2� 1 ��722�
<br /> under the NQte and this Se�ur�ty Inst�ru.ment and perfarms o�her mortgage Ioan ser�Ycing obligat�ons under the
<br /> Note, this Security�nstrument, and Appiicahle Law. There als�might be ane or more changes af the Loan
<br /> Se�-vicer unrela�ed�o a sale of the Note. If ther�i�a change of the Laan Servicer,Borrower will be g��en writ�en
<br /> notice of the change whi�h will state th�name and address of the new Loan Servicer, the address to which
<br /> payments should be made and any other�nformation RESPA requ�res in�onnection with a notice�f transfer af
<br /> serv�cing. If the Note is sold and thereafter the Loan is ser�iced by a Loan Servicer other�han the purchaser of
<br /> �he N��e, the mor�gage �oan servxcing obliga�ions to Borrov�er will remain with �he Loan Ser�icer or be
<br /> txansferred to a successor Loan Servicer and are no�assu.med by�he N�te purchaser unless otherwise pro��ded by
<br /> the No�e purchaser.
<br /> Neither Borr�wer nor Lender may commence,j�in, or be joined to any judic�al ac�ion �as either an
<br /> �ndivYdual litigan�or�he member of a c�ass}tha�arises from the o�her par�y's actions pursuant to this Security
<br /> Ins�rument or�hat a�leges that the�ther par�y has breached any pro�ision of,or any duty owed by reason of,�his
<br /> Security Instrument, until such Borr�vver or Lender has notified the o�her par�y �wi�h such no�ice g��en 7n
<br /> comp��ance w�th the requirements of Sectian �5�of such al�eged breach and afforded�he o�her party here�o a
<br /> reasonable period after the gi�ing of such notice to take correcti�e action. rf Applicab�e Law pro�ides a time
<br /> per�od which must elapse before certain action can be taken,that time periad wi11 be deemed to l�e reasonable for
<br /> purp�ses of this paragraph. The notice of acceleration and opporCuriity ta cure given to Borrower pursuant to
<br /> Sect�on 22 and the notice of accelera��on gi�en to Borrower pursuan���Section 1 S shall be deemec��o satisfy�he
<br /> no�ice and oppartunity ta take correcti�e ac�i�n pr��isions�f th�s Section Z�.
<br /> 21. Hazardous SubStances. As used in this Sect�on 21: �a} "Hazardous Substances" are those
<br /> suhstances defined as to�ic or hazardaus substances, p��lutants, or wastes by En�ironmental Law and�he
<br /> follo�ing su�s�an�es: gasaline, ker�sene, other flammable flr toxic petroleum products, toxic pes�ierdes and
<br /> herb�cides, ��1ati�e s�l�ents, ma.�erials c�n�aining asbestos or formaldehyde, and radioact��e materials; �}
<br /> "En�ironmenta�Lavv"means federa�laws and�avvs of the jurisd�c�ian where the Property is located tha�re�ate t�
<br /> heal�h,safety nr en�ironmental prate�tion;�c}"En�ironmenta��Ieanup"inc�udes any response ac�ion,r�medial
<br /> action, or remo�al action, as defined in En��ronmenta�Law; and�d}an"En�ir�nmental Cond�tian"means a
<br /> cond�tion tha�can cause,contribu�e t�,or oi�erwise tr�gger an En�ironmental��eanup.
<br /> Borrower shal�n��cause or permit the presence,use, disposa�, s�orage, or release of any Hazardous
<br /> Substances,or threaten ta release any Hazardaus Substances,on or in the Property.B�rrower sha11 n�t do,nor
<br /> a�1ov� anynne else �o d�, any�hing affecting�he Propert�y�a�that is in �iolation �f any En�iranmental Law,
<br /> �b}which�reates an En�ironmen�al�ond�tion,�r�c}which,due t��he presence,use,or re�ease of a Hazardaus
<br /> Substance,creates a condition�ha�ad�ersely affec�s the�a�ue of the Property. The pre�eding t�uo sentences shall
<br /> n�t app�y ta the presence,use,nr st�rage on the Propert�of small quanti�ies�f Hazardous Substances that ar�
<br /> general�y recognized to be appropriate to normal resident�al uses and to maintenance of the Praper�y�including,
<br /> but not limited to,hazardous substances�n consumer products}.
<br /> Barr�wer shall prflmptly gi�e Lender written notice of�a}any in�estigation,claim,demand,Iawsuit or
<br /> ather action by any go�ernmental ar regula�ory agency or pri�ate party in�olving the Praper�y and any Hazardous
<br /> Substance ar En�ironmenta�Law of which B�rrower has actual knawledge,(b}any Environmental��nditian,
<br /> ineluding bu�no� lrmited tfl, any spil�ing, �eaking, discharge, release or threa� of release of any Hazardous
<br /> Subs�ance, and �c}any condit�on caused by the presence, use or release of a Hazardous Substance which
<br /> ad�ersely affects the value of�he Property. If BorrQwer learns,or is notifzed by any go�ernmen�a�or regulatory
<br /> authority,or any private party,�ha�any remo�al or�ther remediation of any Hazardaus Substance affecting�he
<br /> Property is necessary, Borr�wer shali promptly ta.�e aII necessary remedial ac�ions in accordance wi�h
<br /> En�ironmental Law. Nothing herein sha1l create any obl�gat�on on Lender for an En�ironmental��eanup.
<br /> N�N-UNZF�RM��VENANTS. Borra�v�rer and Lender furth�r co�enant and agree as follov�s:
<br /> 2�. Acce�eration;Remedies. Lender 5ha11 gi�Q natice to Borrovver prior to acceleration folYowing
<br /> Borrawer's breach of any ca�enant or agreement in thi5 Security Instrument�ut not pr�or to a�celerat�an
<br /> under Section 18 unless Applicahle Law pra�ides otherwise}. The n�tice shall specify: �a}the defau�t;
<br /> �b�the action required to cure the default;�c}a date,not less than 30 days from the date the notice is gi�en
<br /> to Borrower,by whi�h the default must be cured;and�d�that failure to cure the default on or before the
<br /> date 5p�cified in the notice may rQSult�n ac�elerat�on of thQ sums secured by this Security Instrument and
<br /> sale of the Property.The notice shall further inform Borrower of the right to reinstate after ac�eleration
<br /> and the right ta bring a court action ta a5sert the nan-existence �f a default or any other defense of
<br /> Borrvw�r to acceieratian and sale. If the default is not cured an or befare the da�e specified in the notice,
<br /> Lender at its option may require immediate payment in full of alI sums secured by thi�Security InStrument
<br /> without further demand and may in�oke the power of sa�e and any�ther remedies permitted by Applicable
<br /> Law. Lender shall be entitled to collect a��expens�s incurred in pursuing the remedies pro�ided in this
<br /> Sectivn Z�,in�luding,but no�Iim�ted to,rea�onable attorneys' fees and costs af title e�idence.
<br /> If the power of sale is in�oked,Trustee shall r�card a nvtice of default in each county in whYch any
<br /> part of the Prvperty is located and shall mail copies of su�h notice in the manner prescr�bed by Applicable
<br /> Law to BorrQwer and to the ather persons prescribed by Applicable Law. After the time required by
<br /> Applicable Law,Tru�tee shall gi�e public notice of sale to th�person�and in the manner prescribed by
<br /> Applicable Law. Trustee,without demand an Barrower,shall se��the Property at puhlic auctian ta the
<br /> highest bidder at the t�me and place and under the terms designat�d in the notice of sale in one ar mor�
<br /> parcels and �n any ❑rder Trustee determ�nes. Trustee may postpone sale of aIl ar any parce� of the
<br /> Praperty by public announcement at the time and place of any pre�ious�y scheduled saZe. Lender or�ts
<br /> des�gnee may purchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> Upon receipt of payment of the price bid,Trustee shall deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed
<br /> con�eying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shali be prima facxe e��dence of the truth of the
<br /> stat�ment5 mad�therein. TruStee shal�apply the prviceed�af the sa�e in the fallowing ord�r:�a�to aII cost5
<br /> and expenses of ex�rcising the power of sale, and the sale, including the payment❑f the Trustee's fe�s
<br /> actually in�urred and reasonabl�attorneys'fees as permitted by Appli�alale Law;�b�tv aIl sum5 5ecured
<br /> by this Security Instrument; and(c}any exces5 to thQ person ar persons legally entit�ed tv it.
<br /> Z3. Re��nveyan�e. Upon payment of a11 sums secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall
<br /> request Trustee to re-con�ey�he ProperCy and shal�surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencing
<br /> debt secured by this Securit�Instrument to Trustee. Trustee shal�recon�ey the Property wi�hout wa,rranty to the
<br /> person or persons lega�ly entitled to it. Such person or persons sha1�pay any recordation cos�s. Lender ma.y
<br /> charge such person or persons a fee for recon�ey�ng the Pr�per�y,bu�only Yf the fee is paid to a third par��such
<br /> as the Trustee�for serv�ices rendered and�he charging of the fee�s permitted under Applicab�e Law.
<br /> NEBRASI�A--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIF�RM INSTRUMENT(MERS) Fvrm 3��8 11�� (page 8 af 9 pcxges)
<br /> I2439.CV(51�3} 2a1601846NE �'reati�e Thinking,�nc.
<br /> GQTD[��7�013f}
<br />