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2� 1 ��72�4 <br /> ����G�����" �� ���V�S <br /> ��ar�tl�l��C�; Page 3 <br /> existence as a c�oing business ar the cl�all�ot any r���r��k�e�, tl�e i��solv�ncy o� Borro��vec or G ra rtitor. t�ie appointm ent <br /> of�receiv�r�or�ny p�rf of Borrower's�r Gr�rllor's p��ope�ty, a��y�ssig��nt�nt for the benef�t of creditors� any ty�e <br /> ❑f creditoT wo rkau t, or lh� carn mencemenl af ���y �roce�dRng und�r any bai�kru ptcy or Er�solvency ]aws by ar <br /> against Borro�nrer or�r�ntor. <br /> Creditor or �orfeiture Proceedir��s. G��nrr�enc�r�t�lYl�= for�c�asii�e vr tv�fe�ture �roceedings, whether by j�dicia[ <br /> ptaceeding, seif-help, rep�ssessi�n �r ar�y �khe;r rnell�ad. b�� ar�y creditor o� �orrower or �rar�tor or by ar�y <br /> gavernmental a�en�y against the Rer��s or any prop�rty securing li�e lndeb�edness. T��is�ncludes�garnishrnent af <br /> any of Borrower's or Grantor's accour�ts.incl���ing deposil acc:our�t5.v�rtti� Lender. How�ver, this ��ent of❑ef�ulE <br /> shal[ not app[y if tE�ere is a gq�d faitt� disp�iQ by l3�rrnv,r�r or Grantar as t� t��e v��i�iit�r or reasonableness af the <br /> claim v�rh ich is tlle basis of !f�e �redi��r qr forfeitur� �r�c��ding �r�r� i f Borrower ar G ranEor give� Lender wr�tte n <br /> notice of the �reditor or�ar[eilure proc�ec�ing and cie�}a�iE$��v�ll� Le�d�r�noni�s�r a s��re�y bond for the�redit�r or <br /> fo�fei�ure pr�ce��ling, ir� an arnounl de��rrnined l�y �.end�r, i�1 ;t� �ole ��scret�Qn, as b�ir�g an aciequate reserve ar <br /> t�ond for tF�e d ispute. <br /> Pro�e�fy D a mag e or Loss. Th�pr�pe riy is lo s[. sroi�r� su b�ta nti�Ily �farrtia�ec�,so[c!,or ba rrotiv ed a�ainst. <br /> Ev�nts l�ffe�ting Guaranto�. Any of the pr�c�dinc,� �ve�tls o+.c��rs tivi�l� resp�c! to any gu�r�r��or, endorser, surety, <br /> or �ccommodalian party of any of �h� Incf�Ul�cir.�sti�r s-�ny c���:�r�r�ir�t. ��rjor���', sur�ty, or accommvdation party <br /> dies or be�omes incompet�r�t, or revokes or c�i�put�� th� v�l«�iEtif a! o� li�k��l�ty urtic�er, any Guaranty of tF�e <br /> 1 ndebtedness. <br /> Ad�erse �hang�. A materi�l ��v���� �.;r�r,nyr� �,�:���r 4 ar� ��r:�����a�'C, ��r��ir���L�� �:a:ldi�ic,n, or �ender �e�iet�es t�� <br /> pra�pect�f�aymeni or E��rfo�-n�a�cc:of I���:In�l��tt�cJr��-��,�s:����,:�ir�:�.. <br /> Insecurjty. l.en�ier in good f a i�h believes�lse�f i n sa:-ur� <br /> RIGH�'S A N l] REIUIE�I ES O N Q�FAU LT. l�pon Eh�o�curt�n��v� {i��y�v�n�o# Deia ult and a�any lime therea fter, Lender <br /> may�xercise any❑n�ar more of the fo[lowinc� ri���ls �sr�d rerneclic�, in �ci�ili�n ta ar�y vti�er r�ghls or rem�dies provide�i <br /> �}�I��rtir: <br /> Acce��rate Endebtec�ness. Lender s�iali have the r�g�it a� ils opEion ta c�e�lare li�e enEire In�iebtedness immediately <br /> due a�d p�y�b�e,includir�g any prepayrr�en�per��[�y l��at Borrow�r�ro�tld �e require�to pay. <br /> Colle�t Rents. Lender shall E�awe �h� righi, ���►ilhouE lzoii�e to Borrotiver or Granlvr, �o lake possessior� of t�e <br /> Property and collecz th� �en�s, incl��ding amounls �as� due and un�a�d, �n� apply lhe r�et pro�eeds, over and <br /> above l�ender's costs, againsl �fte Indebt�dness. ln iurlherance of this ri�ht, Lender sha�l have all the rights <br /> provided for in tE�e �enc�er's f�i�ht t� Receiv� a���� �oilecl Rer�ts 5ection, above. If lhe Renls are collecied by <br /> Lender,then ���ntar Erre►►aca�ly design�les l c���cfFt��4 �fari��f'S.-�tlofr�e�i•in-fact to endarse iristrumen�s received in <br /> paymenl lh erevf i n t�7 e ���tne v�G�'�ntor a��d l� r����li�l��1 i e sr»r�� r�n�f:ollecE the �rocc eds. Pay�-nents by tenants <br /> or other u��r� to �.ender'in resp�r�sP to Lend�r'S den��nd sh�ll s�tisfy �he obl'tt��ttions �o� which the paymen�s are <br /> made. w�e�her vr not any P�rap�r �roun�s ��r tt�� derti��� �:xist�d ��n��r rnay exercise ils righls under this <br /> subpar�gr��h ei���er in �erson, by agent,or ihrc�ugt��rece�ver. <br /> �ther Rernedies. �ender s ha I[ ��ave �I[ o th�r �i�hts an� rcR�����:s �ruv ided i n lhi� Assig nmen t or li�e No�e or by <br /> lar�. <br /> E[ection of�emed ies. �[ection by L�nder lo pur�ue�ny re�����iy st�a[I r�o t excl�de pursui�of�ny othe r remedy, and <br /> an elec�ion t� rn��c�exp�ndiEures or ta t�ke�r.�i��r�to F�Erf�r�n�i7�bliqaliun of Gfantar ifr�de�#ttii�Assi�nment,after <br /> �rantor's f�ilure to p�rforrn, �t��El n�i :�If�-�.t !c+l��`��'•.r�gl�t ;�� �:ft�c:l��r�<<���l��Eilt��rtd exerci5c�ts rem�dies. <br /> Atto rneys' �e�s; Exper�ses. 1 f ��ncl�.•r ir�sr�i��E�� i���y �iUit UF ;��:1���,f l�:ar����rc��r�y of Eh�- t�rnis af th is Ass�gr�ment, <br /> Lender Sl��l� b� ent�lled �� �-��Wer �u�:l� �ur z� ��ti ti�� �-c�u ri ���.'�� .;�.4�u�fy�, r����or���b���s �t�orneys' fees at tri�[ and <br /> up�n �ny �ppe�l. V�lhett i�r or r�at ��r�y �`u���[ .�c:liun i�. i�ivolvcj�i ��r��� [� f he �xle��E rioi pro��i�il�d t�y ]aw, �11 <br /> r�aso�able expenses LerEder irticurs tizal ��� �+�r�cl�:'' o�i��i��r i �ra r�cr�F����r� �l �3ny �in1e for tEie prat�ctian of its <br /> interest ar tf�e enrvrcemen��f i ls rigl�ls si�a��becar��a p��!o� i�� I n�lebt�dness p�yatal��r�demand and shall bear <br /> intere�t at tf�e Note rate trom the date af!h��xQ���dilure unRil r�paid. �cp�ns�s cv�r�r�c�by ti�is paragraph include, <br /> without fimitatio�t, �io�rre�rer subje�t to �r�y i�mits und�r��p����lal�lativ, Lender's atEvrn�ys' �e�s and L.ende�'s�egal <br /> exp�nses, u�►hether or not ther� is �lavvsuit, in�l��dinc� rtltar�LyS' ���s �nd ex��ns�� for �an�ruptcy pror,eedings <br /> �including e�forts !o modif�r ar v2,��Ec�ny aL�tomalic st��os'�njL�nclivn), a������.�nd�r�y anticipated post judgment <br /> collect�on serv�ces, the Cost oi se�r�hE��r�cords, aY�l��r�in� �ilie r�ports (includinc� �orec�osure re�vrEs), surveyors' <br /> reports, and appraisal f�es, t3Ele in�iirance, anr� fe�:s fr��- l�ze T��cr����. tc� t��e exE�nt per��iilied k�y applir�bfe law. <br /> �ranfor also will pa�any court�asts, [n 1e�dil�nr�f��.�ll c������r ,�.sri��E�rt7VicE��i E�y I�v�. <br /> ELE�TRONIC CQPlES. ��;nder n�ay coNy �E�:cfrorl��a��y ��r ut��►�rwf.�� ar�ci [her�afler d�strvy, tl�e arigi��ls of tri�s <br /> Agreement andtor ReE��ed Ducumsnts �r� lltie rer�ul�� course fl� Len�Ser's k�usiness. All such copies produced from an <br /> electronic form or by any other reliabfe ��leans (i.�., p�tioingrap�ic image�r f��simiEej sl�all �n all respects be considered <br /> equiva�ent ta an ari��nal,and Borrower he�e�y�v�ive� ar�}r righfs fl�ol�j��liuns lo fhe use of��ch copies. <br /> MISC��LA�l�OUS PRQ�IISI�hlS. Ttie follau�ir�g m�seelf�nf=au�s provis�ons ar��par�a�tf�is Assi�rtm�n�� <br /> Amendments. Tf�is Assignlnent, iogetl�er �rri�i� any R�lat�r� Dncum����s, cons�itu�es the entire Understanding and <br /> agceement�f �l�e parlies as �o Che �natl�rs s�! �orl�� ir� th�� AsSiyr�t��e��I. PIO ��t�r�t+on of or ament�ment to this <br /> Assignmen� sl7�l! be efiecti�e unl�ss givk�cz �rti ��ril�����f ��nc! ;�qr�E•�i ���, �+tic• p�rty or p�rii�s sough# ta be c�arged or <br /> bo�nd by�I�e��tera�ior�or ari�er�drner��. <br /> Caption He aclin g s, �ap4ion E�eadin��ic, �l�c� As��c��:r��er�: L��E, I c�r L'i�F 15�t:1 li{;�l�L��l]��]�5���?rtil��[�C�cl��10��❑ �7��SBd <br /> ta interpret or c�ef i a�tf�e�,rov�5�ar�s�t t I»5 A���y r�����.+�t <br /> Go��rnir�� Law. Tl�is AssiQn�»�r�t vrili ��+ Jovurr�v�l V�� !�•t��■�.�I �:�►v ��1�IiC��l�I�.� [p L�t1t��r at�C1, tfl t��e cxt�nt nat <br /> prQempted by fede�al la�rr. fne E��r1s of tl�� Stale nt��Je�rask��rriih�uE reyarc� tb its �anflicts of latiw provisions. �'h�s <br /> �ss�gnment has been accepted Uy l�enc�er ir�ti�e St�te of C�e�r�sk�. <br /> C haice of Ven ue. I� lhere is � Iaws�r!. Ca�r�lo� �t1r�.�s u��r�i r Lc�ncl�.sf s r�c�uesi Eo subn�i f !o t�e�urisdiction af ihe <br /> courts of�aff�ounty,S�ate of�leh��s�<<�. <br /> Joint and Sev�ral Liability. AII ��lig��ians o f Barrotirver arld C r�ntor ur�der t�iis l�ssignrnen� shal! be �oint and <br /> s�veral,�nd�II r��eren�es lo�rantor stiall i»������c��an�ev�ry Gra���or,and aI[�eferenc�s ta Borro�rver si�al[mean <br /> eacY� and �very Borrower. Tt��s means that each Granlo� signiiay h��ow is r�spansible �ar al[ oE�]i�ations in this <br /> Assi�nm�ni. 1Nher��ny one�r�-nflre o�t�z���r#i�s is G��or�or�tic�n.�artn�rst�i�, limilEd liabil�ty company or s�milar <br /> ent�ty, i#is no�necessaty fof L�r�cl�r to Enq��ir�:into the F�ow�i� of ar7y ni lt��officers,directors,parfn�rs�m�mb�rs, <br /> or other a�er��s �ct�nc� or �urp�rlinc� �c� ar�� �lz t�,�oni�iy'S b�:t��l�, a�ir� �r�y�b1�g�tions rn�de or�re�ted in reli�r�ce <br /> �pon the pr�fessed exer�is�vf s��ct��c�w�r5�t��ll ���yu�r r���lFe�i�iF�rl�r tl iis Assignm�n�. <br /> �I erger. 7�ere shal� be nc� n�erger c,I tt�� �nle ra�� �i cr�<<�t� cr�����t•� ts; th is �ssic�nme n� v�►it h �ny oth er in tece5t vr <br /> estate in #he ProperEy a� any lin�e ���lc� by�r fur Eh� h�r�4fil c�! l.�i�ci�r+n any c�pacity, «ifhout th�vvritten cons�r�t <br /> af�.ender. <br /> tnterpretatian. ��i) In �[E cases�ri��re th�re i� mor� ll��n une �orratver ar Grar�tor, ttz�n all wvrds u�ed in this <br /> Assignment in fhe�ingular sh�lE be�i��n�ed Eo h�v��e�n u5�c! ieti ll�� QEur�l w�ter� Eh��c�nlext�nd�o�structior�so <br /> ret�ui�e. ��� Ei mor���2�n one person sigrls tf�is�ssi�n:n�E�t:�:"t�r����o�," !he�bligativ���of eacf��rantor are joint <br />