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2� 1 ��72�4 <br /> �►������������ �� ����'� <br /> t�c�������eC�� pa�� 4 <br /> and several. Tf�is means lhat ii �en�ier br�rly� � ��wsuit, Le���ler mdy su� �ny one or �nore oE lF�e Gtantors. [f <br /> Borrower a nd C ra ntar are n ol lF�e same Perso n, �.end�r need n�!s�e gorrowe�ii rs t, and lhal Borrower need n of be <br /> joined �n a�y lativsuit. �3a The nanles �iven �o p�r�yr�ph� or seetinns in this Assignrnent are for convenience <br /> purposes only.They are not lo be used to inte�pr�t o� e��Eiii�li�e prt�visions o��his A�s��nnlen�. <br /> No ti111aiver by Le��d�r. Lencfer shall nc�t �� cl�h�c��aa ��� i,t,v�� �,��w��i� �r�y rigl�ts under ��ti� Assignmenl unless suc� <br /> w�iver is giwen in�vri�in� and signed �y L�:nc��r. �tt:►�.fu���; �� �r��is.�iv��an lize par�o� L�nder in exercising any right <br /> sh�l� oper�f� �s a wai+�er o f sueh righ t or any oft��:r ris�ht � tiv r�tv�r by Lender o� a pravision o f th is Assig nrnen k <br /> shalE not �re�udice or conslitu�e � tivaive:r ot L��ti�ier'� riytll oil��rti�rise to demand strict complian�e wilh tha# <br /> provision vr any olher prvvision ol ttlis Ass�g�me��l. �Jo prio� w�iv�r by Len�ier, nor any course of dealing betw�en <br /> Lender and Cranlor, s�ta�l�ons�ilute a �ra�ver �f a��y�f tender's r��E�ts ot at ar�y of Granlor's obligations as tv �ny <br /> future transaclions. V11E1enever tt�e cunsen[ of L�nc�er is re�L�ir�d under this AssignmenE, the gran��ng af suc� <br /> conse nk by Lend�r in am� ins�ance sh��i not ccrrtis tiiute cor�linti ing c�n sent tv subse�uent insla nces �vh�re such <br /> cons�r�t�s r�quired a�d in �I[cases suc�i G�nsc�nt r�;��r b4 c�rant��ur ti�rilhtleld ir� lf�e�vle disere�ian of Lender. <br /> Notices. ARy nD��C� rE:qL.�l�'�C! l0 b� �Ev�rt �,n��r tf�i-. A�������<<<����t 5�1'rill t]C' ��vGr� in �rrit�n�, ar�d shal� �e effectiWe <br /> when acfu�lly delirrered, wr��n �ct����lly ����•iv�:ct I�y t�l�f�c5ic��,lc �t�r�l�ss o�herwise rec�Uire�l by !aw}, uv�en <br /> deposited v�ri�h a nationalEy recogn ize��verr��c�1���u�1+i�r ur, i� i t���il��r�, titi►�i�n depUsi�ed in lhe Uniled�t�tes m2�i[,as <br /> first cl�ss,c��tifie� c�r r��Esl��ed nz�i! ���st�y� ��r��;���i�i. .��r�•�:t�•c� iU t��c�.��iciress�� shawn R��r t�re beginning of this <br /> l�ssi�nm�nt. �1ny p��rty niay et��nc��.� it5 ,i,icyr���, +�.�+ ��U��{.�-� u��{1�-� t���5 A�signn tenl by c�iv�ng f�rlr��[writter� natice <br /> to the ❑t�er p�riies, sp�cifyi��c� ti���� �t�� ����r;tc,�t• �,� ���� r tU��c;�: �:. �� �.t��r�g� #he pa�ly's adcfre�s. For notic� <br /> purposes, Gr�ntc�r agrees lo kec�J E_Nr<<ic�r ,r�fc����,�,�� ��i ail tir��E�: ��t c�rrtntor's c��:rrent addre$s. U�fess ather�vise <br /> provid�ci ar r�quir�d E�y Eaw, if th�r� �� r���re t��.,�� v��e C�r��c��ic�r �����• ��ulcc� giver� by E..�rtc��r to any �rantor �s <br /> deemed to be nflti�e gi��n t� �EI G r���lur�5 <br /> Powers of Attorn ey. The variau s ac�enci�s a�1�i po sv cYrs o[ a�torr�e y cc���veye�on L�nder c�nder th is Assig n ment are <br /> �ra nted for purpos�s o f s�cu rily an� m ay r�ot b�r�vaked by G ra��lar u n��I such �ime a�#h e same�re renounced by <br /> Len�er. <br /> Severability. It a court o� compeEer�l jurisdiclio�� fin�s �ny �rov,s�o�� oi tf�is Assignm��t to be illegal, �n�ral�d, or <br /> unenforceable as to 2�ny circuitistance, tl�at f nding st7a�� nol rn��k� f h� of fendi n� pravision illegal, in�alid� or <br /> un�nforceable as �� �ny�iE�er Cir�um�l�nc�. If fe�s�b![:, ti�� of[ecldiny provisian shai[ be�a�si�iered mac�i��d so <br /> th�t it b�oomes lec��1, ���id �nd enfarc��blE�, tf �I-�e �ftcnt�in� E�i�visio� can�ot be so r�nodifed, it shall be <br /> considered del�led from ch�s Assic�r�rn�nt �Jnl�tis ��h�rwi::c, �-eyuired by Eaw, the illegality, in�ali�ity, or <br /> unenforceability of any �ra�isian of thi� �ssi�l�n»�r�t �I��I! r�wt ��f�r_.I tf�e lec�ality, validity ar e�force�bility o�ar�y <br /> vtfner provis�on of t�is�s�ignmenl. <br /> Suc�ess�rs an�Ass�c�r�s. Subjec[�o ar�y lin�it�liai�s:���l�d�n Ehi��ssic�«menE on transfer of Grantor`s interest,thi� <br /> Assignment sf7a11 be binding upon �nd irnue Ec� the be«e�il n f the �}�rties, their successors and assi�ns. If <br /> awnership of the Property beconties v�sl�d i r�a p�rsc�n o ln�� t1zL�n Gran[ur, Le�tic��r,�vi�hn u t r�o�ice to Grantvr, rnay <br /> deal with Grantor's successors�rilE� refer�i�c;e ro l�i� Assigr�r��e�� dnr� lhe Indebiedness by w�y of for�earance vr <br /> extension wilhout re�easir��Grantor tran� !hE��1����ti�r�s r�f 11�+5 l��s��r�r�tenl at l�abili�y uRc�er the indebtet�r�ess. <br /> Time is of the �s�en ce. rEme is o��h���ti���r�c�ir li��pt�r f or rt3�3����o� tr�i:.�s�iyni�en�. <br /> 1Ilr�ive Jury. A1! Parties t� tt�is �4ssic�ni»�l�! ��r��el�y ��rai�re it�e ri���i to any jUry t�'���1 En any action, �roceecling, vr <br /> counterclai�» i�rau�iit��any�arl�r ac�ain5t a��y otl��;r ��r ty. <br /> �JVaiver of Hvnticstead Exemption. Gr,�r�t+.�r fi�r�;��3; rc;��.�s�:; {,r�� ,Y<<iv�;� .�I! rigt�E� �nd brr�ef�Es �f lhe homestead <br /> exemp�ivn lar�vs a f 1 E��S�a��of[�l��r.���:t�{��lo a!i I��dN�t���}�-�s s{;E:i�r c���,y this Ass ign men l, <br /> DEFINI'�IONS. Tlae folln�ing ca�ifalF��ci �rrofci� .���� terrn� sf►�I� f��V� tf�� �ol�o�rin� meanings when u�ed in this <br /> Assignment. Unless spe�ific�lly s��ted lo ltie contrary, �II ief�rt�nces ta clall�r artiounls shal[ mean amounts �n �a►,+vful <br /> money of the U nited $�ates a f Ame�i�a. }lllorcis and l�tn ls user� ir� t��e �inguJ�t s��al! i��luc!e li�e plural, and th� p�u ral <br /> shall inc�u�de fE�e si�gu��r, as �he �o�lexE n���y r�c���re. Vl+ords acld ��cn�s n�l otEierwise defined in this Assignment shall <br /> have the me�nings�ltr�but�d la s�c� �er��1s in!he Clniforn��am�n�rcia��c�d�� <br /> Assignment. 7he ti�rard "Assign��ent" r�lea�s �El�a ASS�Gt�l��ENT�F RE�lTS,as fhis�SSIG�l�+1�NT�F RE�JTS rnay <br /> be amended or modi�ed �rom time lo �im�, l��etl��:r�rii� alt�xtlil3ils �nd sc��dules atiached la this ASSIGi�N1�N7 <br /> DF R��lTS fram �in�e lo lirr��. <br /> �3orrower. 71��wor� "£3orrvwNr" �����i<<� JAYNS L�.0 ,Jeiire:y L ivlt�t�{j, ar�d Santira J N1�a�. <br /> Defa�Et. T�e worci ''�efaull"m�an� tl�� Def�ci�E���1 fUrlki i��� tt�;� ��ti���nr,i�nt in l�e se���on til�ed "deE�ult". <br /> E�en� af aefault. The tvar�s "Event vf Qef�ult'' n�Pan Lii��� u� U��, �vtynls o[deft�t�lt sel forlh in t��is Assignment in <br /> the defauit se�lion at this As�i�r�rn���l. <br /> �rantor. The u►o rd "G ran!Q�''r��eans JAYN S. E..� G.. <br /> �uaranty. Th�����td "Cuarartly''m�ar�s El�e gt+�r��tl�r irUrn yut��antor. ��i�orser. �urety,or accomrnodation �at�y to <br /> Lender,includ�ng�v�lhout lirniiation a��,aran�y c�t a��or�.art�f��t3 ��c��e. <br /> Fndebtedness. The wvrd "Iri�iebfe�nea5' ,n�-si�� �il �,ri���{;.�,;', i��,�.���.s�. r�n�i c�lt�er �moucft�, cosls and expenses <br /> payable under �he ��ot� br RelalP�i �c�r.�����4��F�� ������li��� v����I� ��tj �F1��C�N�Is c�l ex�ens�o��s of, m��if�calions af, <br /> �o n sof idations of �r�� su hsli f�,t�orj� [c�r Ih�- ��!�►�� c,�� R��i����-�� [���:i�������;t� ���1�1 ,�n y :�rr�ot�n ls �x�ended or advan�ed by <br /> Lender to [�iSCh�fyE �I'��1tUr'S n�li�:�1;�.rri<_; �f�' i_x>>�-.t�,t�� ily�:.��i�.�l f.; t�:�►���� tt> c�rifc�r�� ����3�1�oC'�s obli�atEons undeT <br /> th�s Assignme��t, t�y�ir�er ti�rEti� �E�tc�r���� cf,} �,+G�1 ��tsiuUrl�� ,t.y prr.v��ir�� �r� ihis Assignm�rit. Specifically, wiEhoui <br /> limitation� lnde�ledness includ�s �h� fe�i���� �,c1v����.e5 s�l �o,lt� i�� l���+ F�,ture Advances pravision. Eogether with all <br /> inlervs� tE�areon ai�d al� �rr�o�nls lfiat ��}.iy tit, f�z.iii+�c:Ilv �•�+�.+ar���i !�y litic� Crvss-Collaivr��[i�alion prvvision of this <br /> Asslgnment. <br /> Lender. Tf�e wvrd "Lender" rne�ns Fir�t�l��ic�i��E�t�nic u��r�t�ha,its ��cc�ssors and�ssigr�s. <br /> Note. The wvrd "Note" mear�s any an�3 al] p� f3orrn�ive�'s li�i�ilitie�, Qbliyal�or�s and debts to Len�er, now existing <br /> or hereinafter in��rred or created, including, wifhouE Ii�nitaE��it, ��i ta�r�s advanc�s,inlerest, casls debls,averdra�t <br /> indebt��n�ss, Gredit card indebledness, lease o�li�alions, I�al�iliti�5 ����! obligaliv�s under inl�rest rale protect�on <br /> a�reements ar foreign cu�rre��y exctlange agreer��ents vr can�rnociiiy��r�c�protecEion agreements,other obl�ga��ons� <br /> and liabif ities o f d ar�-ower tageih e�� ti�i�E1 a Ir n�od E�cc�ti�n s. increases, r�newals, and extensiqns of th e <br /> aforemention�d. Addilion�liy, herek�y incor�or��t�c� as il f�l��r se� [arlh h�;�ein are the t�rms and candifion$ of any <br /> promissory note, agreement or athc�r dc��:��r��er�t �x�c�t��� by Borrov�r�r andJor Lender indica�in4 th�s security <br /> inslrum�nl vr lhe pra�erty descr�6e:t� �l�:reiii sttiall be c:vii�id�r��f "CulEaleral" secur�n� suci� promissofy note, <br /> �greemen�,or at�er instrument,or�ny�iml[ar r�►fcrer�ce <br /> Property. T�e word "Pfv�erty" i����i�� a!! of Gc�nlo+'ti ���t�t. �itl� :�nc� in��rest in and lo aEi lhe Proper�y as <br /> d�s�ribed �n l�e"Assignr���n�" se��io�� af thi� ,�15SIt�l�1l1C'.�a� <br /> Related �ocutnen ts. �'I�e tivorc!s "�;L[�ter� Du�u�r rt[t!�" ,„r:�n ,�it ��c�i��i�svey noles, cred il ag reeme n ts, �oa n <br /> agreements, environrneni�E �greel��ei��s, c�uaiar��i�� �e�ur:t; ��y���ntNEtits, r�7vr�c���es, deeds of trust, secu�i�y <br /> deeds. cvllateral mor�g�ge�. ar�d �ll otl��-,- in��ru,���nt� �����.•+�rn{����� �r�rf c�ocu�rtenls, v��1�e��er now or hereafter <br /> existing,exec�i fed in�on�lectio��r�f itt a t r��,+;R.��tt���jr�t:s� <br />