2� 1 ��7�89
<br /> �EEa vF T�us-r
<br /> Loan Nv; 'i(�'12°����3 tC��t�nu�d� Pag� 3
<br /> regulati�ns, novu or hereaft�r in effect, of a�i go�ernmental au�hvriti�s applicab[e ta '�he us� �r accupancy o��he
<br /> Proper�y. Trustar may Gvntest in goad faith any such lav►r, ❑rdinance, or regufation and withhold complianGe during
<br /> any pro�eeding, including apprvpria�e appeals, s� Icang as Trustor has noti#ied Lender in writing prior tv doing sv
<br /> and sv Iong as, in L�nder's svle ❑pinsan, Lend�r's interests in�he P�-vp�r�y are nQ�jeapardf��d. Lend�r�may r�quEre
<br /> Trustor to post ad�quate se�urtty�r a surety band, reasonably satis�a�t�ry tv Lender,tv prvtect Lender's inter�st.
<br /> Duty to Pro�e��. Trustor a�rees nei�her �Co ahandvn or �ea�e unattended the Praperty. Trustar shall do alf vthe�
<br /> acts, in addi�Fon to�hase acts set�arth abvve En this section, ►rvhich fram the Gharacter and use of the �roperty are
<br /> reasanably necessary�o p�at�c�and preserve the Praperty.
<br /> QUE�N SALE-C�NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's op�ian, dec�are immediat�ly due and payabl� a11 sum�
<br /> �ecured by this [3eed Q�Tru��upon the sa�e c�r transfer, withQ�t Lender`s privr wri��en consent, �f a[� or�any part af the
<br /> Real Prflper�y, or any in��rest in the �eal Prvperty. A "$�le or trans�er" m�ans the c�n�eyance ��Real Prvperty or any
<br /> right. title ar in�erest in the Real Praper�y; whether legal, heneficia� or equi�able; whether �o�untary �� in�olun��ry;
<br /> wheth��- by out�ight sale, deed, ins�allment sale contract, land contract, contra��t #or deed, leasehvld int�r�st v►rith a
<br /> terrn greater��han thr�e {3f years, fease-optian �ontrac�, ❑r hy safe, assignment, or transfer �# any benefi�i�i interes�in
<br /> or�o any land �rust holding �i�le tc� the Real Prvper�y, or by any ❑ther methad of ctrn�eyance ❑f an Enterest �n �he Real
<br /> Pr�perty. Hawe�er, this pption shal� nat be exercised by Lender i� such ex�rc+se is proh+bit�d fay �ederal law or by
<br /> Nebraska �aw.
<br /> TAXES Ai1�D LIENS. The �ollowin� prvWisions r�lating �� the tax�s and liens on fihe PrQper�� are par� ❑f�his �eed o�
<br /> Trus'�:
<br /> Payment. Trust�r shall pay wh�n due �and in all e�ents prior t❑de�inquency} aff�axes, specia!�taxes, assessments,
<br /> Gharges �inGluding w�t�r and sewery, fines �nd imp�sitEons [��ied agains�or an account�f�he �rvper�y, and sh�ll
<br /> pay when due a�� c�aims tor work don� an or for ser�ices rendered ❑r ma�erEa] �urnished �ta the Prvperty, Trustor
<br /> sha�! main�ain the Property fr�e o�al[ [�ens ha�ing priority o�er or equa� �a�he in�erest of Lender under this Deed o�
<br /> Trust, e�ceep� �vr �he li�n af ��xes anc� �ss�ssm�n�s no� due, excep� �or �the Exi$ting Ind�btedness re�erred �o
<br /> be�ow, and�xcep�as otherwise proWided in this Deed v�Trus�.
<br /> F�i�h�to CQn#e��. Trustor m�y�nri�hho[d payment a��ny ta�, assessmen�. ar c[aim in cQnn���svn wi�h a govd taith
<br /> dispute o�er�he o�ligation to pay, so l�ng as Lend�r's inter�st in�h� Praperty is nat�eapardized. !�a lien arise� �r
<br /> is filed as a �esuit af nonpaymen�, Trus�or shall within fifteen ��5y days a#�er �he fien arises or, i� a li�n is filed,
<br /> wi�hin fif���n {�5f d�ys af��r Trus�or has r�otEce v��h� �iling, s�cure �h� discharc�e o�F th� lien, ❑r if requested by
<br /> Lender, deposit wi�h Lender�ash❑r a su��icien�corporate surety bond❑r o�her se�urity sa'�isfactvey�n Lender in an
<br /> amount su�icien#ta discharge the l��n pius any cos�s and attvrneys' fees, o�vther charges�hat could accru� as a
<br /> resul�vf a�areclasure❑r sale under the [ien. In any con�es�, Trustor shall defend i�se�f and L�r�der and shall sa�i��y
<br /> an�adWerse judgmen�hefare en�or�ement agains�the Prvpe�ty. Trus�or shaii name Lender as an additional oblig�e
<br /> under any sure�y bond�urnished in�he cvntest prviceedings.
<br /> Evidence v�Rayment. Trustor�hall upan demand �urnish tv Lender sa�is�a�tory evid�n�e vf payment❑�F the ta�es
<br /> or assessm�n�s and shall auth�ri�e the appropria�e go�rernmenta! offEcial ta deliver to Lender at any tirne a wsi��en
<br /> statemen�C���he taxes and assessmen�� against the �roper�y.
<br /> Nvtice of Cons��uction. Trus�ar shalf natify Lender at least#i�teen ��5y days E�e#vre any work is �vmmenced, any
<br /> ser�ices are furnished, Qr any ma#eria�s are suppEEed �v�he Prvperty, if�ny mechani�'s lien� ma�erialm�n's �i�n, vr
<br /> other lien cvuid b� asserted ❑n accvun� ❑�the worl�, se��ices, ar mater�als. Trustor will upan requ�s� of Lender
<br /> �urnish to Lend�� advance assurances sat�sfac�ory ta Lender tha� �rustar can and will pay the cos� �f SIJCII
<br /> impravem�n�s.
<br /> PROPEFiTY DAMAGE INSURANCE. The fo[lvv►�ing praWis�vns reEating to insuring the Pr�p�rty are a part of this Deed o�
<br /> Trus�.
<br /> Maintenan�e vf �nsuranG�. Tr�s��� shal� pracure and maintain pvlicies ❑f fire insurance w��h s�andard ex�ended
<br /> coverage endorsements on a fair �alue basis for �he �ull insurab�e �alu� co�ering all Impro�emen�s on �he Real
<br /> �'roperty in an amvunt su��icien� to a�pid app�E�a�Cion ot any cainsurance clauser and with � standard mortgagee
<br /> clause in fa�ar o� Lender� �oge�her with suGh other hazard and liab�li�y insurance as Lender may reasonabty require.
<br /> Pvli�ies shall be �vritten in �arm, amounts� co�erages and ba�is rea�anably ac�eptab�e to Lender and issuerl by a
<br /> cvmpany ❑r campanies r�asona�ly ac�eptable ta Lender. Yrustor, upon reques� o� Lend��. wil� deli�er to Lender
<br /> #rvm �im� �o time �he pv�icies ❑r certi�icates o� insurance in fvrm satis�factory to Lender, inciuding stipula�ions #hat
<br /> Ga�erages will not be cance�led vr diminished withaut a�C lea���en �1�� days pricar written na�i�e �n Lender. Each
<br /> insuranGe pv�icy al$o shall incjude an �ndvrsem�nt Qra�iding �hat cv�erage in ���ar o� L�nder will na�C be impaired
<br /> in any way by any act, vmissian or de�ault v#Trustor❑r any a�her persan. Shau�d �he Reai Prvperty be lacated in
<br /> an area designa�ed by the Administratrar o�F the Federal Em�rg�ncy M�n�gement Agency as a speciat flavd hazard
<br /> area. Trus�or agrees tv ob�ain and r�aintain Federal F�oad �nsurance, if a�ailahle. fvr �rhe fuli unpaid principal
<br /> balance af th� Inan and any prinr fiens an the praperty securing the �aan, up ta the maximum paiicy[imits set under
<br /> �he Natitana� Floc�d InsuranGe Prvgram, or as vtherwise requir�d by Lender, and to maintain su�h insur�nce fQr�he
<br /> term o�the loan.
<br /> Application ❑f RraceEds. Trus�or shall pr4mp#fy nv�i�y Lend�r af any ]vss vr damage �o the Praper�y. L�nder may
<br /> make praa� o� lass i-� 7rus�or fails to dv so ►nri�hin #i-fteen {�5f days a� �he casualty. Vtilhether ❑r nat Lender's
<br /> se�uri#y is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's eEection, re�eiWe and retain the proceeds vf any insurance and apply
<br />