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<br /> C3EED �� T�U S`�
<br /> {�onti�ue�1} Page 6
<br /> �ereafter existing at iarrv or in eq�i��►or by statute. Every pow�r❑r remedy given by fh�Note ar any of the Related
<br /> Docurnents ta Yrustee or L�r�der ar tv whi�� either o� thern may be othe�ris� entitl�d, ma� be exercised,
<br /> concurrently or indepen�er�tly� from time to tirne and as often as�ay be deeme� expedient by 7rustee or Lender,
<br /> and either of �hern may pursue i nconsistent rernedies, Nathin� in li�is Deecf of Trust shali be cvnst�ued as
<br /> prohibiting Lender fr�m seeking�defciency�udgmen�against the Trustar to the extent su�h action is Permitted by
<br /> Iaw, E�ection by �ender ta pu rsue any remedy shall r�ot exc[ude pursuit of any other remedy, and an elect�vn to
<br /> make exper�ditures ar to take action to pe�form an obligation o f Trusto r undet fhis Deed of Tru st, after Trustor's
<br /> failu�e to per�orm,shall not affect Lender's right to de�lare a default and exercise its rem�dies.
<br /> Re�uest fvr No#i�e. Trus�or,on behalf of�'rustor ar�d�ender, F�ereby r�c�uests that a cvpy of any Natice of DefaUll
<br /> and a�opy af any Notice of Sale u�der this �eed of�rusi be mailed to them at#he acic�resses se�forth in the�irst
<br /> paragraph of th�s �eed of 7rust.
<br /> AttOri1@}�5� Fees; Expenses. [f Lender in�ti�utes any su�t or a��ion to enfarce any of the #errms of this Deed of
<br /> �rus�, Len�er shal�be enfit�ed to rec4ver such sum as the caurt may adjud�e reasonable as atto�neys'fees at�rial
<br /> and upon any appe�l. Wh�thsr�r not any cou�# �ction is invofved, and #v the e�ent nat prohib�ted by l��nr, �II
<br /> reasonab�e expe�s�s Lender i nc�rs that 1n Lentie�s ��inion are r�ecessary at any time far the protection of its
<br /> interest or the enfor�ernent of�ts rights shall become a part of the Indebtedn�s.�payahle v�d�mand and shall bear
<br /> interest a�ti�e�fote rate frorn ffn�date o�the expenditure unti[repaid. Expenses ca��red by#his paragreph incfude�
<br /> vtirith�ut limitati�n, howe�er sub�ect tv any limi#s under applicable la�rv, Lenders attorneys'�ees and Le�ders leg�l
<br /> ex�enses, whe#her ar nat there is a lawsuit, including ai�orneys' fees and expenses for bankruptcy proc��ings
<br /> �inc�udi ng efforts to m��i�y�r vacate a�y automatic stay or injunction}� appeals�and any anticipated�ost�udgrnent
<br /> �OII�C�IQR S�CVJOeS� the cost of s�arching recards, obt�ining tit�e reparts ��ncluding foreclos�re reports�,surveyars'
<br /> reports, and appraisa� fees, t�tle insu�ance, and �ees fvr the �'rUs�e�, to the extent perm�tted by ap�Iicable l�w.
<br /> �r�stor alsa vvill pay any cvurt costs,in additiar�to all other sums pra�idec��y Ia�v.
<br /> �ights af Trustee. Trust�e shall�tave all of the rig�ks and duties af Lender as set forth in this section.
<br /> PQ�VERS A�1D QBLI�A�'[�hlS�F'�RUSfE�. The�ollawing pravisions r�lat�ng to the powers ar�d obligatior�s of frustee
<br /> are parf af this ❑�ed of Trust:
<br /> Powers of Trustee. In addilion to all powers of Trus�ee arisin�as a maiter of la�r,Trust�e shall have the pawe�to
<br /> take the fo«ow��� actions wi�h respect ta the �raperty upon the�rritten �eqUest of�ender and Trustor: �ay join ir�
<br /> �reparir�g ar�d fi�ing a r�ap or plat of the Rea1 Pr�perfy, in�ludirtg the dedicativn of streefs ar oiher rights fo the
<br /> public; {b�jo�n in g ra nting a�y easement or c�eat�ng a n}r restriction on ti�e Real Properfy; and �c} jvin in any
<br /> subo�dinatian or othe r agreement a f�e cting th is Deed o f Trust��the interesf of�ender under th is Deed a f Tru st.
<br /> Tr�stee. Trust�� shall m eet all qualifications required tor�ruste� under�pplic�ble f�w. In 2�ddi�ion to the rights
<br /> and remedies set fort�t above, witi� respe�t ta all or any part of the Prvperty, the T�ust�e shall ha�e fhe rigE�t ta
<br /> foreclose by notice and sal e, and Lender sha�l have the ri�ht ta fareclase by judicial foreclosure, in eiti�er case in
<br /> accordance►�vith and ta the full extent provic�ed�y a�plicable I�w.
<br /> Successvr Trusfee, Lender,at Lender's option, may from time to time appoint a successor�'rustee ta any Tr�stee
<br /> appoinfed under this Q�ed of�rust by an insfrurnent execute� and ac�tr�o�rledged �y Lender and re�orded in the
<br /> office of the recorder af I���I County, Stake af �lebr�ska. T�e inst�umen� sha�l contain, in addition to 2�11 other
<br /> rnatters required by stats [aw, �E�e narres of the origlnal Lender, 7rustee, and Yrustor, the book 2�nd page (or
<br /> c�mputer system reference) vuhere tE�is Deed of Tr�st is recorded, and t�e name and a�dress af th� successvr
<br /> �cus�ee,and th�:instrument shall be ex$c�ted and acknowledged by a11 tF��benef ciaries under��is Deed af Tru st or
<br /> tf��ir successors in interest. i'he succ�ssor��ustee, without conveyartc� of the Propert}r, sf�afl succeec# ta all t�te
<br /> tit�e, po�rer�and dttties conferred upvn the Trustee in this Deec#of Trust and by applicable law. This procedure far
<br /> s�bst�tutian af Trustee shal]�o�ern to tl�e exc�us�an of all other provisians for suUstitutior�,
<br /> NQ71��S. Any noti�e required to b�gi�en �ncisr tnis �eed of�rust, including witf�out�imifatio� any nvtice o�default
<br /> �nd ar�y noti�e of sa�e shalE be given �r�vwriting, �nd shalC be effective�vhen actually deliverst�,w�en actval�y received
<br /> �y telefacsimile�un�ess otherwise required by law�,when de���ited vtitith a natianally recagnized o�ernight courier, ar,if
<br /> mailed�wvher�deposited in th� Un�ted�tates mail, �s��st class, cer�i�ied ar re�ist�red mail posfage prepaid,di�ected t❑
<br /> the addresses shown n�ar the begi�ning of#his C�eed of 7�us�. All �oFies af nofices of forec�osure from the h�lder of
<br /> any lien which �as priarity over this Deed of Trust sha11 be senf to Lende�s address� �s shown r�e2�r t�� beginning vf
<br /> tFliS Qeed of T'rust. Any p��ty may changa Zts addrQss for notices under this �eect of'1'rust k�y �i�ir�� f�rmal writ#en
<br /> r�otic� tfl the o�her part�es, specifying that �fne pu�pose of the notice is to change t�e paKy's address. �or no�ice
<br /> �urposes,�'rustor agrees to keep Lender informed at all tirnes of TrustvT's cu�ren�address. Unless athe[�vise pravided
<br /> or required by la�w, if there �s more tf�an one�'rus#or, a�n�r notic�given by Lender ta any'Frustor is��emed to be nofice
<br /> given tv aIl�'n�stors.
<br /> ELE��'�QNIC COPIES. Lend�r m ay capy, electronically or oth ervtiri se, and theiea�fter d estro�, th e otigina Is ot t�t is
<br /> Agreement andJor �elated bocuments in the regular cours$ af Lender's �usiness. A11 such copies pro�uc�d fram an
<br /> e�ectroni�form or by any other rel�ab�e r�neans �i.e., photographlc image or facsimi[e�shall in all respects be c�nsidered
<br /> equiv2�lent to an origi nal,and Borr�wer h�reby wa i�es any rig hts or objecEi�rts to t�t e use�f such�opies.
<br /> �[IscE�,I.AN�a�s PRo�l�slo�ls. The foilowing miscellaneous provis�ons are a part of this �ee�of 7rus�:
<br /> Amendmenfs. This Deec�af Trust,to�etF�er vtirith any�e��led Docume�ts,consti#utes tf�e en�ire unders�anding and
<br /> agreement ot tne parties as tv tne rnatfers set forth in th�s i�eed o�Trust. Na alteration of or amencfinent to this
<br /> D�ed of Yrust sF�a�l be effective unless�iven in�nrri�in� and s�gne� by the party ar parties sou�ht to be charged or
<br /> bound by the a[tecatian or amendmenf.
<br /> Annual Repvrts. If th�: Proper�y is used for �urposes oth�r than Trusta�s residencre, �f"rustvr shall fumish to
<br /> Lender� upon requ�st, a cer#ifed staternent af net operating incame recei�ed from the Ptop�tty durin� Trusto�s
<br /> p�dY�vu� r���aa y�ar in such r�rm and detall �s ��n����ha�l requlre, "hle� a�erat�ng lncom�" sha11 mean all cas�
<br /> reGejp�s from the Pra��r�y[�ss a1��as�ex�endiiu��s made f n c�nne�ti�n rn�ith the aperation of the Pro��rty.
<br /> Capfion Headings. Caption head�ngs in this �eed of Trust are for con�enience purposes only and are r�ot to be
<br /> used to interpret or d�fne tf�e pro�isior�s of fhis Deed af Trust.
<br /> l�erger. T��re shall be no merger of the int�rest ar est��e creat�d by this Deed af Trust with any ather interest or
<br /> esta�e in t�e Praper#y aE ar�y time he[d by ar for the beneft of Lender in any capa�ity,wit�o�t fhe wriiten cans�r�t
<br /> of Ler�der.
<br /> Governing l.aw. Th�s Dee� af Trus# wi�I he gvv�rned by federa[ �aw appllcable #o Lender ar�d� ta the extent not
<br /> preempted by federal law,the laws ot the Sta#e vf N�braska wjfhout regard ta its confiicts ot law provisiar��, �his
<br /> Deetl�f 7rust I�as been accePte�i by Lender in the State of Nebraska.
<br /> �hv�ce of llenue. If t�er�is a l�vwsuit, Trustor agrees upon Lende�'s request t� submik to the jurisd�ction of the
<br /> courts Qf 8uff�fo County,State�f ftiiebraska.
<br /> {�o Vlfaiver by Lender. Lender shall not be deeme�to have waived any�ights under this Deed of Trust unless such
<br /> waiver is given in writing and signed by Lender. No delay or omission on fhe part of�e�der in exercising any right
<br /> shall ope rate as a waiver o�s u ch righ t or a ny��he r rig ht. A waiver�y Lertr�er of a prov�s�on of this Deed af Trust
<br /> shal[ no� prejudice ar constitute a waiver af �.ender's right othenlvise to demar�d strict �omplian�e with tf�at
<br />