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2� 1 ��8� 17 <br /> Bt]RR�WER C�VENANTS tha� Barr��er is lawfu��y seised af the esta�e hereb�conveyed and has the r�ght ta <br /> grant and con�ey the Pr�perty and �hat th�Praper�y is unen�umber�d, excep� for encum�rances af record. <br /> B�rr��ver warrants and�vill defend genera�ly�h���tl�t� the�'rop�r�y against a�� ��a�ms and d�mands, subject to <br /> any encumbrances of recard. <br /> rTH�S SE�L�R�T'Y��NSTRUMENT comb�nes un�f�rm c�venan�s for nati�nal use and non-uniform co�enants vvith <br /> l�mi�ed variations by jurisdiction to canst�tu�e a unif�rm security instrumen�cavering rea�prope�ty. <br /> Uniform Co�enants. Borraw�r and Lend�r cavenant and agr�e as fa��ows: <br /> 7. Payment of P�incipal, lnterest. Escrow Items, Prepayment Charges, and Late Cnarg�s. Barrow�r <br /> shall pay when due�h�pr�n�ipa� of, and inter�s��n, the debt�v�denced by the No�e and any pr�paymen� <br /> char�es and iate charg�s due under�he N��e, B�rrovver�hal� al��pay funds for Escrow It�ms pursuant�o <br /> Sect�on 3. Payments due under�h�N'at�and this Se�urity In�trume�z�shal� b���n U.S. �urrency. <br /> Ho�e�er, if any check ar other instrum�nt re�e��re�.by L�nder as payment under�he Nate ar this S�curx�y <br /> �nstrument is returned to Lender unpaid, L�nder m.ay re�u�re that an��r al� subsequent paxments du�under <br /> t�e Not�and�h�s 5e�urity Ins�.rument be mad�zn one�r m.ore af�he fnl�awing forms, as se�e��ed�hy L�nder: <br /> �a} cash; �b}money order; �c}certified check, bank check, treasurer'�check or cashzer's �hec�, pra��ded any <br /> such�he�k is drav�n upon an�ns�ituti�n wh�se deposits ar�insur�d by a fed�ral agen��, instrumental�ty, ar <br /> �nt�ty; ar�d} E�ec�ronic Funds Transfer. <br /> Payments are deemed recei�ed by Lender wh�n recei�ed at the l�cation des�gnated in�h�Note or at such <br /> ather�ocation as may be desxgnated b� Lender�n acc�rdance wi�h the notice pr��is�ons in Sectian �S. <br /> Lend�r may return any payment�r par�ial payment �f th�payment ar partial paym�nts are insuf�c�ent to <br /> bring the L�an current. Lender may accept any payment ar partial payment insuff�cient to bring th�Loan <br /> current, ��thout vvaiWer of an� righ�s hereunder or prejud�ce to i�s rights to refuse such payment or par�ial <br /> payments in the future, hu� Lender�s not���igated to app�y such paymen�s at�he time such pa�men�s are <br /> acc�p�ed. If each Periodre Payment zs app�ied as af��s schedu�ed due�a�e, then Lender need not pay �nterest <br /> on unappliec�funds. Lender may h��d such unappi�ed funds un��� Barrower makes pa�m�nts tfl bring the <br /> L�ar�.current. If�orrower do��nat da so wi��h�n a reasonab�e period of��me, L�nder sha�I either apply such <br /> funds or return them ta Borrower. �f nQ�applz���arii�r, such funds wili be applied�o�he outstanding <br /> principal ba�ance under the Note immediat���r pr��r�a forec�osur�. No�ffse�or claim wh�ch Bnrrower migh� <br /> ha�re n�� or in the future against Lender shal� relieWe B�rrflw�r fr�m making payments due under�he Note <br /> and this Se�urit� Ins�rumen�or perfnrming the cavenan�s and agreemen�s s�cured b�this Securit� <br /> �nstrumen�. <br /> �. Appiicativn vf Payments �r Praceeds. Exc�pt as otherwis�describ��in�h�s S��tion 2, a�� payxnen�� <br /> acc�pted and app��ed by Lender shall be applied in�he fal�awing arder af pr�ari�y: �a� interest due under th� <br /> No��; �b}principa� due under�he Note; �c} amoun�s due under Sec��on 3. Such payments �ha11 be applied t� <br /> each Per��dic Pa�ment in the�rder xn wh�ch it became du�. An�remaining amaunts shall be app�ied �rst to <br /> Iate charges, secand to an�other amflunts due under this�ecur�ty�nstrumen�, and then to reduce the <br /> principal balance�f the N�te. <br /> �f L�nder r��ez�es a paym�nt from Barrower for a delinquent Per�od�� Paymen�wh�ch inc�udes a sufficient <br /> am�unt to pay any �ate charge due, the payment may be app��ed t� �he d���nquent payment and the lat� <br /> charge. �f m�re than one Periadzc Paymen�is outstanding, Lender may app�y any payment re�eived from <br /> Borr�wer t� �he repayment of�he Per�odic Payments if, and�o the e�tent�hat, each payment can be paid in <br /> fu��. To the�xten� that any excess exis�s after the paym�n�is applied to �he fu�l paymen�of nne nr more <br /> Peri�dic Payrnents, such excess may be appiied to any la�e charges due. Voluntary pr�payments shall be <br /> applied fzrst�o any prepayment charges and then as �ie�cr�b�d in the Not�. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Farnily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac lINlFQRM INSTRUMENT Farm 302$1101 <br /> VMP QQ VMP6{NE){i 3�2} <br /> Watters Kluwer Financial 5er�ices Page 4 of i 7' <br />