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<br /> � 2� 1 ��79�5
<br />; -
<br /> zn exchange for a share af�he premzums paid�a�he�.nsur�r,the arrangem�n,�is o��n fermed"cap#xve reinsurance"
<br /> Further:
<br /> �a}Any suc�.agr�emen#s��i.Il not affect the�maun�s that Borr��►er has a�-eed t�pay��r N�ar�ga�e�nsuranc�?
<br /> or any ather terms o�the Loan_Such a�reem�nts�viil no��n�rea�e the a.moun��o�rrawer�►ill o�ve fflr M�rtgage
<br /> Xnsuranc�,and�hey wi��n�t ent��le�nrro�Yer��any refun�d.
<br /> �b)Any�uch agr�er�xents will n�t af.��cf t���%ghts Bqrr���er ha�--zf ax�y--�vith re��ect�v th e Martgag�
<br /> �nsur�.ace u�d�r th�e Homea�Yn�rs�ratect%on A�.�vf 19�8�ar an�other]aw_These xights may include the right tfl
<br /> re�eive�er�ain di�cI�sures,ta re�ue�t and abtaia cancel�ati�n�f the Mortgage Zn�urance,ta h�v��he�flx~tg�.�e
<br /> xnsuranc�tQrminated�.utomat�.cally,an�or to rec�zv�a refu�.d�af�ny Nxorfgag�InsuranCe premiu�s�hat r�Yer�
<br /> unearned a.t�he tim�of su�h canc�I�atifln or termzna���n.
<br /> I
<br />� 11.Assignme�nt of IYZ�.sce�zan�o�s Pz���eds�Fvr�'�zture.AIl Miscellaneous Proceeds are h�reby�ssigned�o and
<br /> sha�.I he pazd�a L;ender.
<br /> Zf the�roper�i�damaged,such Misc��laneous P�-t�ceeds shall be applied fio restora�i�on�r��pair of the Pr��per[�,i�
<br /> the r�s�aratxon or r�pair is ecanamz�a�ly f�asi�I�and Lenti��'s securi�y is no�lessened.IJ�.rairzg su�h repair�nd restQrati�n
<br /> peric�d,Lender shall have fhe right ta�a�d s�.�h Misce��aneQus Proce�ds untiZ��nder ha.s had an�pportuni�y ta inspec�
<br /> su�h Proper��a ensur�the w�axl��as b�ezz completed to Lender's sa��sfa�tian,provided�ha�such insp�ction�hall be
<br /> undertaken prom�fly.Lend�r may pay far the repaxrs and resfaratifln xn a�ingle disbur�ement a�ix�a seri�s of�ragress
<br /> paymen�s as the wark i�Garnp��t�d.Unl��s an�.greem.�n�is made in�ri��ng ar Applicab�e Law�e�uir�s infi�res�ta be
<br /> paid an such Misc�llaxz�au�P�roceeds,Lender�ha1�.naf be z�equ�red�Q pay Borrawer any zn�erest�r earn�n�gs an su�h
<br /> Mi�celiane��s Proceeds,�f�he res�t�ratia�or re�air xs not e�onomical�y feasible�r Lend�r's securkiy w��d be l�ssened,
<br /> ths Mxs�ellaneous Pr�ce�ds sha.�l be a�pli�d�a the��ms se�ured hy this Securi�y Instrument,whe�her ar n���h�n due,
<br /> �ui�.h th�excess,xf�ny,paid�o Borrow�r.�uch.N�isc��Ianeous�'roceeds sha.Il be appli�d in�he ord�r provided fQr xn
<br /> 5ec�i�n�.
<br /> In�the��en�of a�atal ta�cing, d�strucfion, or Zoss in va�u�af the Property,the�iscel�an�ous Pr�c�ed�sha1�be
<br /> app�zed ta th�sums secured b� thxs Security Zn�irument, wh�ther 4r no�then due, ��i.t�the e�cess, zf any, paid�o
<br /> Borrav�rer.
<br /> Zn�he e�rent�f a partz�.�taking,des�ru�tz�n,ar la��in value af�l�e��-4per�y in urhich t�e fair marke�value af�h�
<br /> Property immedia�ely befar��e par�ial takzxzg,destrucfxa�z,ar X�ss ix��alue is equai�o ar grea�er than�h.e amounf of�h.�
<br /> I sums secured by#his 5ecurity Instrument i.mm�,d�a#ely befor��he partial fiaking, destructian,ar lass zn value,unless
<br /> Barra�ver and Lenr�er ather�vi�e agree i.n v�r�tzz�g,the sums�ecured by�his Securi�y Zns�rum�n�shall be redu�ed.by t�e
<br /> amount of the Misce�Ian�ous Pro��eeds multipxr ed by�he�ox1���r�i�,g firact�an.�a�#h.�ft��al amoun��f fihe sums secu�.r�d
<br /> zmmed�ate�y hefQre the partial tak�ng,destr-uc�ian,ar 14ss in value d'zvided by�b�fhe fair market va�ue of the Property
<br /> i�nmedi�feiy before fhe partial ta�.ing�destxuctian,or I��s in value.Any ba.�ance shal.I be paid.�o$arrower.
<br /> �n�h���ent af a parfra�fakzng,de�truc�ian,ar�oss in vaxue af f�e PFaperty in whrch fhe fair mar�ef va�ue af the
<br /> �roper�y�mmediat�ly b�fore the pa.rtial��kingr��5�[].Cf1�I7.�ar lass ua.value is l�ss�han�he amaunt afthe sums secured
<br /> zmmedi.ateiy before the partial�king, des�truci�vn, or�oss in�ralue,unles�B�rr�rvv�r and Lender��herwise agree in
<br /> v�rifing,the Mzscelxaneau�Proc�eds shall be a�plzed f�th.e sums�ecured l�y this Securi�y�ns�rum�nt wh�th�r ar no��he
<br /> sums are�hen du�.
<br /> �f fhe�zapez�y is abandaned by�3 nrraw�r,or�f,af�er nvfzce by Lend�r fr�S arrawer tha�th�C]pposzng Par�y�as
<br /> de�ned uz the n�xt sent�nce)off�rs�o ma��ax�award tQ��t��e a clairn for damag�s,Baz�-�w�r fai�s to xespond�o Len��r
<br /> wi�ixn 30 days after the�.afe t�ae na�tce x�given,Lender i�au��riz�d to coXl���an�l a�ap�y f�ie Misc��Xan�ous Pro��ds
<br /> �i�h�r fa res��ra�xon or repair af�h�Propez-�y�r ta#he sums s�cur��by�s Security Ynstrumen�,Vvhe�laer ar no��hen due.
<br /> "C�ppos�ng Par�"m�ari.s the fhird par�y�ha�awes�vrrower Misce�laneous�roce�ds or th�party ag�.in�v�h4m B�rr�awer
<br /> has a righ#�f ac�.on i�.regard fo 1VIis��llan�aus Proc�eds.
<br /> �onrower shall b�in defau��xf any aet�on or pr��eedzng, whether ci�v�.� ar criminal, zs b�gun that, in�ender's
<br /> judgmen�,coulc�resul�zn farfez�ure�f th.�Praperty or�ther ma.tenal im�a.zrmen�of Lend��r's zn��resfi in�he�ropezty or
<br /> rights under�h�s 5�curi��nstr�.men�.��rrawer can cure such a defaux�and,�f acc�lera�io�ha.�accun-ed,re�nstate a�
<br /> provided xn Sec�ion I.4,by causing th�action ar praceeding�o�e�xsmissed���z�h a ru�xng fihat,xn Lendear's�udgm�nt,
<br /> NEBRASKA-SingIe Famil}r-Fannie MaelFreddie Mac C!N[FORAA INSTRUM�NT For 3��8 �l0�
<br /> Pag e 8 of�3
<br /> �o�,�nc.-��e�s BoRower{s}Ini�ials
<br /> �
<br />