+ ...w-..�r.w�-`--_--^^---...-�_...e.�.�w-o..w...w�.....r1sn._..�:-.- .-...,..�_.._.... � .._ ... _..........- .. .,�.._.....- - �. .�-... ,_. ..z....._....-. .-.-.-�:.r..�..�.—.a+w.arw..-..�..<.,.� .. -
<br /> 2� 1 ��79�5
<br /> Zf Len��r receives a payment fram Bc�nrower f�r a delznquen�Peri.adiG�a�m�nt�rhxch in�ludes a suff cient amount
<br /> ta pay any�afe Gharg�due,�he�ayment may b�applied t�the delznquen�payxnent and�h��a�e charge.Zf m�re thar�one
<br /> P�riodzc�'ayment is ou�s�andzng, L�en�Ier may appiy any pa�men�re�ezved from Bo�rawer fo th�repaymenf af f.he
<br /> Perivdic�ayments zf,an�ta fh�ex�enf that,eac�x�aymen��an be pai�.in full.Ta the exten�fha�any�xcess exists after
<br /> �he payn�en�xs app�i�d�o fhe full payrnent�f on.e�r mare Periodic Paymen�s,such�xce�s may be applzed to any�a�e
<br /> charg�due.�o�untary prepaym�n�s sha�i be applx�d fir��o any pre�aym�nt aharges and then as descri�ed in�he�Ca�e.
<br /> Any applzcation❑f paym��.t�,�nsuranee�race�ds,or Iv�iscellaneQus Pr�ace�d�f❑pnnci�al due under�he�Q�e shal�
<br /> n���xtend or�o�fgon��h.e due da�e,4r ehange th.e amount,of fhe Perivdz�Pa�ments,
<br /> 3.Funds far�s�row Ztems.Barro�v�r�hall pay��Lender an.�i�day F�ri�adic Paymex�fs are due under the I�'�te,
<br /> until the No�e is pa�d xn fu7l,a sum�th�==Funds'��to pz-avide f�r�aymen�of��.ounfi�due f�r:�a��axes an�assessmenfs
<br /> and Qth.er it�ms whYch can attaYn priori�y ov���iis 5 ecuri�y Instrumen�as a Ti�n or�ncumlaran�e an th�Prgpsr�y;
<br /> �a}1�asehQld payments or g��und rents an�h�P�raperty,zf any;�c}p�emiums for ax��and��I insuranc�required�y Len��er
<br /> under 5 ec�ifln S;and�d�M�rtgage�nsuranee premi.um�,if any,ar any sums payabl�b�S a�rower ta Lender in�xeu of�he
<br /> paym�n�of Martgag��nsurance premiums in a�cardanc�wi�h the pro�i.�i on�of 5ectxan 1�.Th�se it�m�ar��alled
<br /> "EsG�row Z�exns."A� ongi.na�i�n ar a� any�une during�he ferm af f.he Loan, Lend�r xnay�equir��ha��ammunitt�
<br /> AssocYatzon I7ues,Fees,arzd.Assessm��t�,if any,be escrowed�y B vrrower,anc�such du�es�fees and asses�xx��nts sha�I be
<br /> i az�. �scraw If�m� �orrovve�- �hall prompt�y fixrn�sh�a �ender a�I notic�� of amounts t�be�azd under fhis �ec��on.
<br />� Barrower sh�ll pay L�nder the Funds for Escraw Ytems unless�,ender�raives�orra��r's ob�iga�zon to p�y#�.e Funds for
<br /> any or aI�Escrow�f�ms.Lender may waive Barr���rer's oblxga�i�an fo pay t��,endez-Fun�is f�ar any�r a��Escro�,r Item�at .
<br /> any fime.Any�u�h waiv�r may only b e in writYng.Zn the�venf af such waive�-,S azrow�r shall pay direc�iy,wh�n and
<br />� ��hez-e payahle,th�arnvun�s due for any Escrfl�,�r Z�ems for��hich payrnent af Funds h�s be�n waive�by Lenc�er and,if
<br />' L�n�er requires, shall furn,ish�o Lend�r recezp�s evidencing such paym�nf within sueh i�me perioc�as L�nder may
<br /> • �equire.Sorr�wer's obizga�ion ta make such�aymen�s and to pro�ide receipts shall for ai�puxpos�s be deemed to be a
<br /> �ovenant and agree�nex�.f contain�d zn#his Securi�Instrume�.�T as�he�hrase"co�enan�and agr�em�n�"zs used in Sectian
<br /> 9.�f��rraurer is flbliga�ed�a pay Es�raw Zt�m�direc�Iy,pursuanf fo a��aiver,and.Bar��wer faz�s fa pa��h.e amaun�due
<br /> for an Es�rati�Z�em,Lender may exear��se i�s righfs uz�.der Sec�zvn 9 and pay such amauxi�and Borrow�r�hal�the�z�e
<br /> ohlzga��d under Seatian 9�a repay�o�.ender any suc�.amaun.t.Lez�der m�y r��r�k�the wa%ver as to any or a��Es�r�vw
<br /> Ifems at any tim.e by a z�otice gzven ua a�cvrd.anc���ifh Sec�on I5 anc�,upar�such re�or,a.tian,�oz-zo�ver sh�ll pay�o
<br /> Lender a��Funds,and�n such amount�,�ha�ar��hen requix�d uxlder th.�s S ec�i an 3.
<br /> Lender may,at an�r time,coliect and ha�d Funds xn�.n.amaun��a}su#�icien�fa�e�nif Len�.�r ta a�p�y the F�xxl.ds a�
<br /> �he��me sp�czfi�d under RESP,r�.,and�}no�fo exceed fhe maxxmum am.ounf a Zender can ret�u�re un.der RESPA.Lend�r
<br /> ,shal l es�zmate�h e amaun�❑f�r unds due r�n the ba�szs af�urren��ata an�reasonable estinnat��of exp�end'z�ures of futur�
<br /> Escraw Z�ems or otherw�s�i.n accordance wi�.A�plicabl��aw.
<br /> The Fund�shalx�ae hel.d�za a�.zn��itutiaz��vkZas�d�pg�if�are in�ure�hy a fed�ra�a.geney,iz�si-�-umen�ai�ty,ar en�ity
<br /> �xncxuding Lender,�f�ender�s an zn�ti�.utizan whose depasit�are��insured�or zn any F�deral Home Laan�ank.Lender
<br /> shall a�p1y th�F�.nds�o pay fk��E�crou���ezns nc�Iaf�r than�he�ime speci�ed und�r R�SF�4.Lend�r shal�na�charge
<br /> Borrawer foz-holding and ap�lyi.ng fhe Fund�,annually analyz�ing���escro���accaun�,Qr verifying the Escrow Z�ems,
<br /> unl�ss Lender pays��rrawer i.n�er�s�vn the Funds and Applicable Law p�rrn��s Lender fo ma�e such a ch�rg�.�nle�s an
<br /> agar��m�n�xs made in writing or Appl�cabl�Law requ�res�n�eres��o be paid on the Func�s,Lentiez-shalx no�be requ�red�o
<br /> pay Sorrower an�in�er�st or eaxx�ings on�he Funds.Barro�v�r an�.Lender can agree in wrifzng,hawever,�haf int�r��
<br /> shall be pai��n the�'unds.�ender shall give to Borzourer*wi�hout c�arge,axa a�u�ual a�ccounting of�h��unds as r�quired
<br /> by���A.
<br /> If�here z�a surpYus Qf Funds he�d�n esczaw,as defined under RESPA,L.�nr�eX sha��acc�un��o Borro�ver for#he
<br /> e�tce�s�un.ds xn accar�dan�e wz�h RESpA.Zf�here�s a shor�age af Funds h�Zd i.xi.�scr�w,as d�f�n�d under RESPA,�.,.ender
<br /> sk�a11 n�fify Barrower a.s requzred by RESPA,and B a�rra�ver shal�p ay to Lender fhe ar�oun�n�cessary�o make u�fhe '
<br /> shr�rtage in ac�ordance v�i�h�ESPA,bu��.n no n�ore�han I�mon�Iy payxnen�s.�f�h�re zs a d�fic�ency af�'unds h��d xn
<br /> eserow,as def�ned und�r RE�PA,�.ender shall nati�y B�rrawer as required by RESFA,and B�rrower shaX�pay#a Lend�r
<br /> the a�n.oun�ne�essar��Q mak�up fihe def c�en�y in ac�ordance wzth RESPA,�uf in na mare than].2 moz��hly�aym�n�s.
<br /> NEBRA��CA�ingje Fami�y-Fann�e�a�r�ddie Mac Uh�IF�RM iNSTRUMENT Fo 3q�8 �ID�
<br /> Page 4 of�3
<br /> IDS,In�.�3�E39 �OffOWBI�S}li�I�la�S
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