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<br /> �'1` ' v�. }'::��' :w`= rl'o� t _ �1 � _ „�., .1J' S. .b'i.
<br /> {l.' :4. ':Y` ?w p �.�,,3� - �,1 Yi �^ ,�,.F.^'S},?��� t -_
<br /> < i -'�' �..ru; ':Y•• t` F - ��=�t y{[':3�: { `P' �� i�r�, .a� '�vr' -;'ii��.`G
<br />- � , � �.':: .c':.` i= � a::-;`:i. '�-3 tc� F �� E_. s. •:Si:, .=r 3a �. f,c»_:.;_.
<br /> t S 1 . ��:� ( .`ti. �,,��•YS,�r�t. �G'��� �.� c Y FS. �r• � f �H. � �'+; 'F�
<br /> .. �x�rri�� � '`� .. `Y.f�-- �`';i;�'��Q�'����`, c— �l�i �F E1���bSiT:tk2��.��t.��:i:t,i1.��8' �.�k r' Z i Sa..?Sa�ti�\)�+uer°'�.si+..�\ �
<br /> -_ `o�,k c�i` y�`� ��r�tt.`�475.�� �a��►�r51� ��•.-
<br /> i____�— ! '" - . ... �
<br /> . � go-= �oo4gi .
<br /> rIf Lender requircd mort�;,�i�;amnce as a condition of making the loan secured by this Security Instrument,
<br /> , Borrower shall pay the premiums�equita#ta maintain the insurancc in ef�'ect until such time as ihe requiremenf far the ,
<br /> insurance terminates in aecordansc w:ih�cizr6+was's and Lender's writtea agreement or applicable law.
<br /> I�. I�peetioe. i,en�ee os its ag�t_mxy mzke reasonabte entriss upon aad inspections of tbe Preperty. Lenda
<br /> shall give Borrower aotice a3 th:fimt afar priorto an is�;Ew.ction specifying reasanable cause fox the inspectian. � �
<br /> 9. CoRdeetnn�+tlon. Tiae proceeds of any aa-�d ur ciaim far damages.dirtct or consequential,in connection with �
<br /> sny condemnatinrd or otl�tal:ing of any part of the Property,or far canveyance in tieu of condemnation,are hereby
<br /> assigrted and sftatl6r p�id to�.en�lrs.
<br /> ' In the e�ent of a total ts�cing of th:Propert}-,th.procecds shall be appiied to the sums secured 6y this Security �
<br /> Instrument,whethe�or not th�du�aith any exc�s p�sl to Borro�rec.In the event of a partial talciag af the Pruperty.
<br /> untess Bonower atr3 Lende�oih:sc�:se agree in x•atir�,thm sums secured by this Security InstrumenE shal!be reduced tsy '
<br /> � the amount of thr proeoeds multipisod b�ttbr_fa4���ring frrctian:(a)the totat amovnt of the sums savred immtdia;e3y �
<br /> ' before thc talcing,divi�ed by{6)the fair ffi�I�,.^�value of the Property ammediately before the taking.Any balance sh�I3 f�c ���z'`: .
<br /> � paid ta Bonower. �
<br /> Jf the Property is al�an�or.td by Borrowet,or if.a.fter�atice by Lender to Bonower that the condatsaor�:�to
<br /> . . rtiake an award or seitic a claim for damagss,Borrower fas�En s�sgand to Lendcr within 30 days after the dats tbt n���is '
<br /> �ven,I,ender is a��thc�rized tu coi2tcs and apply the procee�,�+t���iEna.either to restoration ar repair of the Prope�tf-�a
<br /> to ths sums secured by this Seeurity instcumt.�t,whether ar naz.t�Z��.�cs. �
<br /> � Unless LesEder and�onoue3 oth:ari:se agree in writiu�,a�.�a�rplication of procads to�rsncipal shall not eattnd or � ' '
<br /> � postp�ne the due date of tht mossthf}p3ym�ts re+�'erred ta F.n Raragraphs 1 and 2 or change the;�9unt ofs�h�yra�ts.
<br /> � 10. Borrowu No1 Aet� Forbeu�nce By Leader Not a �Vaiver. Extensian oF t�i. time fd�paymr.nE or
<br /> . modification of amortizatiun of th�sums secured by thss Security Instniment granted by I�es to any successar.in .
<br /> interest of Borrawer shall not operate to re2ease ihe liability of the original Borrawer�r Borrawe�'s suc�essols in is�terea�.
<br /> ' Lend�r shall not bs required ta commence proce�ings against any successor in interest or refuse to extertd time fo.r .
<br /> � paym.n4 or oth:rwise mndify a�rt�stization of the sums s�cured by this Security Instrument by reason of any deraanci m�dz - -
<br /> " by tls�azigin��artowes or Ht,zra�ttr's successors in intes�+t.Any forbearance by 1.ender in excrcising any right oa remr.dy
<br /> shall noi be a w a:�•e3 of or pretiu�e the exercise of any right flr rcmedy. :
<br /> , 11. S�ocessors aad Assigis Bo�ed;Joint and Serenl Li�bil�ty;Co-signers. The covrnants and agreeineni+��of
<br /> this Stcurity trutrum�:nt shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Borrower,subject to the pravss�a�st�. '. �
<br /> ; of parugrapb 17.Bc,rto+�ea's coveaants and agreementsshal�ix joint and several.Any Botrowerwiso casignsthis Secusit}��. ';.::r,;;;�<�;;
<br /> ` Instr�m._nt bu9 dces n�s exe�3te th:Nnte:(a)is co-s�gn;i�g this Security Instrument only to cr�rtgage,g�st and con�-��� �,;;4�';:;'�,
<br /> ,�,.;,
<br /> that�orrowec's imterest in 31�:Property urr�er the terrrc�:�;i this Security Instrument;(b)is not�rSSOnaAy obiigated to.p,��. ;�,� :��:._
<br /> � the surns secusal by this Security Instni,.:s:nt;ond(cj.��rees that Lender and any other Borrawer may agree to eatc�rf,. �
<br /> ; madify,forb�:aa or m�.k�any accommodations with re�rc�to the terms of this Security Insirument or the Note wiC�hr3iu
<br /> � that Bc+rrav`er's ec;Wetas. -
<br /> 12. Lnai�C.'hu�cs. If the loan secured by�his 5e:urity Instrument is subject to a taw which sets maximum loan '�
<br /> � charges, turci thar iaR.i» f�r.aUy interpreted so that the interest or ather loan charges cotlected or to be collxted in � „:
<br /> , cannection.wiIIt�tt� Icun exceed the permitted limits, then:(a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by the am�ur3
<br /> � necessary t�rt+d�:e.tt�u.charge to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums already copected Prom Borrawer which exccedcd
<br /> ` permiited li:�.��w�ii��i�re€irnded to Bonower.Lender may choose t�make this refund by reducing the principal oRed
<br /> ' u�:r IF�e 1Vot�:or by m3k�iaga direct payment to Harrower.If e refund reduces principal,the reduction wil!lsetreated as a
<br /> partt.zl pr.-apaymens without any prepayment charg�und�r the Note.
<br /> ' ; ��3. Leglst�tion Affecting Lender's. Ri}shts. lf enactment or eapiratian os applica62e laws t�as the effect of
<br /> e � •
<br /> rendering any provision of the Note or this S��rity Instrument unenfc�rceable according to its tcrms. Lender.at its uptinn. ' �,
<br /> � m2�� require immediate payment in fu19 of all sums secured by this 5ecurity Instrument and may invoke any remedies
<br /> petmitt�:�by paragraph 19.If L,ender eaercises ihis optie�,l.ender shaq take the steps specified in the secon�paragraph of ,,-���;�°
<br /> par;t�,rr'=�h i7. .�%.
<br /> 14, Notiees. Any notice to Barrower provided fnr in this S�curily Instrument yhal)be given hy delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by�rat class mail unlas applicablt!aw requires use of another method. The natir.e tihall be directed to the �',��
<br /> ; Pro�esty Address or any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notire to Lender shaU be given by .
<br /> firs�cl:iss mail to Lender's address stated herein or any esltPr address Lender designates by notice to Bartower.Any notice
<br /> praurr3e+�for in this Sceurity lnstrument shall be deene�i t�r t�ave been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided
<br /> ' in�Lt�s paragraph.
<br /> • 1S. Go�ernieg I.sw;SeTerability. T'hss 5ecurity Instrument sha1)be governed by feda:�•::�taw and the law of thc
<br /> juri.�ictian in which the Propetty is laeated. tn the e�•ent that any provision or cfau�ce oi this�:ri;zty lnstrvrtient or the
<br /> Nhte urnfliets with applicable law,such eonflict shall not affeet other provisions oC this Security Is�stcu:r.ent or the Note
<br /> ; ' which can be given effect without the c�nflicting prov�scaR.To this end the provi4cons�P this Security Instrument and the
<br /> ria.e are declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. $orroRn's Copy. �rrawer st��ll be given one confoemexi copy of the Nate and«f tiu;Security lnstrurr;e�3 t,
<br /> 17. Tnnsfer of the F'roperty or a[ieneRcial Interest in Borrower. lf nll or any part „f the Prcbperty or ar.y
<br /> interest in it is sold or transferred(or if a beneficial interc.�!m Bdrrowcr is sold or transferred and I3orrowcr is not a natural
<br /> prrson)without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may,at its option,require immediate payment in full nP all sums
<br /> ' secured by this Stcurity lnstrument. Howrver,this c�ption shall n�t 6e exercised by l.ender if eaercise�s prnhibitec! by+
<br /> fedcral law as af the date of this Security inylte�menL �---_T____.
<br /> IF Lender easrc:ses this option,l,end�r shaU geve Borrower natice of acceleratiori.T'he rtotice stiall prnvide a period ;
<br /> nf not less than 30 days Prorrs the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Finrrna•er must pay all rums secure�i hy !
<br /> this Security Instrument.lf Bottower faits to pay these sums prior ro the expitution of this pericxi.I,end�r may invuke nny ; '
<br /> remedies permittrd by tl�is Sccntity Instrument withoul further notice or d�mand on Norrowcr.
<br /> tL'.Su:r��t;'s l°.:a::!a L°e:�s2Ce. �E Bt+rr�x..-r s:ccis ccrtai:�carditin;�;,tic.,rou�r stiali�:�ve ti�e:'sg�i ta haze ��'
<br /> enfnrcement�f thi9 Security Instrument disenntinued at any�ime priur tu the earlier c►f:(a)5 days(ur such��ther period as
<br /> � d��yit�aeii�=dti► i�i�y�4ri;cil�y io�reir�statemenij;cfore�aSe uT the Properi3 pui,����i tir;�ny p+�wci r�i Y�ic conia���ed i�r ti,i5
<br /> 5e:urity instrument:or(b)entry�f a judgment enfnscing this Stcurity Instrumenl.Thn�e rnnditionv are that Hotrnwer:
<br /> (a)pays l.snd�r all sums which then wauld be due undrr th�s Se�:urity 1ns�rument �nd tl�e Nc�te liad nn ucccleration r.
<br /> �ccurred: (b) cure�; any defauit cff any other covenants c�r �greements; (c) p�ys al) ea�+e�ses incurred in enforcing th�v
<br /> 5ecurity tnstrurtten�. ittclud�ng.but not lunited ta,tcasonabie attcrrncyti' fecs.�nd(d1 tskca�ucf�ael�on es Lcnder rn�y
<br /> re�tonably reyuirc tn nssuse lhat the I�en nf thic Security Instrument. 1_encier�G flhfll4 Ili (IIC Pff�(�ItY J(ICj II(�l/OK@f'c � _
<br /> ubb�CaU��n ta pay �he cumc �c�:ure:l by th�v Ser�urity Imtrument shal� cs�nt�sEUe un�lsan£ee! I�CSJIf 4Yteiata!e�t�e�tE !+y
<br /> Harruwer.thi�Sr��rily inrtrument aud tl�e obligationv s:curecl hereby chc�it rem3tn fult}•eft'ect�tir tiv�f nnaceEler�ti:m ha�l
<br />- <<'currcc! H���sc►ct.II11t(1��'lt C���C�f1S���C SF��II11Ut i1Ct�1I�i lh tI1C C:ILC ftf:Jl'l'CICi:411f�{i Uf1f�C�r:IFJ�i'J�I7': 1 Lnr IY
<br /> �
<br />