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2� 1 ��7944 <br /> ���� �� �'���� <br /> a���� ��: ��������� �����o����� ���� � <br /> af a se�ured par�y under�he iVebraska Uniform Commercial �ode. <br /> For�closur� by Pvv�e�v�Sale. [f Lender�lects to �orec�ose by�xer�ise of the f�ower of 5ale her�in contained, <br /> Lender sha1� noti#y Trustee and sha�� deposit with Trustee this Deed ot Trus� and the Credi� Agre�ment and <br /> such receipts and e�idence��expenditures made and se�ured by�his Deed ot Trus�as Truste� may require. <br /> �a} LJpon rece�pt of such no�ice from L�nd�r, Trustee�ha[[ cause�� be �eGarded, published and deli��red <br /> �a Trustor su�h [Va�iGe nf ❑e�ault and PVotice of Sale �s �hen requsred by i�w and by �his C7e�d �f Trust. <br /> Truste� sha�1, withvut demand on �'rus�or, a-�ter suGh time as may then be required by law and after <br /> recordation af such fVotice vf De�auE� an� after NotiGe of Sale ha�ing been gi�en as r�quired by law, sell <br /> th� Property at �he �im� and place ❑f sal� ��xed hy it in such Notice o� Sa�e, either as a whal�, ❑r in <br /> separate lo�s ar parceEs or items as Tru��ee shall deem �xpedient, and in such vrder as it may d��ermine, <br /> at public auctian�o �he highes�hidder�or cash in law�uE money af the United S�a�es pay�bl� a�the time <br /> o� sale. Trustee shall de�i�er t� such purchaser or purchasers thereof i�s g�vd and sufficient deed or <br /> deeds con�Ey�ng th� �raper�y sQ svld, but withvut any coWenant ar warranty, express vr im�alied. The <br /> r�ci��ls in such deed v� any ma��ers ar �acts shalf be Ganclu�i�e prvaf af th� �ruth�ulness ther�o�. Any <br /> person, in�luding wi'�hou��imitation Trustar, Trustee, �r Lend�r, may purchase at su�h sa�e, <br /> {by As ma}� be permitted by law, af-Cer deducting ail C�S�S� ��es and e�penses of Trustee and o� this <br /> Trust, including cvsts v#e�idenc� of titl�in cannection with sale, Trustee �hall apply the praceeds o�sale <br /> ta �aym�nt of �i� all �ums expended under the �erms �f �his D�ed a� Tru�� vr under the �erms ❑f �he <br /> Cr�edi� Agreemen� nvt�hen repaid, inc�uding but not limi��d ta accrued inter�st and late ch�rges, �ii� al� <br /> o�her sums then secured hereby, and {iiiy the remainder, if any, to the person or persans legally entitled <br /> thereto. <br /> {cy Trustee may in�he manner provid�d by law postpon�s�le �f all ❑r any p�r�ian o#�he Praper�y. <br /> Remedies No� Exclusi��. T�ustee and Lender, and ea�h of �hem, shall �e en�itled ta enfor�e payment and <br /> per�vrman��o�any ind�b�edness or abliga�ions secured by�his ❑�ed of Trust and�v �xe�cise a!I rights and powers <br /> under �his �e�d o� Trust, under �he Credi� Agreement, under any v� �he R�la�ed Documents, or unde� any v�her <br /> agreem�n� ar any laws naw ar hereaf�er in ��rce; notwi�hstanding, s�me or all of such ind�b�edness and <br /> obliga�ians secured by this Deed of Trust may now vr hereafter be athervvise s�cured, wh�ther by martgage, deed <br /> af trustr pledge, �ien, assignment �r ath�rv►rise. fVeither the a�ceptance of�his fleed a�Trust nor its en�orcement, <br /> whe�her hy cc�urt ac�ion or pursuant to �he power v# sa�e vr other pawers cantained in this Deed of Trust, shall <br /> pre�udiee ar in �ny manner a��ec'�Trustee's or L�nder`s right to r�alize upon or enfiorce �ny ❑ther secur�'ty naw t�r <br /> hereaf-ter held by Trus�ee or L�nder, �t being agr�ed that T�us'�ee and Lender, and �ach o#�hem, sh�EE be e�titled to <br /> en�orce this Deed af Trust and any vther secu�-ity now or hereafter held hy Lender vr Trustee in such �rder and <br /> manner as they ar eith�r �t �hem may in their absolu�e discretion determine. IVo remedy cnnferred upvn or <br /> reserWed ta Trus�ee or Lender, is intended to be exclusi�e c�f any ❑�her remedy in this Deed ot Tru�� or by law <br /> pra�ided c�r permitted, bu� ea�h shali be cumt�la�i�e and shall be in additian �o ��ery ather remedy �i�en in this <br /> Deed o�Trust or now ❑r hereaf�er�xisting �� Eaw or in �quity or by s�atute. E�ery power ar remedy gi�en iay the <br /> Credi� Agreemen� or any o� the Related Documents �o Trustee or Lender vr ta which either o� �hem may be <br /> atherwise entitl�d, may 1ae exerGised, c�ncurrentiy ar ind�p�ndently, from �ime t� time and as ❑ften as may be <br /> deemed expedient by TruSt�� ❑r Lender, and �i�h�r of them may pursue inconsis�en� remedi��. Na�hing �n this <br /> Deed ❑�Trust shal[ be cons�rued as prohibi��ng Lender from ���k�ng a deficien�y judgment agains�the Trus�ar to <br /> the extent sueh action is permitted by lav�v, <br /> Eiec�ion Qf R�m�����. AII a� Lender`s rights and rernedies vvi11 b� �umula�i�e and may be exercised a[one or <br /> tagether. I� Lender decideS �� spend money Qr �� perform an�r o� Trustar's o�liga�ivns under �his Q�ed ot Trust, <br /> after Trus'�or's �ailure to d❑ sa, that decisian by Lender will nat affeGt Lender's right tv d�clare Trustar in de�au[t <br /> and to exercise Lender's remedies. <br /> R�ques��Qr�v�ice. Trustor, on b�half o�Trustar �nd Lender, hereby reques�s that a capy of any Na�ice af aefautt <br /> and a cv�y o�any Notice v�Sa�e under this D�ed nf Trust b� m�iled t�th�m at�he �ddresses set farth in�he first <br /> �aarag�-aph of this Deed a�Trust. . <br /> �tfiarr�eys' F�es; Expens�s, [f Lender institutes any suit ar act+�n ta enforce any a� the terrns a�f this ❑eed vf <br /> Trust, L�nd�r shall be entitled to reco�er su�h sum as fihe court m�y adjudge reasvnabl� as attorneys' �e�s at trial <br /> and upon any a�apeal. Wh�ther or no� any cvurt a�tion is in�vl�ed, and �o �he e��en� nvt prohii�i��d by law, all <br /> reasonable expen�es Lender in�urs �hat in Lender's opinion are necessary at any time f�r the pro�ection of its <br /> interes�ot�he en�orcement of its rights shall become a part of the Indeb�edness payabie on demand and shall bear <br /> in�erest at �he �redi� Agreement rate from �he da�e a� �he e�cpenditure until repaid. Expenses co�ered hy this <br /> paragra�h in�lude, vvith�ut limi���ion, howe�er �ubj�ct ta any �imi�� under �pplicabl� I�w, Lender's a��orn�ys' �ees <br /> and Lender's lega[ e�penses, whether �r nat there is a [a�vsui�, inciuding a��orneys' #ees and expenses for <br /> I�ankrup�cy proceeding� �in�luding e€�orts �a modi�y or �acate any automatic stay ❑r injunc�tian}, ap}�eafs, and any <br /> an�icipated pos#-judgment callec�ivn s�r�ices, �he Gost o� searching recvrds, �btaining titl� reports {including <br /> foreclvsure repnrts}, sur�eyors' reports, and a�praisal fees, title insurance, and �ees �or�he Trustse, �o �he ext�nt <br /> permi��ed by applicabie law. Trustar alsa will pay any cvurt�os�s, in addi#ion tv all a�h�r sums prv�id�d by faw. <br /> [1fi�5CELL►�i�EQUS PRa�liSln�S. The�o�lawing miscellaneous prvWisians are a part o�this Deed of Trust: <br /> Gor�erning L��r. Thrs �eed v�T�ust ►���� b� gouermed �y �ed��a1 lar� ap�licable �v L�nd�r �nd. �o �h� ex�ent nv� <br />