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2� 1 ��7217 <br /> 5ubj ect to�he prot�isions nf Se�;tion 1�,any SucC�ssor in Interest of Borrawer ravho assumes Bortower's <br /> abligations under this Security In�trume�at in wri�ing,and is appro��d b�Lender,sh�.11 obtain a1�of <br /> B�rrower's rights and benefits under thi�Securi�y�nst�rument.Banrower sha11 not be released fram <br /> F3orrower's obl�gatians an�tiability under this Security Instrument unless Lender agrees to such release <br /> in writxng, The co�enants and agreements of this Secur'rty Instrum�nt sha11 bind(except a�pro�ided in <br /> Sectran 19�and benefit the successars and assigns of Lender. <br /> �I 3. Laan Charges.Lender may Gharge Borrower fees for services performed in conne�tion with Borr�w�r's <br /> defau�t,for the purpvse of protect�ng Lend�r's�n���'cst�n th��'roperty�.�.d rights un�d�r this Se��rit� <br /> Instrument,inc�uding,but no�limited to,attarneys'fees,praperty inspe�tinn and va�uation fees. Lender <br /> may�o���c�fees and charges au�har��ed by th�Secretary, Le�.der ma�not charge fees�hat are expressi� <br /> prohibified by this�ecurity�nstrum�nt or by Applica�a�e Law. <br /> If the�,oan is subject to a lavv which sets maximum Ioan charges,and that Iaw is f na11y interpreted so <br /> that the interest or other loan Gharges c�1lec�ed or to be colt�cted in cannection with the Loan exceed th� <br /> permi�ed limits,then: �a}an�r such loan charge shaii be reduced by the amount nec�ssary�a reduce�he <br /> charge to the permitted limit;and(b}any sums already call�cted from Borrawer which exceeded <br /> permitted Iimits�vi11 b�refund�d ta Barrower.Lender rriay choos�to m�ke�hi�refund by reducing the <br /> pr�ncipal ovv�d uader the Note ar by making a duect paymen�ta Borrower. If a refund r�duees principal, <br /> the reduction will be treated as a partiai prepayment vvith na changes in the due date or in�he m�ntt��y <br /> payment amount unl�ss the L�nder agrees in writin�to thase changes. �orro�v'er's acceptance of any such <br /> refund made by�.irect payme�t�o Borro�ver witi cons�iiZt�e a waiver af�.ny right af action Borrav�er <br /> migh�have arising out af such o�ercharge, <br /> '14. N�ti�es.All notices gi�en by Borrower or Lender in cannection�vith this Security Instrument must be in <br /> writin�g.An�r not�ce to Borr�wer in canne�tian with thi�Security�nstrument shail be deemed to ha�e <br /> be�n gi�en to Borrower when mai�ed by first class mail ar when a�tua�1�deli�rered to Barrower's notice <br /> addre�s if sent by�ther means.Natice�o any one Borra�ver shali constitute natice to a1i Barrowers unless <br /> Applicable Law expressly requires otherwise.The notice address shall be the Pro�erty Address unles� <br /> Barrower h�s designated a subst�tute notice address by natice t4 I�ender.Borrower shali promptly <br /> natify Lender of Banow�r's change of address.�f Lender specifies a procedure for Borro�ver's <br /> chan�e of address,then Borrawer shal�only report a change of address through that specif ed proGedure, <br /> There may be only one designated nat�c�addr�ss und�r this Secur�ty Instrument at any Qne time.Any <br /> notice to Lender s�a�l be given by delivering it or by mailing�t by�rst elass rnail t�Lender's address <br /> stated herein unless Lender h�s de�ignated another address by n�tice to Barrower.�ny notice in <br /> connection�ith�his Security Instrument shali not be deemed t�have been given to Lend�r until aetual�y <br /> re�ei�ed by Lender.�f any natice required by this Security Instrument is also requi�red under Appl�cab�e <br /> Law,the App�icable La�u requirement will satisfy�he carrespondxng requirement ur�der this Se�uri� <br /> Instrument. <br /> 't 5. Go►�erning�aw; SeVerab��i�y;R��es af�anstructivn.Th�s�ecurit�r Instrurnent sha��be�averned l�y <br /> federai law and the la�of the jurisdiction in�hich the 1'roperty is 1a�ated.AI�rights and�biigations <br /> conta�n�d in thrs Securrty Ir�s�rument are�u�ject to any rec�uiremer�ts and�xmz�a.t�or�s of Appl�ca�a�e Law. <br /> Applicable Law might explici�ly or implicitiy alto�u�he parties to agree by contract or it might be silent, <br /> b�t such sx��nc�shal�nat be�onst�u�d as a pro�.�b�txvn aga�nst ag�reerr�ent by co�.tract. �n the�vent tha� <br /> any pravision or c�ause of this Security��,strument or the Note co�flicts with Applicable Law,such <br /> c�nflY�t sha��not aff���oth�r pra�is�ons af th�s Secur�ty Ins�trument or the N��e which�an be�iven effeet <br /> with�ut the canflicting pro�i�ion. <br /> FHA Deed�f Trust W�th NIERS-NE 9t3d12414 <br /> Bankers 5ystemsT"� VMP C� VMP4N(NE}�15p6].QD <br /> Walters Itlu►�ver Finan�i�{Servic�s Page 11 of 17 <br /> q�33�2��5�2� ��33 3�8 ��17 <br />