2� 1 ��73��
<br /> All �nsurance p�licies requ�red�y L.,�nder and renev�als of sueh palieies shal� be subject ta Lend�r's right�o
<br /> disapprove such pa�icies, shal� in�iude a standard mortgag�clause, and shaii name L�nder as mortgagee
<br /> andlor as an addi�i�nal �oss payee. L.en�.er sha��have�he righ�ta hold the p�licies and r�newai certif�cates. If
<br /> I,ender requires, Barrower shall prompti�����to I.�nder a11 rec�ipts of paid premiums and renewal notices.
<br /> �f B�rrower�btains any form�f insurar�ce co�erage, not ath�rwise r�quired by Lender, for damage to, or
<br /> des�ruction of, �he F�-ap�rt�, such po�icy sha�l includ� a standard mortgage c�ause and shali nam�Lender as
<br /> mortga�ee andlflr as an addi�iona� �os�payee.
<br /> �n the e�ent of loss, Borrower shai� give prom�t n�tice to the insurance carrier and Lender. L.�nder may
<br /> make proof of loss �f no�made promp�ly�y Bflrrower. Unle�s Lender and Borrovv�r otherv�aise agree�n
<br /> writing, any �nsurance procee�.s, whether or n��the un�.erly�ng insurance was required by Lender, shall be
<br /> applied to restora�ion or r�pair of the Proper�y, if�he res�ora��on or repair is econom�cai�� feas�ble and
<br /> Lend�r's security zs n�t�essened. During such repair and restara�ion per�od, Lender shall ha�e the righ��o
<br /> h�ld su�h �nsurance proceeds unti� L.ender has had an�pportuni�y to inspect such Praper�y to ensure the
<br /> work has been compte��d�o Lender's sa�zsfac�ion, pro��ded that such insp�c��on shai�be und�rtaken
<br /> prompt��r. I�ender ma� d�s�urse proceeds for the repa�rs and res�orat�on in a single pa�men��r in a ser�es of
<br /> progress payments as�he v�ork is campie�ed. Unless an agreem�nt is rnade in��r���n�tir Applicabi�Law
<br /> requires inter�s�to be paid�n such insurance prace�ds, L�nder shaii not be requ�red�o pay Borrower any
<br /> int�res��r�arni�gs on such proce�ds. Fe�� for publ i� adj us�ers, or other third part��s, retain�d by Borrower
<br /> sha�� not be paid ou�of the�nsurance proceeds and sha�� be the sole o��igatian af Borrov�er. If the restoratian
<br /> �r repair�s not ec�nornicail�f�asib�e�r Lend�r's security �ou�d be lessened, �he insuran�e proce�ds shall h�
<br /> applied to th�sums secured b��his Se�ur�ty �ns�rumen�, wheth�r or no��h�n du�, with the e�c�ss, �f any,
<br /> paid to Barrower. Such insuran�e proceeds shall b�appl��d �n the order pravided f�r in Sect�on 2.
<br /> If��rr�v�er abandons �he Property, Lender may fzle, nego�ia�e and settle any a�ai�able insurance��aim and
<br /> related mat�ers. ��Borro�ver daes not respond �ithin 3�days t�a notice fr�m Lender that�he insurance
<br /> carr�er has offered to set�I�a claim, the� Lender ma�r negot�a�e and se����th�claim, The 3n-day p�riod w��l
<br /> hegin when the no��ce�s giuen. �n either e�ent, or if Lender acquir��the proper�y under S�c�ion 22 or
<br /> o�herv��se, Borrawer hereb}� assigns t� Lender�a} Borrow�r's r�gh�s to an� �nsurance proceeds in an amount
<br /> no��� exceed �he am�un�s unpa�d under�h� Note or this Securi�y �ns�rum�n�, and �b� an� o�her of
<br /> Borr�wer's r�gh�s �other than�he righ�to an� refund of unearned prem�ums paid by B�rrovw�r}under all
<br /> insurance policies�o�ering the Pr�perty, �nsofar as such r��hts are applicable to�h�c��erage of the
<br /> Proper�y. Lender may use the�nsura��ce proc�eds ei�her to re�air�r restor�the Proper�y or t�pay amounts
<br /> unpaid under�he Note ar this Se�urity�ns�rumen�, �rhether or n�t then due.
<br /> �. C3ccupan�y. B�rrov�rer shall occupy, es�ablish, and use the Froper�y as B�rrow�r's pr�ncipai resid�nce
<br /> w�thin 6D day�aft�r the execution of`�his Security �nstrument and sha�l �ontinue to occupy t�� PrQperty as
<br /> Borrawer's principal residence for at leas�one year after�he da�e�f occupancy, uniess Lender oth��-vvise
<br /> agrees in wri�ing, �rhich consen�shali not be unreasonah�y wi�hhelc�, or uniess ex�enuatin�c�rcumstanc�s
<br /> exist which are beyond Borrower's c�ntrol.
<br /> 7. Preser�ation, Ma�ntenance and Protect��n vf the Praperty: Inspections. Borro�ver sha11 nflt destroy,
<br /> damage or impair�he Praper��, a�lour�he Prapert� to �e�erxora�e or c�m�mit was�e on the Properfy. �Vh��h�r
<br /> �r not Borrower is r�s�ding �n the Pr�per�}�, Borrow�r�hall maintain�he Praperty �n order�o pre�ent th�
<br /> Proper�y fram deter�arating or decreas�n� �n�aiue due�o �ts Gondi�ion. Unless i� is determ�n�d pursuant�a
<br /> Sec�ion S that repair or res�orat��n�s na�economicall� feasib�e, B�rrower�hal� pr�mp��y repair�he Proper��
<br /> if damaged t�a�o�d fur�her d�terioration or dama�e. �f insuran�e�r�ondemnation proceeds are paid in
<br /> connection with damage�a, or th�taking�f, the Prapert�, Borrovver shal�be resp�ns�ble far repairing or
<br /> restor�ng the Property on�y if Lender has re�eased praceeds for such purpases. L�nder may disburse prnceeds
<br /> N�BRASKA-5ing�e Family-�annie Mael�reddie Mac UN�FaRM INSTRUMENT Forrr�3028 1la�
<br /> VMP[� VMPftN�)(13023
<br /> Wolters KIuwer Financia!Ser�ices Page 7 vf i 7
<br />