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Es«pt u ocherwur prorided 6y th�e Fumers Home Adminis�ation regt�latians, neither the properc,� nor�y <br /> poroton t6ereof or inurest tE►crein 3ha!!b�te�ged,a:signed,sald.transferrtd:or eacumbec,ed vnluatui�r c+r othe:�vise,witft�t � • ;. . <br /> the written coasent of the Governrreent. 11te Governmmt sha!! have the s�ole and e:ctusive rqg�ts as mortgagee bueunder,�� <br /> • iacduding iout aat l�mited to the power tn�t consenta,partizl releues,subordinations,and satisfaction,�nd no insured � <br /> holder s6all i�are acry iigbta,eitle oc iateresr�n or to the lien or any beneftts herto£ <br /> �' (73} Ac all reuenable ti� chc Governmmx and its agenta rr�ay in:pact.t�se.�.roperty to�scert�in whether tht eov- <br /> enar�ta and ag�eetnenta contaiuer3:iserein or in aay supptementaty ageement�s+e 6�-:.a}��erformed„ <br /> � (]4j 'I4ie Gov�suruen: �ay (a ad,�'e�st the interest rate,payrrieat, tuma or 6alance due on the loan,(6)increase elie � <br /> su u ) <br /> mortgage by an aaiaunt equal to deferred int«est an the outztand'u�principal6atance,(c} extersd or dcfcr t7�e maaul <br /> and renrw and iescli.�ute the paqmenu on,the debt erideaced fiy t}se note or any indebtedrtess tn the Government sec�i��$1 <br /> 6y thu insuumenr�'(d) ne2exte any party who is liable u.r�dwr the note or for the dcbt from Iiability to tlze Govcrmrr.rxz, � <br /> (e)rel�.ae poriions of the pt�rr.rty u�d wbord'utace its Iien,and (f)waive any other of its rig�u undcr.�his instrumemr.��,up• � <br /> �d aI1:.,1�s�+ can,a.� will be done without affecting the lien or tl�¢ priority of tf�is inatrument or Bc►rrower•s or any r�� . <br /> puYy'r 1.�"s+�ility hs di,:Gorernment for paymcnt of the note or debt secured by this instrumcnt unless the Governmcnr�pi- <br /> oche�c::sr in Kziriff� HOWEVER, �ny forbeuance by thr Gove:nment-whether once or often-in eaercising any right oz � <br /> r�m�d� vader_this�Untrumeat,or otl�erwise afforded bq applicab}r iaa,shall nat be a waiver of or prectude tke exercise of ' <br /> any su�Is�ight or remedy. . <br /> (F,�) If at any dme it sl�xlr.;z�pcu to tAe Govemment tl�at $onowa may !s�a1:�:to o6cain a lo�n Frcm.�producrion � �r <br /> credit association,�Federal land��nk,or other responslble eooperacive or private cz�,.:�:t source,ar ceasanable rates and terme ' <br /> for lo�ns for similu purpoxs�nd periods of time,Bonower will.upon the Governrneat's requcst.apply for and accept such <br /> , ioan in suf�icient amount to pay the note and�ny indebtedneas secared hereby and to pay far any :tocfc neeeuuy to be • '•:_,� <br /> purch�sed in a cooperative lendia{;agency in connection with auch loan. <br /> (thj Defiult hereunder 1s�{�constitute default under any other real cstata, or undcr any person�l�roperty or other, <br /> I security fuatrument held or insured by the Government�nd esecuted or aasumed by Barrower, �nd default under nny sueh <br /> other ucurity inatrument shall constin�ee default hereunder. � ---- <br /> (l7J Sorrowcr further agrces thzt tk�ie�r.(s)secured by chis instrument will 6e in default should any toan proceeds i <br /> be used for a purp ose that will co,ntribu f c;; :xeeasive croeion of highly erodt6lt ]znd or to the converaiori of wedands to <br /> produce r��agricaltura)commod'iry%, as fu:t�ereaplainrd in�CFR Part 1440,Subpu�eG,Exhibit M. <br /> (if�) SHOULD DEFAULT acx;;�r ;a ±3:t�etformance or discharge of�ny obiigation in thia instrument or iecured by <br /> this irrstr��r should the p::^r:is name-{r:;Banowcr die or be decl�red ar�incompetent,or should any one of the p�rtiee <br /> named is$orra;ar;e lie diseh�rged in banknc:r;:y or declared an insolvent or make an�ssignment for the benefiit of creditore, <br /> the Covernment, ::-;�s opdoa,with or wlchout notice, may: (a)declare the entire amount unp�id under the nate�nd�ny <br /> tndebtedneu t�;hz�overntr�ent hereby aecured immediateiy due ar�d paya6le,(b)fos the account of Borrower iacur and pay <br /> • reason:t�Pe et�ensea fos reQa�r oc maintenance of and tatcc,passession of, operate or rent the ptoperty,(c)upon application � <br /> bq it crxr,u,�zudac"t:4n of this in�trument,without other�sr.�dence �nd without notice of hearin of a�id a 1' h�ve,;, ;��,��� <br /> receiva�ppoinud fc+se the pcoperty, with thru�ual powersof teceivers in like cues, (d)foreclo�tl.iia instrument as provi�i:d` <br /> herein or by law,:rcd rej enforcc any and ap ad:r righes and semedies provided herein or by prr�e•:�:or foture law. <br /> (]9) 'Ihe proceeds of foreclo�ure sa2c sGa,.';be�p�';..�iu the following order re,r'.�A paymont of: (a)cos�sand eapenacs •� �. <br /> . Lseidenr. to enforcing or�omplyin,s. with the�:ovisions..ere�f,(6)any prior liena rcq,r�scd by law or�comprte-c coun to be <br /> so pai�}. �c) the debt evidence�i li}� the n¢te :�nd ail inc'✓:G�.cdnessto the Governm.e¢secured hercby, (d) e"nFr_•r:or liena of <br /> recorc��ec�uized by law or� comr�:�nt cocrs ra be so paid, (c} at the Government's o tion,an�at d� � <br /> cowcr owmg to or intured by the(,overnmcre„and (f)any batance to 8orrower.At forecl�sur�ur�othcr satccaf alt or�,,,sg <br /> part of titc praperry•,zhe Governmone�nd itac,�ents may bid�nd purcF.��.sc•as a stranger and m�y pay thc Govcrre-;ent's sh:;,,,: <br /> �F the pe�rch�se pricc by csediting such amount on�ny debts nf 8otrawet owin,� to or insured by the Cov:r-c-�,rnt, in t��c <br /> ordet prescribed above. � <br /> !�!`�; Borrower agrces ti:a: Ui�o Government will not bc bound by�ny prea:.^r or future Statc I�w,{a�prnvitliftg:�c- <br /> valuati�n, appraisai.. �COtr�e�tead or exemption of ehe property, (b) prohiblting maintenance of a� action for a deflcier::y <br /> judynent or limititi�2he amount thereof pr zl:e titne within which such acrion must ise br�u�,�,�'L1 prascribin�any other <br /> statute of limit9tior.s, (d)allowing any right �C redemption or posstssion follawing any fareclostrre safe, or !e)limiting the <br /> conditions which the Covernment tnay by segulation im�bse, including the intcr.::<�+t rate it rnay charge,ws a condition of <br /> appra�.ilr;� a transfer of. the ��,;,�erty tu a new l3orrow�r. �lvrrower exprea�ly w>:ve�the 6eaefit of any a:�c�� State lawa. <br /> � <br /> . � . ,r• -. _ - <br /> � � . <br /> i <br /> �. <br /> • d:�yFu <br /> � • � � � <br /> . h <br /> ° Id <br /> � <br /> � _ " � <br /> T (: <br /> ��: � <br /> J�� � <br /> _a���( <br /> ' f'' <br /> 3�#f Ei <br /> ��� i <br /> jsA+ _�._ <br /> �}_ <br /> 4 <br /> ,. � <br />