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2� 1 ��722� <br /> Subj ect to the provisions af Sectran�8,any Su�cessor�n Interest of Borro�wer who assumes Borrower's <br /> obliga�i�ns under this Secur�ty Instrument in writing,and is appro�ed by Lender,sha11 ob�ain all of Barrower's <br /> rights and benefits under th�s Security Instrumen�. B�rrower sha11 not be released frQm Borrower's ob�igations <br /> and liabil�ty under this Secu.rity Instrument unless Lender agrees�o such release in writing. The co�enants and <br /> agreements of�.his Securi�y Instrument shall bind�except as pro�ided in Section 2�}and benefit the successars <br /> and ass�gns af Lender. <br /> 14. Loan Charge5. Lender may charge Borrower fees for ser��ces performed in connection v�ith <br /> �3orrower's default,for the purpose of protect�ng Lender's inter�st in the Proper�y and rights under this Secur�ty <br /> Instrument,including,but n��limi.ted to,a�torneys'fees,property inspection and�aluatian fees. In regard to any <br /> ather f�es,�he abs�nce of express authority in this Security Instrumen�to charge a specif c fee to Borrower sha�l <br /> not be construed as a pr�hi��tion on�he charging of such fee. Lender may not charge fees tha�are expressly <br /> prahibit�d by this Securi�y rnstru.ment or by Applica�le Law. <br /> rf the Loan is subject to a iaw which sets maxi_mum�oan charges,and that 1aw is fina�ty in�erpreted so <br /> that the �nterest or o�her loan charges collected or to be collected in �onnect�on with �he Loan exceed the <br /> permitted 1�rnits,th�n:�a}any such Ioan charge shall�ae reduced hy�1ie am�unt necessary to reduce the charge t� <br /> �h.e permitted li_mi�;and�b�any sums already col�ec�ed fram Borrower which exceeded perm��ted lirnits wi1l be <br /> refunded to Borrower. Lender may chaose to m.ake�his refund by reducirig the principal owed under the Nate or <br /> by ma,king a direct paymen��o B�rrower. If a refund reduces principal,th.e reduction wi11 be trea�ed as a par�ial <br /> prepayment without any prepayment chaxge�whether or not a prepayment charge is pro�ided for under the No�e}. <br /> Borrower's accep�ance of any such refund made by direc�payment to Borrower wi�I constitu�e a wai�er af any <br /> right of action Borrower might ha�e arising out of such o�ercharge. <br /> 15. Notices. All natices gi�en�y Barrov�er�r Lender in connec�i�n with this Security Instrument must <br /> be in vvr�ting. Any notice t�Barrawer in cannectron with tihis Security�nstxurr�ent shal�be deemed t�ha�e been <br /> gi�en ta Borrower when mailed by f rst class mai�or when deli�ered�o B�rrower's notice address if sent <br /> l�y other means. Notrc�ta any one Borrovver sha1�constitute no#ice�o a�l Borr�wers un�ess Applicable Lavv <br /> expressly requires otherwise. The notice address shal�be�he ProperCy Address un�ess Borrower has designated a <br /> subs�i�u�e no�ice address l�y notice#a Lender. Borr�wer shall promp�ly notify Lender of Borrower's change of <br /> address. If Lender specifies a prncedure far reporting Borrovver's change of address,then Sorrower sha1�an�y <br /> repor�a change�f address thr�ugh tha�specified procedure. There may be only one designated notice address <br /> under this Security Instrument at any one time. Any no�ice to Lender sha�1 be given by deli�ering it or by <br /> mailing it by first class marl to Lender's address stated herein unless Lender has designated another addres5 by <br /> notice to B�rrower. Any natice in connecti�n with this Security Instrument sha11 n�t be deemed to ha�e been <br /> gi�en to Lender until actually rece��ed by Lender. If any natice required by this Security Instru.ment�s a�so <br /> required under Applicable Law,the Applicable Law requirement will satisfy�he correspond�ng requ�rement under <br /> th�s Security Inst�rrument. <br /> 16. Go�erning Law;Se�erability;RuleS�f��nstructivn. This S��urity Instrument shal�be governed <br /> by federa� law and the law of the jurisdiction in which the Property is located. All rights and ab�igatians <br /> con�ained in this 5ecurity Instrument are subj ect to any requirements and �im��at�flns af Applrcable Law. <br /> Applicab�e Law might explicitly or i_mplicitly a1�ow the parties to agree by contract or it migh�be si�ent,but such <br /> silence shali not be construed as a prohibi�ian against agreement by cvntract. rn the event�hat any pra�ision flr <br /> clause of�his Security Instrumen�or the Note confli�ts vvith Appl�cable Law,such conflrct sha11 not affect other <br /> pra�isions of this 5ecurity Instrument�r�he Note which can 1�e gi�en effec�without the conflicting pra�ision. <br /> As used �n this Security Znstrument: (a�words af the mascuiine gender sha1l mean and include <br /> ��rresponding neuter w�rds or w�rds of the feminine gender;�b}words in the singu�ax sha11 mean and include�he <br /> plural and�ice�ersa; and�c}the word"may"gi�es s�le dis�retion with�ut any obligation to take any action. <br /> 17. Borrower's�opy. Borr�vver shall be gi�en one copy�f the Note and of th�s Security Instrum�nt. <br /> 18, Transfer vf the Property or a Beneficta� Interest in Borrower. As used 7n this Section 1 S, <br /> �"In�erest in the Property"means any Iegal ar benef cial in�erest in the Proper�y,includ�t�g,but not�imited t�,thase <br /> beneficia� in�erests transferred in a bond for deed, contract for deed, instal�ment sales contract ar escrow <br /> agreemen�,the int�nt of which is�he�ransfer of�itle by Barrower at a future date to a purchaser. <br /> If all flr any part of�he Property or any In�erest in the Property is sold or transferred�vr if Borrower is <br /> not a natura�person and a benef cial interest in Borrower is soid ar transferred}w��hout Lender's prror written <br /> consent, Lender may require immediate payment in fu11 of al� sums secured by this Se�urity Instrumen�. <br /> Hawe�er,this option sha11 not be exercised by Lender if such exercise is prohibited by Applicable Law. <br /> If Lender exercises this option, Lender shall gY�e Borrower no�ice of acceleratian. T`he notice shal� <br /> pra�ide a period of not less than 3�days from the date the notice is gi�en in accordance with Section 15 w�thin <br /> which Borrower must pay all sums secured by th�s SeCurity Ins�ru.ment. If Borrovver fails to pay these sums prior <br /> ta the expiration�f thrs peri�d,Lender may in�ake any remedies permitted by this 5ecurity�nstru.ment w�thout <br /> fur�her notice or demand on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to ReinState After Acceleratian. �f Borrower meets cer�ain canditions, <br /> Borravver shal�ha�e the right to ha�e enforcement of this Security Instrument d�scontinued a�any time prior to <br /> �he earliest of: �a}f ve days before sale�f the Property pursuan�to any p�wer of sale con�ained in this 5ecurity <br /> Instrument; �b}such other period as Appli�able Lav�might specify for the termination af Borrower's right�o <br /> reinstate;or�c�ent�y of a judgment enforcing this Se�uri�y�nstrument. Those cnnditions are that Borrower:�a} <br /> pays Lender aI1 sums whrch then would be due under this Secur�ty Instru.ment and the Note as�f no acceleration <br /> had accurred; �b} cures any default of any other covena.nts or agreements;�c�pays all expenses rncu.rred <br /> in enfarcu�g this SeCurity Instrument,Yncluding,but no�lim�ted t�,reas�nab�e att�rneys'fees,property inspection <br /> and�a�uation fees, and ather fees incurred for�he purpose of protecting Lender's interest�n the Property and <br /> rights under this Securrty Instru.ment;and�d��akes such actian as Lender may reasonab�y require�n assure that <br /> Lender's interes�in the Property and rights under this Security Instrument,and Borrower's obligat�on to pay the <br /> sums secured by this Security Instru.ment,sha�l cantx.nue un�hanged. Lender may require that Borrawer pay such <br /> reinstiatement sums and expenses in one or more of the following forms, as sele��ed �y Lender: �a}cash; <br /> �b}money order;�c�cer�ified check,bank check,treasurer's check or cashier's check,pro�ided any such check Ys <br /> drawn upon an institutian whose dep�s�ts are insured by a federal agency, instrumenta�ity ar en�ity; or <br /> �d�Electr�nic Funds Transfer. Upon reinsta�ement by Borrower,� 5ecurity Instrumen�and abligatians secured <br /> hereby shall remain fully effecti�e as if no acceleration had o�curred. Howe�er,this right to reins�a�e shall nat <br /> apply in the case of acce�era�ion under Sectian 1 S. <br /> 2U. Sal�af Note;Change vf Loan Ser�icer;Notice vf Grie�ance. The Note or a partial i.nteres��n the <br /> Note�together with this Se�urity Ins�ru.ment�can be s�Id�ne or more t�mes withou�prror n�t�ce to Borrower. A <br /> sale m�gh�result in a change in�he entity�known as the"Loan Ser�icer"}�ha�col�ects Periadic Payments due <br /> NEBRASKA--Single Family--Faanic MaelFreddie Mac UNYFDRM INSTRUMENT�MERS} Form 3028 II�I (page 7 of 9 pages} <br /> 12439.CV�6113} 2QI54I8a6NE Cr�ati�e Think�ng,Inc. <br /> G�T��Ofl7flQ13f} <br />