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2� 1 ��8��8 <br /> ���`�C��ME�T �F �E�T� <br /> � <br /> Loan Nv: '1 C3��a���� ����tt>�u�d} lPage 4 <br /> natice of a �reach a� �he same pro�ision af�his Assignment v�i�hin �he precedin� fiwel�e �1�� manths, it may be <br /> cured if Gran�ar, after Lender sends �rvritten notic� to Barrawe� demand`rng cure of such defiault: �1� cures th� <br /> de�aul't within �i�teen ��5} day$; ar ��� 'rf the c�re requir�s mar� �han fif���n �15} days, immediately initiates steps <br /> wh�ch Lender deems in Lenderzs sole dis�reti�n �a be su���cienfi tv cure �he defau�� and fih�reafter �an�inues and <br /> cample��s al� reasonabl� and nec�ssary steps suf�ic�en��� prc�duce compf iance as saon as reasanably practical, <br /> R[GHTS ANQ RE�E�lES �N DEF�►ULT. LJpon�he accurrence o�any E�ent flf Defiault and at any time�hereafter, Lende� <br /> may�xercise any one or more ❑f th� fall�lnt�ng rights and remedies, in addition to any o�her righfis or remedi�s pra�ided <br /> by law: <br /> Ac���erate �ndeb�ednes�. Lender shall have the right a� its op�ion �� dec[a�e the ent`rre 1nde�tedness immediately <br /> due and payable, inc�uding any prepayment penafty that Borrow�r wa�ld b� required ta pay. <br /> Cvilecfi Rents. Lender shal� ha�e �he right, wi�hout nv�ice tv Barrower ❑r Grantor, ta �ake passession v-� �he <br /> Prvperty and �olle�� the Rents, including amounfis past d�� and unpaid, and apply the ne� praceeds, vW�r and <br /> abo�e Lender's cos�s, again�� the Indebtedness, In furtherance ❑f this r�gh�, Lender shall ha�e aI� the righ�s <br /> prfl�ided for in the Lender's Right to Rec�i�e and �o11e�t I�en�s Sectian, aba�e. �f the Rents are coll�ct�d by <br /> Lender, then Gran�or`rrrevo�ably des�gna�es Lend�r as Grantor;s attorney-in-�act ta endarse ins�ruments recei�ed in <br /> paym�nt t�ereaf in the n�me a#Gran�vr and ta n�gatiate�he s�rne and collec��h� proceeds. Payments by tenants <br /> v� other u�ers to L�nder in respanse t� Lender's demand shaf[ �a�isfy th� ❑�[igativns �or which the payments_are <br /> made, whether or r�o� any prvper groun�s fo� the demand ex�sted. Lender may exercis� �ts rights under t,his <br /> subparagraph ei�her in pers�nf by agent, �r�hrou�h a re�ei�er. <br /> L3#her Remedies. Lender s�all ha�e all other rights a�d rem�dies praWided in this Assignment or �he Na�e or by <br /> law. <br /> E[ecfi�on vf Remedies. E�ec�ian by Lender�o pursue any remedy shall no� exelude pursui�a�f any ather r�med�, and <br /> an efec��on�� make expenditures ar to take activn t❑ perform an abli�ativn o� Grant�r under this Assignment, after <br /> Grantor's failure�n perfarm, shal[ not affect Lender's right to d��lar� a de�ault an� exercise its remedies. <br /> A�.tvrneys' F�es; Expens�s. 1� Lender insti�utes any suit or action ta enfo�ce any vf�h� terms a�this Assignrrient, <br /> Len�er shall be entitled to reca�er su�h sum as �he caurt may ad�udge �easonab�e as att��neys' �ees at �rial and <br /> upon any appea[. llllhe�her or nv� any cour� actian is inWol�ed, and tfl the extent nat pr�hibited by law, ail <br /> reasonable �xpenses L�nder incurs that in Lender's np€n�an are necessary a� any time far �h� pro�ecti�n af its <br /> interest❑r the �n�vrcement v�its �-ig�ts shall be�ome a part�f�he lndeb�tedness payable on demand and shall bear <br /> in��res�at the N`ote rate from the da��v#the expenditur� un�il repaid. Expenses ca�ered by�his paragraph include, <br /> viiifihvut limita��an, hawe�er subj�ct�a any limits un�er applicable law, Lender's at�arn�y�' �ees and Lender's [ega! <br /> �xpenses, whether ar n�t ���r� is a �awsuit, including a��arneys' fees and expenses ��r bankrup��y proceedings <br /> �inc[uding e��arts tv r�odify or vaca�e any autiamatic stay�r injunctian�, appeals, and any an�icipated post�judgmen� <br /> ca[(ect�an serVi�+�s, �he cost v�search�ng records, ob�aining �itle reports {in�luding fiar�clasure r�por�s�� surveyars' <br /> repvrts, and appraisal �e�s, �itle insurance, and fees �or the Trustee, �o �he exten� permit�ed by applicab[e Iaw. <br /> �rantor also wi�l pay any cour�casts, in additinn�o all ather sums provided by law. <br /> PUf�P�SE. PURC�ASE PRC�P�RTY AT ���1N 3RD ST�RAND 15LAND NE. <br /> M15CELLANE�US PRC]VIS�DiVS, The foll�wing misceilaneaus prvWisions are a par�❑f this Assignmen�: <br /> Amendments. This Assignrn�n�, �ogether wi�h any R�fated Documents, cansti�utes the entire understanding and <br /> agreement of �h� parti�s as to �he mat�ers set forth in this Assignment. No alteratian of or amendment t� �his <br /> Assignment sha�l b� eff�Gti�e unless given in writing and signed by the parfy nr parties svugh� tfl be charged or <br /> baund by#he altecat��n ar amendmen�. <br /> Captivn Head_ings. Capt�an headings in this Ass�gnmen�are �or cvn�enience purpases only and are not�❑ be used <br /> �❑ in�erpr�t vr define the pravisians of this Assignment. <br /> Gaverning Law. This �ssignment will be gv�erned by federa� !a►nr applicable to Lender and, #v the exten� no� <br /> pr�empfi�d hy�edgra[law,�he [ews o��he State af Nebraska wEthvut regard to�ts conflic�s vf!aw prvvisic�ns. This <br /> Assignmen�has beert a�cepted by Lender in the Sfi�fie fl�Nehraska. <br /> Ghoice vf Venue. If t�ere is a Iawsui�, Grantor agre�s upon Lender's re�uest ta submit ta �the jurisdict�an o� the <br /> �ourts❑�HALL C�unty, S�a�� af Nebra�ka. <br /> Jvint and Se►►erai Liahili�y. A[� ❑b�iga�ians of Bvrrvwer and Gran�or under �his Assignmen� shall be jvint and <br /> se��rai, and all references to Gran�or sha�! mean each and every Grantor, and all references ta Borrower shall mean <br /> each �nd ev�ry Bvrrawer. This means �h�� each Grantor signing belaw is respvns�ble �or all flbligatians in this <br /> Assignment. Vllhere any�ne or ma�-e of th� parties is a corporati�n, partnership, �imi�ed liability cvmpany or sim�lar <br /> en�i�y� it is na�necessary for �ender ta inquir� int❑the powers vf any af�he��ficers� d�rec�ors, partners, mem�ers, <br /> ar vther agents acting ❑r purportin� �a ac� on the entity's behalf, and any vhligations made nr cre�ted in relian�e <br /> upon th� profess�d exercise af such p�wers shal! �� guar�nteed under this Assignment. <br /> �Ilerger. There shall be nv merger o� the in�erest or estate ereated �y this Assignmenfi with any vther in�erest ❑r <br /> es�ate in �h� Praper�y at any time held by or for the bene�fi�t a�Len�er in any capaci�y, w�thout the wri�tten can5ent <br /> o�Lender. <br />