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2� 1 ��7927 <br /> D��� �F T��1�T <br /> ��a�3f[n�u�d� Pa�e 2 <br /> TRU�7`��'S REPR�SFNTaT��NSi Al�f� 11�Ai�[�ANTiES, Trustor�r�rr�nt� that: (a� lhis C�e�� �f Tr�st is exe�uled at <br /> B�rrow�r's req�tes�and nat at the re�uest a��.�nder; ���Trustor has the f��� pvw�r, �i�ht, an� �utY��rity to enter inta <br /> thi� de�d��Tru�t an�to h�pathecate �he Pr�perty; �c} the pravisions of this ae���f Trust do not cor�fl�c#with, Qr <br /> �'e�ul�in�def�u�t under an}�a�reem��#flr ather lns#rum�nt binding u�on Trusttir and da n�t�esult in�v���at�vn +v�any <br /> �aw, re�ulation� caurt c�e�r���r arder a�plicable #a Trustor; �d�Trustor has�stabEish�d a�equ�t�me�ns af abtaining <br /> �ram Bvfrower an a �ant�nuing bas�s �n�armation abQut �orrawet's fn2�nc�a! candit�on; �nd ��) Lender has made n� <br /> r�pr�sentation to Tru$t�r abauf Borr�w�r[inc�uding without lirri�t�tc�n the eredi#�uarthiness af Bart-awer�. <br /> TRUS7'�R'S V�AIV�RS. Trustar wa�ves aii r'�ghts or defenses�rising ay reason�f�ny"�n��ctian"❑r"antf�-dsfictency� <br /> favvr or any ather la�w which n��y prevent Len��r from bringin� any activn again�t 1"r�stor, ir�cludinc� � claim far <br /> �ef��ency t�the exi�n#��nder is otherv�ise entlfl�d to a c��irn for deFclency, be�o�e vr after Lende��comm�n�em�nt <br /> �t'comp[et�t�r�of any fore�lasu�e�ction,�ither��diGi�]!y vr b�t exerci����a power of sale. <br /> PAY�1�1E�r ANi�PERFC�F�l1�ANGE. Exc�pt as�therwis����vided�n#hr�Deed af Trus#,�o�r�v��r and Yrusto�-shali pay to <br /> Lend�r �II 1r��ebte�n�ss secured by �I�i� Deed af �`rust as it hecam�� �u�� and ��rra�er and T�ust�r shall strict�y <br /> perforrrY ai��heir resp�ctive obl�gations under the Nafe,thi�a�ed af 7rust�ar�d#he Related�ocum�nts. <br /> �QSSE�S[�N A�Q �JIAlN7�NAl�CE C�F rH� �t�QRERTY. �ar�awer and Trust�r a��e� that BarrQv��r's and Trustar's <br /> possess�t�n�nd us�e of the Pr�per#�shai[be governed by the follvwing pro�isian�: <br /> poss�ss�or� arid Use. Unt�I �he occurr�nce of �n �v�nt of Def�u!#, Trustar may� ��} remain in p�ssessE�n and <br /> contral af the praperty; �2} us�,r�per�t�or man���t��Praperfy;and �3} co�l�ct the Rents�rom th�Froperty- <br /> Duty ta il�air�ta�n, Trustor s1���1 rnaint�in the Prap�rty i� tenanta�te can�itian a�d pr�m�t�y p�riarrrt alI repairs, <br />' rep�a�ements,and ma�nt�nan��necessary to �r�serve i#s val�e. <br />; <br /> . �ompliance U�lith Envlronmen#a!Law�. '�rustor reRr�s�nts and v�ra�rant�ta Le�der that: ��) Duri�g the per[od af <br /> T�ust�r's �easeho�d in#er�st in the P�opet#y� there has been n� use, �eneration� m�nufa�tur�, st�r$g�, tr�atment� <br />! dispvsal, r�leas�Qr fhreatenec� re��a��af any�azardou� �ubst�nc�by ar�y persc�n�n, un�er� about or fror� th� <br />� Pr� e � <br />; , p rty �2� Trustor has na knawl�dg� o�+ ar reason tn bel��ve th�t ther� h�s be�n� except as previausl� <br />: ��sc�osed t� and a�kno�r��dged by��nd��'in writln�, �ay �n��r��ch flr��o�ation a��n�r En�ironmental�, �b� <br />� any �s�A generatlon' m�nufa�cture, s�orage� tr�a#m�nt, �i�po�al, re�ease a�- thre�ten�� re�e�se of an�r H�ardo�s <br />� �ub�#ance an, ur�der� �bvut or fr�m th� praparty by any�rior o�rners ar accu�ants of the Pr�pert�, �r �c} any <br /> actua! or threat�ned �itigation or claims Qf any kind by �ny person reiating tv su�h ntatters; and �3� Ex�ept as <br /> pre�riousi}�discl�s�d to �nd acknouvledged by Len�er tn wrI#ing� �a� ne1#h�r Trustv�nor any tenant, �ontractor, <br /> �g�r�#vr ofher�uthar�zed u�e�o�the Property$h�l� us�,genera#�,manufa�tura� st�re,treat, dispose o�or rel�as� <br /> any i��ar�tvus Substan�e an, under,abaut or from the Pra��rty;�nd �b} any su�h act�vjty�hal! b�condu�ted �n <br /> c4mp�lanc� with all �p�l�cable f�d�r�l� �tate, an� I���I l�w�� r��ulations and flrdlnancesF inctuding without <br /> �imitat�on a11 Enuiranmer�tal Laws. Trust�r�uthorizes Lender an� its agents tv antef upon the Pr���rty t� make <br /> such inspe�ti�ns and te�t�, at TrusfQr's expense�as�,e�der ma�►�f�em app�-opr�at�#�de#ermEne corn�[ianc�af th� <br /> Pro��rt�witf� t�i� ��ction of the ���d af Trust, Any in�p�ct��ons�r t�sts m�d� �y �er�der�hal� b�for Lend��� <br /> pufpos�s❑n�y ar�d shall not be canstru�d to�reafe ar�y�esponsibiC�ty vf lia�ility on tt�e p�r�a�L�nder to Trustor ar <br /> to any otF�er per�on. The r�pr���ntati�ns�nd w�rranti�s cantairt�d he�e�n ar�based an Trustor's due diligenc�1n <br /> inve�#i�atir�g the Prt�pe�ty for�lazardaus Su�stances. �'rustar hereby �'!1 re�eas$s and wai����r�y future cl�im� <br /> a�a�nst��nd�r�or�n�em�ity�r c�ni�it�ut�on in the evenf�'ru�tar be�ames l�a�l���r cl�anup or other c�sts und�r <br /> �ny such jaws; and �2� a�r�s to indemni�y� d��end�an��o�d h�rrr��ess�ender a�ainst any an�at�claim�,lasses� <br /> liabiliti�s,darn�g�s,��enaEtieS,and expenses�v��ch Le�cler m�y di�ect[y ar indirect��$u����n�r suffer r��ult�ng�rarn <br /> ��re�ch a�if��s �ection of fhe �eed o�T�'t��x a�as�Gan�equence of any use,�eneratian, manufa�tur�,storage, <br /> di�posal,rel�ase or thr�atened refe��e�ccur�n�privr ta Trust�r's awner�hip or intere�t in th�Proper#y�wh�t�ter o�r <br /> not the�arrs�was ar shauld have be�n kno�n►n ta Tru�tar. The pt-4v�sions o�this section �f t�e Deed of Trust� <br /> including the Qbrfgatian#a ind�mnii�and defen�,sha��survive the�ayment af t���nde�t�dness an�t#�e s�t�sf��tian <br /> an�reoonve�ranc�of#h�lien of this❑eed of Trust and sha�l nv#be affected b��.�n�er's acquis�tion ort any inf�rest <br /> in the pr�p��ty�whet��r by'fareG�osure or otheruvls�. <br /> Nuisance, i�ll�ast�, �"r�c�sfar shall n�t c�use, cor��u�t �r �ermit arty nu�sance nor car�r�m�i, �e�mit, c����t�er ar�y <br />; stripping of�r w�st��n car t� #he Pra�erty or any pQrtian of t�e Proper-t�. Vllithout limiting #h�gener�lity of the <br />' f�reg�lnc�,Yrustor will n�rt r�mo�re� ar grant to any�ti�er pa�ty#he r�g�h�to r�moWe� any tifnber� m�n�rals��nc[uding <br /> or!�nd gasj,c�al,c�a�,s�oria,���l,grave�sar rock pr�ducfs vwithaut Lend�r'�prior wtitten consent. <br /> �temnv�l at[mprov�m�rtts. Trustar�h�11 not d�malish o�remrsve any In�pr�vements frvm the F�eal Prop��ty wit�out <br /> Lende�"s priQr writi�n cansent. �4s �Gandition�� the r�moval af any Imptovernen�$��der m�y requir�Tru�t�r t� <br /> m�ke arrangernents satisf�ctQry to Lender fo replac� su�h Improvements with lmpro�erryer�ts of �t least ea�a� <br /> val u�. <br /> l.�n�er's Ri�ht ta Enter. Lender�nd Len��r�s �g�n#s and r��re��ntativ�s may�nt�r upan th� Real Propert�+ at all <br /> reas�nable fitnes fo att�n� to �.e�d��'s �nterests �nd to inspe�t the F��a! F�ro�er�y far �urpa�es of �`rustor's <br /> cam���anc$w�th th��erms�nd conditiorrs af this aeed Qf Trust. <br /> Cam�l�ance with �overnmenta! F�e�uir�m�nts. Trust�r sha�l promptly campay witF� all la�rs� ardir�a�r�c�s, �nd <br /> re�u�ati�ns� rr�w or hereafter in �ff�ct, af a�f governmental autt�orit�es appl��abEe #�#h� use or oc�upancy o�the <br /> Pr�perty, �nc�udin�wi#hauf limitatio�, fhe J�m�ri�an$�lVith �7is�bf[ities Act. Trustor may G�ntest in gooc�faith any <br /> such �aw�ar�inanc�, or re�uaation and wlthf�oid��mpliar�c��u�in� �ny procs�d�ng� ir�cludin�appr��ri�te appea�s� <br /> sv Eon��s 7'rust�t�has not�fed�.ernder�n wr`itin� pr��r t�t���n�so ant�so iang as, in Lender's sal�apin�a�,Le�der's <br />; �n�erests �n th� Pr�p�rty ar� nat��opard��ed. Len�er may requir�TrustQr to past adea�ate�e�urlty ar a su�ety <br /> b�nd,re��onab�y sat�sfactc�ry ta L�nc�e�,t��rot��t Lends�s inter�s#. <br />! buty to p�ateat, Trustor agree�neith�r t� ��ar�don ar�ea�a unattended #h� �roperty, �rust�r sha�l do a�l�th�r <br />� tactg, fr�rit'�c�i�iort 4cs ihamo t��t�x��t forth s�bovr�irr thi�are�flcarr.wt�i�h f�-am thv ch�ractor mnct u:��s of ih�Pro�ey�}►pt-v <br /> reas�nably n�ces�ary�a�r��ect and pr�svrv�the F�roperty, <br />� C4mp�lance w[tI� Lgas�, 1'r�st�r rn►�li pay�!1 rent�and wilf�trictfy bbserve an� per�orm o�a#imeEy bas�s�1��ther <br /> t�rms� cavenant�� and cnndit�ons�f the�.�as�. �`rus��r vw��� in��mnify,defend��nd hoid�en�er h�rmless aga�nst <br /> al1 Iosses, l��bilities, acti�ns, suifs, pr�c��d�n�s� cvsts includfng attarneys' ��es �iairris, ��mands� and d�m�ges <br /> irtirha#���ver v�hich may 6��n�urred by r�ason o��rus#or's failure t� pay rer�ts or strf�t�y observe or perform under <br /> #h�L�ase. <br /> C�ther�Ag�eement� Retat�ng to t�e Leas�. �frusto���rther agrees ��� n�rt ta surrender, termfn�t$e o�' ��nce! th� <br /> Lease�and �2} nat to madify��han+ge,supplement��Iter� or amend#��Leas�a�ither oralfy or fn writins,witf�out <br />; Len�er's priar writte� �ans�nt, Any attempt by Trustat�ta d�any of the f�regoing wjt�tout Lender's prior writte� <br />; �vn��nt w#Il �e Woi� and af no force �nd�f��ct. s4t Lend�r�s opt�ar�� Tnrstor wil! depasit�rvith L�nder as�urth�r <br /> security a1!or�gir�al dacuments rela#ing ta the��ase�nd th��easehald int�resi in t��Praper�y. Un�ess Tru�tor is�n <br /> br�ach�r default of ar�y o�th�t��ms conta�ned in this ❑�ed of Trust, Lender will Y�a�re na r��ht tv cancel, m�di�y, <br /> change, suppfem�nt, a�ter Qr�m�nd the lease�ol� �nteres#. N�s�tate in the F�roper�y, whether� ��e title ta the <br /> Ie�seF�a�d p��mises, the leasehufd estat�, or an� sub�eas�ha�c�es#�te, ►�ri�� merg�vu�thout l..ender�xpr�ss wrtiten <br />� cons�nt; rather these �s#ates�rill rem�in separ�ate an� dlstinct, even if �her� i� � union �f th�s� estat�s in t�e <br /> �and�o��� i'rustor� or a�thfr� par�y�►h�pur�h�ses or att��rwtsa ac���r�s the estates. Yrust�r f�rth�r agr�es that i� <br /> Trustar aQquire�a11 c�r a porttflr�af the fee si�pl�t�t�e,or�ny oth�r lease�to�d Q�sUb��as��old tit�e to the l�rop�rty, <br />