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2� 1 ��7��� <br /> B�RR�'S�VER��V�NANTS that Barr�wer�s �awfuliy s�is�d�f the estate hereby can�eyed and has the right to <br /> grant and c�n�e��he Pr�per�y and tha�the Prop�rty is unencurnbered, except for encumbrances of record. <br /> Barrower vvarrants and w��l d�fend genera�iy �he t�tle�o�he Proper�y aga�nst all��aims and demands, subject�a <br /> any�ncumbrances�f r�c�rd. <br /> � TH�S SE�UR�TY�NSTRUMENT c�mbines uniform covenants far nati�nal use a.�d n�n-un�form�a��nants�vith <br /> ��m.i��ed�ar�atians by jurisd�c��an to constitute a unifarm se�urity�ns�rument covering rea�praperty. <br /> Uniform Co�en�nts. Borrawer and Lender covenan�and agr�e a� follows: <br /> �. Payment of Principa�. Interest, Es�row �tems, Prepayment Charges, and Late �har�es. Borrower <br /> sha��pay when du�the principal of, an� int�r�st on, the debt e��denced�� the Note and any prepa�m�n� <br /> charges and�at�charge�due und�r the No��, Borrower sha�l a�sa pay funds for Escr�w Items pursuant ta <br /> Section 3. Pa�ments due under th�Nate and th�s Securit� Ins�run�ent shai�be made�n U.S. curr�ncy. <br /> However, if any chec�or other�nstrumen�r�����ed by L�nder as pa�ment under the No�e or th�s Security <br /> . Instrument is re�urned to Lender unpaid, Lender may requ�re tha� any or all subsequent paymen�s due under <br /> the Nate and this S�curi�y Instrument be made in ane ar m�or�of the faliowing f�rm�, as se�ect�d�y Lender: <br /> �a}cash; �b}money order; ��}��r�if�ed check, bank check, treasurer's�heck or�ash��r's ch�ck, pra�ided any <br /> such�heck is drawn upon an institution whose dep�sits are insured�y a f�d�ral agency, instrumentality, ar <br /> �ntity; or�d} E��ctron�c Funds Transfer. <br /> Paymen�s are deemed received by Lender�,rhen re�eived at the Iacat�an designat�d zn the Note nr at such <br /> oth�r�o�at�on as ma�be des�gnated by Lender�n a�c�r�an�e v�ith the natice pro�isions �n S�ctzfln �5. <br /> Lender may return any payment or partial payment if the pa�men��r par�ial paym�nts are insuf�����n�to <br /> br�n��he Lflan curren�. Lender ma� accept any payment Qr part�al payrnent insuf�i���nt ta bring �h�Loan <br /> curr�nt, w�thou�wazver of any righ�s hereunder ar prejudice ta its r�ghts�a refus�such payment ar partial <br /> . paym�nts in�h�future, but Lender is n�t o��igated to appl� su�h paym�nts at the t�me suCh payments are <br /> accept�d. If each Per�adz� Paym�n� �s applied as of i�s sc:heduled du�date, then L�nd�r need not pay �n�erest <br /> an unapplied funds. L�nder may ho�d such unapplied funds un�il Borrav�er makes payments�n br�ng the <br /> Lnan current, if Borrower does no�do so wzthin a reasonable period of time, Lender shali e��her app�y such <br /> funds or return them�o B�rrower. If no� app��ed ear�ier, such funds ti�i�i be applied ta the ou�standing <br /> principal ba�an��under�h� N�te immediat�ly priar�a f�reciosure. l�o offse�or cla�m whiGh Barraw�r mi�ht <br /> hav�nflw or in the fu�ure agains�Lender�hail reii�ve Borrow�r fr�m mak�ng paym�nts due under�h� Note <br /> and this Securi�y �ns�rument ar per�orming the cov�nants and agre�ments se�ur�d by th�s Se�uri�� <br /> Instrument. <br /> �. Applicati�n af Payments v� Proceeds, Except as otherw�se descr�bed in�his Section 2, al� payments <br /> accep��d and app��ed�y L�nder shali be app��ed �n the fo�low�ng order�f priority; �a� interest due under the <br /> Note; �b}pr�nc�pa� due un��r the Ivote; �c} amounts due under Sect�on 3. Su�h paymen�s shall be applied to <br /> each Periodic Paym�n�zn the�rder in whiCh it becam�due. Any rema�n�ng amoun�s shall be app�ied first�o <br /> �a�e charges, secQnd�o any�th�r amoun�s�ue under this Secur�ty �nstrumen�, and�hen t� reduce the <br /> prin��pa�ba�anc�af�he N�t�. <br /> � �f Lender rec�zv�s a paymen� frarn Borro��r for a de��nquent Period�c Paymen�which includes a sufficien� <br /> amaun�tn pay an�late charge�ue, the paym�n�may be app��ed�o the del�nquent paym�nt and t�ie Iate <br /> charge. If more tha�a nne P�r��dz� Payment is autstanding, L�nder m.ay app�y any paym�nt receiv�d from <br /> B�rrower ta the repayment of the P�r�ad�� Pa�men�s if, a�d tfl the ext�n�that, each payment can be paid in <br /> fuil. To the extent that any excess�xists after�he paym�nt is apptie�i to th� fuli payment of one or more <br /> Perzadic Payments, such exc�ss may be applied�o an�r lat�charges du�. Volun�ary pr�payments sha��be <br /> appi�ed�rs�ta any prepayment charges and then as d�scr�bed�n the Nn��. <br /> N�6RA5KA-S��gIe�ami6y-�anni�Mael�reddie Mac UNlFORM INSTRUMENT Farm 3�Z8 1101 <br /> VMP Q VMPfi{N�)t�3D2� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Financial Ser�ices Page 4 of 17 <br />