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2� 1 ��7�2� <br /> Borrovver and�+:nd�r co��nant anc�a�ree as f���o�vs: <br /> Payment vf Prin�xp�l and Interest; �ther Char�es.Bo�rower shal�promptl�pay vvhen due the princ�pal�f and <br /> �n�eres�o���he d+�bt awed under th�C�ntract and la�e�charges flr any�ther fees and charges due under�he C�n�rac�. <br /> Applica��e La��. As used 1�'i ��.715 Security �nstrum�nt, �he term "Applica�le Law" shail mean aI� control�ing <br /> appl��abl�� fed�ra�, s�ate ar�d I�cal s�atu�es, �-egu���ia�s, �rd�nances a.nd admin�s�ra�ive rules and �rd�rs �that ha�e <br /> �he effect of�a��as�ve�I as a11 app�licable final,non-�.ppea�ab�e judicial�piniar�s. <br /> �harge�; Lie�;�. Borro�ver shal� pay a�l �axes, assessmen�s, charges, fines and impo�it�ons at�ribu�able �o �he <br /> Prop�rty�v�h�ch may at�ain pri�rity over�his Sec�r��y Instrumen�, and leaseh��d payments or ground rents, kf any. <br /> A��h�rec�uest❑:�Ler�der,�orr�wer shall pramp��y furnish��Lender r�ceipts evidenc�ng�he payments. <br /> Barro�er shall��rarnp��y discharg� any 1i�n�hi�h has priorit�a�er this Securi�y�ns�rument un�ess B�rroWer: �a� <br /> agrees �n wr��in.g �a �he payment �f�he abl�gat��n secur�d by th� �ien in a mann�r acceptab�e �� Lend�r; �b} <br /> con�ests in ga�d faith the �ien by, or defends ag�.ins� eriforcem�nt af�he X�en i�, lega� proceeding� �h�ch in �he <br /> Lender's opin�o�r� ap�ra�e �o �rev�n� the enforce�nent af�he �ien; �r ��� secures firom �he ho�der of the lien an <br /> agre�men�sat�sfacto�-y to Lend�r:sub�rdina�ing�he Iien�o th�s Secur�ty �nstrum�n�. If Lender de�errn�nes that an� <br /> par��f the Praperty �s subjec��o a �ien which may attain pr��rity o��r�th�s Security�nstrument, L�nder may gxve <br /> Borrovver�a n��iGe identifying the Iien. B�rrower s�a11 sa��sfy�he ���n or�ak� �ne or more �f�he act��ns set f�r�h <br /> abo��wil:hin 1�da�s�f�he givin�of not�ce. <br /> Hazard or Prop�r�y Insurance. Borrower shal�keep�he irnpra�ernents no�v ex�st�ng ar hereaft�r erec�ed on�he <br /> Pr�p�r�y insur�d agains�Ioss by fire,hazards�n�luded v�ithin�he term"e��ended ca�erage" and any�ther ha�ards, <br /> �ncluding fl�od� or floading, for �vh��h Lend�r requires insurance. Th�s �nsurance shall be maintained in the <br /> am�un�s��.nd f�r�the peri�ds�ha�Lender requ�res. The�nsurance carri�r prov�ding�he�.nsurance shal��be chosen b� <br /> Borr�w�r� sub�e�c� t� Lender's app�r��a� v�h�ch sha�I no� be unreas�nably v���hhe�d. �f Barrov�er fails to main�ain <br /> cove�age descr�bed ab��e, Lend�r may, at Lender's �p�ian, obta�r� ���erage �o protec� Lender's r�ghts 1Tl �he <br /> Pr�p�rty in ac��rdan�e w��h s�ctia�n ti�ied Pr�tec�ivr�of Lend�r's I���hts�n t�e I'r�pert�. <br /> A�I i�sur��nce p+�l�c�es and renewals sha�l be acc�ptable ta Lender ar�d shaX� �nclude a s�andard mar�gage ��ause. <br /> Lender s�iall ha�e�h�right��ha�d the�a�icies and renewals. �f Lender requ�r�s,Borr�v�er sha1�prom.ptly gi�e�a <br /> Lender al.�rec�ipts�f paid premiums and rene�al no��ces. �n�he e�ent of l�ss, �orra,vtrer shall g�ve pr�mp�no�ice <br /> t�th�ins�u.rance carr�er and Lender.L�nder may rr�a�:e proof�f l�ss if n��made pr�mp��y by Borrower. <br /> Unless Lender an�i B�rrower otherw�se agree in v�rriting, insuranc� praceeds shal� be app��ed to restoratian flr <br /> r�pair �f the Pr�per�y damaged, if, in L�nder's s�le d�scre�ior�, �he res��ration or repair is ec�nomi�a�ly f�as�ble <br /> an� �ender's se�cur��y �s n�t lesse��ed. Zf, in Lender�s so�e discr�ti�n, the r�s�aration or repa�r is not ec�nomical�y <br /> feasi�l�a}r Lendler's security would be lessened,��e�nsurance pr�ceeds shal��e appl�ed�4�h�sums sec�red by�h�s <br /> Security Instrurnen�, �vhe�her or no� �hen due, �vi�h any excess pa�d �o Borr�wer. �f B�rrower abandons the <br /> Froperty,or d�Fs no�answer�ri�h�n�he number�f days pres�ribed by Appli�able La�as set for�h in a notice fr�m <br /> �Le�de�tc�Borr�wer�ha��he insuran�e carrier has off�re�t� settl� a�laim,then Lend�r ma�c���ect�he insurance <br /> pracPeds. Lend�r may use �he pr�ceeds to repair ��restore �he Pr�pe�.y ar t� pay sums secured�ay�his S�cu�ity <br /> �ns�r�xme�a�,whe�h�r or nvt then du�e.The period�f t�rne for Borrawer�o ansv�er as se�f�rth�n�he n�ti�e w�ll begzn <br /> v�hen�h�notice is g��en. <br /> Un�ess�L+:nder�nd Borr�wer o�h��-�vise agr�e �n�ri��ng, ariy applicatio�of�ro�eeds t�pr�nc�pal shal�not extend <br /> �r p�s�pa3ne the due date �f the paymen�s due under the Con�ract or change the am�unt flf�he paymen�s. If under <br /> �he sec����n titie��Ac�el�ratian; R.emedi�s, �he Property is acquired by Lender, Borrower's righ�to an� �nsurance <br /> pol�cies G�nd proceeds resulting from dama�e �o the Property pri�r �o �he a�quisi�ion sha�l pass to Le�der to the <br /> ex�ent af�he surns secured by�his Se�ur�ty�nstrument�mmed�at��y pr�or�o�he acquisi���n. <br /> Pres�r�ation5 �l�aintenarnce anc� Prot���ion of ��e ]Praperty; �arro�er's I.aoan ,A�.ppli�ation� Leaseh�lds. <br /> Borr�we�-shall�not destr�y, dama��e or impair�he Property, a�lo�nr�he ProperCy tv deteriorate, ar��mm���v�vas�e on <br /> the Prape:rty. S�rr��er shall be in d�faul��f any for�ei�ure action or proceeding,v�he�her�i�ril or crimina�,is b�gun <br /> that �n LE�nder's ga�d fai��j udgmen� cou�d resul� in f�rfeiture af t��� Praperty or otherw�se ma�eria�ly �mpair�he <br /> �ien crea��ed by this Se�urity rns��rument �r L�x�der's security in�er�st. Borr�vver may cure such a default and <br /> re�nstate, as pro���ded �n sec��on titled Ba�-rawv�r�s �ight �o Reinstate, by causing�he ac�ion or pr�ce�ding to be <br /> dismiss��l wi���.ruling�hat, in Le�nder's go�d fai�h d��erm�nat��n,pre�ludes forf�iture of the Borrower's�nterest in <br /> �he Prop���y or other material impairmen� of�he lien created �y t��s Securi�y rnstrument ar Lender's s�curity <br /> inter�st.�3orro�rer shall als�be in defaul�if Barro�v`r�r,dur�ng the l�an ap�li���i�n process,gave mat�ri��ly fa�se or <br /> inaccura��v infor�ma���n �r s�atements to Lender �a�- failed to pr�vide L�nder �vith any ma�erial information� in <br /> c�nn�cticm wi�h�he �aan ev�denc�d by�he C�ntract. �f this Se�ur�ty �nstru�ent xs fln a�easeho�d, �3orro�v�r shall <br /> comply�n�ith a���he provisions�f 1:he lease.�f Borrov�er acqu�es fee ti�l�to�he ProperCy,the leaseh��d and�he fee <br /> �i�le�ha11 no�rn��rge unless Lender�agrees t��he merger�n wrz��ng. <br /> Protectian of �Gender's Rights in th� Pr°o�erty. �f Borr�wer fails �o p�rform the c��renants a�.d agre�men�s <br /> eflnta�necl�n th�� Se�urity�nstrun�ent, or�here is�.lzgal pr�ceeding��at may signif�can��y affec�Lender's r�gh�s �n <br /> �he PropF�r�y �����h as a proceedin�g �n banl�ruptcy, praba�e, for c�nc�emna��on ar forfe�ture or ta �rifarce laws or <br /> regu�a�����s}, �h�:n Lender may dc� and pay f�r �vhatever is necess�.ry t� protec� �he va�ue �f the Property and <br /> Lender's:righ�s��n the Proper�y. Le:nder's actions�a�r include pay�ng any sun�s secured hy a lien which ha�priar�#y <br /> ��er�his Secur�ty�nstrument, appear�ng�n��urt,pay�ng reas�nab�e at�orne�s'fees and en��ring on��.�Pr�pert�ta <br /> make repairs.AX�haugh Lende�m��y�ake ac�ion und�r�his s�ction,Lende�does not have�o do so. <br /> �2004-2�15 C'am�liance Syst�ms,�nc.8C54-B250-241�.11.3.1D98 <br /> Consurner Real Estate-Sf,c�rity Tr�stru�nent DL243G �'age 2 flf 5 <br />