2� 1 ��8� 17
<br /> in�he Property and rights under this Secur��y Instrumen�; and �d} �akes such ac�ion as Lender may
<br /> reas�nab�y require to assure�hat Lender's interes��n the Prop�r�y and r�ght�under this Security �nstru�nen�,
<br /> and Borrower's ob�igat��n to pay �he sums secur�d b�this 5ecurity Ins�rument, s�a11 c�n�inue unchanged.
<br /> Len�.er may requ�re that Borrow�r pay such reinstatem�n�sums and expenses in one ar mare af th�fo��owing
<br /> forms, as se�e��ed�y L.ender: �a} cash; �b} mon�y order; �c} certified check, ban�ch�ck, �reasurer's check�r
<br /> cashier's check, provided any such check is drawn upan an insti�ution whos�deposits are insur�d�y a
<br /> federa� agency, ins�rumen�a�ity or en��ty; or�d} Electr�n�c Fund�Transfer. Up�n re�nstatement b�r Borrower,
<br /> this Securi�y Ins�ru�m.en�and ab��gafiions se�ured hereby shal� remain fully�ffect�v�as if na acce�eration had
<br /> occurred, Howe�er, ��is right to �-eins�ate sha�� no�app�y�n the case of acce�era��on und�r Secti�n �8.
<br /> Zfl. Sa�e ❑f N�te; Change of Loan Ser►►icer; Notice of Grievance. The No�e or a par�ial interest�n the
<br /> Nate�t�gether wi�h�his Securi�y�ns�rument} can be sald on�or m��re t�mes w��h�u�prior notice to
<br /> Borrower. A sale m�ght resu���n a change in�he enti�� �knov�rn as the "�.oan S�rvicer"}tha�callects P�r�od�c
<br /> Payments due under the N`o�e and th�s S�cur��y�nstrument and performs oth�r mor�gage lflan ser�ic�ng
<br /> ob�iga�ions under the Nate, �hzs Secur��y �ns�rumen�, and App1�Ca���La�v. �There also might be one ar more
<br /> changes of the I.aan Serv�cer unre�a�ed�o a sale of�he Note. �f ther� is a change of th� Laan Serv�cer,
<br /> Barrovver v�►�i11 be given written natic�of the chan�e v�hich w�i� state�he name and address�f the ne� Laan
<br /> Ser�icer, �he address �o wh�ch paymen�s shauid be made and an� a�her inf�r�nation RESPA requires �n
<br /> car�ne���on�ith a notice af�ransfer of serv�c�ng. �f�he Nn�e is soid and�hereaf�er the Loan is serviced by a
<br /> Loan Servi�er o�her than th�purcha5er�f the I�Io�e, �he n�.or�gage laan servic�ng obl�ga�ions to Barraw�r�vi11
<br /> rema�n with�he Loan 5ervicer or be transferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are not assumed b�the
<br /> No�e purchaser un�ess a�herwxse pr�vided by the No�e purchaser.
<br /> Nei�her Borr�wer nor Lender may cammence,j oin, or he j o�ned ta any jud�cia� act�on �as either an
<br /> individual lxtigant or the mem�er of a elass} that arises from the ather par�y's actions pursuant�a �his
<br /> Security �nstrument or that alieges tha��he o�her par�y has breached any pro�is�fln�f, or any du�y�vv�d by
<br /> reason�f, this Securi�y Instrument, un��� such Borrower or L�nder has not�fied the�th�r par�y �w��h such
<br /> notice gi�en in c�mpi�ance wit�the requirements�f Sec�ian I S}of such a�Ieged�reach and aff�rded the
<br /> oth�r par�.y h�reto a reasanable per�od after the g�v��.g of such natice�o tak�c�rre�t��e ac�ion. �f Appl�cab�e
<br /> Law provid�s a time periad which mus�e�apse hef�re certa�n ac��on�an be�aken, that time period wi��be
<br /> deemed to be reasonable f�r purposes of this paragr�ph. The n��ice of a�celeration and opportunity ta�ure
<br /> given�a Barrower pursuant�o S���ion 22 and th�natice flf acceleration given ta Borrower pursuant t�
<br /> S�Gt�on �.8 shall be deem�d�� sat�sf�r the not�ce and�ppor�uni�y to take correc�ive action pra�is�ons af�his
<br /> Sec��on�4.
<br /> ��. �azardous Suhstances. As used in�his Sec��an��: �a} "Hazard�us Substances"are thos�su�s�ances
<br /> defin�d as���xc or hazardous subs�ances, p���utants, ar wast�s b�Environmenta�Law and�he ffl�low�ng
<br /> subs�an�es: gaso�ine, kerosene, o�her�.ammab�e or toxic petr��eum pr�duc�s, ����c pes�icides and h�rbicides,
<br /> vo�a�x�e solv�nts, materia�s containing asbes�os or forma�dehyde, and radioac��ve ma�erials; (b}
<br /> "�nuironmentar Luw"means federallaws and Iav�s of the�urisd�c��on where�he Propert� �s located that
<br /> re�a�e to heaith, safety�r environmental pro�ect��n; �c} "Environment�al Cleartup" includes any response
<br /> ac�ion, remed�al ac��fln, or remova� act�an, as defined in En�rir�nmenta� La�v; and �d} an "Enuironmental
<br /> Condition"means a�ond�t�on that can cause, con�r�bu�e to, or�therwise trxgg�r an En�ironrnental �leanup.
<br /> Borrower sha�� nat cause or perm�t�he presencey use, d�sposal, s�orag�, or release af any Hazardous
<br /> Substances, or�hreaten to rel�ase any Hazard�us Substances, on or in the Prope�rt�. Borrov�er shall no�da,
<br /> nor a�l�w anyane e�se to do, anything affecting the Proper���a} that is �n�ioiation of any Env�ranmen�al
<br /> Law, �b}which crea�es an En�iranmental Cand�tion, ar��} which, due to the pres�nce, use, �r release of a
<br /> Haz�rdous Substan�e, creates a condition tha�;adverse�y aff�c�s the�alue of ihe Property. The preceding two
<br /> N�BRASKA-Single FamiEy-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM#NSTRUM�NT Farm 3028 110y
<br /> VMP[�] VMPfi{NES(13�2}
<br /> Walters Kluwer Financial Services Page�3 a#�7
<br />