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2� 1 ��7217 <br /> In the event of a partial ta�ing,destruction,ar loss in�a1ue�f the Praperty in which the fair mar�et <br /> �alue of the Property immediately before the partial taking,des�ructian,or loss in�alue is less than the <br /> amount of the sums secured immediateiy before the partial tak�ng,destru�tion,or�oss in value,uniess <br /> . Borrower and Lender otherwise agree in�rri�ing,the Miscellanevus Prace�ds sha11 be applied to the sums <br /> seeur�d by this 5ecurity�nstrument whether�r not the sums are then du�. <br /> If the I'ropex-�y is abandoned by�arraw�r,or if,a�er natice b�Lender to Borrower that the�pp�sing <br /> Part�y�as defined in the next sentence}offers ta make an award to settle a claim for dama�es,Borr�wer <br /> �a��s t�res�aond to Lend�r u�zthi�n 3Q da�s�.fter the date the n�tice is given,Lend�r is a�thori��d to cQl�ect <br /> and apply th�Misce�laneous Froceeds either ta restoration or repair af the Proper�y or to the sums <br /> secured by this Security�nstrument,whether or not then d�e. "Dppa�ing Party"means the third party <br /> that owe�Borrower Miscellan�ous Proceeds or the party against whom Borr�w�r has a right of actian in <br /> regard to Miscellaneous Proceeds. <br /> Borrovver shali b�in default if any action�r proceeding,�uhether�ivi�or criminal,is begun that,in <br /> Lender's judgrnen�,cauid result in forfeiture of the Froperty or other materia��mpairment of Lender's <br /> interest in the Proper�y or rights und�r this Security�nstxument.Barrawer can cure such a default and,if <br /> acceleration has occurr�d,reinsta.te as provid�d in Section 1$,by causing the a�tion or proceeding ta be <br /> dismissed with a rulin�that,in Lender's judgment,precludes forfeiture af the Froperty or ather material <br /> impairment of L�nder's interest in the Praperty or rights under this Security In�trument.The proceeds of <br /> any at�ard or claim for damages that are attributable t�the impai.rment of Lender's interest in the <br /> Property are hereby assigned and shall be paid to Lender. <br /> � All 1V.�iscellaneous Proceeds that are not applied ta restaration or repaxr of the Property shall be applied in <br /> th�order pravided for i�a Section�. <br /> �f'I. Bor�vwer Not R�leas�d;Forbearan�eBy LenderNvt a Illfaiver. Extension of th�time f�r paymen� <br /> �r modification of amor�izatian of�he surns secured by this Security�nstrument�ranted by Lender to <br /> Barro�ver ar any Succe�sor in�nterest of$orro�ver shail not operate�o release the�iabi�ity of Borrower or <br /> any Successors in�nterest of Borrower.Lender shall not be required to comm�nce proceedings against <br /> any Successor in Interest of Barro�er or to refuse to extend time for payment or other�vise modify <br /> amor��zat�an of the sums secured�y this Security Instrument by reasan of any demand ma�e by the <br /> or�ginal Borrower or any Successors in interest of B�rr�vv�r,Ar�y forbearance by L�nd�r in ex�rcising <br /> any right ar remedy includiag,without�imi�a.�i�n, Len�.er's aeceptance af payments from thi.rd persons, <br /> enti�i�s or Su�cessors i�Interest af B�rrower or in amounts less than the amoun�then due,shaii not be a <br /> wai�er of or preclude the exercise of any rYght or remedy. <br /> �I2. .�v�nt and Se�era�Liability;�o-s�gners;SucGessQrsand AssignsBaund.�3orrower covenants and <br /> agrees that�orrower's ob�igations and�iability sha1�be,�oint and several. Howev�r,any$orrower wha <br /> cd-si�ns this Security�nstrumen�but does t�ot execute the�Tate(a"co-signer"); (a}is co-signing this <br /> Secu��t}r Ins�rument vn�y to mar�gage,grant and c�nue�the cv-sig�er'�in�eresx in the Propert�under the <br /> terms of this Security Instrum�nt;(b�is not p�rsanally obligated�a pay the sums secured by this Security <br /> Instrument;and(c}agrees that Lender and any other Bflrrawer can agree to e�tend,modify,forbear or <br /> make an�aGcommodations�vith re�ard to the terms of this Securi���nstrume�.t or the Note without the <br /> co-signer's consent, <br /> FHA Deed of Trust With MERS-NE 913D12414 <br /> Bankers SystemsT+�++ VMP� VMR4N�NE3(150B}.44 <br /> Vlloi#ers Kl�wer Finar�cial Servi�es Pag�1�}af 17 <br /> qU336�74�624 4233 318 1017 <br />