2� 1 ��7�89
<br /> DEED �F TRUST
<br /> Loan N�: '#�7 29�223 ��ontin�ued� Page �
<br /> TRUST�R'S REPRESENTATI�NS AND 1NARRANTIES. Trusto� warrants that: {a} �his D�ed �� Trust is executed at
<br /> Barrower's request and no� a�the request❑�f Lender; �b} Trustar has �he �ull power, rfght, and authori�y tfl enter into
<br /> this Deed of Trust and ta hypothecate �he Property; �cy the pro�isians ❑# this ❑e�d o� Trust dv nat conflict with, or
<br /> result in a def�u[t under any agreem�n�or other instrument bind�ng upon Trust�r and do nv� �esu[t in a �iolat�an o�any
<br /> law, regulation, cour� decre� or order applicable ta Trusto�; 4d} Trustar has established adequate means �t vbtaining
<br /> �rom 6orrvwer �n a cvntinuing basis in�ormativn about Borrower's financial Gandi�ian; and �ey Lender has made no
<br /> repr�sentation ta Trustar ab�ut Bvrrower {inc�uding without limi�a�ian the credi�wor�hiness o�Barrvwery.
<br /> TRUST�R'S WA[VERS. Trustor wai�es all rights or de�enses arising by reason af any "one ac#ion" vr "anti-de#icien�y"
<br /> law, or any other �aw which may p�e�ent Lender �rvm brEnging any activn a�ainst Trus�vr, including a claim for
<br /> deficiency to the exten� Lender is otherwise en�itled t� a claim for deficiency, b��ore or after Lender's cvmmencemen�
<br /> ar campl�tivn�f any tvrecEosure action, either judi�ialEy or by exerGise❑f a pow�r�#sale.
<br /> PAY[VIENT AN❑ RERF�R[I�ANCE. Except as othervirise pravided in this Deed of Trust, 6orrawer shall pay tfl Lender all
<br /> Ind�btedness secured by this Deed o# Trus� as it be�ames due, and garrov►rer and Trusfivr shall per��rm all their
<br /> respecti�e abligations under the Nv�e,�this Deed vf Trust, and the Rela�ed Dvcumen�s.
<br /> P�SSESSIDN AND 1VIAINTENANCE QF THE PRaPERTY. Barrower and Trust�r agree th�t Borrower's and Trustor's
<br /> p�ssession and use of�he Property shall b�go�erned by the foilawing pro�isians:
<br /> Poss�ss�on and Use. Lln�il the vccurren�e �� an EWent vf De�ault, Trustor may �1 y remain in possession and
<br /> cvntraE a�the Property; ��y use, operate o�manage the Property; and �3} colle��the Rents�ram the Prnperty.
<br /> Duty to 1Vlain�ain. Trustor shalf maintain the Property in gvod �vndi�ion and promp�ly perform all repairs,
<br /> replacements, and maintenance nec�ssary t� preser�e its�a�ue.
<br /> Compliance�itY� Environmental Laws. Trustar represents and warrants t� Lende�'�ha�: {'l l Durin� the p�ria� �f
<br /> Trustor's awnership vf�he Praperty, �here has been no use, generativn, manu�acture, stvrage, treatment, disposal,
<br /> release or threa�ened releas� of any Ha�ardous Substance by any pers�n on, under, about ar �rom the Property;
<br /> ��y Trustar has nv knvwledge at, ar reasan to beiie�e that there has been, excep� as preWiously disc��sed �❑ and
<br /> acknawledged by Lender in writing. �a} any breach or �iala�ion a� any En�ironmen�al Laws, �by any use,
<br /> g�n�ration� manufiacture. s�orage, treatment, dispasal. release �r threatened release o# any Hazardous Substance
<br /> vn� under, abaut or from the Prvperty by any prior awners or ❑ccupan�s �� the Proper�y, or {cy any actual vr
<br /> #hreaten�d lit�gatian or claims o� any kind �y any person re[a�ing t� such ma�tters; and {3} Excep� as pre�iously
<br /> disclosed t� and acknawledged by Lender in writing. {a} neither Trus�ar nor any tenant. �ontractor, agent or other
<br /> authorized user v�the Praper�y shail use, g�nerate, manu�acture, s-�ore, tr�a�, dispose ��or release any Hazardous
<br /> SubstanGe vn, under, about or fram�he Prvperty; and {bf any such actiWi�y shall be canducted in compliance with
<br /> all applicabl� �edesa�, sta�e, and �a�al laws. regu[a-��a�s and ordinances, inGluding withou� lim3ta�ian ai�
<br /> En�ironmen�al Laws. Trustor authnrizes Lender and its agents �❑ �nte� upon the Property �o make such
<br /> inspections and tests, at Trustar's expense, as Lender may deem apprvp�iate to determine compliance v� the
<br /> Prope�ty with this s�ction of�he �eed v� Trust. Any insp�c�ions ❑r �es'�s mad� by Lender shall loe fvr Lender's
<br /> purposes anly and shal[ nat be cans�rued tv create any responsilvility or liabili�y an the part af Lender ta Trustor ar
<br /> ta any other pe�son. The represen�tations and warranties �ontained herein are based on Trustar's due d��igence in
<br /> in�estigating the Praperty ��r Hazardous Substances. Trustor hereby {�} refeases and wai�es any #uture claims
<br /> against Lender �or indemnity ❑r cvntribution in the e�ent Trustor becomes liable ��r cleanup o� ather �osts under
<br /> any such laws; and {2} agrees ta indemnE�y� de�end, and hold harmless Lender against any arid all c[aims, fosses,
<br /> EiabifEtEes, damages, penalties, and exp�nses which Lender may direc�ly or indirec�ly sustain vr su��er resulting �rom
<br /> a breach o�F�his section ❑f th� ❑eed o�Trus'� ar as a consequence o� any u�e, generatian, manufiactur�, s�orage,
<br /> dsspasal, re�ease vr threa�ened re�ease�ccurring privr�o�rustar's ownership or interest in ti�e Prop�rty, whe�he�❑r
<br /> no� the same was vr shauid ha�e been known �o Trustor. The pro�isivns of �his sec�ian o� the Deed af Trust,
<br /> including the❑bligatian�o indemnify and de�end, shall sur�iWe the paymen�o�the [ndebtedness and the sa�isfaction
<br /> and re�on�eyance o�the lien of th�s Deed o�T�ust and sha�l not be a�Ffec�ed by Lender's acquisitivn of any int�rest
<br /> in�he Praperty, wh�th�r by�vreclosure or otherw�se.
<br /> Nuisance, 1dVaste. Trus�ar shaSl not cause, conduG� or permit any nuisance nor commi�, permi�, or su�fer any
<br /> s��ipp�ng o� or waste ❑n vr �o �he Prvperty nr any portion of the Prvperty. Wi�hvut limi�ing �he generali�y of �he
<br /> �Faregoing, Trustor will no�remo�e, or grant�o any vther party�he right to remv�e, any timber, minerals {including
<br /> ❑ii and gas}, cval, cEay, scoria, s�il, gra�el vr racl�products wi�hout Lender's prior wri�ten c�nsent.
<br /> Rema�al af Improvements. Trustor shall nat demol�sh ar remo�e any �mpra�ements from�he Reai Praperty without
<br /> Lender's prior writ�en consent. As a conditian t��he remv�al o�any �mprv�emen�s, Lender may require�rustor�o
<br /> make arrangemen#s sa�is�actory t� Lender to replace such Impra�ements wi�h impro��ments of at least equal
<br /> �a�ue. �
<br /> Lender's Right tv En�er. Lender and Lender's agen�s and repres�ntati�es may enter upvn the Real Praper�y at all
<br /> reasonable times to a'��end to Lend�r's in�erests and ta inspect the Real Property �ar purpvses o� Trustor's
<br /> �ompliance wi�h the terms and �vndit�ons v�this Deed of Trusx.
<br /> Compliance with Gavernmen#ai Requirements. Trustvr shall pr�mptly compiy ►nrith a[I laws, vrdinances, and
<br />