2� 1 ��7927
<br /> ���� �� ���1�Y
<br /> . �Car���r�ued� ���� �
<br /> th�#titls vui�l� at Lende�a optian, �mme�iat�xy�ecome sub�ect to the t�rms�f fhis Deed af'Trust, anc�Trus#or will
<br /> execut�,d�1���r anci re��rd all d�curnents n�c�ssa�ar approp��t�tc��s�ur�that sucn title i��ec���d�y#hi�O�d
<br /> �f Trus#.
<br /> Notices Relatin�t�the Leass, fi rustor will prampt��notify L$nder in writins:
<br /> �'t� i�Tn�st�r�s in defau�t�n the p�rfarmance vr�bservanc�of�r�y af th� te�ms, c��renants, or c�n�ition�
<br /> �nrhich Trustar is�a p��orm a�abs��r�u�td�r tn�Le�s�;
<br /> �2� if any�vent a�cur�v�rhi�h waul��c�nstitu#e a��fauit un�er the�ease;
<br /> �3} if an}�n�t��e�f d�fault is�iven to Yrc��tar b�r t�e��ndlo���and�r the Lease;
<br /> �4} if, pursu�nt to fh� �.e�s�, an�pra��d�received far th�Prap�r�y�re d�posited�rith someone at�er th�n
<br /> Lender, uvh��her r�ceiU�d fram an�in�u�ance on t�te Proper�y ar from ihe taking o�any�r a11 af th��roperty �
<br /> b��min�nt d�maln;and �
<br /> ��} if any arbit�ation or appr�is�l prace���ng�ar�r�ques�ed or�n�titutetf pu�suant to th�Lease. �
<br /> �'rustar agrees tv pro��t���,�nder pr�m�#ty with a copy o€aEl vvr�tien mater���s r�lating to any vf t��abov�and to ,
<br /> pravide L�n��r'vwlth suci�r�#her�nf�rm�ti�n as L�nder m�y re�sanab��r request.� Y�ctst�r�grees th�t promptl�af#er
<br /> the ex�cutian and d�llv�ry af this C�e��of Trust,�"ru�#or vtiri�l na��fy th�landlord under t�e Leas�in writ�ng ot the �
<br /> exe�ut��n and deliver�l a�thts Deed c���'rust ar�d of th�nam�an�a�dr�ss af Lender and�rlll�efiw�r a+c�p�af this
<br /> T��ed�f Yrust to th�landlor�,
<br /> C��tion to �ur� Lea��aefa��t.. Upon L�nr�er's r�����t of any writ#�n natic�of Trustr�r's c��Tau�t un�ier the�ea��,
<br /> Lender r�nay� aE Lenders apt�an, cure su�h default� even thaugh Trustor, or �ny party on be��lf of Tr�ustar,
<br /> qu�stions ar d�nies fhe�xist�nc�o�su�h d�f�ult�r the na�ure a�the dEiault. Trust�r exp�essly�rant� to L�nder '
<br /> �he abs��ute and imm�d�ate right t� �nter upon th� Pr��er#� to such extent and as aften a� L�nder in it sv�e
<br /> discretior�d�erns ne��ss�ry�r desirabre in Qr�er to�rauenk Qr�ur��ny such de�'au�t by Trustar.
<br /> DUE L3�!SALE-C�NS�NT BY�.ENb�R. Lend�r rr��y, at L�nder's optian,decfa�e imme��ateEy due�r�d pay��le��I sums
<br /> secure���fhis D��d of 7`ru�t�pon t�e s�le Qr#ransfe�,w�thout I.ender's pr�or written cansent�of�fC�r any p�rt af the
<br /> Fieal prop�rty��r�ny inter�st�n the Rea� Prapert}�. 1� �sale ar tr�nsfer"r��ans fhe co�veyance af Real Pr�p��y or any
<br /> rtght, t�tle or interest fn the F�eal p�operty; whether legal, bertefi+�f�l �r �quitable; whethe� wolurtt�ry o� inv�funtary;
<br /> v�rhether by au�right sa�e, deed, Insfailm�nt sa�� �ontr�ct, lar�� c�ntr�ct, c�ntra�t for dee�, �easehofd interest with a
<br /> �erm �reater th�n #hr�e �3��earss reas�-aptf�n c�ntract,or by sa1e,ass�gr�mer�t,ar�ransf�r of any��n�#i�i��ir�t�rest In
<br /> or ta any l�nd trus#h�lding t�tle t� the R��1 Propeny� ar b��ny other method�f�anV�yanc� �f an fn#er�st in the Real
<br /> Prap�rly. !f an}r 7rustor 1s�carparafion, partner�hip or limit�� lia�il�ly company� t�anst�r also inciudes an�change in
<br /> awnersht�of more than twenty-fiv� perG�nt���°�q�of th�uo�in�sta�k, partn�rship int�rests ar limtted li�bility c�rrt�any
<br /> int�rests,as the cas�r�ay be��f su�h Trusfar. F{awever��his apt�on shall nat be�xercised by Lend�r�f�u�h ex�rcise
<br /> is pr�h��ited bY federaE Eaw a�by hlebraska law.
<br /> T�AKES ANa LtENS. Yhe folfau�ing pro�is�ans r�lat�ng to ��e ta�x�s and I�en$ ot� th� �r�p�r�y are part of this �eed o�
<br /> 7rust:
<br /> �aymer�t. `�rustar�h�fl p�y�rh�n du�{and in�11��$nts pri��#o d�i�n�uenc��ail#�xes�sp�c�at taxes,assessmer��s,
<br /> c�arge��includin�water and sewer�,fnes ar�� impositians ievi�d a�ainst�r�n a�count of t�se pr�perty,and shal�
<br /> pay wh�n due ��I �l�ims f�r w�rk done ar�vr fo�sen►ice�rendered o�mate�ia[�urnished ta th�f'rapertye �'rus#Qr
<br /> �f�all m�intain th�F�rap$rty�re�of al�Itens havir�c��r�arity over Qr e�ual ta the interest�f Lender und��this Deed o�`
<br /> Trust, ex��pt far the I��n of t�xes �nd �ssessmer�ts �no# due �nd �xcept as ofherw�s� pr'vvided in thi� Deed of
<br /> r���t.
<br /> R�gh#ta Contest. �'rustor may withi�old��ym�n�of any tax,assessmen�, o��I2�im 1n conn�ctfor��vith a g�Qd�atth
<br /> dispute aver t�e ob�igafiQn ta pa�, s�long as l.�nder's interest in th�Property is nat je�pardiaed, if a lien ari�es v�
<br /> is fl�d as a result o�n�npaym�nt, Trustar sha�l �rithih fi�t��n ��5� days af�er th�]�et�arise�o�', tf a tl�n is fi�ed,
<br /> �rit�l� fifteer� �'I5} �ay�after Trustor h�� not�c� �f fh���in�� se�ure if�e discharge v�the li�n, or i�requested by
<br /> Lender,dep�s�t with L.�nd�r cash�r a suffic�ent ca�porate sUr�ty b�r�d�r other secu�ity s�tts�actory���.ender 1n an
<br /> am�unt s��f�ient t�disc�arg�t�e lier��1us an�cas#s and a#t�rneys'f��s, �r ofher ch�r��s that�au�d�c�ru�as a
<br /> re�ul�o��f�re�I�sUre or sa��[�rider tF�e lien. !n any�ontest, �"rustat-sha[�defen��ts�1f�nd Lender ancf sha�l s�f�sfy
<br /> any a�v�rs�,�ud�ment befare en�orc�mer�t�gainst f�e�rope�y. Trust�r sha��name�Lender as a�addi#i��a�ob�ig�c�
<br /> UndQ�an�►surety t�ond furnished in#F�$�onte�t pracee�ir�gs.
<br /> �v�d�nce r�rt Pa�rn�nt, Tn��f�r shali upan�eman��urnish to Lender s�#isfact�ry ev�dence of�ayrn�nt of the taxes
<br /> or�sses�mer��s and�hall authflr�ze the appraprlat��atr�rnntenta! officlal to d�l�ver t�Lend�r at any t�rne 2�w��tten
<br /> stateme�f of the.t�xes an�i as��s�ments a�ai���the I'roper��.
<br /> htot�ce af Cans�r�ctt�n. Trusfvr sf��fl noYify �,ender at�east fft�er� ��i�� days before any w�rk is camm�nced, any
<br /> serv�ces ar�furnished,ar any ma#eria�s�r���pp�ie�#o the proper#y, if an�mec�anic"s l�en� mater�a�men's lien, or
<br /> ot�r�r Iien�ould b�asser��d nn acc��nt��the work, ��rvi���� or mater��Cs. Trustar wil� upvn reqct�st o�Len�er
<br /> �urrrish tQ Lend�r adWar�c� assurar�ces s�tisfacf�ry ta L�nder that Trustar c�n ar�d wi�l pa� the cost af sucl�
<br /> im�ra��ments,
<br /> PR�PERTY�Al�A��lNS�IaANC�. The fallawing pr�tris�on�relat�ng t� in��rin� th�Praperfy are a�art of this fleed af
<br /> Trust.
<br /> �aint�rrance of[nsur�ncs. Trusta�-shall procure and maintair� ��fici�s o�fire insuranc� v�ri#M st�ndard extended
<br /> �overa�e endarsem�nts vn�replacemen#basEs for'fhe f�fi insurab{e va�u�cc�Uering a�! lmprovements an t��R�a!
<br /> Prope�y in an amoUnt suf#ic�ent to avoid �pp�i�ation af any calr��ur�nce �lau�e, and with �standard mart�ac���
<br /> clause 1n favQr of L�nder. "�'rustvr�hall a1s�p���re an�i rn�tirtt�}n c�mprenensive fle�erai�iabiCity insuran�e�n such
<br /> �¢�+a��go arnount� �� tanaBr may r��u�st vyith 7ru�t�� ar�d Lender be�n� C]�rn�d S5 �d�!liio�l�1 i�i�ll�ed5 ln SLiCh
<br /> �i�bil�ty �nsurd��e pol�cies. �ddizl���!!�� Ynist4r sha�� rnaintain such other insuranc�, 1r���ud�ng bu# na#�imited ta
<br />; i�azard� �usiness Inte�rrupfion,aRd boil�t ir��urance, es k.�nder may reasonaf�ly�r�qu�r�. pol����sh�ll be written in
<br />; farm, amounts, cav�ra�ges and basis ��asan��E� accepf�ble to �ender and is�u�d by a compa�rry or �ompa�i�s
<br /> reas�r��biy accept�b�e to L�nd��'. `fr�st�r� u�an request of Lender� wil! de��ver to �ende�-frarr� time t4 t�rne th�
<br />� p�licies or cert�fiGat�s of insurance in fo�m $atisi`actary to ��nd�r, fnciUd�ng�t��ul�tiQn�#hat coverages v�il[ n�t be
<br />�
<br /> cancel��d vr diminish�d w�th�ut at leas�thl�ty�30}days p���t writte� not���to Lender. �acY�insuran�e policy�fsa
<br /> sh��l inclu�e a�t end�rsement p���ridin�#hat�avet'�g�in far��r�f Lender w���not be irnp�ir�d�n anyr way by any a�t,
<br />� omissi�n ar d�fault�f Trustor�r�ny�ther p�rson, �hau�d the f�eal Proper#�b�f�cated in an�rea designated by
<br />� t�e Administrat�r��the Fed�r�1 Emat�genc�Manag�ment A�ency as a sp�ci�! �aad �a�ard�rea� Tru�tor agr�e�ta
<br />; a�fain �nd mair�ta�n Federa! Flood lnsurance, �f a���la�1�, for the�'ui� unp�id prin�i�al b��an�e af tf�e�oan and any
<br /> prior ��ens on fhe property securing the l�an, up ta the m�x�mum p�11cy limlts set un��r #h� Nat[ar�al FioQd
<br /> Inst�canc��'r�g�am�ar as a�herwi�e r�quirec�by L�nder�and to m�intaln s�t�h tnsurance fQr th�te�m af the lo�n.
<br />� A�pli�ation of p�aeeed�. Trustor sha[�prorriptly natify Lend�r c�f any aa���r�am�ge to the F'�op�rty, Lender may
<br />� mak� proc�f r�f lass if Trustvr f�i1s ta do so within �ft��n 4�a� �ays ot the casu�lty. Vllhether or not Len�e�s
<br /> securi#y�s impaired,Lentle�rriay, at Lende�s e�ectian,r�C��v�anc�retain t�e proce�ds�f any�nsur�nce and appC�
<br />� the proc�eds ta t�e r�duct;ran o��the Incl�b#ed�ess� ���rm�nt of any lien aff�cting �he Pro�er#y. or t�e resta�atlan
<br />� an�rep��r�t the Prvp�rty. lt L�nder elects to apply the proceeds fo res#aratEon a�d repa�r,Tru$tar sha11 repair��
<br /> i -
<br /> i
<br />�
<br />�
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> I
<br />