2� 1 ��728�
<br /> D�EQ 0� �'F�UST
<br /> {�onf�r�u�d� ���� �
<br /> Possess�on anri Use. U�til the oc�urrer�ce o� an �vent of Defa�uit, Trustor may �'1} remain in Pvssessian and
<br /> cvntrol of ihe Properky; �2� use,flperate o�r manage th�Property;and �3� collect the�er�ts from the Property.
<br /> Duty t� �I�[ainta�n. Trustor sha11 maintain tf�e Prope� in tenantable condition and pramp�fy pe�form al[ repairs,
<br /> re�lacements,and mair�tenance necessary ta�reserve its value.
<br /> C�mpliance I�Vith �n�ironmental Laws. Tn�stor represents a�d warrants to Ler�d$r#ha�: �'�y C�urin�the �erio�of
<br /> Yrusto r's oVvn ers�ip of the Property,tF�ere has been no use,generation� manufactur��sto�age�treaf inent,d is�asal,
<br /> release or threatened re�e�se of�ny Hazardous �ubstance by any persan on, u nder, �bout or fram the Prope�y;
<br /> ��� �'rustor has no knowledge of, or reason to �el ieve that there �as been, except as pre�riously disclased ta and
<br /> acknow[�d��d by Lend�r in writi��, �a� an� breach ar �iolation af any �nviranmer�tal Laws, �b� �ny use,
<br /> generation, �na n�factu re, storage, treatrn�nt� dispv�al, �elease or threatened release of any Hazardous Substan�e
<br /> on, und�r, about or from #he P�operty by �ny prior ouvners ar occupant� of the Property, or {c) any actua[ or
<br /> thre�ter�ed litig�fio� or cl�ims of�ny kind by any person re[a�ing #o such matters; and �3} Except as previously
<br /> disclosed t�a�d acknow�ed�ed by Lender in writin g, {a� neither Trustvr nor any#enant,can�ractor,agent or other
<br /> authorizsd user'of the Pro�erty shal� use,gen�rate, m�r��fact�re�s�ore, tr�at� dispose af or refease any Ha�ard�us
<br /> Subst�nce o r�,u rtder,abaut o�from the Pr�perty;and �b� any s�ch acti�ity shaal be condu�ted���ornpliance w�th
<br /> all applicable federal, stat�, and [ocal laws, regufations and ard�nan�es, including v�rit�aut limitation all
<br /> En�ironmental Laws. 'f'rustar autF�o�iz�s L�nder and its ager�ts fo enter upv� t�e �roperty to maK� su��
<br /> i nspections and �ests, at Trustar's �xpense, as Lend�r rnay de�m appropri�te ta determine compl iance of �F�e
<br /> pfope�ty�+rifh th�s section af t�e Deed of 7rust. Any ins�ecfions or tests rnad� by Lender sF�afl be far �er�de�'s
<br /> purp�ses an�y and sF�aEl not be canstrued to create any res�or�sibility or liabilify or�th� part ot Lender to 7fustor or
<br /> tv �ny other peTson. �'he representatians and warranties cantaine�i herein are based an Trustor's due diligence in
<br /> investigafing the �roperty for Hazardvus SubstanGes. Trust�r hereby t�l� refeases a�nd v�raives any future clairns
<br /> against Lender for inctemnity ar cantribution in the event Trustor becomes lia�le for c�eanup ar ather cos#s under
<br /> any such laws;ar�d �2� agre�s to indernnify, defend, and�old harmCess�er�der a�ainst any and afl claims, Iosses�
<br /> lia[�ilities� damages� per�alties, and exper�ses�+rhich Lender may d�rect[y or indirect�y sustain or suf�er resulting from
<br /> a breach of#his section of the Deed of Trust or as a consequenc�of any use� generation, rnanufacture, starage,
<br /> dispos�l,release or threatenecf re�ease occurr�ng prior to TrustoT's owne�shi�o�inte�est in the Properfy,w�ether or
<br /> not the same v+ras or shou�d have been Knavvn fo Trustor. �he �ro�risions af this s�ction af th� Deed of Trust,
<br /> �ncludin�t�e obligaii�n to indemnify and defend,shall survi�e the pa�ymen#af the Indebtedness and tf�e s�tisfaction
<br /> ar�d reconv��rance of the lien of this Deed of Tr�s�and s[�all not be affe�ted b�Lender's ac�uisifion a�any interest
<br /> in#�e praperty,w�ether b}�foreclosure or atherrrvis�.
<br /> N uisa�ce, �aste. �'rustor shall not cause, cor�duct or permit an�r nuis�r�ce no�- com mit, perm it, or suffe� �ny
<br /> strippir�g of ar waste on ar to the Property or any pvrtion vf the �roperty. V1lithot�� I�miting the generalit}►of the
<br /> foregfling,Trustor tinrill nat remove, or gr�nt to ar�y other par�y the right to remove, any timber, minerals{incauding
<br /> oil and gas�,coa�l�c[�y�s�oria�soil,grave�ar rock praducts witho�t Le�d�r's prior rnrritfen co�sent.
<br /> Removal of Impro�ements. Trustor shall not demolish or remo�e any Improvements from the Real Proper�}r without
<br /> Ler�de�s pfior uvritten consent, As a condition to#���ernvva�of an�Impfav�ments� LeRd�r may require Trustar tv
<br /> make arrangemer�ts satisfactory la Ler�de�- �o replace such Impravements wEth Improverrtents of at least equal
<br /> �ralue.
<br /> �enc�er's Right to Enter, Lender and Lender's ag ents a nd rePresentatives may enter u pon ��� Rea1 Property at aIl
<br /> reasanabfe times to attend to l.ender's int�rests and fo inspect fhe I�eal Prvpe�ty for purposes of frustor`s
<br /> comp�iance with the�erms and canditians of th�s Deed of�'rust.
<br /> Com pliance with G overn men#al Requ�remenfs. Tru star shall pramptly comply with al� 1 aws, ardinances, and
<br /> regulat�ons, nflw or hereafter in eff�ct, of all governmentaC authvrifies a�p�icable #o ihe use or oecupancy of the
<br /> �rap�My, including without limitatian, ihe A�ner�cans INith Disabilities�ct, T�-ustor may contest ir�good faith any
<br /> suci� law, vrdinance, vr regulation and withF�old comp��an��during ar�y proceeding, including appropriafe appeals,
<br /> sfl lang as�rustor has notified �.ender in w�iting p��or to doing so and sfl long as, i n Lender's svf e opin ion,Lende�s
<br /> interests in the Prope�y are �o�jeopar�izec�. Lender may require Trustof to pvst adequate se�urit�r or a surety
<br /> �ond,re�soriably s�tisfactory tv Lender,ta pratect I�er�der's in�erest,
<br /> Dut�r to Protect. Trustor agrees ne�ther to abandon or �ea�e unattended t�e �roperty. Trustor shall do e11 o#he�
<br /> acts, i rt�dd ition to those acts s�:t forth abov�in th is secfion,wh ich fro m the ch atacter and use tif the Property are
<br /> reasonab�y r��cessary t�protect an�preserve the Property.
<br /> I�U���SALE-CONSEC�T BY�ENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optio�,declare immediatel}+due an��ayable all sums
<br /> secured �y this D�ed of�rusf upon th�sale or��ansfer�wit�tout l.ender's priar wrilten consent, of all or any part af�he
<br /> Rea1 Properly, or any interest in the �eal Properfy, A "sale or transfer" means i�e�onveyance of Real proper�y ar�ny
<br /> tigf�t, title or interest in fhe Re2�l Properfy; whether legal, ben�ficia! ar equi�able; r�rhether vo�untary or in�a�untary;
<br /> whe�her b� outrigh� sale, d��d� instal[ment sale contract, fand contracf� contract ior deed, leaseE�v�d interes# with a
<br /> fe rrn greater tha n f hr�e �3}�ears, lea se-opiion co ntracf, or by sale,assignment, or tra nsfer of any h ene�icia( interesf in
<br /> or tv any land tru s t holdi ng title to f�e Real P rope rty, or by any othe�method o f conveyance of a� in terest i n the Real
<br /> Proper�y. If any Trusto r is a corpvration, partners�ip o r�im ited �ia bilit�+ cor�pa ny� trans�er a�so includ�s any chan�e in
<br /> ownership of more than tw�nty-iiwe perc�r�t{2�°/�}of the vot�ng stock, partnership interests or limited Iiabllity campany
<br /> interests, as kh� case ma� be, of such T�ustor. However, t�is option shall not be exercised by �e�der�f such exercise
<br /> is prohibited by federal la�r ar by Nebrask�I�w.
<br /> TAX�S �AND �IENS. �he followin� provisions �e�ating fo tE�e tax�s anr� liens vn the Proper�y 2�re part of this Deed of
<br /> 7rust:
<br /> Paymen#. Trusto�-sha�l p�y r�uhen due�and in a!I e�rents�rior to de�inquency�all#axes,sp�c�al faxes�3S5�SSIT�B�lt5�
<br /> c?�arp�s�[nclu�ln�water�r�d sewer), fn�s�nd impvsitl�r�s IeWi�d 2��2inst or�n���ount of the P�aperty,and shali
<br /> pay�rnen d�e�!I cla�ms for�ra�k done ar�or f��serv[ees rendered or materfal iurr�lshed to the Property. Trustor
<br /> shall maintain the Property iree of all lier�s n avi ng prior��y o�er ar equal to the interest o�Lender under this De�d of
<br /> Trust, exc�pt for the lien vf taxes and assessmen�s no� dUe and except as otherwise �ravided in this aeed of
<br /> Trust.
<br /> l��ght to Contest. Trustor may�nritf�hold pa�rmer�t of ar��r#ax, assessment, or claim in connection�i�h a gofld f�ith
<br /> dispute�ver tF�e obligativn to pay,so lan�as l�enders inteTest in the Property is not j�flparc�ized, If�fien arises or
<br /> is filed �s a result of nvnpayrnent, �"n.isto�shal) within fif#een ��I�� days �Ker t�e �ien arises or, if a lien is fi[ed,
<br /> with ir� fiftee n �'I 5} days af�e r Trustor F�as notiGe af the fi ling, se�ure the dischar�� of the lien, or if requested by
<br /> Lender�deposit wit� �ender cash or a sufficie nt corpvrate su rety bvnd ar ot�er security satisfactory to Lender in an
<br /> arnount sufficient tv discharge the lien plus any cost�and attorneys'fees� �r other c�arges tha#could accrue as a
<br /> resu It❑f a forec�vsure or sale under the�ien. In any cvn ke$t, �"rustor shall defend itself�r�d Lender and shal�satisfy
<br /> any�dverse judgment�e�ore enfvrcement against th�:Rropert}�. Trustor sh�ll r�ame Lender a�a��dditianai o�ligee
<br /> under�ny sur�ty bond iurnished in the cont�st pracecdings.
<br /> Evidence ot Payment. i'rustor s�all u�pan�ema�d f�rnish io �ender satisfa�tory evidence of�ayment of tf�e taxes
<br /> or assessments and shall au�F�orize the appropriate�owernmer�taE of�icial to d�liWer to Le�der at any time a v+rritten
<br /> statemen�a�#F�e taxes and assessmen#s against#f�e Proper#y.
<br /> NotiGe vf�vnstructIvn. Trustor shalf na�ify Lende�-at least fif#een �'I�}days before ar�y work is commenced� any
<br />