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2� 1 ��728� <br /> o��a oF T��sT <br /> �C Q�t[���d} Page � <br /> pra�ision vr any ather provisivn of this I�eed af 7rust, iVo p�or wai�er by Lend�r, nor any co�rse ot dea�ing <br /> betv�reen �ender and Yrustor* shall �onstitute a waiver�f any of Lender's rights or of an}r of Tru s#or's ob�igatians <br /> as ta any fu ture transact�ons. �1Uhenever th e consent of Lender is required ur�d�r th is Deed of Trust� th e grantir�g <br /> of such cansent b�r Lender in any insfance shall not constitut� contintting cor�s�nt�o subsequent instances where <br /> such consent is required and i n all cases s�c�cor�sent rnay be��anted oT wi�hhe�d �r�tne sole discretion af Lender. <br /> 5e�erabili�r. �f a court of com�etent juriscfiction finds any pro�rision of this D�e�of Trust ta be illegal, in�ralid,or <br /> unenforcEahle as ta any circumsfar�ce, #ha� finding s�a11 n�t make the offenciin� praWisior� ill�gal� invalid, ar <br /> unenforceable as ta any other circumstanc�. If f�asibl�, the offending provision shali b�e considered modified sa <br /> that it becam�s Iegal, valid and enforcea�le. If the offending provisian cannot f�e so madified, it �fna[I be <br /> �nsidered de�eted from t�is Deed of Trust. Un�ess otherwise requi reti ioy law, the illegality, i n�al�dity, or <br /> unenforceabilihr�f�ny provi�ion of this Q�d of Trust s[�a�l not affect the Iegality, �a[idity or enforceability of any <br /> ofh�r pro�ision of th is Deed of�rust. <br /> Suc�essars at�d Assigns. Su�ject to ar�}r limitation s sta�ed ir� th is Qeed of 7ru st on ��a nsfeT❑f 7�u stor's i nterest, <br /> this a��d of Trust shall be bEnding upon and inure to the benefit of the par�ies, their successors and assig�s. If <br /> ownersf�ip of the �roper�y be�ome�v�sted in a person other��an Trustor, Lender, without notice to Yrus�or, may <br /> deal with Tru stor's successors wifh reference to th is Deed of Yr�st�nd th e Indebtedness by way of forbearance or <br /> �xtensian withaut reCeasing Trustor from the oblig��ions of this C]eed af Yrust or li�biliky under�he inde��edness. <br /> Tfrne js o�the�ssence. Time is o��E�e essenee in the per�orma nce of th is Deed�f 7r�st. <br /> V1�ajve Jc�ry. AII part��s#o#his �eed of Trust hereby waive the right to an�jury trial in any action, proceeding� vr <br /> cvunter�ia�m braught by any party aga�nst any other part}r. <br /> Vlfaiver vf Hortjestead Exemptian. �'rustor hereby releases and �rai�res all rights �nd bene�its of t�e homestead <br /> exemption laws of the Sta#e of f�ebraska as#o ell lndeb#edness secU�ed by this Deed of Trust. <br /> DEFIN1TlON5. �'he fo[Iowing capitali�ed words and terms shall haWe the fallowin� mear�ings wher� used in fhis Deed af <br /> �r�st. LJnless specifcally stafed to the contr�ry, �Il �'eferences to doll�r arnounts sh�l� rnean amounts in lav�rful mflney <br /> of fhe ll�ited States af America. �1lords and terms used in the singul�r shall incl�de the plural, and the �lural s�all <br /> �n clude th e si n�u1�r, as #he co n text may req uire, ti1l�ords a nd tett�s not of he�wise de�ned �n th�s �eed ot Trust s�tali <br /> have the meanings a�tr�buted to such terms irt the�J�iform C�mmercial Code: <br /> Benef�ciary. The word "Ber�eficiar�"means First National Bank ai Omaha��nd its s�ccessars artd assigns. <br /> Borrawer. 7he w��d "�orrov�rer"means Sasges, L.L.C.and i�cludes a�l co-sig�ers and ca-malters s�gr�in�fhe Note <br /> �nC��II tFl�lr SUCC@550f5�11d�SSIgnS. <br /> De�d vf Trust. The words "D$ed of�'tu s t" mean this Deed Qf Tru st a�ang �'rus�o r, Lender, and Trustee, and <br /> includes with ou t 1im ita ti�� a f I assig nmen� and se cu rity inter�st provis io�s relating to f f�e Persvnal Praperfy and <br /> Rents. <br /> aefau�t. The word "Defaulf"means the Default set�orti� in tF�is Deed of Trus�ir�the section tifled "Default". <br /> Envlronmental �'he �rords "Environment�l �.aws" mean any �nd aII state, federa� and Iocal statutes, <br /> regula�kions and ord�n�nces rslatir�g t� the protectian oi human E�ea�th or ff�e env;ronment, inc�udi�g with��t <br /> limilatioR the Comprehensive �nvironmer�fal �es�ons�, Compensation, �nd Li�bility Act of �98�, as amend�d, 4� <br /> U.S.C. Section 9 fi D�� ef seq. �"��RCLA"}, th e Sup erfu�nd�mend m ents and Reauf�orizatian Acf of"i 98 6, F'ub. L. <br /> No.99-499 �"SAF�A"y, the Hazardous iVlaterials Transportatian A�t, 49 U.S.�.Sectian 'i 80'f� et seq,� fhe Re�ource <br /> Cons��v�tian and Recovery A�t, 42 U.S.C. S��tion 6941� et seq., ar akher applicab�e sta�e or federal laws, rules, <br /> or regulations�dopted pursuant thereto, <br /> �vent of Defa ult. The wo r�s"Ever�t of D efa ult"mean�ny of th e ever�ts o�defau It set fo rth ir�th is peed of Tr�st in <br /> the eve�ts o f d efa ult s ection o f tf�is E�eed of�'rust. <br /> Cuarantor. The worci "Guarar��or" me�ns any guarantar, sure�y, ar ac�ommvdation par�y of any or all of t�e <br /> �ndebtedness, <br /> Guaranty. 'Fhe wvrd "�ua�anty" means the guaranty fram �uarantor fo LEnder, inc�uding without limi�a�ion a <br /> guaranty af all or part of the Note. <br /> Hazar��us S ubstan ces. �he �rvrd s "Hazardous Substan ces" me�n materia ls th at, beeause ot th eir q u�n tity, <br /> can��ntration a�phys�ca I, che m ical or infectious ��ara�teristics, may cause ar pas� a prese nt ar potentia� f�azar� <br /> to human�ealth or ihe environment when irnp�operly used, #�eated,stor�d, dispos�d of, g�nera�ed, manufac�ured, <br /> tra ns��rted vr of hervUise h andled. T�e�vords "�t�za rdaus S ubs tances"are used in th eir very broadest sense a nd <br /> include witF�out limitafion any ar�d al[ hazardv�s ar taxic subsfances, materiafs or waste as define� by or lis�ed <br /> un�er the�nvirvnr�rlental Lavrrs. 'Fhe ferm "Ha�ardous Substances"also inc�udes�wifhout I�mitation, pe#roleum and <br /> pet�o�eum by-products or any frac�ion thereof and as�esfos. <br /> Improvemen#s. Th$ �ro rd "I�n ptoveme nts" means a11 exis ting and futu re im provem ents, bu ifd ings� st�uctu�es, <br /> mobil� homes affixed on the Real Proper�y, facflities, adc��tions, replacements and ather construction on t�e �eal <br /> Prapert}�. <br /> �nctebtedness. The word "Indebtedness" mear�s af1 princi�al, i���resE, and other arnounts� C05t5 and ex�enses <br /> payable under the Nate or F�elated Dflcuments, togefher with all renewa�s of, extensions ot, modifications of, <br /> consalidafions of and substit�tions fo�tf�e Note ❑r Relat�d Documents 2�nd any 2��nounfs exPended vr advanced by <br /> Lender �a discl���ge Trusto�'s abligations or ex�e�ses �ncutred by Trustee or Lender to enforce 'Tr�stor's <br /> vbligations u n der this Deed of�ru st, togeth�r w Eth i n terest on such a m ounts as provide� i n th�s De�d o f Tru st. <br /> Specifical[y, without limitatian, [ndebfadness inc�udes all a�ounts that may be �ndirectiy secured by the <br /> Cra��-Collvtvr�a[la�lion provi�lon of ihi�Dvc�d af"t'rust. <br /> Lenc�er. Tne wo rd "Le nder"means�irst�la�ion al B�n k of Omaha,its successors ar�d assi�ns. <br /> hlate. The�vord "�1ote'' rneans any and aIl of Barrower's Iia�ilit�es, obliga#ians and debts tv Lender� no�v existing <br /> or herei n after ir�cc�rrec�or created, includ ing�withou t C�m itation,a[I Ioar,s� ac�vances� irlte�esf, �osts deb ts� ove rd ra ft <br /> indebted�ess� credit card indebfedness� fease abl�ga#ions, liabilit�es and ob�igations under intere�t rate protection <br /> agreements or fareign currency exchange a�greements or commadify price protection agre�ments,other abligations, <br /> 8nd liabilities af Borrower #ogether �rifh all madifications, increases, ren�wals, and exfer�sians of the <br /> afoTemention��. Additianal[�+, hereby incorpvra�ed as i� fully+ set ��rth herein are �F�e terrr�s and �ondifions of any <br /> promissory note, agreemen� or ofi�er da cument execufed by Barrawer andJor l.ender ind icating t�is se cu r�ty <br /> in sf ru�n ent or the pro per�y described herein shalE be considered "�o Ilate ra[" secu ring such ptomissary n v�e, <br /> agreement, vr other instrument�ar any sim�lar refere�ce. <br /> Fersona[ �roperty. Ti�e r�vords "Personal Praperty" mean a[I e�{ui}�ment, fixtures, and other articles of persor�al <br /> pr�p�Tty now or hereafter aw��d �y Trus#or, and �tow or hereafter at�ached or affxed to t}�e Real Properfy; <br /> tvgether wifh SI� �CC�55I�R5, parls, and ad�it�or�s #o, �11 replacements af, and al� substitutians for, any af such <br /> property; and togekh�r with all pTaceeds �including wit�ou� limitatian a11 insurance pro�e�ds and �efunds of <br /> premiums�from any sale or oti�er disposition of the Properfy. <br /> Property. The wvrd "Prop�tty"means calle�#ively the Real Property and the Personal Praperty. <br />