2� 1 ��7227
<br /> 4Conti�ued� �age z
<br /> replacements,and maintenance ner.essary to preserve its value.
<br /> �ompliance Wi�h En�ironmenta� Laws. Trustor represen#s and warrants to Lender#hat: �1} ❑uring the perivd of
<br /> Trus#or's ownership af the Property,there has been no use,generation, manufac#ure,storage,#reatment,disposal,
<br /> release or threatened re�ease of any Hazardous Substance by any pers�n�n, un�er, ab�ut or fr�m the Prvper�y;
<br /> �2� Trustor has n�knowledge of, or reasQn#o belie�e that there has been, excep�as previousfy disclosed to and
<br /> acknaw�ed�ed b� Lender� in writin�, �a} an� breach �r �iolatian af any En�iranmental Laws, �b} any use,
<br /> genera�i�n: manufacture, starage, treatment, dispasal, release or threatened release af any I�azardaus Substance
<br /> on, under, abvut or from the Property by any priar owners ar occupants vf fhe Praperty, or �cj any actuai or
<br /> threatened li#igatian ar cla�ms vf any kind by any person reiating to such matters; and �3} Ex�eRt as previausl�
<br /> dis�Iosed to and acknow��dged by Lender�n writing, 4a} neither Trustor na�-an�tenant,cantractor,agent or other
<br /> authv�-ized us�r a€the Properiy shall use,generate, manu�acture,store, trea#, dispos�vf ar release any Haza�-dous
<br /> Substance vn, under, about ar from the Praperty;and �b� any such acti�ity shall be conducted in compiiance with
<br /> ail appli�able federal, st�te, and �ocal laws, regulat�ons and ordinances, in�luding w�thaut limitati�n a�l
<br /> En�iranmental Laws. Trus#ar autharizes L.ender and its agents to �nter upon the Propert� tv make such
<br /> inspectians and tests, at Trust�r's exp�nse, as Lender ma}� deem appropriate to determine compliance v# the
<br /> P�a�erty v�iih #his sectivn �f the Deed o� Trust. Any insp�ctions ar tests made by Lender shall be for Lender's
<br /> purposes❑nly and shaif nvt be construed ta create any respvnsibility or iiability vn the part af Lender tv Trustor ar
<br /> to any other person. The representations and warranties oonta�ned herein are based vn Trus#vr's due d;ligence�n
<br /> in�estigating the property for Hazardous 5ubstances. Trustor hereby ��} releases an�vuaiues any future cla�ms
<br /> against Lender tor�ndemn��y ar contribut�on �n #he event TrustQr beoames liable fvr cleanup nr other cvsts under
<br /> any such�avus; and ��� agrees to ind�mnify, d�fend, and hold harmless Lender agains#any anti all claims,lasses,
<br /> iiabiii#ies, damages, penalties,and expenses whi�h Lender may directly or indirectly sustain vr suifer�esu�fing from
<br /> a breach of this sectivn v�fhe Deed vf Trust nr as a consequence❑f any us�, generativn, manufacture, stara�s,
<br /> disposa[,release tir fhreatened reiease occurring prior to Trustar's awnership or inter�s#in the Prvperty,wheiher or
<br /> not the same was or sho��� hav� been known to Trustor. The pro�+sions o�this sectivn af the Deed o#Trust,
<br /> in�luding the obli�a#i�n tv indemnify and defend,shali survi�e the payment vf the Indebtedness and the satisfaction
<br /> and re�n�eyance of the lien vf this Deed vf T�ust and shall nvt be affected �y Lender's acquisitivn of any interest
<br /> in the Property,whether by foreclvsure or otherwise.
<br /> Nuisance, Waste. Trustvr shall nat cause, c�nduct or permit any nuisance nvr commi#, permit, or suffer any
<br /> stripping o�vr wast� on or tv the Property ar any partion vf#he Prc�perly. Vtlithout limt#ing the generaii#y��the
<br /> faregoing, Trustor wiif not rema�e, or grant to any other�arty#h�ri�h�#v remave, any t�r�ber, m�n�rals 4inc�uding
<br /> vil and gas},�oal,��ay,scaria,svil, gravel or rock products without Lender�s prior written cansent.
<br /> Remo�al af�mprv�ements. Trustor sh�ll nv#demolish or remove any ImprQaemen#s fr�m the Real Prapert�wi#haut
<br /> L�nder's privr wr�tten cor�sen#. As a Gondififln tv the remo�al af any lmprv�ements,Lender may require Yrustor to
<br /> make arran�ements satis�actary t� Lender to replace such Imprv��ments with Impro�emen�s vf at least equal
<br /> �alue.
<br /> Lender's Right to Enter. Lender and Lender's agents and representativ�s may enter upon the Real P�operty at all
<br /> reasonable times ta attend to Lender's interests and ta inspect the Real Property �or purposes of Trustor's
<br /> compliance vu+th the terms and condi�ions of fhis ❑eed of Trust.
<br /> Compliance w�th Gv�ernmental Requirements. Trustvr shali p�amptly �omply with ali ��ws, vrd+nances, and
<br /> regulatians, now vr hereafter in effect, of al� gv�ernmentai authoritEes applicable to #he use vr aceu�ancy af the
<br /> Praperty. Trustor may contest in good fai#h any such law,ordinance,vr regulati�n and withhald compliance during
<br /> any prace�ding, including appropriate appeals, so Ivng as Trustvr has notif ed Lender in writing prior to daing so
<br /> and so long as, in Lender's sole❑pinion, Lender's interests in the Property are not�evpardized. Lender may require
<br /> Tnastor ta post a�equa#e security or a surety bond,reasanably satisfactory to Lender,tv protect Lender's int�rest.
<br /> Duty to Protect. Trus#ar agrees neither t� abandvn or lea�e unattended the Property. 'Trustor shali do ail o#her
<br /> a�ts, in additi�n ta those acts se#forth abo�e in this section,which fram tf�e characfer and use af the Properiy are
<br /> reasonabiy necessary�o protect and preser►ie the Prvperty.
<br /> DUE�N SALE�C�3NSENT BY LENDER. Lender may, at Lender's optivn,de�lare immediately due and payable a�l sums
<br /> secured hy this Deed vf Trusf upon the sale or transfer, wi#haut Lender's pri�r written eonsent, at alf vr any part Qf#he
<br /> Rea�Praperty, or any interest in the�4ea� Property. A "sale ar transfer" me�ns the con�eyance of Real Pr4perty or any
<br /> r�ght, t�t�e ar interes� in the Rea1 Property; whether legal, beneficia� or equi#able; whether �oluntary ar in�o�untary;
<br /> whether by outright sale, deed, installment sale contract, �and contract, contract for deed, leasehold interesf with a
<br /> term grea#er than thxee �3}years, le�se-option contract, or�y sale, assignmenf, or fransfer of any benefcial interest in
<br /> or tv any land trust holding title to the Real Property, or�y any other methvd o�f conueyance vt an �nte�es# in the Reaf
<br /> Praperty. HvweW�r, th�s optian s�all nvt be exercised by Lender if such exercise is p�ohibited by federat �aw or by
<br /> Nebraska law.
<br /> TAXES AN� LIENS. Th� tollowing p�ovisiQns rela#�n� to the taxes and liens on the Prvperty are part of this Deed vf
<br /> Trust:
<br /> Payment. Trustar shall pa�wh�n due�and in�11 events prior tv delinquen�y}aIl taxes,speciai taxes,assessments,
<br /> charges tincluding water and s�wer�, fines and impositians le�ied a�ainst or an accaunt❑f#he Property, and sha�!
<br /> pay when due all claims f�r wark dvne on❑r for services rendered or ma#erial furnished to the Praperty. Trustar
<br /> shall main#a+n the Praperty free of all iiens ha�ing p�-iority o�er or equal ta the interest of�.ender urtder this[]eed a�
<br /> Trus#, except for the lien o� taxes and assessments not due and except as vtherwise pro��ded in this Deed vf
<br /> Trust.
<br /> Right ta Contest. Trus#vr may withhvld pa�ment o€any tax, assessment, or claim in c�nnectian with a gaod faith
<br /> dispu�e Q�e�the ab�igation t�pay, s�long as Lender's inter�st in the Property is nat jeopardized. if a�ien arisss�r
<br /> is filed as a result of nonpayment, Trustor sha�l within ffteen {'15} days after#he lien arises ❑r, if a iien is filed,
<br /> within Ffteen (15} days after Trustor has nvtice ❑f the filing, secure the discharge of fhe lien, or if requested by
<br /> Lender,deposit with Lender cash�r a sufficient cvrpvrate surety band Qr o�her secur�ty satistactar�#a Lender in an
<br /> amount sufficient to dischar�ge the�+�n�us an�casts and attorneys'fees, �r vther charges that could acc�-ue as a
<br /> r�esult of a fore�lasure Qr sale under the lien. in any cantest, Trustar shall de�end itself and Lender and shal4 satisfy
<br /> any adverse�udgment befar�enforcement against#he Property. Trustar shal! name Lender as an additivnai obligee
<br /> under any surety bpnd furnished in the cvntest prviceedings.
<br /> E�idence of Payment. Trustor shal� upon demand furnish tv #�ender sa�Es�actary e�ideno�of payment of the t�xes
<br /> or assessments and shali autharize the appropriate g��ernmental officia�to deti�er t� Lender at any tim� a wri#te�
<br /> statemen�of#he taxes and assessments a�ainst the Property.
<br /> Notice of Construction. Trustor sha!! n�tify Lender at least fifteen �'�5} days b�fore�ny work is commenced, any
<br /> se�vi�es are furnished,or any materia�s are supp�ied to the Prvperty, �'F ar��rr��chanic's lien, materia�men's 1i�n, ar
<br /> other�ien�uld be asserted an a�cvun#o�#he work, services, vr materials. Trustor wi�l upon reques#vf Lender
<br /> furnish tv L�nder ad�ance assurances satisfact�ry tv Lender that Trustor can and will pay the cos# v� such
<br /> impravemen#s.
<br /> PRDPERTY DAMAG� INSURANCE. The following provisions relating to insuring the Property ar� a part of this De�d af
<br /> Trust.
<br />