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2� 1 ��8��8 <br /> A�'�I�NIV�E�1' �F �E�T� <br /> r <br /> Loan �la: 1�'1��45�� �������u� j Page 5 <br /> [n�erpreta�ion. �1} �n a�� cases where �here �s more �han one Borra�rver ar Gran�ar, then all words used in this <br /> Assignmen� in the singular shall �e deemed �v ha�e been used in the plural �rvhere the context and construc�ion so <br /> require6 ��} ifi more t�an one persan signs this Assignmen�as "Gran�or," the�blig�tians o��ach Crantor are;oint <br /> and se�eral. This means �ha� if Lender brings a Iawsuit, L�nder may sue any ane ❑r mare of the G�antars. If <br /> garrawer and �ran�or are nvt the same person, Lender t�eed no�sue B��rower first, and �ha�Barrovver need not be <br /> �oined in any lawsuit. �3� The names gi�en t� paragraphs or sectivns in this Assignmen� are �vr canve�nience <br /> purposes only.They are no�t� k�e used to interpre�ar define the pra�is�ar�s ofi�his Assignmen�. <br /> Nv V�laiver by Lender. Lender shall nat be deemed �o hai�e waived any rEgh�s und�r t�is Assignm�nt uniess such <br /> wai�er is gi�en in writing and signed by Lender. No delay❑r�rn�ssion on the par�af Lender in �xercising any righ� <br /> sha�� opera�e as a wai�er o�f such r€ghC ❑r a�ny other r"rght. A waiver by Lender o� a prc�vision a� �his Assignment <br /> �hal� not prejudice or �vnsti�ute a wai�er af Lender's right atherwise �a dennar�d s�riet con�p[iance with that <br /> pro�isian ar any other pro�isian o�this Assignm�nt. N❑ prior virai�ver by Lender, nor an� ��urse ❑f dea[i�ng between <br /> Lender and Gran�or, shall cons�i�ute a wai�er�� any vf Lender's rights or of any a��ran�or's obligatiflns as �❑ any <br /> fu�ure transac�ians, Whene�er the �onsent o� Lender is required under this Assignmen�, th� gran�ing af such <br /> consent by Lender in any instance shall not c�nstitute continuing �vnsent �v subsequent ins�ances where such <br /> conser�t�s requir+ed and in all cases such consen�may be gran�ed or withl�e[d in�he sole discretion❑�Lender: <br /> No#ices. Any notice required to b� given under �his Assignment sl�a�l be giWen in wri�ing, and shal� be effec�i�e <br /> when ac�ual[y deli�ered, when ac�ualfy recei�e� by tele�acsimile {unless a�herwise r�qr�ire� by [aw}, when <br /> depasi��d vuith a nationaE�y recogni�ed o�ernig�t caurier, ❑r, if maiie�; when depasited ir��he Unit�d S�a�es mail, as <br /> �irst c[ass, certifi�d or registered mail pos�age prepaid, direc�ed �� the addresses shQirvn near�he hegi�ning v#this <br /> Assignm�nt. Any part� may change its address for notices un�er th€s Assignment by gi�ing formal writ�en no#ice <br /> ta the o�h�r partie�, spe�ifying �hat the purpose vf �he nvtice is to change the party�5 address. For n�t€ce <br /> purpvses, �rantvr agr�es �a keep Lender info�-me� at al[ t�mes a� Gran�ar's curren� �CICI�'�55. �n��ss atherv►rise <br /> pro�ided or required by law, i� �here is mor� than ane Grar�tor, any natice �i�en by Lender �o any Gran�nr is <br /> deemed t❑ be notice gi�en to �II Grantars. <br /> Powers vf Attvrney. The �arious agen�ies and pairvers af attorney �an�eyed an Lender under�his Assignmen�are <br /> granted fflr purposes af security and may na� be reWaked lay Grantar un�il such time as the same are renounced by <br /> Lender. <br /> Severability. ffi a cvurt a� competen� jurisdiction �inds any pra�ision af this Assignmen� to he illega�, in�alid, ar <br /> unenforceab�e as ta any circumsfiance, that �finding sh�ll no� make �he a�Ffending provisivn illegal, invafid, or <br /> unen�vrceab[e as �o any a�her circumstan�e. f f ��asihle, the a�fending prv�ision �hall be consid�red madi�i�d sv <br /> �hat i� be�omes iegal, �alid and en�ar�eab�e. I� �he offending pra�Fsion canna� be so mad�fi�d, i� shal� be <br /> consid�red deie�ed from �his Assignment. lJnless �therwi�e required by [aw, �he i[I�galit�, invalidi�y, or <br /> unenfvrceabi[i�ty o� any pravisinn of this A�signment shal[ not affect th� Iegalityf validi�y or enfarceability o� any <br /> ofih�r pro�isivn af this Assignment. <br /> Suc�essors and Assigns. Subject tv any lirnitations sta�ed in this Assignment❑n transf�r o�Gran�or`s in�er�st, �his <br /> Assignment shall be binding upan and inure ta the k�enefit of �he parties, their suGcessars and assigns. If <br /> ❑wnership a�the Praperty becomes vested in a person o�h�r than Grantor, Lender, with�u� natice �� �rantor, may <br /> deal with Grantar'� successa�s with refierence ta this Assignmen� and fihe Indebtedness hy irvay ❑f farhearance �r <br /> extensi�n without releasing Grant�r f�am�he obligatians ❑f this Assignment vr liabi�ity under�he indebtedness. <br /> Time is of th� Essen�e. Time is of�h� ess�nce in�he perfvrmance ❑f this Assignmen�. <br /> Waiver of Homestead Exemptian. Grantor her�by releases and wai�es all rights and ��ne�its ❑f the homes�ead <br /> �xemptian �aws ❑fi the State o�Nebraska as�o al� Indeb�edness s�cured hy this Assignment. <br /> �1Vai�er o� Righ� vf Redemptian. N�TWITHSTAN�ENG ANY CJF THE PRflVIS��NS T�] THE CONTRARY <br /> CC7IVTAINED lN TH15 ASSIGNMENT, GRANT�R HEREBY 11VAiVES ANY AND ALL RIG�TS �F REDEM�TLDN FR�M <br /> SALE UN�ER ANY �RDER ❑R J[JDGMENT �F F�RECL�5LIRE �N GRANT�R`'S gEHALF AND �]N BEHALF C]F <br /> EACH AND EVERY PERS�N, E�CCEPT JUDGMENT CREI3IT�RS ❑F GRANT�Ry A��:�IRING i4NY 1NTEREST !N �R <br /> T1TLE T�THE PR�PERTY 5UB5Et�VENT T�7 THE DATE DF THIS A55�GI�MENT. ` <br /> ❑EF1IV[TI�IVS. The fallo�rving capita�i�ed wards and terms shall harre the follov►ring m�anings vvhen used in �his <br /> Assignment. Unless specifically s�at�d to the contrary, all re�e�enc�s t� doll�r amaunts sha[( mean arr�vun�s in lawful <br /> maney vf the Uni�ted States af America. INords and terms use� in the singular shal[ inc�ude the plural, a�d the plura[ <br /> sha�� inc�ud�the singular, as �he con�kex�may requir�, Vllards and �erms not vtherwise d�fined in �his Assignmen�shall <br /> have the m�anings at�ributed to such terms in t�e Uniform Commercial Cvde: <br /> Assignmen�. The word "Assignment" means �his A5SlGNMENT �F RENTS, as �his AS5IGNMENT C�F RENTS may <br /> he amended or modified from fiime to �ime, tag��her uvith al� exhibits and schedu�es a�t�ached �v this ASSIG[VMENT <br /> �F RENTS from tim�to time. <br /> Borrvwer. The wvrd "Sarraw�r" means HE�DE BU�LaING LLC, J TH�MAS PIRfV1E, AMQS ANS�IV and SHARENA <br /> D ANS�N. <br /> De�auNt. The wvrd "Defaul�" means�he ❑e�aul�set�orth in this Assignment in�he s�ction�itled "De�ault". <br /> EWent of Default. The words "E�enfi ❑f ❑efau[t" mean any ❑f the even�s of d�faul� sefi�orth in this Assignment in <br />