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<br /> 2� 1 ��79�5
<br /> prac��dxng in bankrup�c�,pr�abate,for condemna�zon ar fo�fei�ure,for enforcemenf of a�xen vvhxch may a�ta.�n�riori�y
<br /> a�er this Securi�jr Znstrumen�ar�Q enfarce laws�r regulations�,or�c}B�rrawer has aband�ned t1�e Prop�r�y,then Lende�
<br /> xnay do and pay far v�ha�ever is reasonahIe❑r appx�priat��o prt�f��Lender's in�ere��n the Pr�p�r�y and righfs under�his
<br /> Security�ns�rEzmen�,including protecting an�lar asses�ing���alue of�he Praper�y,and securin�andloz repa�ring the
<br /> Property.Lender's ac�ians can include,buf are nat Ixmifed�o:�a}pay�x�g ari�sur�s secured by a Iien which ha�priarity
<br /> vve�thYs�ecun�y Znstrument;�b�appearing�n court;and�c�payzng rea�anab��atts�rneys'fees ta.protect z�s interes�in th�
<br /> Fzap�rty andlor righ�s under�hi�Securzty Znsbr��men�,znclu�ng z�s s�cured pQsi�zan in a banlcrup��y pr�ceeding.S�curing
<br /> t�ie Prvperty in��ude�,bu�xs no�i�mifed f�,en��ring�he Propezty�o mak�repazrs,change lo�ks,repla+c�or b�ard up�.oars
<br /> and wzndows,�rain wafer from pipes}eliminate building ar af�er code wzalafiz�ns ar d�x�gezous�andi�.i�ns,and hav�
<br /> u�zX�fie��urned an ar�fF.Alf,hau�h Lender may�ake action under�his Se�fzon 9,L�ndear t�aes n���a�e#o d.o so and is na�
<br /> under any duty �r ob�xga�o�.to do�o. I�is agreed that L�nder incurs na I�abili�y for no�takzng an� �r atl ac�ians
<br /> a�.fhori�ed under�h,is Sectzon�.
<br /> Any amounfs disbursed hy L�nder under this 5ectzon�shall become additignai d�bt of Z3�rrraVver s�cur�d by this
<br /> Security Instrumen�.These amoun�s �hall bear in#eresf at the�o�e�ate from�he da�e Qf disbursement and sha�1 h�
<br /> payah��,w�th such in�er�s�5�zpon nofic�from Lender�a Banrower reques��ng payment.
<br /> If this S��ri�y�nsfru�nen��s an a Z�ehold,BorrQ�rer shall c�mpi�v���h all�h.e proviszons af�he�eas�.Zf B�rz�o��r
<br /> a�quzres fe��i�le�o the Propezty,#�he�easeh��d and the�ee�zf�e sha.�Z no�merge tu�,less Ler�der agr��s to th�merg�r zn
<br /> wri.fing,
<br /> 14,�oartga�e�nsurance*�f�end�rrequired Mortgag�Znsurance as a conditian afmaking�he Loan,Borra�ver�hall �
<br /> pay�he premzums requyred�o rnain�ain the M�rtgage�nsurance zn efFec�.If,f�r any reason,�h.e M s�r�gage Yn�ur�.nc�
<br /> c�v�rage requzr�d b�Lender c�ases to be availahle from fhe mar�gage insurer tha����v��us�y provzded such xnsurance
<br /> an�BQrrawer�va.�requxr�d��make separafely d�signafed paym�nts t�v�ard the pre�niur3ns�nr 1�Ilor�gage Znsurancey .
<br /> B�rrawer sha�I pay fhe prem.�.um.s required to ab�ain cavearage subs�antia.�Iy equi�a��nf fa th.e Martgage �nsuran�e
<br /> pxevi.ousiy in�fFect,a�a�osf sub stanti ally eq u.ival�ta�fa�h�ca s��f o B orr�v�er of the M or�gag�Znsuranc e�revi ously in
<br /> effec�,from an alternate mortgag;e znsur�r s�Iec��d by�.end�r,�f�ubs#a�.�ia1ly eq�xi�a�exz�Mar�gag��n�ur�xce caverage is
<br /> no�availa�le,$orrawer sha�I can�znu��o pa��o Lender��e am�un�af�he sep�atel�designated payments�haf were due
<br /> ��hen the xnsurance coverag� ceased�a b�in �f�'e��, Lender wixl accep�, us� and retain�hese paymen�s as a x��n-
<br /> refund.a.b�e�oss reserve in Z�eu❑f N�artgag�Zri.su.�ance.Su��i las�reserve sha�l be non-refun.dable,not�ithstand.ir�.g#h�fact
<br /> that th�L�an xs ul�imately paid xn fu��,and L�n�de�sha��not�e required�o pay Barro�txjer any zn�er���4r earrnings on such
<br /> lass reserve.L�nd�r can na Iang�r require Ioss reserve payments if�flr�gage Insurance��verage(zn the amount and for
<br /> �h�e penod tha�Lend�r requxres}�rrovxded�y�n insurer sel�cted by L�nder agazn become�avai.lable,is ahtain�d,and
<br /> Lender requ�res se-paraf�Iy de�igna�ed payxnen�s ta�ard the premiums fs�r II�Iortgage InsuranGe_ �f Lender requir�d
<br /> NX�r�gage �nsurance as a con�.ition af makzng��.e Lvan and Barr��ver�ras requz�r�d ta ma�e separat�iy designated
<br /> payments�ou�ard�he pr�miurx��fv�r Mortgage Znsuranc�,�r�rrawer shall pa�the premzums requ�red�a main�ain Mor�ga��
<br /> Ynsurance in efFect,ox to prQvide a nvn-refunda�xe loss�reserve,un�zl-Lezxdez's requirerzl�n�f�r Mnrtga�e�nsurance end.s .
<br /> in accoz-da�c� wi�h an� wri�fen agreement be�ween Borrower and Lender pr�viding for sueh ��rmina�ifln �r until
<br /> �ermina�i�n xs required�y App�zcah�e Law.Na�.hzng zn this Se�tion�.�afFect�Borro�ver's ab]i�at�an tcr pay�n�eres�a�t�e
<br /> ra�e pravaded in fhe Nate,
<br /> � 1Vrartgage Iz�sur-ance reimburses Lend�r�ar any ent�ty that purchas�s the�a�e}far�ertain Io�s�s���nay incur if
<br /> B orr���er do�e�nQt repay the L�axi as agr�ed.B arrow�r is nat a�arty�a the Mortgage�nsurance.
<br /> � Ivl�rtgage�nsurers evaluat�th�ir#ofal risk on a��such xnsurance in force frarr�time t�tzme,an�may en��r�n�o
<br /> agre�ments w-��h�f.h�r par�ies�h��sh.are or mad�fy thear risk,4r r�duce Iass�s,These agreem�an��ar�on�erms and
<br /> cond�#ions fhat ar� sat��factor��a�h.e martgage�nsurer and t�ze o��.ez paar�y �ar parties� ta the�e agreem�x��s.Thes�
<br /> agr�ments may require�h�m���ag�insurer fo ma�e paym�n�s using a�.y sc�ur�e af funds tha�fhe m�rtgage insurer may
<br /> ha�v�available�vvhich may Ync�ude funds ob�azned from Maar�gage�nsurance pr�miums�,
<br /> As a resulf of��se agreements,Lender,any purc�.asez of fhe x�o�e,ano�her xnsu�-er,any reinsurer,any o�her en�i�Ly,ar
<br /> a�rliafe of any of�h.e faregoxng,may r�c�ive�dir�c�ly or in�irectxy}am�unts�h.a�deri�e from�ar mi,gh���characterized .
<br /> a.S� a portian af B onro�ver's pa�men�s f�r Mor�ga�e Zns�zrance,zn ex�hange fca�-sharing ar m�d�fying the mortgage
<br /> xnsurer's nsk,or reduczng�fls�es.�f such agr��naen�pra�ided thaf an a.f�.l7ate af�,ender takes a s�a�e fl�the xnsure�'s�risk
<br /> NEBRAS�:A-Singie Family-Fanr����aelFre�d��Ma�UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Fo 3D2$ �1�1
<br /> Page 7'o��3 .
<br /> to5,Inc.-31�39 BaRawer��}lr�i�ais
<br /> I
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