous Proceeds ta principa�due under the Note
<br /> sha11 not extend ar postpone the due date, or change the amaunt, of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Fuads for Escrow Items. Borr�wer sha�1 pay to Lender an the day Periadic Paymen�s are due under the
<br /> Note, until the Note is paid in full, a sum�the "Funds"} ta provide for payment of amounts due far: �a��axes and
<br /> assessments and ather items whrch can attain priority over this Security�nstrumen�as a l�en or encumbrance�n the
<br /> Property; �b} Ieasehold payments or ground ren�s on the Property, if any; �c} premrums for any and all insurance
<br /> required by Lender under 5ection 5; and�d}Mvrtgage Insurance premiums,if any, or any sums payable by Borrower
<br /> ta Lender in lieu af the payment of Mortgage Insurance prerniums in accardance with the provisions of Section 1�.
<br /> These items are called"Es�raw I�ems." At origination or at any time during the term af the Loan,Lender may require
<br /> that�ommunity Assocxation Dues,Fees, and Assessments, if any,be escrowed by Borrar7ver,and such dues,fees and
<br /> assessments shall be an Escraw Item. Borrower shall pramptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts ta be paid
<br /> under �his Section. Barrower shall pay Lender the Funds far Escrow Items unless Lender waives Borrower's
<br /> obliga�ion to pa��he Funds for any or all Escrow I�ems. Lender may v►�ai�e Borrower's obligatron to pay to Lender
<br /> Funds for any or a�1 Escraw Items at any time. Any such wai�er may only be in vvriting. In the e�ent of such vvaiver,
<br /> Borrower shall pay direct�y, when and where payable, th�amoun�s due for any Escrow Items for which payment of
<br /> Funds haS been wai�ed by Lender and, if Lender requires, sha11 fu�rni�h to Lender receipts evidencing such payment
<br /> within such time periad as Lender may require. Borrawer's obligation�o make such payrnents and to pra�ide receipts
<br /> shall for a11 purposes be deemed to be a co�enant and agreement contained in th�s Security Instrument, as the phrase
<br /> "covenant and agreement" is used rn 5ection�. If Borrawer is obligated�o pay Escrow I�ems d�rectly, pursuant ta
<br /> a waiver, and Borrower fails to pay�he amount due fo�an Escrow I�em, Lender may exercise its rights under Section
<br /> 9 and pay such amoun�and Borrower sha�l then be obligated under S�ction 9�o repay to Lender any such amount.
<br /> Lender may re�oke the vrraiver as to any or ail Escrovir Items at any time by a notice gi�en in accordance with Section
<br /> 15 and, upon such re�ocation, Borrower shall pay to Lender all Funds, and in such amounts, that are then required
<br /> under this Section 3.
<br /> Lender may, at any time, callect and hold Funds in an amoun�(a}sufficient to permit Lender to apply the Funds
<br /> at the time specified under RESPA, and�b�not to exceed the maximum amount a Iender�an requzre under RESPA.
<br /> Lender shall estimate the amount af Funds due on the basis of current data and reasonable�stimates of expenditures
<br /> of future Escrow Xtems or atherwise in accordance with Applicab�e Lav�r.
<br /> The Funds sha11 be he�d in an ins�itution whose deposits are insuxed by a federal agency, instrumentality, ar
<br /> en�ity �including Lender, if Lender is an instituti�n vvhase depasits are sa insured} or in any Federal Home Laan
<br /> Bank. Lender sha11 apply�he Funds to pay�he Escrow Items na Iater than the time specified under RESPA. Lender
<br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM lNSTRUMENT �ncA+�eglc
<br /> Form 3028 1l0� Page 4 of 14 www.dacmagic,carrl
<br />