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Trust�r shall a �d y fy ry <br />=�-���; car�c�l�ati�r��r t�rr�nina$��n�f th�in�urar�c�.�en�fi�iar�shali have$h�right��h�l�th�p���cies and <br />-:::::i r�n�vvals.!f��r��fi�rary requ�r�s,Trus�t�r shall irr�rr��diately gi��t���n�fi�'sary all rece�p�s of paid�r�rr�aur�ns <br />::::::; a�d r�r��vval r��t��es.lJpon I�sS,Trust�r shal�giv�irr�nnediat�n�ti��t�the insura�c��arrie�ar�d��r�efi��ary, <br />:-::' ��n�fi��ary�nay m�k�pr��f�f I�ss if n�t�nade irnrn�d�at�ly by Trust�r. <br />:<:::� Unless��h�rwis�agreed in v�ritir�g,all in�ura��e pra���ds shall be applied$�th���st�ratio��r r�pawr�f th� <br /> :.:.� <br /> Pr�p��ty�r t�th�5eeur�d��bt,wh�th���r r��t th�r�du�,at�en�fiCia�y's�pti�r�o Ar�y appfiCati�r��f <br /> ���' p�oc��ds t�prin�ip�l sha�l n�t��t�r�d ar p�stpvr��the�u�date�f th�s�h�dul�d paymen���r Chang�the <br />::=:=::; <br />::.:, �rn�u�t�f an � nn�nt.�� ��C�ss will be asd tv th�C�rar�t�r.[f th�Pr� �r� is ac uir�d b ��nef��ia� , <br /> Y� � Y p p Y� q Y Y <br />::::::� T�ustor's ri�ht t�ar�y ins�ra�c�p��ici��ar�d p��c�e�s r�sulting fr�nn dar��ge to the Pr�per�y b�f�r�$he <br /> ��quisi$i�r�sh�ll�ass t�E�r��fic�ar�t�th�ext�nt�f th�5��ur�d C]ebt�mr��d�at�ly b�f�r��he <br />=::�:::� a�quisiti�r�. <br />:::::' ��a ES�R��I'F��TA�ES AN�1NStJ��NCE.Un�ess��h�r�nr�s�pr���ded ir�a sepa�ate agr��rn�r��,Trust�r <br />::�::::i vv�l�r��t b�r�q�a�r�d t�pay t���r��fici�ry fur�ds f�r�aaces and i�suranc��n�s�r�vvo <br />:::::; <br />:��::::� 27. FIIVAN�IAL�EP�RTS AN�O��f3�TI�IVAI���UIUIEIVI°5e Trust�r vv�ll pr��ide t�E�n�fiCiary up�� <br />:::::::i r�quest,a�y�ir�ar��i�l staterr��r�t�r inf�rmati�n��r�efi�iary nn�y d��rr�r�as�nably r��C�ssary.Trust�r�gr��s$� <br />=-:::::� s�g�,d�li��r,ar�d fi���ny additi�r��l d�curr��r�ts�r c�r�ificatior�s�hat��r��f�Ciary r��y cor�sid��n����sa�y t� <br />::::::::� <br />=-�����' p�rf�ctr C�C�I$II1�.I�o�nd pres�r�e�rant�r's��lig�tior�s��d�r this Se�urity Ir�strum�nt ar�d ��n�ficiary's 1i�r� <br />:_:::::; s�atu5�r�th�Pr�p�rty. <br />::�:::::i �2, J�IiVT AIVt7 IIV�I'V'�DL1AL LI���LI�;CC3�5��'ii�VEIRS;SLJ��ESS�IRS�11VD ASS[�IVS��l�Nl�o��I <br />:.:.:.:� <br /> duties ur�d�r th�s 5ecur��y I��trurrient a�e j�in$��d ir�di�ridual.If`Trust�r signs th�5 S�curity Ir�strurr��nt but <br />:::�:' d�es n��sig�a�evid�nc��f d�bt,TruSt�r���s s��r�lyt�r��rt�ageTru�t�r'�in��rest i�the Praper�y$o <br /> s�cur�pa�ym�r�t�f th�S�cured De�t a�d Trust�r d��s n�t agr��t�b�p�rs�r�ally liabi��r�$h�Se�ur�d�ebt.If <br />__<�:�� this 5��uri�y In�trum�r�t s�cures�guara�ty b�tv�e�n��n�fieiary ar�d Trustor,Trus��r agr�es t��ai��a�� <br />:::::::; r�ghts that rr�ay pre��r�t�er��fi�iary fr�m brir�g�ng any a�ti�n vr Clad�n aga���t TruSt�r�r any par�y�r�deb��d <br />:::.:�� <br /> und�r th��bl�gati��.Th�s���ghts�ay ir��l�de,but ar�n��t lirr�s��d t�,an�anti-d�fi�i�r�Cy�r�r��-a�t����a�s. <br />:::::::i Trust�r agr�es that��n�f��iary ar�d ar�Y pa�y t�thig S�curity Ir�s�rum��t r�ay�xt�nd�rr����f��r rr�ak�ar�y <br />������� �hang��r�th��errr�s�f this 5���rity�r�s��u�ner�t�r�n�e��d�r����f debt►n�ith�ut Trus�o�'s������to SuCh a <br />=�:�:�:� ch�ng�wil�n�t����as�TruSt�rf��rr�th���rrr�s�f�hisSe�u�ity Is�s�rum�r�taTheduti��ar�d b�n�fits�fthis <br />������� 5e�u ri�y I nstrum�n�shal I bi�d a�d b�n�fit�h��ucc�ss�rs ar�d�ssig ns�f Trus���a r�d <br />=�=�:�:i �er�ef��i�I. <br /> 230 �PPL[�A�LE L��U�SE11E�A��LIT'Y,IIVTERPRETATl�1V.Thi�S�curity Ir�strum�nt is go���r��d by <br />:::::::; �h�lavers�f th�jurisdi�t���ir��ehich E���fi�ia�ss���ated,�ac��pt t�th�e�t�r�t�th�rwis�r�qu�red b�th� <br />:::::�::; �a►n���f th�jur�s�i�ti��v�rh�re tn�Pr�per�y is I�Cat�d.This S��urity Instrus°��nt i���mpl����nd fully <br /> :.::� �r�t�grated.ThiS 5��urity I�strurn�r�t nnay��t be am�nd�d o�rn�difi�d by�ral agr�ement.Any s�cti�r�ir�th�s <br />::::::; Se�urity�r�strur��r�t,attachrr�er�ts,�r ar�y ag���rr��r�t re�at�d t��he 5�cur�d Debt that c�r�fiiet5�v�th app�iCabl� <br /> ���� ia�v o�vill��t b��ff�c�i��,ur�l�ss that Iav���press�y�r irr�plE�d��p�rrnits th�e�ariati�r�s�y vvri�t�n ag���m�nte <br /> �f ar�y s�C�i���f thi�S��urity Ins$rum�nt Canr���b�er�f�r��d ac��rdir�g t�its t�rrr�s,that sect��r��v�ll b� <br />:::::::; se�er�d ar�d vv�l�r��t aff��$th�enf�rc�abili�y���h�r�rr�air�de��f�his Se�urity�nst�ur�erat.VVh��ereer used, <br />���=��� th�singular 5hal�iric#ud�the��ural ar�d th�plura!�h�singula�.Th���pti�ns and headi�gs�f�he s���i��s�f <br /> �his 5��uri�y�r�strurrtient ar�f��cor���r�i���e�nl��r�d�r�n�t t�b�used to ir�t��pr�t or def���th���rrr���f thi� <br /> : Se�u�ity Instrur�n�nto Tinn��s of th��s��r��e ir�thi5 S��urity Instrurr��r�ta <br />::::; <br />:::::, <br />:::=:� <br />:::::; �4o S�J�CESS��t T�tl15TEEa �er��fi�iary,a���r��f��eary�'s�pti��,r�ay fr�m tirne t�tirr��r�rn���Truste��r�d <br />::::::i app�i�t a suc��ss��trus�e����h�ut�n���h�r f��r�ality than th�de�ignatiar��r�writir�ga Th�su���ss�r trust�e, <br /> vvith�ut��nveyar��e�f th�Pr�p�rt�,sha�l suc���d���II the$it��,p��nr��an�duti�s��nf�rred up�r�Trus���by <br /> this S�curity Ins��u�n�r�t and app���able la�v. <br />:::=:; <br /> 25a N�1'1�E.l�r���s�oth���vise�equired by la�v,any n�$ic�shall be gi�en by d��i��ring�t�r by��iling it by <br /> fir���la5s rr�arl��th�appr�pri�t�par�y's addr�ss or�pag� 1 �f�his��Curity lr�strurr��r�t,�r to ar�y�th�r <br />::::::; addr�ss d�sigr�at�d in�ritir�g.N�����tv�r�e trust�r wiil b�d��rr�ed t���r��ti��t�al!�rust�r�o Trust��ar�d <br /> Q�n�f��iary h�r�by r�quest a C�py�f ar�y r��ti���f d�fault,ar��a c�py�f any notic��f sa�eth�reund�r�be ' <br /> rr�ail�d t��a�h pa�y at th�addr�ss far su�h pa�t�s�t f�rth�n pag�� �f this S��uri�y <br /> �rtstru s��r�t. <br /> {�age����� <br /> r <br /> _ 1994 W�Iters I{lumver Fir►ar�coal 5�r►►iee�-�ankers�ysC�ms � F�rm U5�-RE�T-NE 11l1�l2�i 2 <br />:::::; <br />:=:�:� <br />::�:� <br /> �.� <br />