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2� 1 ��8�52 <br /> ���� �F ����� <br /> C.oan �v: �01300��� {���t����d} Pag� � <br /> whether ❑r not the advances are made pursuant tv a commitment. Specif�cally, without limi�atian, this Deed ❑f Trust <br /> secures, in add�tivn ta the amaunts specified in the Nafie, a[( �uture amQunxs Lender in �ts discretion may 1�an �a <br /> Trustar, toge�her wi�h a!� interes��hereon. <br /> Trustar presen�ly assigns ta Lender {also known as 6eneficiary in �his Deed ❑t Trust� all o� Trustar's right, �itle, and <br /> interest in and ta a�! present and future leases v�F �he Prop�rty and �[� Rents from the Property. In additi�n, Trus��r <br /> grants tv Lender a �niform Cammer�ia� Code seGurity interes�in the Personal Property and Rents. <br /> TH[S �EED �F TRUST, iNCLUD�N� THE ASS���IIV[ENT C3F RENTS A1VD THE SECURITY �NTEREST 1N THE RE1VT5 �4ND <br /> PERSC?NAL PRC3PERTY, iS G[1lEN Ta SECURE {A} PAYMENT �F THE �1VDEBTEDNE�S AND tBy PERFDRMANGE aF <br /> AIVY AND ALL �BLIGAT[flNS UNI]ER THE N4TE, THE RELATED DC�CUMEIVTS. AND TH15 �EED �F TRL15T. TH�S <br /> DEE❑ C3F TRUST IS GIVEN AND ACCEPTED (]N THE F�LL�1NIfVG TERMS: <br /> PAYM�NT AND PERF�R�AIVCE� Exc�p�. as otherwise prvvided in this Deed ❑f Trust, Trustvr shall pay to L�nder all <br /> amounts secured by �his Deed a� Trust as they became due, and shall strictly and in a �imely manner per�form all �f <br /> Trus�vr's obliga�ivns u�nder the Nate, �his Deed ��Trust, and the R�lated Dacuments. <br /> P�SSESS��N AND MAC�TENAIVCE DF THE PRC]PERTY. Trusta� agrees ��rafi Trustvr's passessian and use of the <br /> Prop�rty sha�l be g��erned by�he �ollawing pra�ision�: <br /> Possessivn and Use. �nti� �he occurrence af an E�ent ❑� ❑��ault, Trustar may �1� remain in possession and <br /> contra[af the Pr�perty; ��} use, op�rate ar manage �he P�oper�y; and �3} �oI[ec�th� Ren�s from the Prop�rty, <br /> Duty �o �laintain, Trustvr shal[ maintain �he Property in ten�ntab[� candi�ion and promp�ly perform al[ repa�rs, <br /> �eplacements� and maintenan�e necessary�o preser�e its �alue. <br /> Complianc� Vl�ith Enr►ironmen#ai Larrvs. Trustor represents and warrants ta Lender tha�: �T} During the periad of <br /> Trustor's awnership ❑f fihe Pr�perty� �here has be�n no use, generation, manufac�ure, storage, trea�men�, disposal, <br /> re�ease ❑r threa�ened r�lease of any Hazardaus Subs�ance by any persan ❑n; under� abflut or from the Proper�y; <br /> �2} Trus�vr has nv knawledge o�f, or reasan �v be�ieWe �hat there has been, �xcept as previous�y disclvsed ta and <br /> acknowled�ed by Lender in wr�ting, �a� any b�each or �iolation of any En�ironmenta� Larrvs, ��� any use, <br /> �enerativn, manu�a��ure, starag�, treatment, disp�sal, release or �hreatened rel�ase of any Hazardaus Substance <br /> on, under, �hau� ar fram �he Proper�y by any prior avr�ners or occupan�s ❑f the Prvper�y, or tc� any actuaf vr <br /> threatened fitigation ❑r ciaims vf any kind by any p�rsan relatin,g �a such ma�ters; and �3} Except as pre�iausly <br /> disc�ased to an� acknov►iled��d by Lend�r in wri�ing, �a� nei�her Trus��r nor any tenant, contrac�ar, agen�or o�her <br /> authorize� user of�he Praperty shal! use, generate, manufac�ure, s�are, trea�, dispose of ar rele�se any Hazardous <br /> Substance ❑n, under, about ar fr�m �he Praperty; and �b3 any such ac�i�ity sha[( be c�nducted in �ampliance wifih <br /> all app����ble �eder�l, state, �nd f�cai [a�nrs, regula�ian� and ❑rdinances, including w��haut limi�at�on all <br /> En�irQnmen�al Laws. Trus�tor au�h�rizes Lend�r and its ag�nts to enter upon �he Prop�rty �a make such <br /> inspe�tians �nd fies�s, at Trus�kor's expense, as Lender may deem appropr�ate '�a defi�rmine camplianc� v� �he <br /> Prvpert�r wi�h th�s section a� �he Deed v� Trus�. Any inspectipns ar ��sts made by Lend�r shal[ be far Lender`s <br /> purpvses an[y �nd shal[ nv� be c�ns�rued�a crea�e any respansih�li�y vr [iability ❑n�he part of Lende�ta Trus��r or <br /> to any ot�er pe�s�n. The represen�ations and wa�-ran�ies contained herein are based on Trus�or's due diligence in <br /> in�es�igating the Prop���y #ar Hazardous Subst�nces. Trustar hereby ��� release� and wai�es any fu�ure �laims <br /> against Lend�r for indernnity ar con�ribu��an in the e�ent Trustnr becvmes I�able far �leanup �r a'�her costs under <br /> any such faws; and ��} agre�s �o indemnify, defend, and hald harmless Lend�r against any and all �larms; I�sses, <br /> liabilitiesf damages; penal��esy and exp�nses which Lender m�y directly or indirect[y�us�ain or suffer resu�ting �rom <br /> a brea�h of this sectian af�he Qe�d af Trusfi vr as a cansequence �� any use, generation, man��ac�ure, storage, <br /> dispasal, release or�hrea�en�� rel�ase accurring prior to Trus�vr`s❑wnership or interest in the Property, whether❑r <br /> not th� same was ar shvu�d ha�e �een knawn �❑ Trustar. The pro�is�ons �� this se��ivn of the �eed of Trust, <br /> in�l��ing�h�e obligation tv indemni�y and defend, shalf sur�ive�he paymen�❑f the �nd�btedness and th�s��isfaction <br /> and recon�eyance of th� [ien ���this Deed a�Trus� and shall na� be a��ec�ed by Lender's acquisi�ivn ❑�a�ny int�rest <br /> in�he Prvperty, whe�h�r by f�reclasure ar a�herwise. <br /> Nuisance. 11#��ste. Trustor shall n�t cause, c�nduct or p�rmit an� nuisance nar cvmmi�, permit, �r su��er any <br /> stripping of vr waste an or �a �he Prvper�y ❑r any portivn v� the Pr�per�y. Wi�hout limiting �he generalify o�f the <br /> �aregainc�, Trustvr will nat remo�e, ❑r gran�#❑ any other party th� righ�fi❑ r�m��e, any timber, minerals {inciuding <br /> vi� �nd gas�, caal, clayr SCd�"1a� s�i�, gra�el vr rock praducts without Lend�r's prior writ�en consent, <br /> Removal af Improvements. Trustar sha�l nat demvlish or remo�e any �mprn�ements �rom the Rea! Property without <br /> L�nder's privr written consent. As a condi�iar�to �he rema�al of any Imprv��ments, Lender may require Trus�or t❑ <br /> make arrangem�n�s satis�a��ary t� Lender tv repiace such Impra�emen�s wi�h lmprvvements of a� �eas� e�ual <br /> �alu�. <br /> Lender's Righ�t� En#er. Lender and Lender's agen�s and �epresen�ati�es may en�er upon �he Real Prc�perty at afi <br /> reasonable times #o att�nd �a Lender's interest� and to inspect th� Rea[ Property for purposes af Trustor"s <br /> campliance v�ri�h the terms and �onditians ❑�this ❑eed a�Trust. <br /> Cvrr�p�iance wi�#h Gouernmentai R�quirements. Trustor shalf prampt�y comp[y wi�h a�l laws, �rdinances, and <br /> regula�ions, nvw ar herea�ter in e�fec�, o� a[� gv�ernmental au�horit�es applicab[� to the use �r occupanGy afi the <br /> Property, including vuith�u� limitation, the Am�ricans Wi�h ❑isabilities Ac�. Trus�or may cantes� in goad faith any <br /> such la�nr, ardinance, or regufa�tion and withh�ld compliance during any praceeding, including appr�priate appeafs, <br />