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2� 1 ��7945 <br /> ���� �� ����� <br /> �.��� ��o ��������� Q������a���� ���� � <br /> interest in and to afE present and �uture ieases of the Praperty and all Rents frvm the Property. In addit�on, Trustflr <br /> grants to Lender a Uniform Commerciaf C�d� securi�y inter�st in�he Persona! P�-operty and Rents. <br /> THIS �EED aF TF�US7r I�CLU�i�C THE ASSEG�NiE�T �F F�ENTS AN❑1'HE SECU�ITIf If�1TERES�i' If� THE RENTS ►4n!!Q <br /> PE�50�!►�L I'�i�P��TI�, IS GI!!E� l'� SECURE tA� PAVIUIE�T OF THE Ii��EBTEDi�ESS AND {�j PERFORf�Ii►��ICE a� <br /> E�CH �F T�USTD�'S ►�(�REEME�TS A�D DE�LIGAT'IDNS UNDER THES D�ED �F TRUST. THIS DEED �]F T�UST' IS <br /> �I!lE�1 A�1D AC�EPT'ED��THE FDLL���i�IC TEF�MS: <br /> PA����� ►��� PERF���#i►����. Except as athe�wise provided in �his Deed o� �r�st, Trustor shall pay ta Lender all <br /> amounts secured by this Deed of Trus� as �hey b�come due, and shall s�trEctly and in a timely manner perform all a� <br /> Trustar's o�ligatians und�r the �redEt Agreement,this Deed af Trust, and the Related Documents. <br /> P�SSESS���1 A�l� f�AI�TE�[►��ICE C3F THE PR�PERI"V. Trus�or agrees that Trustor's p�ssession and use ❑f the <br /> Property shall be go�erned by the�ailowing pra�isions: <br /> 1°ossessian �nd Use. Llntil the occurrence of an E�ent o# Default, Trustor may �'I} remain in passessivn and <br /> can�rol o��he Properfy; ��� use, operate vr manage th� Property; and �3} coile�t�he Rents from the Property. <br /> Du�y �a i��intain. T�ustor sha�l maintain �h� Praperty in good condition and promptly per�vrm a!! repairs, <br /> replacemen�s, and main�enance necessary to preser�e its�alue. <br /> H���rdous SlA�75���'iC�S. Trustor represents and warrants that �he Praper�y ne�er has been, and ne�er will be sa <br /> long as �his ��ed o� Trust remains a lien an the Praperty, used far the generation, manu�aGture, st�rage, <br /> treatment, d�spvsal, rel�ase ar threatened release of any Hazardous Subs�ance in �iolation of any En�ir�nmental <br /> Laws. Trustar au�hvrizes Lender and its agents t� en�er upan�he Praper�y ta mal�e such inspectians and �ests as <br /> Lender may deem appra�riate �a determine camp�iance af the Property with this s��tEon v� the Deed af Trust. <br /> Trustor h�reby �1 y releases and wai�es any fu�ure claims against Lender fvr indemnity❑r contribution in the eWen� <br /> Trustor becames liaE�ie for cleanup ar❑ther cos�s under any such laws, and �Zy agrees to ind�mni�y, de�end, and <br /> hvld harmless Lender agains�any and ali c[aims and Iosses resul�ing from a breach ❑�f this paragraph of the ❑�ed of <br /> Trus�. This obligati�n tv indemnify and defend shail sur�i�e the payment�f the lndehtedness and the satisfaction <br /> vt this Deed of T�ust. <br /> ❑UE a�1 SALE- ���SE�IT �Y LEN!]EF�. Lender may, at Lend�r's optiion, declare imm�diat�ly due and payabfe al1 sums <br /> secured by this ❑e�d o�Trust upon�h� sale or transfer, without Lender's prior written consen'�, vf atl or any par�of the <br /> Real P�operty, or any interest in the Rea) Property. A "sale flr trans�er" means the cvn�eyance a� Real Property ar any <br /> righ�, title vr interes� in the Real Proper�y; whe�her legal, beneficiaf or equitable; whether �oluntary or in�oiuntary; <br /> whether by outri�ht saie, deed, installmen�t sale contract, land �on�rac-�, contract for deed, leaseho�d anterest with a <br /> �erm grea�er�han three t3y years, iease-option contract, or by sale, assignmen�, ar�rans�e�- of any beneficial interest in <br /> or�o any land trust halding �i�le ta the Reaf Praperty, or by any o�her method ❑f can�eyance o� an interest in the Real <br /> Pr�perty. Hawe�er, �his op�ion shall not he exercised by Lender i� such e�ercise is prah�bited by �ederal law o� by <br /> fVebraska law. <br /> T'e4�CE5 ►��d�] LIE�lS. Th� fo�lowing pro�isions relating to the taxes and liens on the Praperty are par� vf this Deed vf <br /> Trust: <br /> �'�yment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in a!I e�ents priar tv d��inquency� all taxes, spe�ial taxes, assessments, <br /> charges �including wa#�r and sewer�, fines and �mpositians le�ied against nr ❑n account o��he Property, and shall <br /> pay when due ai� claims for work dane on ar for ser�ices render�d vr material turnished �t� the Praperty. Trustvr <br /> sha[I maintain�the Praperty�ree o#a�� liens haWing p�iarity o�er or equal t��he interest❑f Lender under this Deed a� <br /> Trust, except f�r the lien o� ta�ces and assessmen�s no# due and except as otherwise pro�ided in this Deed af <br /> Trust. <br /> PRD�ERI"Y D►��fi►��E I�SUR►��CE. The fol[owing pro�isions �ela�ing to insuring �he Property are a part o#this Deed af <br /> Trus�. <br /> L�i�in�enanc� o� Insuranc�. Trus�vr sha[[ procure and ma�ntain policies o# fire insurance with standard extended <br /> �o�erage endarsements on a �air �alu� basis far �he full �nsura�le �alue co�ering all lmpfo�ements on the Rea� <br /> Property in an amaunt sufficient to aWoid appli�a�ion af any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mvrtgage� <br /> clause in fa�ar o�Lender, tagether with such o�her hazard and liabili�y insuran�e as Lender may reasonably require. <br /> Policies sha�I be wri�ten in �orm, amvunts, cv�erages and basis reasonahly acceptable to Lender and issued by a <br /> company �r compan�es reasonably a�cep�ab�e �❑ Lender. Trus�or, upon request of Lender, wi�� deli�er tv Lender <br /> f�om time ta time th� policies ❑r certificat�s of insurance in �vrm satisfactory tv Lender, inc�uding s�ipu[ations tha� <br /> coWerages wil! no� be cance�led ❑�- diminished wi�hou�t a� least ten ���y days privr written notice to Lender. Each <br /> insurance po�icy also shall �nClude an endorsement prv�iding that ca�erage in fa�or ❑f Lender wi�� nat b� impa�red <br /> in any way by any ac�, vmissian or d�fault af Trustor or any ather pers�n. Should the Real Prvperty he iocated in <br /> an area d�signated by�he Admin�s�ra�or of the Federal Emergency IIllanagement Agen�y as a special f�ood hazard <br /> area, Trus�or agrees ta obtain and masntain Federa� F��od InsU�an�e, if a�ai�able, fvs th� maximum amount �� <br /> T�ustor`s credit line and the full unpaid principal balance ot any pr�or liens on the property securing the loan, up to <br /> �he maximum p�1�cy limits set under the lVativna� Fiood [nsurance Pragram, or as otherwis� required lay Lender, and <br /> �v main�ain such insuranGe for the term a�the loan. <br /> LE�DER'S E3�PENDITl1�ES. If Trust�r fails {Ay �❑ keep th� Property #ree o� all taxes, liens, security in�erests, <br /> encumbrances, and vther c�aims, tBf ta pro�ide any requi�ed insuranGe an the Propertyr �r �Cy t� ma�e repairs�o the <br />