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<br /> tINItORUCOYE:VI�:�TS. BosrawerandLendercove�a;�tanti��;r�a��.fe�i4tr�:+E;�
<br /> 1. Q�y�tat ot Pri�ci�at asd Ltera�Prepaymest sed I.ttB(�ra(p��k�,.FJc±�rnwer sha11 promptly pay when due
<br /> the.principsl of and interest on 2he drbt eridenceci by th�Note and an��pt�x,�,�ei3t.and tate charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. �Fuods fotTata aad Iesnra�ct. Sub}ect to appiic,abtt lau u:tiYaa aretten waiver by Leader.Borsower shall pay
<br /> � to I.ender c�n the day m��thTy payments are du:un�er the Nat��ntii:the Notr is paid in full.a sum("Fands")pqua!to
<br /> onatwelftfi oS: (a) yearly taxes and assessments �hich.m7�•�r��tuin preority o�er this Securit} ln�trument; (b)yearly
<br /> leasehoid �aymcnts or ground rer_ts or. the Fropert}, if,et.�►p;��"a�,y�arly hazard irisurance premiums: aad (d)yearZy
<br /> rnortgaga insufiance premiums,if any.'Y'hese items are c�ttd"�rrr 3ttms."Lea�der may esumate ths Funds dae on the
<br /> buisofcurrent data and taso�n�bk estimat�sof futureescro:�i7c��q..
<br /> The Fuads shall be bdd in an institution tlt:depesit�nr:.a►�t:nSs•ssticti��ich sra insurtd or guatanteed by a fGderal or
<br /> state agency(including Lender�Y��tn�er is such a.�institGtfi^r�}.,��,t;�3tt:,s��7,�D;a�!�t��,.the Funds to pay the escrow items. .
<br /> Lwder raay not charge for hfllc��;afnd applyiag ct�e Fun��..�a�r;}�a.iai�!i�«a�:r.c�;as��t ce��verifying the eserow items,unlcss
<br /> Leada pays I3arrawer inter�st�.ti�Fands and appfF�,'�-0i�Ia�•��ez�it�;Ltrn��:t��rn�ice such a charge. .Bonower aud
<br /> Lender may agrx ia writing that interest s1�a11 be paiti an:t�u fia,rs��i;:.isniess an agre�ment is made or applicable law '
<br /> requires intartst to he�id,Lenda sBaU aot be require�=tu;�sy�4:�:1�t'd�.xi*��r�y interest or earnings on tbe Funds. Lender
<br /> sba1)give to Barivwer.without charge.an annua!accoisrs�iq,�;ds..bi�ua�;t;showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> purpose for which e:ub debit to the Funds was mada I'�:Fwt,:�;'are ptedged as additianal se�urity for the sums secured by
<br /> this Seenrffy Ii:stru.ment. -
<br /> Uthr�air,ouni ef the.Funds held by Le-vSer.togethsr u3iJa the future monthly payraents of Funds payable prior to
<br /> r�ho due dzt�rs of the�v�items,shal!excee���3.am�unt reqtsired to pay the escrow ite�s wl�en due,the eacess shall be, �
<br /> at Bonowea's aption.r�i.he�protttptJy repaid 2d�Aarrower or crodited to Borrowtr on monthly paymenis of Funds.If the
<br /> atnovnt oi'the Funds heid by L�nder is not sufftcieni to pay t�ys escrow iteans when du�,.8onower shall pay to Lender any ` '
<br /> amount necessary to malce up th�aefrr'sency in one or mare payments as required by L�der.
<br /> Upon payment in full of atf svms secured by this Serurity Instrument,Lender shall prom�ptly refund to Borrowtr
<br /> any Funds held by Lender.if under paragraph 19 the Property is sold ar as�ired by Lender.II.ender shall appty,no later
<br /> than immodiatety priQr eo the sale of the Property or its acqui4itian by�.ender,any Funds held by Lender at the time af
<br /> applicatiar..,u a credit against the sums 5ecured by this Security Iastrument. -
<br /> 3..i4�licatiae of Psymeets. Unless applicable law p�avides othecwise,all payments received by I.eu�undes
<br /> paragta�lf�!���d 2 shall be applied:first,tQ late charges due under the Note;second,to prepayment charges due aader the
<br /> Notr,thir�,�a amoants.�rayabte under paragraph 2;fourth,to interzst due;and last,to principal due.
<br /> � ` �► �8arges;Lt�es. Borrower shall p�y sTil taxes,assessments,charges,fines and impositirns attriUuta6le to th�
<br /> Propertq �iich may �t�in priority,over this Security Instrument,�ac�l�sehold payments or ground rnnts, if any. .
<br /> � " Borrower���il Qay these obligatians.i.�Rhe manner providod in paragrapii 2,or if not.��ial in that manner,Ham�tc;sr sHaU
<br /> � pay thettt�.�.t��ne direct]�to the�su owed payment.Borrower shaU prosr:ptly furrish ta Lender all notic��.f�mounts �
<br /> to 6e paid 1:��er this��--.�raph. If f3onowu makes these payments dire�-tic. Botrower shall promptly fumi�i:ris�.ender
<br /> receipts evidtncing the���.,�:nents.
<br /> i�-,�'�
<br /> Bc�r�wer shall promptly discharge any lien which has priarity over 4his Security instrument unless&:rc�nver:(a) "-=
<br /> agrees in s�;r�i•�ng to the payment ef the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)confr�is in good �
<br /> faith tht lier�by,or defends against enforcement os the lien in,legal proceedings which in th�Lender's opinin�s.L�serate to - --
<br /> prevent the enforcement of the lies►or farfeiture of any pan of the Property;ur(c)secures from the holder of the lien an
<br /> agramrnt satisfactory to Lender su6ardinating the lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender detenr�ines that any part of
<br /> the Property is subject to a iien ahich may attain priority over this Security lnstrument. Lender�tnay give t3eirrower a �
<br /> notice identifying ehe ties�.Borrow�-�t�a11 satisfy the lien or tafce one or more of the actions set forth above wit9tin LO days �
<br /> of the giving oPnotice. �{�,
<br /> S. Haurd Insurance. Bonower shall keep the improvements notv existing or hereafter erected on the Property .
<br /> insured against loss by fire,hazards incauded within the term"extended ca��c.rage"and any ather hazards for which I.ender
<br /> requirrs insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the amounts rxnd far the periads tF�at I.ender reqzires. The
<br /> insurance carrier praviding the insiarance shall be chasen by F�orrower subjert ta t,ender's approval which shaf� not be �
<br /> unreasonably withheld. �•
<br /> All insurance policies and rer;awals shali be acceptafJ;e to Lrnder and shall include a siandard mortgage clausc.
<br /> lLender shaU hav�the right ta hold the p�!icies:sav.t renewats. IP Lender reyuires,Borrower shall pr�rr:ptly give to I,ender � �
<br /> �,�1 recripts of paid premiums and rentwa)notic+�, 1n the event af loss,Serrower 5ha11 Rive prompt n�atice to the�asurance ��:�:�:
<br /> , carrier and l.ender.Lender may m:l�e proof of'toss if not made promptly by Bcyrrower. ,�:j�.';
<br /> Unless Lender artd Botrowerc3¢herwise agree in writing,insurance proceeds sl�all Be applied to restotatiarz ci•�epai, '
<br /> of the Property damaged.iP the restoration or repair is ecenomicaily fcasc'ble and Lender's security is noi lesser:�.Ef tite ' '
<br /> restoration or repair is not economically feasiblc or Lender's security w�auld be lesserted, the insurance proceeds shall fsa '
<br /> applied to the sums se�:arred by this Security]nstrument.whether or ncZ then due.with any eacess paid to Borrow�r. iC
<br /> Borrower abandons the 1'roperty.or dces nat answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance c�Trrier has
<br /> offered to seule a claim,then I.ender may coltect the insuraace prviceeds.I.ender may use;he proceeds to apair��c r�tore
<br /> the Prop�tty or to pay sums secuscd by this Security lnstrument,whether or not then due.The 30�day period�.:!�begin
<br /> when the notice is given.
<br /> , Untess Lertder�nd$orrow��r�Ithrrwise ag,rce in writing,any applicutinn of'proceeds to principa�shall not eatend or
<br /> pnsipont the due date af the monthl3�naymems referred to in paragraphs f and 2 vr change the amount os the payments.lf
<br /> under paragrnph 14 the Properiy is�.{uired by Lender,Borrower's right to any insurance palicies and procecds resulting
<br /> from damage to the Praperty prior to the aequisition sha11 pass to Lender ra the extrnt of the sums srcured by this Security
<br /> lnstrument immediately prior to the acquisitian.
<br /> 6. Presenttlun�ndMaintte�nce otPr�perty;Lesseholds. }iasrower shall nnt destroy.damage or substantially
<br /> change Ihe Property,allow fhe Property to deieriorate or commit waste. If'this Security Qnstrurnent is on o Ic:asehold.
<br /> $orroaer shall campiy with the provisions of the lease.and if Borroweracyuires fee title tv the Property,the lessel3ald and �
<br /> fee litle shall nat merge unlrss Lender agrees to the merger in writing. �
<br /> 7. Prottttfon ot Ltsdet's Rtghts in the Property; :ltorigage lnsur�nce. IP Horrower fails ta perform the '
<br /> covenants and agreemems contairted in this Security instrument.or�here as a legal pr�►rceding that may cignificantty affect
<br /> Lender's rights in the Property(such as a pr��ceeding in bankruptcy.probate. for condemnat�on nr tn enforct laws or ' •
<br /> rc�uL;lias�).=hi-s�dcr rray du a�id F�:,y fi,r wnafever�s accessary io protert rhe calue c�f the Frnperty an�Len�er's rights
<br /> in 1hr Propeny. Lendtr's actions may include paying�ny sums secured by a i►en whirh has pnancy u�cr this 5ecunty _ �
<br /> ' � jnaY�^�mrr��,�Y�.3s;no sa:ct;;:i,p�ysrsg sp�u+nr�hle:,ttntneyo f�c,�n�a�,�=fiig�fn ine Property tc�make repa�rs. Although
<br /> LLender miy t•rke action under ihis parngraph 7,Lender dne5 not have tci dc�cn.
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lendcr under this parograph 7 shali bec<�mc add�nonai deM��!Horn�wer secured by this n•
<br /> tii2cunty tnsttument.Unless[3orr�wer�nd tender agrce tn nther terrnc��f patment,ihe�e arn��unls shali bear mterest fr��m �
<br /> tFte date �f dubutsement at thr Nute rate �nd sha!! hc payahtc. with �ntrrc�t. ��r�m nnt�cc frnm 1 ender ti� H��rtower ,
<br /> recruesnng p�yment.
<br /> �. .,
<br />_ � .
<br />