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<br /> -�e .
<br /> UNtFOttM CovE!vatv�7s. $orrowerand Lender caven�nt and agree as fallau s: �+��4���9 7
<br /> 1.� Psya�eet of Pdncipat and Iatera�Prep�ymeat and Late C6uges. BOT[OR�f S.R1ElI�j1TI�EF1j1tf�;p�};�K#�=n dae
<br /> the principal ofand interest on thedebt evidenretf by the Note and any prep�yment and latech�:rgrs�qbunt#rr.the Note.
<br /> 2. Fwida for'Tue�Ited Insuraect. Subject to upp:icable law or to a written w�iv,:r by Le»��r,H�rrower shall pay
<br /> � to tender on the day monthly pnyrnents are due un�ler tbe Note,until the Note is p�id in fuli,a sum("Funds")equal to
<br /> one•twelfth of: (a) yearly taxss and assessments which may attain prinrity d��er this Stcunty Instrument; (b) yearty
<br /> leasehold payments or ground rents an the Praperty, if any; (c) yearlv hazard ins��ranc� premiums; and (d) yeasiy
<br /> rnortgage nnsur�ate premiums.if any.These items are called"escrow items."Lender mny esEimata the Funds due on the
<br /> 6asis ofcunent d�ta and ressonabte estimatrs of future escrow items. �
<br /> ?he Funds shal!be heid in an institution the de�asits or accounts of which are insur�d�s guamntu�r9"�s�qsfederai or .
<br /> state agsncy(Fncluding Le�sder if Lander is such an instetution).I.ender shafl applg the Funda to p�y�th��:ma.ite9ns.
<br /> . Len�es may not charge for halding and applying the Funds,ar�alyzing the account or vesifiring tfec escrrn��:itc�►s+.:unless
<br /> L.eader pays Honower interest on the�unds and applicable law prrmits Lender to make such a cfilrg�.Hasrmt�t:a�t�_
<br /> L�nder mAy agre�in writing thai interest shall be paid an the Funds. Unless an agresment i�m�ic us,app�i�h(n�l�ti�;�.
<br /> requires interest tu be pud,Lender shall not be requir�to pay Borrower any interest or eamings on.th�Fut��ts.Lc�s�tz
<br /> shall givt to Borrow�r,without charge,an annual accounting of ihe Funds showing credits and aie�Oit�.Ea thaF�n�s and tl�e
<br /> purpose for which each debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional security fas th�s;ims;s�ocured by
<br /> this Security Instrument. . � '
<br /> If the amount of the Funds hetd by Lender,together with the future monthly payment5 n�Fund3:p2y�ble prior to
<br /> the due dates of the escraw items.shall eaceed the amaunt required to pay the escrow items whcn due,th�e�tc�ess shall b�
<br /> at Borrower's oprion,either prompt{y repaid to$orrower or credited to Borrower on monthly payms�tF�o�i,t"rands.Tf the
<br /> " amount af t6e Funds hetd by I,ender is not sufficitnt to pay tl�e escrow items when due,8orroa•�t sbfl11��,ytYO I.endCr any
<br /> : amount nece5sary to rttake up the dtficiency in ane ar more payments as required by Lender. "
<br /> [Tpon paymet�t in fu11 of alt sums secwa9.by this Se�wirf.Instruraent,Lender sha11 promptl���cofurid to Borrowcr
<br />� any Funds held by Lepdcr.If under paragraph 19 ti�e Pr�perty i�soid or acquired b}Lender.Le�dex��rs�}apply,no later
<br /> tlian immdiately priar to the sate of the Property Qe it�.ar,c{uisirian by Lender, any Funds heid b)�LassY�r.at the time of
<br /> a�licailan a�acredit again�t thesums secured�y tlur�x�r�a�siy Instrument. .
<br /> 3, hppIirttton of Payymeats. Unless appli�3'sL�i::.tr�provides oiherwise,all paymenis rea��•.�d�tip;Le�.��.�.-*:3� "
<br /> � paragrapits 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to late dr��s'r�ue under the Note;second,to prepayment chrr��due a���ct�e.
<br /> Ivnie;thir�to amounts payable under paragraph Z;sourth.to interest due;and last,to psincipal du� '
<br /> 44 t�arges;Ltc�s. Barrower shall Pay all taxes,as5essments,charges,fines and imp�sitians•sttribut�.�'::o thw..'�
<br /> Prapert� �v?ir.ch muy aitain priority,over this Security lnstrnment, and leasehold payments as,gra�and re�t�. :�any.
<br /> i BorrQRec 1�U pRy tfe�c�Uligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,ar if nat paid in th�i�manner,Borrcwer sha21 � '
<br /> pay thetn���ime dir�ti.)�to the person owed payment.Borrower shall prompdy furnis�ta Le�dsz.aU notices of amounfs '
<br /> � tu�tie p�Id andec thi���graph.!f$orrower mak�tliese payments directly,BonoHCr s4��1!prn�nptly fumish to Lender .. ' '
<br /> re�eipt::ev�dencing the payments. ,
<br /> Bat�nwer shal!pramptly discharge any lien which f�s priority over this Securil�Instrument unless Barrower:(a) ! '' `
<br /> �agrees in writing to the payment of the obligation se:�red��t:he lien in a manner a�:.�tabl��to Ler�der;(b)contests in good �
<br /> Gxith the lien by,or defends against enforcement of tue:iis�r,legal praceedings which in ihz I:e.^es4�r's apinion operate to '
<br /> �sn;vent the enforcement of the lien or farfeiture af angr pa�c o�the Prop:rty;or(c)secures frorn�the halder of the lien an ,_–
<br /> s�c_•i-�ement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien ta�l�"ss Securit}[nstrument.lf Les��sr dQienmines that any part of _
<br /> tlt�a 1'mp�cfs�_is subjeet to a lien which may attain priorit�.aver ihis 5ocsrity Insttvm��t,L:ender may give IInrrower a '
<br /> notic.e id�ifying the lien.Borrower�>.:�1!satisfy the lien or take one or�f�re oE'the actions set forth above r�iU�i�.10 days " =
<br /> �fcne givirgaf notic: _
<br />: S. Naurd lrt�ursnee. Borrower shalt k�:�the improvement��no��: �xisting or hereafter c:,r�,.��,,,�rTt�Propc�rs�{ '
<br /> ir�sured against loss by fin:,hazards included witTEi�tbe terrn"extended c�overng�"Hn�as�}ti��ther I��._�!"�;.r r;l�_;,h I.ende�
<br /> . requires insurance. This insurance shall be ma:ntwinc�ci irr tlle amnunts and for thc��sriods tti�c Le;sder r�{raires. The
<br /> � insurance earrier providing the insutanee shall be chr�+�ss hg• Barrow�er subject tu I.en�er's appr��al whicf:�nall not be ?. ;
<br /> unreasonabty withhetd. . `� ,:
<br /> AU insurance policies and rentwals shal!lse ac:e�iable to Lender and sh�ll�include a�tsuv.�ard mortgage clause.
<br /> � Lender shall have th�r'rght to hold Nie policic�,an3 renewals. IP L�nder rec�uit�..Bbcrower sha31�romptly give to Lender
<br /> a11 reaipts of'paid pretcziums and r.�i�wal notia.°s.In theever�t of luss,HarroK�e,sFi�7�3ive prompi n�tice to t��insurar�ce '
<br /> ; carrier And d,ender.Ltnder may mak�}�roof of loss if nQt rrr.a�i�prnrnptly��•�nrros:�r: ,
<br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agrce in�ritir.�3.insurant�pra:�d�sliall be applied to testorat'iofl or rcpair �, `
<br /> of the Property damagcd,iP the restoration or repair is ecflnomi:ally feasi►�le•a���Lender's security is not lessened. If�he � '
<br /> restoraiian or repair is not economically feasibl�or'l.endec's security a�uu�J b: lessened,the insurance proceeds shAll he�
<br /> applied tu the sums secured by this Security Instrumrtsl, whr.rhts or na2 tri�a�•3ut,with any eaccss paid to Borrower. If �
<br /> Borrower abandons Ihe Property.or dces not answer aitltin 3�J dag�:,a n��2icc:frorn Lender that the insurance camer has
<br /> offered to settie a claim,then Lender moy collect the insurarr:e pri�ec;c�i. Len�er may use the praeeds to repair ar restnre
<br /> the Property or to pay sums secured by ihis Secarity Inst�urrrm�,wii�.tlti�r or nat then due.The 30•day periad will begin
<br /> when the notire is given.
<br /> Unless Lender and I3orrow�er otherwise agree in writir�.ary ap�G,lizatinn of proceeds tn principal shall nut eatend or
<br /> postpone the due date nPth�mnnthly paymcnts referred to in par�graphs 1 and 2 or chnnge the amount of the payments.1P
<br /> under paragraph 19 the Propeny is aryuired by Lender.Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting
<br /> from damagt ta the Property prior ta tht acyuisition shall pass to Lender to the extent�Cthe sums secured by this Security
<br /> Instrument immediatdy pri�r to the acquisitian.
<br /> 6. i*reservation�n0ltftintenance of Properly;I,etseholds. 8orrower chall nut d��slroy,d�mage or substantiaUy .
<br /> change the Property. aUow the Propeny to deteriorate or rommit waste. �f this Serurity Instrument is un a leaseh�ld.
<br /> Eiorrowet shall comply with Uu provisions ot'the lcase,and if Borrnwer acyu�res fee titlr tc►the Property,the teasehald and `°�'—��-
<br /> fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees ta the merger in w riting. '
<br /> 7. Protectton of LeNder's Rights in the Property; �forip,�ge Insurance. If I�urrou•er Pails to perfatm the
<br /> covtnants and agretrnrnts contained in this Security lnstrument,or there i�a le�al prozeeding th�t may signiftcantly affect �
<br /> Ltnder's rights in the Property (such as a proceeding in bankruptcy, prohatr, f�it con�iemnation or to enfarce laws ar 1
<br /> r.g�:lsiiars�;then I.��dF�m�y�va►«i E�,y€ut w6atc.�er i�rr�cssary toprotecs the vafue of the ParpeRy and Lencfer'c righrs �
<br /> in�hr Properly. Lcnder's actians m�y indudr paying any�sums securcd by�a hen whi.h haq �rinrity c�ti•er�h�s 5ecurity �
<br /> � :��::u���cnt.aN�arii�K in court.�+aying reasanabFe attnrneys'fees and enterrng an Ihe Prc�pr:rty tt�m�kr rc�+airs. Allhough �
<br /> l.ender mby take actinn under this paragraph 7,Lender daes nc�f hati�e to dv so.
<br /> Any amuunts d�sbursed by Lender under this paragsaph 7 shall E�ecome add�hvnal debt uf Burruucr secured hy th�s r„
<br /> 5ecuntv Instrument.EJnlc�v Eiorrowrr and Lender agree iv other termc����payii�eu�,the�e aninun��s}�all bear intcrevt fmm ap
<br /> Ihe datr uf disbnrsrmtM at the yote ►ase and �hall be �a}�at+le. auh uiterctit. upi�n n��t�ce tram l.encfer to Hn►r<�aer �A
<br /> reyuesttng payment '
<br /> r� ,.
<br /> � �
<br />