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2� 1 ��8� 15 <br /> A�l �nsurance p���cies r�quire�.by L�nder and renewals of su�h palicies shall be su�ject to Lend�r's r�gh��o <br /> disapprove such p�l�c�es, shall xnc�u��a standard mortga�e clause, and shall name Lender as m.or�gag�e <br /> andlor as an add�t�ana� ��ss payee. Lender sha�� have the right ta hold the policies and renewa� certi�ca�es. If <br /> Lender requires, B�rro�rer sha�I prampt�y gz�e to Len�er a�l rec�ipts of paid premiums and renewal no�ices. <br /> If Borrawer obtains an�fornl of insurance���erage, not�therwise required by Lender, for damag��o, or <br /> destru��ion af, �he Propert�, such policy shall �nclude a s�andard mor�gage clause and shall name Lender as <br /> mor�gage�andlor as an add�tional loss payee, <br /> In the even��f�oss, Borrov�rer shall gzve pr�mpt n�t�c�t�the insurance car�rier and Lender. L�nder�a�.ay <br /> make proflf of loss if not made pra�m.ptly�by Barrow�r. Unless Lender and Borrower o�herwise agree in <br /> writing y an� insurance proceeds, whether or no�the under�y�ng �nsurance was required�y Lender, sha�l be <br /> applied ta res�oration�r repair af the Praperty, if�he restorati�n ar repair is econ�m�ca��y feasible and <br /> L�nder's secur�ty is not less�ned. Dur�ng such repair and restorat��n period, Lender sha��ha�re the righ�to <br /> haid such insurance proceeds unti� Lender has had an oppor�unity to inspect such Prop�r�y to ensure the <br /> work has been compieted�o Lender's sa�isfact�on, provided that such �nspection sha11 be undertaken <br /> prompt�y. Lender may disburse pr�c�eds for the repairs and restora��an�n a s�ngle payment or in a ser�es of <br /> pro�ress paynnents as�h�vv�rk�s�ompleted. IJnles� an agreement is made in wri��ng or Appl�cable Law <br /> r�quir�s �nterest ta be pa�d on such insurance proceeds, Lender shal�not be requ�red�a pay Borrower any <br /> in��r�s�or earnings on such proceeds. Fees for public adju�t�rs, or other thir�.parties, retained�y Bvrrower <br /> shall no�be paid ou�of the insuranG�proceeds and shall be�he sol�obligatian of Borrow�r. �f th�r�stora��on <br /> or repair�s not�conam�cal�y feas���e�r Lender's security would be lessen�d, �he�nsurance proceeds shall be <br /> app��ed�n�he sums s�cured by th�s 5ecurity �ns�rument, whether ar not then due, wi�h the ex�ess, if any, <br /> paid t� Borrov�er. Such �nsurance pr�ceeds sha���e appli�d in the order pro�r�ded f�r in Section Z. <br /> �f B�rrower abandons the Property, Lender ma� file, ne�o�ia�e and settle an�a�ailab�� in�urance c�aim and <br /> re�a�ed mat�ers, If Sorraw�r daes not respond w�thin 3�days to a notice from Lender that the�nsuran�e <br /> carr�er has offer�d to set��e a c�aim, th�n Lender may ne�otia�e and set�le the��aim. The 3fl-day period wi11 <br /> begin when the no��ce is gi�en. In either e�er��, or if Lend�r a�quires�he Property und�r Sect�on 2�or <br /> o�herwise, Borrov�er hereby assigns to Lender�a} Borrower's righ�s�o any insurance proc��ds �n an amou�� <br /> not to exc�ed the amounts unpa�d under the No�e or�h�s Security �ns�rumen�, and ��� an� other of <br /> Borra�er's righ�s �other than th�ri�ht to any refund of unearned premiums paid by B�rrower} under alI <br /> insuran�e paliGies covering�he Proper��, �ns�far as such r��hts are app�icab�e�fl the coverage af�he <br /> Propert�. Lender ma�use the insurance proceeds either�o repair ar restore�he Proper��or to pa�r amoun�s <br /> unpaid und�r�h� No�e flr th�s 5�curity �ns�rumen�, whether or nat then due. <br /> �. �ecupancy. Borr�wer shall occupy, es�ab�ish, and use�he Propert� as Borr�wer's prin�ipal residence <br /> w�thin 60 da�s after the execu��an of th�s Se�urity Instrument and sha��continue ta oc�upy�he Pr�pert�as <br /> B�rr�t�er's principal residenCe for at�east�ne year after the da��af occupanc�, unless I..�nder ot�.erv�rise <br /> a�r��s �n wr���ng, wh�ch cons�n�sha�� not be unr�asonab��withhe�d, or unless extenuat�ng c�rcums�anc�s <br /> exis�wh�ch are be�ond Barro�er's�ontrol. <br /> 7. Preser�ation, Ma�ntenance and Protectian ❑f the Property; inspections. Borraw�r shall not des�roy, <br /> damage or�mpair�h� Proper�y, a�lovv the Proper�y�o de�er�orate ar comm�t�aste on�he Proper�y. 'L�Vhether <br /> or not Borrower is resid�ng in�he PrQperty, gorrov�rer shal�mainta�n�he Pr�per�y �n order�o pre�ent the <br /> Praper�y frorn de�eriara��ng ar d�crea�ing in�ralue due�o i�s�ond�t�on. Unless i� is determin�d pursuan�to <br /> Sec��on 5 that repa�r or restorat�an is not e�anamical�y fea�ible, Bo�rrov�rer shal�promptl�r repair the Proper�y <br /> if damaged to avoid fur�her deter��ra�ion or damage. �f insurance or condemnation prace�ds are paid �n <br /> ��nnection wi�h damage to, or the�aking of, �he Pragerty, Borrov�rer shal�b�responsible f�r repa�ring�r <br /> restoring�he Pr�p�r�y anl� if Lender has released proce�ds for such purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> NEgRASKA-Singte�amily-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UN��ORM INSTRUMENT �orm 3428�1�# <br /> VMP Q VMPS{NE)('�3d2f <br /> Wott�rs Kluw�r�inan�iaf Ser�ices Page 7 af 17 <br />