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2� 1 ��75�8 <br /> �]EE[3 �F l"F�I�ST' <br /> Lvan fVo: 'I�"[34�'[88 �������u�d} F'age 3 <br /> in�erests in the Prvperty are nat jeopardi�ed. Lend�r may require Trustor t❑ pvst adequat� S��uCE�11 o�r a sure�y <br /> band, reasanably sa�isfactory ta Lender, t❑ protec�Lender's interest. <br /> Duty to Prvtec�. Trusto�- agrees neither �❑ abandvn or I�ave una�t�tended the Praperty. Trus�vr sha11 d❑ all ❑ther <br /> �cts, in additian to thase ac�s se�forth above in this sec�ian, which fram �he char�cter and use ❑�the Property are <br /> reas�nab[y nec�ssary ta prvtect an� preser�e the Praperty. <br /> DUE fll� SALE�-C�NSENT BY LENI]ER. Lender may; a� Lender's ❑p#ion, declare imm�diateiy due and payable a[f sums <br /> secured by this Deed af Trust upon �he sale vr trans�Fer, withvut Lender's priar writ�en cvnsent� af a[� or any par�a��he <br /> Real Praper�y, or any �n�erest in the Real Property. A "sale ar transfer" means the cvn�eyance of Real Proper��ar any <br /> righ�, t�tle vr interest in the Rea� Property; whether legai, beneficial �r �qui�abl�; whether vaCun�ary or inuoluntary; <br /> whefiher hy outright sale, deed, instaf[m�nt sale �antra�t, �and con�rac�, c�ntract far deed� leasehald interest with a <br /> �erm greater than three �3� years, �easeM�ption cantract, or �y sale, assignmen�, ar trans�er ❑�any bene�i�ta! infierest in <br /> or to any land trust hofding #itle �a �he Real Pr�perty, ar by any ather methad of Gan�eyance af an interest in �h� Real <br /> Proper�y, if any Trus�or is a corporativn, partnership ar fimited liability cvmpany. transfer alsa includes any change in <br /> ownership vf more than twenty-fi�e percenf ��5°/�� af the�a�ing sto�k, partnership interests or limi�ed ��ak�ility company <br /> in�erests, as the case may be, o� su�h Trustor. How��er, �his ❑ption shall no� he exercised by Lender if such exercise <br /> is prohibit�d by federal faw or by Nebraska law. <br /> T►�}�E5 AND LlENS. The fol�awing pra�isions relating �o YMe taxes and liens on the Property are par� vf this i7eed �f <br /> Trust: <br /> Payment. Trustor shall pay when due �and in all e�en�s prior fo delinquen�y� al! �axes, special �axes, assessmen�s, <br /> charges {inc�uding water and sewer}, #ines and imposi�ions [e�ied agair�st or on ac�ount of the Prvpe��y, and shall <br /> pay when �ue all cla�ms far wark dane vn vr for services rend�r�d +ar material fu�nished tv the Pra�erty. Trustar <br /> �hall maintain the Property free o�all liens ha�ing priarity over or equa� t��he interes�a�Lender under�his Deed of <br /> Trus�, �xcept for the lien of �axes and assessments nvt due �nd ex�ept as athe�rwise pro�id�d in �his Deed vf <br /> Trus�. <br /> Right to Con�es�. Trustor may wi�hhoid paymen�o�any tax, assessmen�, or claim in cvnnection wi�h a good �aith <br /> dispu�e �r�er the abliga�ior�ta pay, so lang as Lender`s �nt�res�t in�he Prope��y is not jeopardized. lf a lien arises or <br /> is f�led as a result vf nanpayment, Trusfi�r shail within �i�teen 4�5f days after �he lien arises vr, i� a I`ren is �iled, <br /> within f��teen ��5� days after TrustQr has natice nf the filing, secure the discharge of�he lien, ar if requested by <br /> Lender, deposit w�fh Lender cash ar a su�fi�ient c�rporate sure�y bond ❑r o�her security satis�actvey to Lend�r in an <br /> amount sufi�icient ta discharge �he lien plus any cost� and attorneys' fees, nr a�}�er charges that cvuld accrue as a <br /> result❑f a�v�eclvsure ar sale under the �ien. In any cantest, Trustar sha�� de�Fend itsel�and L�nder and sha[l satisfy <br /> any ad�erse judgment befvre enforcement against th� Proper�y. Trustor shall name L�n�er as an addi�ianal ob�igee <br /> under any surety bvnd furnished in the cnntest proc�edings. <br /> Eviden�e vf Paymen�. Trus�ar shall upon demand turnish to Lender sa�is�actary euiden�e o�payment af�he taxes <br /> or assessr-r�ents and shall authorize �he apprapriate go�ernmental vfficial t❑ deli�e�-�o Lender at any time a wri��en <br /> stat�ment vf the �axes and asses�ments against the Property, <br /> Notice of Construction. T�us��r shaf[ nvtify Lender at least�ifte�n {�5� days befvre any �ork is �ommen�ed, any <br /> ser�ices are furnished, vr any materia[s are supplied to �he Property� if any mechanic's [ienr materialmen's lien, ar <br /> o�her I�en c�ul� be asser�ed vn ac�vun� v� the workr S�1'VCC�S� vr materials. TI"LJSt��' WEII upon request of Lender <br /> furnish �n Lender ad�ance assurances satisfact�ry to Lender thaf Trusfior �a�n and will pay the cvs� af su�h <br /> impr��ements. <br /> PR�PERTY DAMAGE lNSURANCE. The following prorr�sians rela�ing #� insuring �he Property ar� a par��f th�is Deed of <br /> Trust. <br /> [I�aintenance vf Insurance. Trustor sha�l pr�Gure and maintain policies af #ir� insurance with standard extended <br /> cove�age endvrsements an a fair �a[ue basis for the �uil insurahle value ca�ering all lmpravements on �he Rea! <br /> Praperty in an amaunt suf#ici�nt �o a�oid applica�ivn af any coinsur�n�� clause, and rivit� a s�tandard mortgagee <br /> clause in favar a� Lender. Trustor shall also pracure and maintain camprehensi�re generaf liabili�y insu�ance in such <br /> cv�erage amounts as Lender may request vvi#h Trust�e and Ler�der being named as additional insureds in such <br /> [iability insu�ance policies. Additi�naliy, T�us�vr sha[1 maintain such a�ther insuran�e, `rncluding but not limited ta <br /> hazard, bus�ness in�errup�tian, and boi�er �nsurance, �s �.ender may reasonably requir�. Polici�s shalf be written in <br /> f�rm, amounts, coverages and basis reasonably acGep�able �o Lender and issued by a company or campanies <br /> reasonably acc�p�able �o Lender. Trusfor� upan request of Lender, wi[I de�i�er to Lender from time �❑ time the <br /> policie� ar certi�ica�es a� insurance in farm sa#is�actary ta Lender, in�[uding s�ipulations that cv�erages wi[[ no� be <br /> cancelled ar dimin�shed wi�haut at least �en t 1❑� days pr��r vuri�teFn no�ice t❑ Lend�r, Each insurance palicy also <br /> sha[� in��ude an endorsement pro�iding tha�cvuerage �n f��rvr af Lender wilf not he impaired in any way by any act, <br /> omission ar defau[t of Trustor vr any ather persan. Shoufd the l�eal P`roper�y be [vca�ed in an area designa�ed by <br /> the Administratvr �f the F�deral Emergency Managemen�Agency as a spec�al ffood hazard area, Trus�or agrees t❑ <br /> ❑b�ain and maintain Fed�ral Flood lnsurance, i� a�ailable, within 45 days a�ter notice is gi�en by Lender �hat �he <br /> Praperty is lacated in a special�laod haza�d area, �vr�he ful[ unpaid principal balance ❑fi�he loan and any prior liens <br /> an �the property securing the �oan, up ta �the max�mum pv�i�y limits set un�er the Nativnal Fload fnsuran�e Pragram, <br /> ar as vtherw�se required by Lend�r, and t❑ maintain such insurance far�he�erm vf the loan. <br /> Applicativn of Proceeds. Trustor shail p�amp�ly no�ify Lend�r a# any loss or damag� �o the Prvperty. L�nder may <br />