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2� 1 ��8� 15 <br /> required by R�SPA, and Borrower shall pay ta Lender the amount necessary to make up the defici�ncy in <br /> accardance�ith R�SPA, �ut in n�m�re than 12 manthly paymen�s. <br /> Upon payment in ful� of aI� sums se�ured by this 5ecurity Ins�rument, Lender sha�l promp��y r�fund to <br /> Borrawer any Funds h�id by L�nder. <br /> 4. Charg�s; Liens. Borrower shall pay alI taxes, assessments, charges, �nes, and impasition� attributable ta <br /> �he Proper�y which can attain pr�arity a�er this Se�ur�ty �nstrument, leas�hold payments ar ground rents on <br /> the Proper�y, �f any, and Commun��y Associa�ion Dues, Fees, and Assessments, if any. T��he e�tent that <br /> these ��ems are E�crow �tems, Borrovver shal� pay them in�he manner pr�v�ded �n Section 3. <br /> Barrovver shall promptl� discharge any lien wh�ch�as priari�y o�er this Security Instrument unless <br /> Barrower: �a} a�rees in writing to th�payment of th��bliga�ian se�ured by the lien in a manner acceptabl� <br /> to L�nder, but oniy so lang as Borr�wer�s performing such agreement; �b}cont�sts the li�n in good fa�th by, <br /> or defends aga�nst enforcement of the��en �n, �ega� proceed�ngs wh��h �n Lender's ap�ni�n opera�e to prev�n� <br /> �he enforcemen�of�he lien whiie thos�proceed�ngs are pend�n�, but an�y untz� such proceed�ngs are <br /> c�ncluded; or�c} secures from th�hald�r of the I�en an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordina�ing the <br /> Iien to this Security �nstrumen�. �f L�nder determines that any part of the Proper�y is subject ta a I�en wh�ch <br /> caz�attaiz�pr�or���r o�e�•th�s S�cur�ty �nstrumez�t, Le��d�r may g�ve Barrower a��a�ic�identifyi��� �����zen. <br /> '�'��h�n �D day�of the date on�vhich that nati�e is g�ven, Borrower sha�� sat�sfy the��en�r take one flr mor� <br /> of the actions�e� far�h abo�e in�his Sect�an 4. <br /> Lender ma�requ�re B�rr�wer to pay a�ne-time charge f�r a reai �stat�tax veri�ication andlor reporting <br /> service u��d by Lender�n��nn�ction with this Loan. <br /> 5. Pr�perty insurance. Borrower sha�� keep the impro�ements now existing or hereafter erec�ed on the <br /> Property �nsured aga�nst loss by fxre, hazards �nc�uded�v�th�n�he�erm "extended coverage," and any other <br /> hazards �nc�ud�ng, but not limited to, earthquakes and �loods, for wh�ch Lender requ�res znsurance. Th�s <br /> znsuranc��hal�be main�ain�d in the amount� �including deduc�ible le�els} and for the p�r�ods that Lender <br /> r�quires. '�Vhat Lender requir��pursuant tn the preceding sen��nces can change dur�ng �he term�f the Laan. <br /> The insuran�e carr�er pr�vid�nb �he�nsuran�e sha�l b�chosen by Barrower sub��ct ta Len�er's right�o <br /> d�sapprove Bflrraw�r's choi�e, wh�ch right sha��n��be ex�rcised unreasonab�y. Lender may r�qu�r� <br /> Borro�v�r�o pay, in canne��ion with this Loan, e�ther: �a} a one-t�me charge f�r fla�d zone det�rmina�ian, <br /> certification and tracking s�r�ices; or�b} a one-time charge for flood 2one determ�nat�an and certif�cati�n <br /> serWices and subsequen�charges each�ime remappings or similar ehanges occur which reasanably might <br /> aff�ct such determinat�an or cer�if�cat�on. Borrower shall alsa be responsib�e for�he payment of any fees <br /> imposed by�he Federal Emergency Managemen�Agency in conneC�i�n with the review �f any flood 2one <br /> de�erm�nation resu���ng from an obje�t�fln by Borrawer. <br /> �f Borr�wer fai�s to maintain any of the�overages described above, Lender m.ay abtain�n�urance coverage, <br /> at Lender's opti�n and Borr�v�er's exp�nse. Lende�is under na obiigati�n to purchase any par�icular type or <br /> amount of c�verage. Ther�f�re, such coverage shal� cover Lend�r, but m�ght or might not prntect Borrower, <br /> Barrower's equity in�he Property, or the con�ents of the Property, against any risk, hazard or��ab���ty and <br /> migh�pr�v�de grea�er or lesser co�erage�han was prev�ous�y �n effec�. Borrower ackno�v�edges that the cast <br /> of�h�znsurance cav�rag��� ob�ained m�ight signi��antiy�xceed th�cost of�nsuranc�that Borr�w�r cou�d <br /> ha�e ob�ained. Any amnunts dzsbursed by L�nder�nd�r�his S�ctian 5 sha�l become additi�nal d�bt of <br /> Barr��er s��ur�d by th�s Secur��y�nstrum�nt. Th�s�amoun�s shall bear in�erest at�he Note ra�e from�he <br /> date af d��bursernent and shall be payab�e, with�uch �n��rest, upon not�ce fram Lender t� Borrower <br /> reque�t�ng pa�ment. <br /> NEBRASKA-Singie Family-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNI�ORM iNSTRUM�NT Form 3Q28�10� <br /> VMP� VMPfifNEj 4�3��} <br /> Walters Kluwer Finar�cial Ser�ices Page 6 of�7 <br />