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2� 1 ��728� <br /> D��l� �F TI�UST <br /> �Co�tEn��d} �age 3 <br /> services are iuTn�shed,or any mate�aals are supplied to the �raperty, if any rnechanicts lien, materialmen's lien� or <br /> other lien could be asserted on account af the work, servi�es, ar materi�ls. Trustor wifl upon request�f Lend�r <br /> furnish to Lender advance assuran�es satisfactory to Lender tF�at Trustor can ar�d v�r ill pay the cas� of su ch <br /> impravern er�ts. <br /> PROP�RTY DAI�AGE 1N5l�RANG�. Yhe follawing provisivns relating tv �nsUrir�g the Pro�erty are a part of l�is Deed o� <br /> Trust. <br /> Mai r�tenance of I nsuran��. �'rustor- shall procure and mair�ta�n po��c�es of fire insurance with standard extended <br /> cvve�age endarsements vn a replacemer�t basis for the full insura�Ce value co�eTing aEi [mpro�eme�ts on the F��al <br /> Propert}r ir� an amoun�sUfficient to a�roid a�plicativn of any coinsurance �lause, and rrvith a standard mortgagee <br /> clause in fa�or of�en�er. Trustor s�all also pro�ure and maintain cflmprehens�ve gener�l fiability insu�ance�n sUch <br /> ca�erage amvunts �s Lender rna� request with Trustee and Lende��eing named as additianal insureds in sucf� <br /> liabi�i�y Ensurance pvl icies. �dditiona�l�y� Tru star shall maintain such other insurance, inciuding but nof limited ta <br /> h�z�rd, business interruptifln, an� bvile�insurance, as Len�er may reas�nably rs�uir�, Policies shall be written in <br /> form, amounts, eover�ges ancf basis reasonab�y acceptabie to L�ndEr a�d issued by a comPany or compani�s <br /> reasonably accepta�le to Lender. Trustor, upfln r�quest of Lender, wilE de[i�er to �ender from t�me to time tf�e <br /> policies or certi�cates of insurance in farm satisfactory to Lender,including stipulations that co�era�es�r+rili nat be <br /> cancel�ed or dirninish�d without at least thirty�34� days pfior�rvritten natice fo Lendet. �ach insurance �olicy a�so <br /> sha�I includ�an endorsement prv�iding t�at covetage in fawor of Le�der v�rill r�ot be�rnpaired ir�any way by any act, <br /> arnission or d�fa�alt a�Trustor or any ot�er person. �hould the Property be lvcated in �n area€iesi�nat�d by <br /> t�e Administratar of the F�d�ral Em�rg�ncy Managernen#�Igency as a specia! fioa�l ha��rd area,'i'r�star agrees tv <br /> vbtain and maintain Federal Fload Insurancg, i�avaifable, for the full unpaid princ�pal bal�nce of fhe loan and any <br /> prior liens vn the properky se�t�rir�g the 1oan, �p ta the maximum policy limits s�t under ti�e National Flood <br /> Insurance�rogram,�r�s otherw�se�equ�red by Lender�ar�d ta maintain such insurance for the�erm of the Ioan. <br /> App��cat��r� of proceeds. Trustor sl�al�promptly not�fy Lender of a�ny Ioss or damage to the property. Lender may <br /> maEce proof of �ass if Trus�or fa�ls to do so �rithin fif#een �'i�� days flf the casualty. V1lhether or not Lender's <br /> securi#y is �mpaired, Len�er may, at Lencte�'s ef ection, recei�e a�d retain the proceeds of any insurance and apply <br /> the proc�eds to �he t'eduction of ti�e (nde�tedness, paym�nt of any I�en affe�ting the Property� or the restoration <br /> and repair of fE�e Prvper�y. If Lender�lects to �pply the p�-acee�s to r�storation and repair, Trustor sh�ll repair or <br /> �epf ace the damag�d or dest�ayed lmpro�rements i n a manner satisfactory #o Lender. Lender shall, upan <br /> satisfacto�r provf of sucfn expenditure, pay or reimburse Trus#ar from �he proceeds for the reasor�able cost of <br /> repair or restoration if Trustor is no� in default under t�is Deed af Yru st. Any praceeds which have n ot been <br /> disbursed within '18a days af��r their r��eipt and uvhic� Ler�der has not cammit�ed t� the repair or restoration of <br /> the Propert}r shall be us�d first to pay aRy arnot�n#owing to Lender under this �eed of Trust, th�n to pay accrued <br /> interest, and the remain�er, if�ny, sha[I be applied to the �rEnc�pal balanc� of th e Indebtedness. If Ler�der ho�ds <br /> �ny proceeds after paymen� in fu II of ��e 1 ndebiedr��ss, such proceeds sh�lE be paid to 7rustor �s Trustor's <br /> in�er�sfs rnay aFpear. <br /> Trustar's Report ort I nsurance, Upvn req�est af Lendet, f�owever not more than once a year,Trus��r shalE furnish <br /> to �e�der a report on ea�h existi ng po]ic� o f insurance show�ng: �1� #h e name of the �r�surer; �2} tfne risks <br /> insured; (3� the a��u�t of the policy; �4� the property insured, t�e ���n current rep�acem�nt valu� ot such <br /> prope�#y, and the manner at determining t�at�ra�ue;a�d ��} the expiration date of the po�icy. TrusEor s�alf,upan <br /> request af�ender, F�ave an independer��appraiser satisfactory�o Lender determine the cash va[ue replacernent cast <br /> af the Prop�rty. <br /> LENDER'S EX�Ei11�31f�J�ES. If any a�tion�r pror�eeding is cammenc,ed that�voul�i rnat�r�ally affect Lende�s interest in <br /> the Pra�erEy ar if Trustor fails to campfy�ruith any provision af this �d of Trust or any Related Docurne�ts. in�ludir�g <br /> but not limited to Trustor's f�ilur�to disch�rge or p�y�ruhen c�ue any amounts 7'ru�#or is required ta discharge or p�y <br /> under this D�d af Trust or any F�el�ted Dacuments,Lender on Trustor's behafF inay�but shall not be abligated to}t�ke <br /> any action that L�nder de�ms��propr�ate, includEn� but �oE �irnited �� disch�rgin� or pay�ng aIi tax�s, ]iens, security <br /> inter�sts, encumbranc�s an�ather claims�2�t�ny tirne lev�ed or pla�ed on the Property ar�d paying all casts fvr ir�suring, <br /> maf ntaini ng and preserving t�e �roperty. AI I such expenditures i ncuRed or�paid by Lender for such purpases vtiri[� t�en <br /> bear interest at the rate cfnarged under the I�ote from the date ir�curred ar paid by Lender t�the d�te of repayment by <br /> Trt�s#ar. A�I such expenses►nri Il beoome a par�of t�e 1 ndebtedness and� at Lende�s opt�on, will �A} be payabl�on <br /> demand; �B} be�dded to th� balance af the Na�e ancf b� apportion�d among �nd be payable r�+�ith any inst�llment <br /> paymsnts to became due durJng elther (1� the term Qt any app»cab�e�nsurance pv��cy; vr (�y the rc�ma�ininy term vf <br /> the Note; or �C� be freated�s�bal�oon payrnent which wi[l be due and payable at the Nate's matur�ty. The Dee�of <br /> Tntst �1sa�nrill sscure payr�ent of thes�am�unts. Such right shall �e in a�dition �o aIl oth�r rights a�d remedies ta <br /> whi�h Lender may be�ntitled upvn Default. <br /> 1�ARRANTY;�EFENS�O�7f'T��, �'he follawirtg provis�ons r�lating to ownership�f ti�e�roperty are a part o�this Deed <br /> of Tr�st: <br /> �'ifle. Trustor warr2�nts th�t: ��)Yrusfv�holds good and marketable �it[e of r��ord to t�e �roperty in fee simple, <br /> free and �lear of all [iens and encumbrances ot�er tf�a n those set fvrf h in th� R�a� Prapert}�description or in any <br /> title insurance policy, #i#le repart, or fnal titlE apinion issued i� favor vf, and accepted by, L�nder-in �onnection <br /> writh this Deed of Trust, and �b}i'rustor has tl�e fu�f rig�t,power,and authvrity ta execute and deliver this Deed af <br /> 7rust to Lender. <br /> Defense of Title. �ubj ect to the exce�tion ir� th� �ara�raph a�ave, Tru stor wa rra nts and will forever defend �he <br /> title to the Pr�pert�against the la�ful caaims of�II persans. �n the event any action or proceeding is commenced <br /> that questions Trustor's ti�le or the interest of 7rusfe�or l.ender under this Deed vf Yrust,"fr�stor shall�efend the <br /> action a#Tru starTs expense. Trustor may be the nominal pa�y i n sueh proceed ing� but Lencier shall ��ent�tled to <br /> particlpat� in the proceedfn� and ta be re�resented in the proceedin� by counsel of Lender's own chaice, and <br /> Trustor wi�l deliver� or cause�o be qellvere�� to L.en�er such E�strum�nt� as�ender may request iram t�me to t�me <br /> tv permj�such particip�t�ot�. <br /> GomPliance IJ�ith Laws. Trustor�+varranfs that tF�e proper#y and Tr�sfor's use of �he Praperty comp[ies wit� a�l <br /> exis#i�g apP1 i�able laws,ordinanees,and regufations of go�erri menta!authorities. <br /> Su nr�va� af Representations and V1Ia rra r�ties. All re�resentations�warranti�s� �nd agreements made by�rustor in <br /> this �eed of�'rust shall surviWe the execu�ion and c�sli�rery af this�eed of Trust,sF�al[b�continuing in na�ure,a�d <br /> shall rerrtair�in�ull fvrce and effect until such fime�s Trustor's [nc�e�te�ness shal�be paid in fu[I. <br /> CDNDEMNATI�N. The following provisions relaling to cond�mnatfan proceedings are a part of this Deed af Trust: <br /> proceedings. lf any prviceedin� in avndemnation is fi[ed� Trust�r sha11 promptly notify Lender in wri�in�, �nd <br /> Tr�stor snall promptiy t��Ce such steps as may be necessary to defend t�e acti�n �nd obt�in��e atinrard. Trustor <br /> rrtay be the nami n�l party in such proceedin�, but Len�er snall be entitled�o participate i n t�e�raceeding and to be <br /> Tepresented �n tfne proceed�ng by coun�el of i�s own chaice, �nd Trustor vvi[I deli�er or cause to be delivered tv <br /> Lender surh instru�nents ar�d documentatio� �s may be re�uested by Ler�der frar� #ime to time to permit suc� <br /> pa�r#icipatian. <br /> APp Iicatio n af N et pracee�s. �f a11 or any par�tif f he Property is v�ndemned by emin�nt ctomaln proceec�ings or by <br /> any pr+viceeding or pu�chase in lieu of condemn�tion, L�nder rr�y�t its�lec�ion require that all vr any por#ion af the <br />