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2� 1 ��8�52 <br /> ���� �F ����� <br /> Loan No: '1��3�U554 ��d�r���r�u�d� Page 3 <br /> so Iang as Trustar has no�if�ed L�nder in wri�ing pri�r t❑ dving�a and s❑ I�ng as, in Lenderzs sale apinion, Lender"s <br /> interests in the Property are nvt jeopardized. Lende� may require Trusfiflr ta past adequate security vr a surety <br /> bond, reasonabfy sa�isfactary t❑ Lend�rf �o pr��ec�Lender's interes�. <br /> Duty ta Protect. Trustor agrees neither t❑ abandvn or lea�e unattended th� Prvper�y. Tru�fiar shalf dv all other <br /> ac�s, in additian�v thase acts set#arth abo�e in�his secti�n, whi�h firam the charac�er and use nf the Property are <br /> reasonably ne�essary to protect and preser�e the Property. <br /> DUE C�N 5►�LE - CQNSEfVT BY LEiVDER. L�nder mayr at L�nde�'s option, declare imrnediafi�ly due and payable all sum� <br /> secured by�his Deed of Trus�upon the sale ❑r transfer, wi�houf Lender's privr wri�t�en cvns�nt, ❑�af! or any part of�he <br /> Real Pr�perty, or any in�eres� in �he Real Proper�y. A "sal� o��ransfer" means the canv�yance of Real Property or any <br /> righ�, title �r inte�est in the Rea! Pr�perty; whether leg�1, beneficiai or equi�ab�e; whe�her �oluntary or in��lun��ry, <br /> whether by ou�righ�� sale, deed� insl�allment sale con�ract, [and cantract, �antract for deed, I�asehvld interest with a <br /> term grea�er�han three �3} years, lease�opt�vn c�ntract, vr by sale, assignr�ent, Qr transfer of any beneficia� in��rest �n <br /> or�v any �and trust hofding �itfe �❑ the Real Property, vr by anY �ther method of cvn��yanc� ❑� an interest ir� �he Rea[ <br /> Property. HoweWer, this op��on shall na�t b� exercised by Lender i� such exer�ise is prohibited by ��dera� lav►� ar by <br /> Nebraska law, <br /> TA�ES AND L[ENS. The fv��awing pro�isians relating t❑ �he taxes and (iens on �he �rvper�y a�e part nf this Deed of <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustar shall pay when due �and in a�! events prior ta delinquency) aCi�axes, special taxes, assessments, <br /> ch�rges ��nGluding water and sewer�, fines and impasi�ions le�ied agains� ❑r an accaun� o��h�e Praperty, and shall <br /> pay when due all cfaims for iniork dane on or�ar ser�ices rendered or material �urnished ta �the Pr�perty. Trus�ar <br /> sha(I maintain the Proper�y free af all fiens ha�ir�g priority ❑�er ar equal tv the in�erest af Lender under�his Deed a� <br /> Trust, excep� f�r �h� lien a� taxe� and assessmen�ts no� due and excep� as �atherwise pr��ided in thi� deed of <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right to Con#esf. Trustar may withhold paymen�❑f any �ax� assessment, or c�aim in cvnnection wi�h a good �aith <br /> dispu�e ❑�e��tihe abligatian ta pay, s❑ long as Lender's interes� in the Prvper�y is nv�jeapar��z�d. [f a [�en arises ❑r <br /> is �i�ed as a resul� �fi nvnpayment, Trustor shall vui�hin fif�een ��5� days after �he fien arises vr, if a Cie� is �iled, <br /> wi�hin �i�teen ���� days a�er Trus�or has notice vf the �i�ing, secure �he discha�g� v� �h� lien, or if reques�ed by <br /> Lender, dep�sit vvith L�nder cash or a su�ficient corpora�e sure�y bond vr�ther secu�ri�y satisfa�tary ta Lender in an <br /> am�unt su��icient to discharge the lien plus any ��sts and at�orneys` �ees, or o�her �harges that cau#d accru� as a <br /> result o�a �Fare��asure ar sale under the lien. ln any can�est, Trustar sha�l de�end itself and Lender ar�d shall safi�sfy <br /> any aa��erse judg�-nen�befvre er�far�emen�against the Property. T�us��r shal! nam� Lender as a� addi�iana! obligee <br /> under any sure�y bvnd �urnished in�he �an�est praceedings, <br /> Evidence of Payment. Trustar sha[� upon demand �urnish�fi❑ L�nder sa�isfac�ory evidence af paymen� a�F�he taxes <br /> ar assessments and shall authflri�e the app�vpria�� gvvernrnental officia� �v del�ver�o Lender a� any �im� a usrritten <br /> sta�ement a�the taxes and assessmen�s against the Prvperty, <br /> Natice vf Canstructian. Trustar shal� na�i�y Lend�r a� l�ast �ifteen �15� days be��re any wnrk is �vmmenced, any <br /> ser�ices are �urnishe�, or any ma�erials are suppiied �a the Praperty, if any mech�nic`s Cien� m�terialmen's �ien, or <br /> other [ien cvuld be a��erted vn ac�vunt o# the �nrar�, �er�ices, or materiafs. Trustor wil! upvn r�ques� a� Lender <br /> furnish �o Lender ad�ance assuran�es satisfactvey to Lender �hat Trus�or can and �nrill pay �he cost of such <br /> impr��ements, <br /> PR�PERTY DA�AGE [tVSURANCE. �he �ollawing pro�isians r��ating to �nsur�ng '�he Property are a part a�this De�d ofi <br /> Trust. <br /> Maintenance o# lnsurance. Trus�ar sh��l procure and maintain poli�ies af fire insur�ance with s�anda�d extended <br /> c��erage endorsements on a �air �aiue bas�s fv� the fuli insurabfe �alue ca�ering all lmpro�emen�s ❑n the Real <br /> Proper�y in an amount sufficient to a�oid application Qf any coinsurance ciauseE an� v�ri�h a s��ndard mvrtgagee <br /> clause �n fa�vr�f Lender. Trus�ar shal! also pracur� and maintain �ornprehensi�e general liab�lity insuran�e in such <br /> cove�age amoun�s as Lender may request vvi�h Trus�ee and Lender be'rng named as <additi�nal insureds in suGh <br /> liability insurance policies. Add€�ionally, Trustar shall r-nainfiain such oth�r ir�suran�e, includ'rng but nvt limi�sd to <br /> hazard, husiness in�erruption, and boiler insurance, as Lender may reasonab�y require> Pa�icies sha�! be v►rritten in <br /> �arm, amaunts, �a�erag�s and basis reasonably acceptable ta Lend�r and �ssued by � company or cvmpanies <br /> reasanably acceptable �a Lender. Trustor, upon requ�st af Lend�r, will deli�er ta Lender from time �a time �he <br /> po�ieies ar certi��Gates ❑f insurance in form sat'rs�actory tv Lend��. in�luding s�C�pu[a�ior�s �hat co�erages wii� n�t be <br /> cancelled or diminished withau� at [eas� ten {1�} days prio�- writt�n nv�tiG� to Lender. Each insuran�e paf icy alsa <br /> sha�l include an endorse�ent praviding tha�cv�erage in�Fa�or of Lender wifl �not be impaired in any way by any act, <br /> �missian or defaul� vf Trustar vr any ather persan, Should the Reaf Pr�perty �e Ivca�ed in an area designa�ed by <br /> the Adminis�ratar❑fi the Federa� Em�rgency Managemen�Agency as a special flvvd ha�ard ar�a, Trustar agrees t❑ <br /> ❑btain and main�ain Federaf Flvod Insuran�e, i� availa�le, wi'�hin 45 days after no�ice �s given by Lender that the <br /> Prop�rty is lacated in a special flaad hazard ar�a, far the�ull unpaid p�-�nc'rpa� ba[ance of��� loan a�nd any pr�vr liens <br /> on�he pr�per�y secu��ng the laan, up�a the maximum palicy limi�s s��under the Nativnal F[vvd �nsurance Pragram, <br /> vr as vtherwise required by Lender, and ta maintain su�ch insurance�For the term vf ti�� l�an. <br /> Appli�a#ivn v� Rr�ceeds. Trus�o�shall pror-npt�y noti�y Lender a�an� loss vr damage to �he Pr�perty. Lender may <br /> make proof of loss if Trus�vr fails to do sa wit�in fifteen �3 5� days of the �asualty. Vllhether Qr n�� Lender's <br />