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<br />=:::::� 1 C o E�PEN5E5;ADVAN�ES�N���1ENAN1°S�ATT��IV EYS'FEESp C�LLE�1'��N��STS�E�c��pt
<br />������ vvh�n pr�hibit�d by lavv,Trust�r�gr�es t�pa��II�f��r��fi�iary's��cp�nses if Trust�r brea�h�s aray�����a�t
<br />`::::� i�this Se�urity Ir�strurn��t.TruSt�r vvill�Is�pay�r�d�rr�ar�d any ar��ur��incu�red by�er��f�C�ary for
<br />:::�::; insurir�g,i�sp��tir�g,pr�s�rvi�g�r�th�r�vise prot�c�ir�g th�Pr�p�r��an��en�fi�iaryps s��urit�ir�t�r�sto
<br />:::::; Th�S�e�p��s�s vvill b�ar ir�t�r�st frvrr�the da$��f the payrr��nt unti�paid in fuli�t th�highe�t ir�t��est rat�i�
<br />::::::�
<br /> ..., ef��ct as pr�r�id�d in the t�rr�s�f�he S�cur�d D���a`Trust�r�gr�es t�pay a�i��st��nd exp��ses ineu�r�d�y
<br /> ��r��f��iary in e�ll��ting,�r�f�r�ir�g ar pr�te��ing����ficia�y'�right5 ar�d r�r�edi�s ur���r th�s Se�ure�y
<br /> I�strur�r�r��.This am�ur�t rrray ir�clude,bu�is n�t�irr�it�d t�,att�rn�ys'f���,c�ur�C�sts,and�ther��gal
<br /> expe�ses.Thi�Se�urity Instrurr��nt shal�rerr�air�ir��ff�Ct ur���l����as�d.TruSt�r agre�s t�pay��r ar��
<br /> ��c�rdati�n c�sts�f su��h re��as�.
<br /> '7s ENV[R�N�EIVTAL LAVUS AIVD HA�I�RlD�lJS SLJ�STAN�E5.1�5 L95�d I�1 thl5 5���9��1��7}
<br />::�::: En�ir�r�rr��r�tal L�►n�rn�ar�s,�nr�th�ut I�rr�i�ati��,th���r�pr�h�nsio��E��ir�nrr�er��al R�sp�nse���r�p�r�sati�n
<br /> a�d Li�b�lity Act��ER�LA,42 LJ.So�.9�D1 �t seq.},and all�th�r f�d�rai,sta$�and I���I I�v�s,r�gu�a�i�ns,
<br />:=:��::� �rdirran��5,��ur���d�rs,att�r��y ger�eral�pirri�r�s�r i�t�rp��t���let��rs C�nc�rn�ng�h�public h�alth,saf�ty►
<br />����� �r�lfar�,�r�v�r�r�s°��r�t�r�ha�ard�us�ubstar�ce;a�d�2}Hazard�us 5ub�tar�c�rrr�ans any t�xi�,rad��a�ti�e ar
<br />:=:::;
<br /> ha�ard�us rrr�at�r�al,waste,p�llu$an$�rc�r�tarr�i�rantvvhs�h has�hara�t�r�5ti�s whi�h rer�derth�substan��
<br /> da�ger�us�r p�ter�ti�ll�d�ng�r�us t�th�publ��health,�af�ty,vv�lfar��r gnvir�r��n�nt.Th�t�rm ir���ud�s,
<br /> � with�ut�i�nitat��n,any sub5tar�c�s d�fin�d as'°ha�ard�us r�at�ria�,°`��t�x��s�a�sta���s,""ha�ard�us�nraste'°vr
<br /> ::�
<br />::::::; 9°ha�ard�us s�bstan��'°und�r ar�y Er�vir�nm�r�taB La�.
<br />:::::;
<br />::.:�
<br />....�
<br />.....� .
<br />::`:`; Trustor repres��rts,warrar�t5 ar�d agre�s that:
<br />������� A. Eacc�p��s pr��i�u�ly dis�l�s�d and a�kr���vvledged�n vvritirrg t�E�r�efi�iary,no Ha�ard�us Substar�c�is ,
<br />:::-:::' �r drvill�e I��a�ed,st�r�d�r r�leased�n�r ir�th�Pr�per�y.Thi�r�stri�ti�r�d�es n�t apply t�sr�ralf
<br />:::.:;
<br />����' quantities��Ha�ard�u�S�bs�ar����that ar�g�n�ral�y r�c�gni��d t���appr�priat�f�r th�r�vrrnal us�
<br /> ar�d rr�air�t�r�anc��f th��r�p��ty.
<br /> B. E���pt as pre�i�us��disc��s�d and a�kn�vv�edg�d ir�vur�t�ng t���n�fie�ary,Trust�rand����yter�ar��
<br />::=:�:; ha��b�e�,ar�,and shall remai�i�fulB��rr�pl�an��with a�y applrc�bl�En��r�r�rn�r�ta!Lavva
<br />:::::::�
<br /> �. Trus��r sha�l irr�rn�diated�r��t�fy��r��f��iary if a r�(�as��r th��at�r��d�el��s��f a Ha�ardous 5ub�tas��e
<br />=-:::::� �Cturs ar�,ur�d�r�r ab�ut the P�op�r�y�r th�r�is a vi�lati���f any E��ir�nm���a�Lavv��n�err�i�g�h�
<br />::��:::� Pr�p�r�y.Ir�su�h�r���ent,l"rus$�r shall tak�all����ss�ry rerr��dial aCtio�in a���rda��e with ar�y
<br />:::::::�
<br /> En�ironm�r�t�l Lavvo
<br />:<::::I �. Trustor shall irr�nne�ia��iy��tify����f��iar�i��rri�en�as s��n as Trust�r has r�as�s�t�b�l���e th�r�is
<br /> ar�}�p�r�d�r�g'�r$hr��ter��d in��s�'sgati�r�,�la�rr�,�r pr���eding relating t�th���I�ase�rthr�at��ed
<br /> r�l�ase af�ny F-la�ard�us�ubst�r����r the o�i�lati�n�f any E�o�ir�r�r��r�tai La�.
<br />:-::' 1�e C�N�E1VlIVAT1�Ne Trust�r will gi����r��f��iar�pr�r�npt n�ti���f ar�y p�r�di�g�r thr��t�r��d a�ti�r�,by
<br /> pr���t�ar pu��ic�ntiti��t�purchas��r tak�any or aB��f the Pr�per�y th��ugh c��der�r�a����,�s°�in�nt
<br />==����' d�r�ain,��any�th�r m�ar�s.Trustor authvri��s��ne�i�ia�y t�int�rro���ir�Trust�r9s r�am��n any�f th�
<br /> ���V�C��5�1'II��C��C$I�C15�B'CI�jB�15.Trust�r ass�grrs t���n�f���ary th�pro���ds�f any a�vard�r�laim f��
<br />:_:::::; darnag�s c�r�r�ected w�th a���d�mr�ati�n�r�thert�kirrg�f all�rany p�rt�fth�Pr�p�rty.SuCh pr�Ce�ds
<br /> shall b���nsid�r�d gaaynn�nts ar�d�rill b��ppl�ed as pr�o�id�d in th�5 Se�urity I�strum�r�t.This assignr�ro�nt vf
<br />`���' r�c��ds i��ub�ctt�th�t�rrr�s�f ar� ric�r me�rt a �,d��d�f trust,se�urit a r�em�nt�r�th�r�ier�
<br />.....� p J Y#� � g J Y 9
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<br />:::::::;
<br /> d��unn�rt�n
<br /> °I�A �NSURAN�Ep Trust�r shal�k��p Pr�perty insur�d agair�st I�ss by fir�,fl��d,�h�ft ar�d�th�r ha��rds and
<br /> ri5k5 re�s�r�ably ass�ciat�d►�ith the Pr�per��du�t�its t�pe ar�d I��ati�r�o Th�s ir�su�a�c�shai�b�r��ir�t�ir�ed
<br /> �r�th�arr��un�s a�d f�r th�p�ri�ds th�t��n�fi�i�ry r�quir�s.li�ha��er��fi�iary r�qu�r�s pursuar�t t�th�
<br />:-:::::� pr��ed��g tenr�ser��t�n�es�ar��hang�dur�r�g the terrr��f th�5��ured�e�at.Th�insuran���arr��r pr��idir�g the
<br />:=:::�
<br />.::.�
<br />:::::::; �nsuran�e shai�be�h���n��`Trust�rs��j��tt�E�r��ficiarY's appr��al,wh�ch 5hall n�t b�ur�r�as�r�abl�
<br /> �ei�hh�ld.If T'rust�r fa�ls t�rr�air�tair�the e�verag�d�scrib�d ab�r��,��r��fi�iary rr�ay,at E���fi�iary°s�pti�r�,
<br />:::::; ��������o��rag�t�pr�t�ct��nef���ary�'s rights ir�th�Pr�per�y acc�rd�ng t�th�te�ms��th�s SeCurity
<br />::::�::i 1 t���ru rr�er�t.
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<br /> _ 1994 ihlaiter�Kluwer Finan�ia!S�rvi�es-F3ar�k�rs System� � Forrx�L15B-RE�T N�1101 fi1�O12
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