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<br /> � 2� 1 ��79�5
<br /> �[Jp�n payment in fulT af aI�sums se�ur�d�y�his Securi�y Instrument,L�nd�r shall prompfly refiu�d to S�rrower any
<br /> Funds heid by Lender.
<br /> 4,�harg�ss Liens.S�z-rativer shali pay alI tax�s,a�sess�menf�,charges,fines,and impositions attnbu�tabl��o the
<br /> p�roperty�hich can�ttain pr�arit�aver�his Security�n�nt�xien�,�easeh�ld p�yments ar ground ren�s on�he Pr�geriy,if
<br /> any,and�ommuni�y Assocxat�an I�u�s,Fe�s,and Asse��ments,if any.To�.he ex�en��h�t�hese ifems are Escr�w��ems,
<br /> Barrow�r shal�pay th�m zn�he mann�r pravzde�t xn 5��t�on 3.
<br /> B orrow�r shal�pro�np�Iy discharge any I�en which has priari�y over�h.zs S ecu�.�y Ins�rum�nt unless BorrQw��;
<br /> �a}agrees xn.wrztin.g�g th�paymen�flf�he o�ligation s�ured�ay�he�ien in a manner acc�pfab�e fo Lend�r,bu�nnZy so
<br /> long as�orrawer is performing such agreerr�ent;[6�contes�s the Iien Yn goo�fai�h.by,ar defend�agazns�enforcemen�af
<br /> fhe Ii�n xn,�ega�prflceedYngs t7vk�ich�n Lenc�er=s api.nxan ape�ra�e�o pr�vent�.ae enfarc�menf�f�h.e�x�n r�r�ii7�thase �
<br /> prac�ed�ngs are pending,bu�an�y unf��such pra�eed�ngs are�on�Iuded;or�c}secur�s from the ho�der of the Iien an
<br /> agxeeme�.t sat�sfa�tary�a Lender subardinating the Zi�n ta this Security Zn�frum�nf,zf Lexzd�r deter�xunes that any par�of
<br /> the Praperty�s sublee��o a lxen which�an attain priari�y a�rer this 5�eurity xnstrumen�,Lender rx�ay gi.v�B�rrower a
<br /> notice x��n�zfy�ng th��i�n.V�z�h.in 1�da}�s of th�da�e o�whzck�tha�r��fz�e is given,B�rrower sh.alX sa�i sfy fh.e Ii�n ar�a.�ce
<br /> �ne ar moare af�he ac�ians se�far#h ab ove�n thYs S ec�ian�.
<br /> Lend�r naay�-equ�.�-e Bonro�ver fia-pa�a one��zme charge far a r�al esfa#�fa.x ver�f cation andlar r�porf�ng�erv�ce
<br /> us�d by�,ender in connec�ian with this L�an. �
<br /> �.Propex�ty�nsurance.�anr�wer sha��keep fhe impravements nQw existi�g oz-�Zereafter e��c��d on�he Prflperty
<br />, in�ured agazn�Ias�by fzre,hazards included w��in�h�term u�x�ended coverag�,77 and arzy a�i.�r hazar�.s 7n�lu��ng,but
<br /> naf limifed to,earthquakes and flaflds,f�r whi�h Ler�der requrres xn�uranc�.This insuran�e shall be maintained in t.he
<br /> amounfs�includ"zng dedu�#ibI���v�Is}and for��e periods�ha�Lend�er��quires.�►That�.end�r requzres pursuan�ta i�e
<br /> pr�eced'zng sen�ences can change duxi.ng�he��rm af th�Loan.The znsuarance caz-ri.er pzoviding the insuran�e�hall be
<br /> cho�en by �onrav[�er subjecfi to Lender}�righ�ta d�.sappr�ve Borrar�ver's choic�, wh�ch x~zght shaY��.a�be ex�rcised
<br /> uxx.r�asonab�y.Lender may requu-e Borra,w�r�o pay,in�or�n�cfion vvxt�a�his Laan,ezt�a.er;�a�a�ne-�ime charge f�r flaod
<br /> zone de�erm.xna�iQn, certificatian and tra�king s�r�ices, or�b}a on��tzm� charge f�r flaad zan�defermi.na�x�rn and
<br /> certif�catian s�rv�.ces and su�sequenf cha.rges�ach time remappings ar s�mz�ar chang�s occur which reasonably mighfi
<br /> afFec�such d�termuaa�ion or cer�fica#ion,Borrvwer�ha�x alsa��res��ns�b��f�r the paym��t af ax�.y fees impa�ed h��h.e
<br /> Fedez�ax Emergency Managemenf Agenc�in connecti�n wi.�h th$r�vie��r af any flaod z4ne de��rnuna�ion resulfing fram
<br /> an Qbj�ctic�n�y�3orr�wer,
<br /> If�orrawer faxls�n xnaxn#ain an�of�he cvverages d�seri��d above, Lend�r may obtain insurance cov�erag�, at
<br /> L�nder's oFfian and Sc�rrower's�xpense.L�nder zs under no ablxga�xan��purchase any parti.�ular�ype or amaunt�f
<br /> cov�rage.Ther�fore,such.coverage shaIl cover Lender,buf mzg�z�oz-migh�nof protec��orrower,Barrawex's equxty�n
<br /> fihe Pro�erty,or the c�n��ri.#�of�ie Praperty,agains�any risk,hazard or��abilx�y and mighf pro�ri�Ie greater or tesser
<br /> _ coverage than tivas prev�ausly�n efFec�,�orr�we�aekn.owledges�ha�fhe�as�of fh��nsurance co��ra.ge so ab�azned might
<br /> signifi�antly excee��h�eos��f insurance fhat Bonrower�.auld have obtain�d,�y amounfs dis�ursed b�L�nder under
<br />, �his Secti�n 5 shali hec�me a�difianal deh�of Barrower secured by fhzs 5ecurity�ns�rument.Thes�am.oun#s s�a�l bear `
<br /> �nteres�at fh�hlo�e rafe frox��he da�e of disbursement and sha�l be payah�e,with such in�erest,upon no�i�e from Lender
<br /> to�3�rr�w�:r r�questing pa��nenf.
<br /> Ali ix�stz.rance pa�icYes r�qtured by Lender and renewa.ls of such pc�lzGi�s �ha11 be subje���o Lerid�r's right ta
<br /> dzsappra�e such po�zc�es,shall�nclude a standard morEgage��ause,and sha��name Lender as mor#gag�e andl�r as an
<br /> additiona� �oss p�yee. Lender�ha��ave the ri�h�to ho�d the po�icies and renevval.certificat�s. I,f Lendear�equires,
<br /> Barrvwer shall prompf�y give to Lender al.Z rec�ip�s of paid pr�miums and r�n�wal nofices.Zf Barrvwe=�b�a.ins any form
<br /> �f�nsurance co�rerage,nof a�herwise r�quired b�Len�ter,f�r damage�Q,4r destruefian of,�he Pr�periy,such�a�a�icy sha.�l
<br /> iz�cluc�e a s�andaz-d mo�tgage clause axrd shall na�ne Lender as morfigag�e andlor as an addztional I�ss payee.
<br /> �n�h.e event of�ass,Borrflwer�hall gi.ve p�rvmpt nofi.c�t❑t�e insuran�carrier an�.�ender.Lender ma�make proof �
<br /> . of I ass if nof made pr�m�r��y by B orxav�rer.Unless Lender and B or�awer atherwise agree in vvrzti�g, any�nsurance
<br /> pr�ceeds,wh��er or no�the undearlying insurance was r�qu�red by L�nde�,sha11 be ap�alied ta resfiozatian or repair�ffhe
<br /> NEBRAS�A-Single Family-F�nnie N1aelFred�ie Mac L]NIFDRM 1NSTRUI�ENT F� 3D28
<br /> Page�of�3
<br /> Ios,lna.-��5a� BoRowe�{s}�rt{�als
<br />