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2� 1 ��7227 <br /> DE�� �F TRUST <br /> ��ontinued� Pa�e 3 <br /> Ma�ntenance of insurance. Trustar shall pr�cure and maintain palicies of fire insurance with standard extended <br /> ca�erage endorsements on a fair �alue basis for the full insurable �alue co�ering a!i lmpro�ements ❑n #he Reat <br /> Praperty in an amvunt suffcient to a�oid application of any coinsurance clause, and with a standard mortgagee <br /> ciause in fa�o�-of Lender,t�gether with such other hazard and liabili#y insurance as Lentier may reasonably require. <br /> Palicies shall be written in form, amounts, co�erages and basis re�sonably acceptab�e to Lende�and issued by a <br /> c�mpany or companies reasonab#y ac�eptable to Lender. Trustor, upon request of Lender, wil! deli�er to Lender <br /> tr�rn #�me#a time#he palicies Qr cer�if�ca#es v��nsurance in fvrm s�tisfactary tv Lender, including stipulations that <br /> co�erages will nvt be cancelled vr diminishec!without at least thirty�3�}days prior written nvtice t�Lender. Each <br /> insurance pv�icy also shal! include an endvrsement pro�iding that co�erage in fa�ar of Lender will na# be impaired <br /> in any way by any act, vmission ar default of Trustor or any other person. 5hvu�d the Real Praperty he Iocat�d in <br /> an a�-ea designated by the Administratvr of the Federai Emergency Management Agency as a special �Iood ha�a�d <br /> area, Trustor agrees fv vatain and main�ain �'edera� Flood �nsuran�e, if a�ailable, fvr the maximum amount af <br /> Trustor`s credit�ine and the ful! unpaid principal balanGe af any priQr iiens vn the property se�ur�ng the Ioan, up#v <br /> the maximum policy limits set under the Natian�l Flvod Insuranoe Prag�am,or as otherwise required by Lender,and <br /> ta maintain such insurance for�he term of the Ioan. <br /> Application of Proceeds. Trustvr shall promptly nvtify Lende�of any lass ar damage t�the Property. Lender may <br /> make praof of foss if T�ustor �ails #fl do so within fifteen �15] days vf the casualty, Whether ❑r not Lender's <br /> secur�#y is impaired, Lender may, at Lender's electian, recei�e and retain the praceeds vf any insurance and appiy <br /> the praoeeds #o the reduction of the Indebtedness, payment vf any lien affecting the Property, ar the restoratian <br /> and repair of the Property. If Lender e�ects to apply the praoeeds#v res#aration and repair, Trustor shaiE repair or <br /> replaae the damaged or destroyed imprv�ements En a manner satisfactory to Lender. Lender shal�, upon <br /> satisfactory proof af such expenditure, pay ❑r reimburse Trustor from the prooeeds fQr the reas�nab�e cvst af <br /> r-epair ar restorat�on if Trus#or is not in default under this �eed ❑f Trust. Any prooeeds whi�h ha�e not b�en <br /> disbursed within '!S� days after their re�eipt and which Lender h�s na# committed to the repair or restoration of <br /> the Prvperty shal! be used first ta pay any amount owing to Lender under this Deed of Trus�,then to pay accrued <br /> interest, and the remainder, �f any, shall be applied to the principai balance of the lndeb#edness. lf Lender holds <br /> any praceeds after payment in fuil ❑f the Indeb#edness, such pr�aeeds shall be paid to Trustnr as Trustvr's <br /> �nterests may appear. <br /> �omplian�e with Existing Indebtedness. During the perrod in which any Existing �ndebtedness described b�low is <br /> in effect, compliance with the insurance pro�isians cantained in the instrument e�idencing SUCh Existing <br /> Indebtedness shall constitute campliance with #he insurance prvuisions under this Dsed of Trust, to the extent <br /> compfiance with the terms vf this Deed of Trust wou�d constitute a duplication of insurance requirement. If any <br /> praceeds fram the �nsuran�e be�vme payable an Ioss, the pro�isions in this Deed�f Trust for di�isivn of pr�ceeds <br /> shall apply vniy tv that pvrtion of the proceeds nat payab�e tv the ho�der of the Existing Indebtedness. <br /> LENDE�t'5 EXPENDITURES. If Trustor �ails �A} to keep the Property free �f all tax�:s, liens, s�curity interests, <br /> encumbrances, and other claims, (B} ta pro�ide any required insurance vn the Property, �G} to make repa�rs tv the <br /> Property or to camply with any vbligation to maintain Existtng Indebtedness in good standing as required belQw, then <br /> Lender may do sv. �f any action or prviceeding is oommenaed #hat wvuld materially aff�ct Lende�'s �nterests in the <br /> P�vperty, �hen Lender on Trustor's behalf may, but is not requtr�d to, tafce any actian that Lender believes to be <br /> appropriate to protect Lende�'s interests. All expenses incurred or paid by Lender far such purposes wi�l then bear <br /> inter�st at #he rate charged under the �redit Agreement from the date incurred or paid by Lender tv #he date af <br /> repayment by Trustvr. Ali such expenses wili k�ecome a part af the Indeb�edness and, at Lender's vption,will �A} be <br /> payable on demand; �B) be added to the balance of the Credit Agreement and be apportivned among and be payabie <br /> with any insta�lment payments to bec�me due during either {1} the term of any applicable insuranoe pvlicy;ar [2} the <br /> remaining term of the�redit Agreement;or �G} he treated as a balloon payment wh�ch will be due and payabls at the <br /> Credit Agreement's matur�ty. The Deed of Trus#also will secure payment af these amounfs. The rights pro��ded��r in <br /> this para��aph s�all be in a�#d�tivn ta an�o�her rights nr any remed�es to which Lender may be entitled an account of <br /> any de�ault. Any such activn by Lender sha�l not be construed as curing �he defauft sa as to bar Lender from any <br /> remedy that it atherwise would ha�e had. <br /> WARRANTY; DEFENSE UF TiTLE. The fvliowing pro�isions rela�ing ta ownership vf the Property are a part of this Deed <br /> of Trust: <br /> Ti#le. Trustor warrants that: {a}Trustar holds gavd and marke#able title ❑f recvrd to the Prvperty in fee simple, <br /> free and clear of a�l liens and encumbrances v#her than those set forth in the Rea! property descrip�inn vr in the <br /> F_xistin�lndebtedness section below or in any title insurance policy, title report, vr�inal title apinion issued in fa�or <br /> ❑f, and accepted by, Lender in conne�#ion with this �eed�f Trust, and �b}Trustvr has�he full right, power, and <br /> authvrity ta exe�ute and de�i�er#his Deed vf Trust to Lender. <br /> Defense of Title. 5ubje�t to the excepti�n in #he paragraph abave, T�ustor warrants and will �ore�er de�end the <br /> titfe tv the Property against the lawful claims of all persons. In the e�ent any activn or proceeding is commenced <br /> tha#questions Trustar's title or the in�erest of Trustee❑r Lender under this Deed o�Trust,Trustor sha�f defend the <br /> action at Trustor's expense. Trustor may be the nominal pa�#y in such proceeding, but Lender shall be entitied to <br /> participate in the prviceeding and to be repr�sented in the proceeding hy c�unsel of Lender's vwn choi�e, and <br /> Tr�stor wtll de�i�e�, vr caUss to be d�li�ered, to Lender such instruments as Lender may request from time tv time <br /> ta permit such participation. <br /> Gompliance 1Nith Laws. Trustar warrants that the Prvperty and Trustor's use of the Property cvmplies with all <br /> existing applEcable iaws, ordinances,and regulations of go�ernmenta�authoritieS. <br /> Survi�al of Promises. All promises, agreements, and statements T�-ustvr has matl� in this De�d of T�-ust shall <br /> survi�e the executivn and deli�ery vf this Deed vf Trust, shaiE be continuing in nature and sha�l remain in full fvrce <br /> and effect until such time as Trustor's Indebtedness is paid in full. <br /> EXISTING tNBEBTEaI�ESS. The fol�awing prov�sions concern�t�g Exis#ing �ndebteciness ar�a par#of this Deed❑f Trust: <br /> Existing Lien. The lien �f this Deed of Trust se�uring the Indebtedness may �e secondary and inferior to an <br /> existing �i�n. Trustvr expressiy co�enants and agrees to pay, or see to the payment of, the Ex�sting Indebtedness <br /> and t� pre�ent any default on such indebtedness, any de�au�t under the instruments e�idencing such indebtedness, <br /> or any default und�r any security documents for su�h indebtedness. <br /> No Modification. Trustvr shal� nat enter into any agreement wi#h the holder vf any mortgage, deed of trust, or <br /> other security agreement which has privrity o�er this aeed �f Trust by which tha# agreement is modified, <br /> amended, extended, vr renewed wi#hvut the prior written cansent vf Lender. Trustar shall neither request no� <br /> accept any#uture ad�anc�s under any such se�urity agreement withvut#he priar written cvnsent of Lender. <br /> CDNDEMNAT��N. The f�llvwing provis�ons relating to condemnativn proceedings are a part vf this Deed of Trust: <br /> Praceedings. If any prvveeding in or�ndemnation is filed, Trustor shall promp#�y not�fy Lender in writing, and <br /> Trusto�shall prompt�y take such steps as may be necessary ta defend the act�on and obtain the award. Trustar <br /> may be the nomina� party in such praaeeding, but Lender shali be entitled ta participa#e in the proceeciing and to be <br /> represented i n #he prooeeding by caunsel vf �ts vwn choiae, and Trustnr wi I! del i�er or cause to be deli�ered to <br /> Lender such instruments and documentati�n as may be requested by Lender frvm time to t�me to permit such <br /> participatian. <br />