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2� 1 ��73�� <br /> r�qu�red by RESPA, and Borrow�r sha�l pa� t� L�nder the amount necessary t� make up�he de�ciency in <br /> accordance wi�h �ESPA, but in no more than �2 month�y paym.ents. <br /> Upon paym�nt in full of al� sums secur�d by this Security �nstrument, Lender sha�I prompt�y refund t� <br /> Borrower any Funds heid by L�nder. <br /> 4, �har�es; Liens. Borrawer sha�l pa�all taxes, assessm�nts, charges, �n�s, and impasit�ons a��r�butab�e ta <br /> �h�Prop�r�y which can at�ain priorit� �v�r�h�s�e�urity Instrum�nt, leasehold payments or gr�und ren�s on <br /> the Property, if any, and�ommun�ty AssnG�a��an Du�s, Fees, and Ass�ssments, if ariy. To the extent�ha� <br /> these items are Escrow Items, Borro��r sha��pay�h�m�n the manner prav�d�d�n Sec��on 3. <br /> Borrower shall pr�mpt�y dis�harg�an� li�n which has pr�or��y�v�r th�s 5ecurity�ns�rument unless <br /> Bnrr�wer: �a} a�rees �n v�vri��ng�o the paymen�of the obl�gation secured by the lien in a mann�r acc�p�ab�e <br /> ta Lender, but�niy sfl �ong as Bnrrawer�s perf�rming such agre�ment; �b} �on�ests �he�ien in good faith by, <br /> ar defends again�t enfarcement af th���en in, Iega�pr�ce�d�ngs which zn L�nder's op�ni�n�p�rat�ta prev�nt <br /> the enfarcement of the l��n u�hile those praceeding� are pend�ng, but�n�y until �uch proceed�n�s are <br /> concluded; or�c} secures fr�m the holder of the�ien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subardinat�ng�he <br /> li�n t� this Se�uri�y �ns�rument. �f Lend�r determines that any par�of the Property is subj ect to a�ien wh�ch <br /> can attain pr��rzty av�r th�s Security �ns�rumen�, Lender may giv�Borrower a notice identifying the lien. <br /> Wzth�n ��day��f th�date on wh�ch that not�ce �s g�ven, B�rrower shall sat�sfy the�ien or take one or more <br /> af the acti�n� s�t forth abo�e �n this Sectian 4. <br /> Lender may require Bflrrower to pa�a one�time charge for a rea� es�ate tax ver�f�ca�ian andlar rep�r��ng <br /> serW��e used by Lender�n connection vvith this Loan. <br /> 5. Praperty Insuranc�. Borrower�ha�� keep the improvem�n�s naw existing or h�reafter erec��d on the <br /> Property insured against Ioss by f�r�, hazards includ�d�v�th�n the term "extended co�erag�," and any�ther <br /> ha2ards including, but not Iimited ta, ear�hquakes and floods, for which Lender requires �n�uran�e. Th�s <br /> �nsurance shail �e main�ained in�he amounts ��nc�uding deduc�ib�e l�vels} and far�he periods that Lender <br /> requ�res. What Lend�r requires pursuan��o the pre�eding sentences can chan�e dur�ng�h��erm of the Loan. <br /> The �nsuranc�carr�er prov�d�ng the insurance shall be chosen by Borrower subject to Lender's right to <br /> dzsapprove B�rrow�r'�choice, �h�ch r�bh� shal� not b��xerc�sed unr�asonab�y. Lender may r�quire <br /> Borrower t�pay, in connection v��th this Loan, ei�her: �a} a�ne-��me charge for��ood zone det�rrr�.ina�ion, <br /> c�rt�f�ca��on and track�ng s�rviees; or�b} a ane-time charge for �1o�d zon�d��erm�na�ion and c�r�i��ca��on <br /> serv�Ges and subs�quen��harges each time r�mappings or similar changes occur which reasonably m�ght <br /> affect such deternlinati�n or cer��f��at�on. B�rr��rer sha�� aisn be responsib�e for the payment of any fees <br /> �mposed by th�Fed�ral Emergen�y Managemen�Agency in��nnec��an w��h the re���tiv of any :�oad zone <br /> determinatian r�su�ting fram an object�on by Borrawer. <br /> If Borro�ver faz�s to mainta�n any af the c�verag�s describe� abave, Lender may obtain insurance ca��rage, <br /> at Lender's op�i�n and Bflrrower's expense. Lender�s under no�bligation�o purchase any par�icu�ar type ar <br /> am�unt of coverage. Theref�r�, such c�verage sha�� ca�v�r Lend�r, but m�ght or n�ugh�n�t protect B�rrn�ver, <br /> Borrower's equ�ty in�he Property, ar the con�en�s of the Proper��, against any r�sk, hazard or��abx���y and <br /> might provide gr�a�er or lesser caWerage than�as previ�us�� in effect. Borrati�er ac�nowledges that the c�st <br /> of the�nsurance caverage so�bta�ned might significantly exce�d the cost af insuranC�that Borrower cauld <br /> have ob�ained, An�r amoun�s disbursed by Lender�nder this Secti�n 5 shall�ecome additiona� debt af <br /> Borr�wer secured���his Security �ns�rum�nt. Thes�amoun�s sha��bear�nter�st at�he N�te rat�from the <br /> da��of dzs�ursem�n� and shall be pa�ab�e, �i�h such interest, upon not���frflm Lender to Bflrrawer <br /> re�uestzng paymen�. <br /> N�BRASKA-SingEe Family-Far�nie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT Form 30,�8 il�l <br /> VMP� VMPfitNE1 41302f <br /> Wvlters Kluwer�inancia!Ser�ices Page 5 of 7 7 <br />