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<br /> � 90-�f OQ544 �
<br /> together with�ll rights(incfudirrg the rig}ets to mining products,gravel..r�l.gss;c�ad:n..r.ather rrrintet:3ls},intensu,easementa,
<br /> _ hereditamenu asid appurc�naaces thereunto belonging,the rents,isH-s.�x.�v.fir.s r:'.:ereof a.�d.c:�sxnues and income chexe.
<br /> �� fiom, all impro+�omtn3s and pezsonal propercy naw or later attuhe�13t�et�.�:r n.�snnably :��-,.tary ro tks use thereof.
<br /> iacuufi�{g,!wt not limited to. �'u:;ges, refrigerators. clothes washer�, clot':2a �•��s;�c;.= cupedng purefi�sed:u�financed in • ,
<br /> ��kr�re,grz in put witb twn funf£s;.,all water.water rights,and water stock pertas"::�theceto,�nd a11 paycn�ur��it any time .
<br /> c��.t�a�.!�orrower by virtue��':r.r,� ssle,lease.transfer,conveyance, ar conder�narion of any part thereof orfa;rvreat there-
<br /> i:u�.�,ef:-.w:uth are ir.{:t;:n e�ted.,',*�:e'propetty"; . . .
<br /> ��HAVB AI+f;B�TO HOLU tht praperty unto che Gov¢rnment aar£��aa:igns farever in fee simple. � , -
<br /> ff�',iRR01VEEt fos Bonowes's self, Borrower's heirs,executors,adminisuator^,sMcceuors and assigns WARRANTS T"rL ' ':�.• '
<br /> 1'[TG1E C�the property to the�a��rnment a ainst all lawfi�l claims and demanda n�s�l�oever except an�r liens,enwmbrancea,
<br /> ea:ements,reservations,or conti�,�rr:�ces spec�ed hereinabove,�nd COVENANTS 1dL�1']t�GREES as fol.ows: . !
<br /> (l} To pay promptly when due�ny indebtedness to the Government here6Y c►acured�r►d to indemnify and save huru- _=
<br /> less the Covernment a g a�nst loss under its insuratiec of payment of the note by reason of anp��Jefanit by Borrower.Ae;�T)�
<br /> times when the note is hcld by an insured holdcr,Bonower shall continue to make payments on dcr_�notc to the Govemme::r:, -
<br /> �coUec�ion agcnt for the hvlde�.
<br /> �l.! To paq to tl�e Goce�:��:�sent such fees and ot6er charges ae may now or herc�fter be required by rrFa3l.�.;ions of che �; —
<br /> Farrrc.ars�*slome Adminisuatior., . , '�
<br /> �,;; !f req�iir.c? by the �overnment, to make addidonal monxtz.y p�yment�of 1/�2 of the estimated�nnual ui:�:�;;,
<br /> usess_.c��ts,insurrnr,.e�remin-:�snd other rs tr�es upon the mortgaged premtse�. �
<br /> �'�;;; Whether ar not t;:�: �:,:c i� insu:e�by.the Governmcnc.che Govcrnmen:may ac�ny time pay any other�mannzs j
<br /> requix+ad!fherein co be pnid by v�r�awcr and not patd by Borrowcr when due, as wc;l as any cosis and espensea for the pre- �
<br /> �ewatian,protection, or enfor�.ment of thv lien. a� advances for the account of Borrower.All each advancei shaU bea:
<br /> , ietcreu zt the ratc bome by ehe.note�v6ich Ras tfie hig�oet interest rate.
<br /> (S) All advancet by ehe Govcrnmeni a:de:cribed in this iristrumene,with interest,�hall be immediauly due and pay-
<br /> ahle by flot�ower to.the Goverr,;-rent withaut demar�d at the placc de�ign�ted in the lateet nou�nd ahall be secured hertby. �
<br /> NO Gi1GI1 advance 6y t6e Gotierm�ment shall rolieve Borrower from breach of Bonower'a covenant w pay. Such advances, ; �`".
<br /> with it�terest,ehali bc re�Qa�d fr���n the fiirs4 available colter.t:ion�received from Boaower.�therwise.any p�yment made by
<br /> 8orcowrcr may be applied on the noto or�ny indebtednesa to thc Govetnment secuted hercby in any order thc Govcrnmcnt '
<br /> determines.
<br /> (6) To use t6e lo�n eridenced by the note wlely for purposeaaWtAosized 6y the Government. '
<br /> ;,7) To pay when due a!= taxes, lien�,judgments„ r�cumbr�ncea, and assessmenti lawfully attaching co or assessed
<br /> • ag�inY�e ehe property,inclnditr�zlL charge��nd as�e�m�enthi.�.wnneetion with w�atr.,�,.watcr right�,and water r,r�ulc pert�ining
<br /> to or reatana6ly netrssuy r,� tfu ux of thc rea) propera� described above,an3 aJ.l caxes and aeseasmente:c.ied upon thia
<br /> mortgago o: ehe notc or ar�y �ndebtcdness hereby seeure� o: �g,�init„�sy IegaP hotden c�reof or of the note or of aaid in-
<br /> debtedneas under t�;s law�of Nebruka, and pramptly deliver to the c.��1=�crnment withoue derrnutd seceipts evickncing such
<br /> payments,
<br /> , (L�) To keep the pra;.c�re�r insured a�requited by ar;:ucsd�:a�rrsarancc po!i.cues approvcd �q the Gnvcrnmant and,�t
<br /> itf�ne�;uwt,ta deliver such pct:r.u:r to t6e Cavernment.
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