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� 2� 1 ��8� 17 <br /> sen�enc�s s�aa�� n�t app�y �o the presence, us�, �r�tarage�n th�Pr�pert��f small quantities of I-�azardous <br /> �ubstances �hat are genera��y rec�gnized�o be appropr�at��o narrna� r�sidential uses and to ma�ntenanc�of <br /> �he Praper�y ��nc�uding, but n�t�irn�ted t�, hazard�us subs��s in��nsumer products}. <br /> Borrower shal�pramp�ly gi�e Lender wri��en notice flf�a} any invest�gat�on, �la�m, demand, lawsu��or other <br /> act��n b�r azay go��rnmen�a� or regulatory agency ar private par�y invo�v�ng �he Prop�r�y and any�azardous <br /> Substance or En�xronmentai Law of whzch Barr�wer has ac�ual know�edg�, �b} any En�ir�nm�ntai <br /> Candit�on, in��udzng but nat��mi�ed�a, an�r sp���zng, �eakzng, d�scharge, reieas�ar threat of re�ease of any <br /> Hazardaus �ubs�ance, and�c� any condi��on caused by the presenc�, use or re�eas��f a Hazard�us Subs�ance <br /> wh�ch adversely aff�cts the value of the Prop�r�y. �f Borr�v�er�earns, or i�nat���d by any gov�rnmen�a�, or <br /> r�gulatory author�ty, or ar�y private party, that any removal �r other r�medxa�ion�f any Hazardous Su�s�ance <br /> aff��txng the Pr�per�y is necessary, Barr�w�r shall pr�rnp�ly take aI� ne��ssary r�m�d�a� ac��ons in <br /> acc�rdance with En�ir�nmen�a� Law. �Inthing h�r�i�sh��l �reat�ar�y abZ�gation on Lender far an <br /> Envir�nmenta� �leanup. <br /> NonwUnifvrm Ca�enants. Borro�ver and Lender c�venan�and agree as fa��ows: <br /> 2Z. A�celeration; Remedies, Lender sha�l give nvti�e�o Barrower prior to acce�erat�on fo�low�ng <br /> Barrower's breach af any co�enant or agreement in this Security Ins�rumen� tbu�not pr�or to <br /> ac�e�eratian und�r 5ec�ion 1S unles�A�p��cable Lavw provides a�herwise}. The no�i�Q sha�l specify: �a} <br /> �he defauit; �b� �he act�on requ�red�v cure the defau�t; �c) a da�e, no�less�han 3U da�s from �he date <br /> �he n�t��e is gi�en�o B�rrower, by which the defaul�mus�be cured; and �d} that fa��ure to cure the <br /> defau�t an or befflre the da�e specified in the not�Ce may result in acce�era��on of�he surns s�eured by <br /> �his Securi�y Ins�rumen�and sa�e of�he Proper�y. The not�ce sha�� further inform B�rrower�f�he <br /> right to r�ins�ate af�er acce�era��on and the r�gh��o br�ng a cour�ac�ion to as�er� �he non-ex�s�ence of a <br /> defau�t or any o�her defense of Borrower�o acce�era�ion and sale. If�he defau�t is not cured on or <br /> �efore�h�da�e sp���f�ed in�he noti��, Lender at i�5 op�it�n may requ�r��mmedia��payment in fu�� of <br /> ai�sunas secured by�h�s Secur���InstrumQn�w�th�ut furtiher de�nand and may invoke the power of sale <br /> and�ny o�her remedies perm�tted b� A��li�able Law. Lender shall be en�it�ed�a col�ect a�l ex�enses <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Sec�ion 22, including, bu�no�Iimi�ed to, r�asanab�� <br /> a�torneys' fees and�osts of�itle evidence. <br /> If�he p�wer of sale�s�nvoked, Trus�ee sha��r�cord a noti�c�of default in each c�un�y in wh�ch any <br /> par�of the Property is�ocated and shai�mai� copies�f such notice�n the manner prescr�bed by <br /> Applicabie Law to Borrower and�o the other persons prescribed by Applicab�e Law. After th���me <br /> requ�red by Applicab�e�a�v, Trus�ee sha��gi�e public notice af sa�e�o the persons and in th�manner <br /> prescr�bed�y App��cab�e L�►w. Trus�ee, w�thou� demand an Borr��ver, sha��se�l�h�Property at pub�ic <br /> aucti�n�o the h�ghes�b�dder at the��me and p�ace and under�he terms des�gna�ed�n�he not��e vf sa�e <br /> �n one or mare parce�s and�n any order Trus�ee deternz�n�s. Trus�ee rnay pos�pan�sal�of al� ar any <br /> par�e� of�he Proper�y by pu��ic announcement at�he time and p�ace of any pre��ou5�y�cheduled sa�e. <br /> Lend�r or i�s designee may purchase�he Propert�a�any sa�e. <br /> Upon receipt�f payment of�he price b�d, Trus�ee shall deli�er to the purchaser Trustee's deed <br /> canvey�ng the Proper�y. The rec�ta�s�n the Trus�ee's deed shal�be pr�ma fac�e evidence nf the truth of <br /> the s�a�emen�s made�herein. Trustee sha��app�y�he proceeds of the sa�e�n the fo��owing order: �a} �a <br /> a�� costs and expenses af exerc�s�ng�he pnvver of sa�e, and�he sa�e, �ncluding th�paymen�of�he <br /> Tru�tee's fees actua��y �ncurred and reasona��e attorneys' fees as permitted�y App��ea��e Law; �b� �o <br /> alI sums secured by�h�s Secur�ty Instrun�ent; and ��} any excess�o the person or persons lega�ly <br /> entitled�o it. <br /> NEBRASKA-Single Fami�y-Fan�ie MaelFrecidie Mac 11NIF�RM INSTFiL1MENT Farm 3�28 11�i <br /> VMP� VMPG�NEy{�3021 <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inancial 5ervices Pac�e�4 af�7 <br />