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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> An� appl�cation of payments, insurance proceeds, or M�sceiianeous Pro�eeds to prznc�pai due under the Nfl�e <br /> sha�� no�ex�end or pos�pone�he due date, or change the amou�.�, of�h� P�r�od�c Payments. <br /> 3. Funds far�scrow Items. Borrower shall pay ta Lender�n the day Per�odic PaynZen�s are due under�he <br /> �'`+�u��, u��ti� �Ii� �Iut�:i��a��l i�� TuII, a Su�i��ll�� "Fu�i�15"� �����v��� r�� �dy�������Ur d����►u���5�u� r��. �a.� �a�c:� <br /> and assessments and o�her items which can a��ain priori�y n�r�r this Security Instrumen�as a l�en ar <br /> encumbran�e on the Proper�y; �b} leasehold paym�nts or ground rents an the Proper��, if any; �c�premiums <br /> for any and aii insurance required�� L.ender under Sec�ion 5; and �d} Mor�gage Insurance pr�miums, if an�, <br /> or an� sums payable by Barrawer�o I..�nder�n��eu af th�pa�ment of Nl�r�gage Insurance premiums in <br /> accordanc�w�th the provisi�ns of Sec���n ��. These items are ca���d "Escrow �tems." At or�gination or at <br /> an���me dur�ng the term of the Loan, Lender may requ�re t�at Commun�ty Assacia��on Dues, F�es, ar�d <br /> Assessments, if any, be escrawed by B�rrovver, and such dues, fees and assessmen�s shai� b�an Escraw <br /> �tem. B�rr�wer shall promp�ly furn�sh�� Lender al�no��ces of amounts to be paid ur►der th�s Secti�n. <br /> Borro�rer shall pay Lend�r the Funds for Escrow ��ems unless Lender v�ai�r�s Borr�w�r's ab�zgat�an to pa� <br /> the Funds for an�or a11 Escrow �tems. Lender ma�wa�ve Borrov�er's a��iga�ian to pay to L�nder Funds for <br /> any ar all Escrow �tem�at an� time. An�such wai�r�r may on�y�e in writing. �n�he e�rent of such wai�er, <br /> Borrower sha�l pa�r dxrectl�, when and wher�pa�ab�e, the amoun�s due for an� Escrov�I�ems for which <br /> payment of Funds has been wa��ed by Lender and, if Lender requires, shal� furnish�o Lender rece�pts <br /> �v�denc�ng such pa}�ment v��th�n such�ime peri�d as Lender may require. Borrav�er's obii�a�ian to make <br /> such pa}�ments and�o pro�v�de receip�s shall for all purpos�s he deemed �o be a Go�enant and agreemen� <br /> conta�ned in th�s Securit� �nstrum�nt, as the phras� "c�v�nant and agreement" is used in Se�tion 9. If <br /> B�rrawer is�bii�at�d�o pay �scrow ���rns directly, pursuant�a a wa��rer, and Borrower fa�ls to pay the <br /> amount due for an Escro�r Item, Lender ma� exercise i�s righ�s under Sect��n 9 and pa� such amaunt and <br /> Borrou��r shali �hen b��b�igated under Section 9�o repa� to Lender any such amount. Lend�r may r�v�ke <br /> the vvai�er as t� any or a�l Escrow �t�ms a� any t�me by a no��ce given in ac�ordan��wit� S���ian 1 S and, <br /> upon such r�voca��on, B�rrawer sha��pa�to L,ender a�� Funds, and �n such amoun�s, �ha�ar�then requ�r�d <br /> under�his Sectian 3. <br /> L.�nder may, at an��ime, co�lec� and ho�d Funds in an am�un� �a} suf�cien�to pern��L,�nder to apply�he <br /> Funds at the��me spec��ed under RESPA, and tb} not �o exceed�he maximum amount a Iender can requ�r� <br /> under RESPA. Lend�r shal� estima��the amount of Funds due on�he basis af current da�a and reasonable <br /> est�ma�es ��exp�ndxtures of fu�ure Escravv Items ar�therw�s�in accor�ance with Applicab�e La�r. <br /> The Funds shall be heid in an ins�i�u�ion�hose depos��s are insured b� a federai agency, �ns�ru�men�ality, ar <br /> en�ity �inc�uding Lender, �f Lender is an �nst�tution���h�se depasits are so �nsured}or in any Federal Home <br /> Laan Bank. Lender sha�� appi�the Funds to pa� the Escrow ��ems no �ater�han the time specif�ed under <br /> RESPA. Lender shal�not charge Borrow�r for holding and app��in� the Funds, annually anaiyz�ng the <br /> escrow ac�oun�, or verifying the Es�raw I�em�, unless L�nder pa�s Borrnw�r interest on the Funds and <br /> Appli�able Law permits Lender�o make such a charge, Un�ess an agreemen�is made in wr�ting ar <br /> Applicab�e Law requ�res interest ta be paid on the Fu�ds, Lender shal� no�be requir�d to pa�Barrower an�r <br /> �n�erest or earn�ngs on�he Funds. Borrovver and L.�nder can agre� �n writ�ng, however, tha�interes�shall be <br /> paid on the Funds. Lender shal�give�o Borrawer, vvithou��harge, an annua� accounting of the Funds as <br /> requir�d�� RESPA. � <br /> �f there is a surp�us of Funds he�d �n escrow, as defined under RESPA, I,end�r sha�� account�o Borrower for <br /> �he excess funds in acc�rdance wi�h R�SFA. �f there is a shartage of Funds held in�scr�w, as def�ned und�r <br /> R�SPA, L,ender sha�� notify Borrower as required by RESPA, and Borrflwer shal�pay to Lender the amoun� <br /> necessar�to make up �he sh�r�age in accordance with RESPA, bufi �n no more than ��rn.flnth��pa�men�s. �f <br /> th�re is a def�cienc�of Funds h�ld in escrovv, as de�ned under RESPA, Lender shal� notify Borrower as <br /> NE6RA5KA-Single Farr�i[y-Fanr�ie Ma�IFreddie Mac UNIFORM iNSTRUMENT Farm 3�28 1141 <br /> VMP� VMP5fNE3 t�3Q2} <br /> Wofters K�uwer�inanciai Ser�ices Page 5❑f 17 <br />