T .. �c"c.'(Gt`�..+.Y:�;• �y h�'";..t�., .. .�r.�a."o".'�iCu".`Yt s.,�. 1 : : . ; �,ak* J,ri'u � - � ":_
<br /> ...,. ��... '....�..'s ._..-
<br /> __<ct.3'- - �`rr�i�. �8,�}�+.,� �.'. .,=-tir�:;�::iciiuSea`'y�.i�.v'�`'�f�EC'Di�&�z,�,.eiKil�Yi�i1_ i3��tw?�i�."�L:e�6�7d'.i4a.ry._�,. 3wa,....:.
<br /> � _.� . �
<br /> , �) .
<br /> If Lender reQuired mongage insurance as a condition of mafcing the loan secured by t iTi s• Seeun't�rins r�u�n[�
<br /> r Borrawer sha!!pay thc premiums required to maintuin the ins�rance�n effect untii such ti►ne as the requiremeni for thr
<br /> insurance ttrminates in arcordan¢e with Borrower's and Lcnder's written agrecment or applicable taw.
<br /> . 8. I�spe�cttoa. Lender or its agent may make reasonabte entries upon and inspections of thc Property. I.ender
<br /> . shali giv�B�orrowtr notice at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying rensonabte cau�e far the inspecrion.
<br /> 9. Cosdemnattoe. The proceeds of as�y award or claim for damages,direct or consequcntial,in eonnection witb
<br /> any condemnation or other taking of any part af the Property,or for sonveyance in iieu of condemnation.are herehy
<br /> assigntcl and shall be paid to Ltnder.
<br /> In the event of a total taking of the Property.the praceeds shal!be applied ta the sums secured'ny this Security
<br /> Instrument,wheth�r or not then due,with any excess paid to Borrower.In the event of a partiat taking of tht Property,
<br /> �nless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sums secured by this Security Ins~.rument shall be redua2d by
<br /> the amaunt of the proceeds muItiplied by the following fraction: (a)the totaI amount af the sums secured imtne�iately
<br /> ' before the taking,divided by(b)the fair market value of the Property immediately before the taking.Any balance shal!be
<br /> ' paid to Bonower.
<br /> . H the Property is abandoned by Bonower,or if,after notice by Lender to Banower that the condemnor offers to
<br /> . make an award or settle a claim for damages,Bonower fails to respond to I.ender within 3U days after the date the notice is
<br /> given,Lender is authorized to caflect and appty the proceeds,at its option,either tv restaration or repair of the Praperty ar
<br /> ' to the sums xcured by this Security Instru�nent.whether or not thec�due. �
<br /> UnIess I.ender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing,any application of proceed.r:t,z.grincipal shall not extend or
<br /> p�stpone the due date of'the monthly payments referred to in patagraphs 1 and 2 os chaz:�t���±ount of such payments.
<br /> 10. Borrawer Not Released; Forbearance By I.ender Not a Waiver �actenC�•L�~tL�:time for payment or
<br /> m+odification of amortiration of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted b-�=.�`..e,--.y:.a. :� any successor in .
<br /> interest of Borrower shall not operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or�;;!;s�wec's�i�!:cessors in interest.
<br /> , Lender shall not ix requiretf tu commence proaedings against any successar in interest or refi::�to�extend time for
<br /> , payment or otherwise modify amortization of the sums secured by this Security t as:rument by reason,cfa�y demand made
<br /> . , by the original Borrower or Sonower's successors in interest.Any forbearance�y r.ender i�s�xe:cisin$;���right or remcdy
<br /> shall not be�waiver of or pTeclude the tx�ise of any right or re�tedy. '
<br /> �i. Sut�ors and Assigos Honsd;Joiat and Serenl Li�i6ty;Co-sigeers. 'Y�1�cxsvenants and agre�cnr,.r�t�flf � •
<br /> this Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors and 2as:gns of I.ender and Horruwer,subject.��t�:e�:rUrF�;�;�ns ��!
<br /> � oP paragraph 17.Borrower's covenants and agreements shaA be joint and several.Any Borrower who ca-si��cP.;s Sect�rity �' : �
<br /> � Instrument but does not eaecute the Note:(a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only ta mortgage,�.cc anti canvey ' '����
<br /> . -�.:,
<br /> that Barrower's interest in tte Fcopert�•u.nder the terms of this Security lnstrument;(b)is nat personally obligated r�T�ay ' ��
<br /> � the sums secured by this Security Ir_strlrr�ent;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrowet may agree to ea:end, `
<br /> : modify,forbear or make any acsomrru�ations with regard ta the terms of this Security lnstrument or the Note without . '
<br /> that Borrawer'�consent. �
<br /> ' 1Z. Loae t9�arges. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subj�ecc to a law which sets maximum laan
<br /> , charges, and that law is Rnally inter�reted so that the inter�st or ather toan charges c�1l�eted or to be coltected in '
<br /> ; connection wii� �he loan exceed the pesmitted limits, then: (a)any such loan charge st;:;1� '��reduced by the amount -
<br /> ; n�sary to rc��,�re the charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already collected frc�Borrow•er which eacceded • '�
<br /> , p�n-�.tted limits will be refunded to Borrawer. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing tIse principal owed �
<br /> : un�3:s the Note or by ma�inga_direct payment to Banower.If a rc1'und reduces principal,the reductici�r�;11 be treated asa
<br /> ; partial prepayment withouc r•�:y prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> . 13. Legislation Affecting Lender's Rlght�. lf enactment or expiration of ar����:-.�ble laws has the effect af
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this Security lnstrument unenforceable�rcording t;�.;es�erms.Lender,at its option. '
<br /> � may require immediate p�yment in PuU af all sums secureJ by this Security Instrumer_i a�d may inrr,ke any remedies
<br /> ! permitted by paragraph lg.If�ender exercises this opiion.Lertder shaU take the st�ps sFec:�:d in the sr:��r�d paragraph of , '
<br /> paragraph 17.
<br /> , 14. Natiees. Any noticr to Ho�rower provided far in tti iv.�ecurity Instrument s1�:a.!!��:bi�e-�l.�.livering it or by `
<br /> mailing it by fsrs?dass .��l unless app?icable law requires use af another methad. The r���i�e sFall 1��directed ta the .�.
<br /> Property Address or any a;her address liorrowcr desi�nates by notice tc�Lender.Any not�ce ta i.endr,r�.liall be given by
<br /> � � first class mail to Lender's a�dress stated herein or any other addtcss I.ender designates by notice tn Borrower.Any notice
<br /> ptovided for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrnwer or Lerder whcn give��as pravided
<br /> in Ihis paragraph.
<br /> ; 15. Gorerning l.aw;Severabilily. This Security Instrument shall Eie governed by federal law and thc 1aw of'ihc
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is located.In the event that any provision c�r clause of ti�is Security Instrument or the
<br /> Note c�nflicts with applieable law,such confliet shall nat affeet other pruvisions of thi�Securily Insirument c+r the Note
<br /> whicb can he given ef�ect without the conflicting provision.To this end the ptovisinns of this Security lnstrurr,ent und the
<br /> ' Note are de�;tared to be severable.
<br /> 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shaU be given one cunformed copy�►f the I`'ute and of this 5ecurity Instrument.
<br /> 17. Tnesftr ot the Proprrfy or a Heneflcial Interest in Harro�ver. �f A�I nf any part af thc Property or any
<br /> interest in it is sald or transferred(or if a bcneficial interest in Borrowrr is sr�ld ur tr�nsferred and Horrower i�n�+t a naturel
<br /> persan)vlithout Lender ti priar written consent. l.ender may,at its option,reyuire ir►�mediate paymrnt in full as aU sums
<br /> secured by this Serurity Instrument. However. �his uption shal)not be exercised Ay l,ender if exercise is pre,hibited by
<br /> federailawas�Sthedate.ofthisSecurityJnstrumeni. ;-_ -�=_
<br /> !f Lendet exercises this option.Lender shall give}3orrower notice of aceeleration.Thc nutire shaU provide a peric�d '
<br /> oPn�t less than 30 day�fr�m the date the notice is delivered ar maileci wilhin which[3orrower musl�ay all�umti secured hy .
<br /> Ihis Sea;unty Instrument.lf gorrawer fails to pay these sums prior td the expiration nf this peri�xl,i.ender may inw�ke any
<br /> remcdirs petmitted by this Security lnstrument without furlher notice ar demand c�n}3urrcrtiver. ,
<br /> ' !s B�trg��'s P.I�lst t�P.el�t:. !f&stas�cr rnccts cer�air�cond�tif��is, �f11 ftriYC%4fI3tI�=I1tYC f IIC fl�'}IY fl�}Ii1VC �
<br /> enfnrcement�f this Security Instrument disc�mtinued nt any time prior tu the earlier of:(a)5 d�ys(nr such other pen�xi as
<br /> � agplicahle law may apecify for reinstuttment}bePare cale e,f th?PrnnPrt y r�!.*sa�an! rn<�n y{+rn�er<�f s�te eemt:.�in e�.!sn t hiv
<br /> Sc�.urrty lnsttum.nt:or/b)entry of a judgmrnt enforcmg thi�5ecurity Instrument. "�hotie cundiuuns are�hat E3unower.
<br /> fa)pays I,ender al)sums which then would be due under this Secur�t y lnstrument an� the Note ha d nn arce terot���n K
<br /> c�ccurrcd. (b�c:ures pny default�P any uther cruvenants or agreements� (c) pa}�s sl) cx�Ynses �neurtcd iri enG�rcin,�this �
<br /> Secunay In!:trument, �nrludmg, but nar limited tn, re:�sonable;�ttc�rneys'fec�, and (d1 takc�sach acti��n a� I ende�may
<br /> reaumably «yuare tr�as9ur��h�t Ihe hen ��f th�s Securdy Instrument, l.en�l��r'�right� �n tl�c 1'r���crt! ar�d l3vrri+u�er'�
<br /> obLgatir�n tu �+ay tfte sums yecureQ by this �er�urity h►strumenc sha!! i�,ritis;uc un�trari�;cd E�(�:tn rem�tatetnent hy � °
<br /> Ifnnnw�rr,tb�+5ec«nty Inrtrument an�the uhfigation�s sreured herrhy�h��lt remain fully e8cct�te a��f n�,��ccchratu�n h:,d
<br /> ��ccurred H��ue�cr,th�s n�;ht tv remstate�halt n��t ap�lp►n rtre cau����icceler��tit�s�un�lcr�•:�raEer:,�+hv 1 t��r !7
<br /> �
<br />